Member Reviews

4.25 stars!

a great final book to the series!! i really liked seeing how all the pieces came together in this series. when i first started trial of the sun queen, i was not expecting all the plot twists that led us to this moment, but man it is definitely worth it. there are clues throughout the first three books that finally come to fruition. plus the flashbacks to the historic moments... everything makes sense now!!! after the cliffhanger of book three (criminal honestly), i was so excited to have the arc and dive straight into tale of the heart queen. i really enjoyed it. i was entertained. the spiciness was great. i will say this is not an extreme jaw-dropping fantasy. it's a great fantasy series to read when you just need something easy and spicy to read. one thing i really enjoyed in this book was the different characters pov. i know we had some of that in previous books, but man gabriel's pov was lowkey my fav this book! i wish we could have had more of him!! nadir & lor are bosses as always. also nadir? A TRUE MAN!!! he loves lor with his whole heart i can't

thank you Read Forever & Netgalley for the eARC! this is my honest review.

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I loved this series overall and I’m happy with how it ended. There were a few surprises for sure, like with Tyr and Rion, that I was surprised to see. I loved getting even more of Gabriel in this book, who slowly became one of my favorite characters, which I never expected. I’d honestly read a prequel series about him if it came out!

My biggest complaint was the arks and how they related to Zerra. It was all a bit confusing and it seemed like even our main characters didn’t understand how or why it worked. I didn’t understand why the arks were made, what they did, and then how exactly they tied back to her. Maybe this was mentioned briefly, but definitely not enough for me to retain any specific information about them.

The ending felt a tad rushed. Everyone got a happy ending and it was tied off neatly with a bow very quickly. I felt maybe some of it could have been an epilogue instead of a bunch of separate chapters.

Overall, I’d recommend this book series! I enjoyed the characters and the story.

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thank you to netgalley for the arc!

i think this was the perfect way to end this series. nisha made sure to tie up all loose ends. there was quite a bit that happened, but she managed to take care of it all.

i really enjoyed this series.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Forever Publishing for this ARC in exchange for an honest review! Total rating: 4.25 stars. This series is one of my favorites and one of the first to get me this attached to the characters in a long time. I love Nisha’s writing so much and the way she made me fall in love with so many characters. Lor and Nasir’s character development is just so amazing. They will forever be on my list of top favorite main characters. Each book in this series just has something different to offer and the whole plot is SO original while also incorporating components that I have loved from other romantasy books.

Starting with this book and my overall thoughts: I will admit, I didn’t love this quite as much as the second and third books, however, I still adored every minute of being in this world and I think it was a perfect wrap up to the series. I love how the story played out and how all of the pieces fell together. One of my favorite parts is how Nisha tied up every loose end. I didn’t feel any part or any character’s story felt incomplete and I loved seeing all of their endings. The last 15% made me cry numerous times. This series holds so many different beautiful emotional stories within it while still being fun, entertaining, filled with wholesome & steamy romance, and funny all at the same time. This fourth book was the perfect completion of the Artefacts of Ouranos series and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

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It was a solid finish to the series. I like where all the characters ended up in their respective arcs. That said, the book felt a little too long. There were a couple of sections that felt like they dragged or didn’t make a lot of sense (like the entire hunger-games-like chapters in The Underworld).

Overall though, this was a fun book and I enjoyed Nadir and Lor’s journey and seeing them come into their own. I also really enjoyed some of the callbacks throughout to previous books, like the soap gift Lor gets (10/10 moment).

Thank you NetGalley and Forever for the ARC in exchange for an honest review

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I absolutely loved this book, loved the series. I can't believe it's come to an end. I am so thankful to have received this ARC copy to one of my favorite series of current time. I devoured this one up! Oh HEART KINGDOM - I will serve you faithfully. Our time in Ouranos has come to an end and I am so sad. I highly recommend this series for those interested in fantasy, trials, rivals to lovers, amazing side characters, twists and turns, magic, beautiful book covers and a happy ending. Love Love love - a 5 star experience for me.

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This book was so well done, so well thought out and just absolutely the perfect wrap up to this series. It is such a satisfying ending! Fans of this series are going to really enjoy going on the journey through this book, with the characters that we loved. An absolutely perfect way for the series to end!

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Whew what an ending! I have loved this series so much it’s hard to let these characters go. At the very beginning of this book I was really unsure whether this book would give us the satisfying conclusion we hoped for. It felt like a lot of storylines that needed to be resolved and normally I hate when new side stories and characters are introduced in the final book but Nisha brought this all together beautifully in the end. I definitely shed a few tears in the final few chapters.
I really don’t want to spoil anything so I’m going to leave it here. This series was wonderfully done. Thank you for letting me be an advanced reader.

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This book was 100% the conclusion the series needed.
It had EVERYTHING and my emotions were all over the place by the end of this damn book.
I actually didn't think it would affect me the way it did but honestly, seeing this incredible series that I've followed since the very begining come to an end really stirred something inside of me. The characters within this book aren't just characters to me. They're familiar. They're friends. They're home.
Lor is such an incredible character throughout, and having been through so much, I'm so glad she got the ending she deserved even if Nisha was slightly mean forcing Lor to relive certain things in the last part of this book that I thought she would never have to see again.
This book also has a really focused redemption arc for a certain character and although I wasn't sure about it at first, I do think it was the right thing to do to give another character a sort of closure.
Although I'm not the biggest spice fan, the spice in this series just works. The energy between Nadir and Lor is unmistakable and it's always different and exciting between them. The spice isn't a gap filler, it's fulfilling and progresses the story with Lor and Nadirs relationship becoming stronger each time and a new understanding passing between them too.
Nadir is the prince we all need. A man willing to lay his crown down and lay waste to his inheritance to be with the woman he loves. The woman he would go to the depths of the underworld for if need be.
Overall this book is a perfect conclusion to the series and now I'm just sad I've had to say goodbye to my favorite people who became like a safety blanket to me.

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What a ride. I laughed, I cried, it was the perfect ending to the Artefacts of Ouranos series. I have loved every second of this series and was not ready to say goodbye. This series is one you can read again and again, I highly recommend! Nisha works through character traumas beautifully and has us rooting for characters we did not believe were redeemable. This book had it all, romance, revelations, secrets, acceptance, forgiveness and an ending that made our hearts happy.

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What a perfect conclusion to one of my favorite series.
Lor is once again on the run from the Aurora King after a devastating and uncertain event. She is forced into new tasks to save Nadir’s life while balancing the future of all of Ouranos. Lor is confronted with decisions and life altering choices that make her question her responsibilities and character. When further powerful villains test her- she is thrust once again into trials and challenges to fight for her friends, family, and Queendom.

The full circle storytelling for all characters in this book was beautiful. Every sub-plot and character has its closure and it threads the rest of the series in so beautifully leaving you feeling nostalgic and connected. From Lor and Nadir, to Gabriel, Tyr, Tristan, Willow, Amya, Rion and Atlas… there are layers of complexities and character arcs that leave you feeling complete. I loved the tests and challenges that Lor faces in this book. The softening arc of Nadir and their love together is one of my favorites. There are some fantastic themes woven in that bring book one back into life in such creative ways. I’m sad this series is over but love how it ended!

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Tale of the Heart Queen ARC Review

Lor said it best, "These are tears of joy, not sorrow". I cried many times reading this! Nisha Tuli wrapped up this series so beautifully I didn't want it to end, yet knowingly devoured in less than 24 hours 😬! What an action packed journey! This is the longest in the Artefacts of Ouranos series and it is 0-100mph the whole book! We get to learn more in depth from our old friends, new friends, artefacts, arks and each characters side story just adds more depth to the main story as a whole!

As this series comes to a close I'd love to see Amya or Tristan's story continue! Thank you for this early peak and can't wait to reread on November 26th!

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I'm sad that this series is over but also so so happy with the ending in this final book! Everyone got the endings they deserved, which I feel like is a rare thing to say for most books. I enjoyed that we got to see so many details of the Evanescence and the Empiryum in this book because it helped to tie all the pieces together that we had questions about. Everyone who deserved it got their happily ever after! And like I've seen many other people say, I am SO so glad that this book did not have an unnecessary pregnancy storyline at the end to "save the world". We can all make that up in our heads however we want to.

All in all, I thought this was a very entertaining series with a unique plot and world building concepts. I liked the traditional fae/magic/fantasy book elements combined with more modern language and humor--it was a fresh take on things I have read a lot of!

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The Artefacts of Ouranos series has been such a gift to read, and this final book is no exception. I am so grateful that it was a massive tome to bring this story together in the best possible way. It’s bittersweet to say goodbye to these characters, but I have no doubt I’ll come back to this series again down the road.

Tale of the Heart Queen has it all: fast-paced writing, riveting action, witty banter between Lor and Nadir, unapologetic villains, charming secondary characters, great spice, and a whole lot of love. It was captivating to get more of Rion’s backstory, as well as more chapters from Gabriel’s point of view. It was a fitting closer for this series with lots of drama, twists, trials and turns along the way.

If you haven’t started this series - what are you waiting for?!

Biggest thank you to NetGalley, Nisha J Tuli & Forever for the opportunity to read this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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2.5/5 Stars | Thank you to Forever and NetGalley for the advanced copy of this book!

I cannot express how much I wanted to love this and for it to be the ideal ending to a series that I so enjoyed. It's not that it didn't live up to some expectations I had in my head, but that this book and the resolutions felt so out of place compared to the previous books that I felt like I was reading a separate series.

Starting with what I liked, I very much enjoyed getting to see the characters' post-plot resolution. That is always a delight. I also appreciated how there was definitely an attempt to weave in things from previous books or side plots that felt like loose ends.

As for what I didn't enjoy, while there were plots that came together, they all felt cookie-cutter in their resolutions. We've had 3 books of build-up, and the resolution, which felt so derivative and trite, was an incredible disappointment. The plot of the series had layers, but those layers felt so shoved into the book that I found it hard to enjoy or even care about the new layers we uncovered in book 4. I found the Aurora King's plot thread to be too similar to other popular "Evil Dad King" resolutions, without the actual reasoning to connect with. <spoiler>I could not have cared less about Rion being tricked by Herric because he made a CHOICE. If you make me hate a character for three books, there needs to be a much better reason for me to want to change my mind. </spoiler>

All in all, I think this is a fine series, but not for me.

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Wow. Simply, wow. I don't even know where to begin? I'm still swirling in my thoughts and feelings about TOTHQ.

This was the perfect way to end a series. I was at the edge of my seat, bitting my nails and walking in circles with how intense some moments were. Something I love (as I look at the entire series) is the growth in Lor's self. Our girl went through so much and her confidence in herself was amazing to witness.

I enjoyed how there were these little moments in the book that tie the whole story together. I felt so nostalgic!

While I'm not the biggest fan of having the villain's POV, I actually was ok with his POV because it provided more insight to what was going on in his head. It also makes you look at his relationship with Nadir and the choices they made to become the person they are.

Ugh, I want to CRY! I love this series so much. Nisha, you really SLAYED this whole entire series.

- The world building? Chef's kiss
- The character and their growth? Chef's kiss
- Lor and Nadir? Chef's Kiss
- Gabriel, my bb? Chef's Kiss

Honestly, this series deserves a Michelin star (is that possible? If not, then who's manager do I have to talk to?)

I stepped into this series enjoying it and I'm walking out of it in love with it. <3

Thank you to NetGalley, Forever Publishing, and Nisha for this ARC!

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THE PERFECT ENDING TO A SERIES! Thank you NetGalley and Forever publishing for this ARC! I loved this series so much!

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The most absolutely perfect ending to a series. Without spoilers I love how neatly every lingering question was answered and wrapped up. There was one single slow part in the whole book the action just kept coming and wasn't hard to keep up with. This book will be with me forever. Definitely a top read of the year!

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“I will follow you until the very end.”

Tale of the Heart Queen is book 4 in the Artefacts of Ouranos series. Since this is the final book of the series I don’t want to have any spoilers or details in my review.

What I will say is that I have loved this series with my whole heart and this conclusion was everything I could have wanted.

Thank you to Nisha Tuli and Forever Pub for the e-arc. All opinions are my own.

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What a wonderful way to finish out the series. Had me on the edge of my seat the whole time. I love a full circle moment & how everything ended.

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