Member Reviews

This ended up being my favorite book of the series. It kept my interest at every point and made me feel all of the feels. It was still action packed while wrapping everything up nicely. Some twists and turns that I didn’t see coming. By the end of this book there is such a connection with each character.

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Wow, what an incredible ending to an amazing series. Nisha is an exquisite writer and she knows how to write fantasy!
From the start, I could not stop reading this book. The unexpected twists were so good. It was wonderful to read more about Gabriel, Tyr, Zerra and Rion! I am so sad that the series ended but what a thrilling journey it was. Lor is what we want for all of our fantasy heroines to be like. She captured my heart!
The perfect amounts of twists, spice, character arcs and magic! Those POv chapters were so vital to the story!
The Heart is in good hands!

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I LOVED this book so much, I couldn't put it down. This book ended the series perfectly. This series will definitely be a re read in the future.

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Let me start by saying that the first three books in the Artefacts of Ouranos series were three of my favorite reads this year. I was SO excited to read this book and had so many great theories about what way it would go. I feel AWFUL saying this, but I was SO bored. I read 3 other books during this read because the first 59% of the book felt.... like fluff. The first 70% of the book should have been condensed into 30%, the final 30% could have been extrapolated into 70%, and the book would have been incredible, an easy 5 stars.
Slow pacing aside, everything was wrapped up neatly, and I can't think of any loose ends that are bothering me. I did enjoy the last half of the book, and I enjoyed having Rion's POV. An Atlas POV would have been cool too. This does remind me of a loose end: Atlas mentions how no one understood just how powerful he really is and what his magic could do. We never learn how he actually ******* (redacted for potential spoiler). Unless we get a Gabe spin-off and this is explored more. (hint hint Nisha!)

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What a perfect ending to this book! It took me on an emotional ride and I loved every minute of it! There were many unexpected plot twists and I love how strong the FMC in this. As much as I love a strong MMC and Nadir still is, it’s nice to read about an FMC who can still handle situations herself. I Loved this journey! 🤍🤍

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This was the perfect ending to this series. Nisha’s gift for writing made it so the ending didn’t seem too fairy tale-ish and clean. Yes, things tied up neatly and there were no loose ends, but it was all believable, with isn’t what’s the case. Sometimes with the conclusion of a series, I roll my eyes when things turn out too perfect and that can make me dislike the entire sites. This didn’t make me feel that way at all. Lor is such a well written character that she almost feels real. All of the characters are so unique and well developed. I loved this whole series and will definitely be rereading.

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Perfect ending to an amazing series. From plot to character growth, it was all chefs kiss. I will for sure miss these characters. I can't believe I am saying this but I even enjoyed reading and learning more about what made Rion in to the villain. It all wrapped up nicely and kept me on my toes from the first chapter.

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Between the four books in the series, I found the pacing and writing in Tale of the Heart Queen to be a bit off. There was a lot of information packed into this final book, and at times, I found myself losing track of the importance of the artifacts of Ouranos and the Arks. With so many POVs, I think the story could have benefited from focusing on fewer perspectives, which would have made the narrative smoother.

Some parts felt rushed, like the conflict with Zerra and Herric. That said, I still enjoyed the book overall, especially the ending! The story definitely got spicier, and it was a satisfying HEA for the characters, particularly for Lor. Despite some hiccups, it was a good conclusion to the series.


🌶️ spiciest of the 4 books.

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Wow, what a wonderful way to wrap up this series! I've loved watching Lor grow as a character and so sad to see the story of her family and friends ending! Everything about this book was great - I especially love how everything came around towards the end and there were so many go-backs from the first book, and a few funny references.

This was my favorite type of ending and I think that Nisha wrapped up everyone's stories beautifully. The POVs for this one - Lor, Nadir, Gabriel, and Rion - were such great picks because they were all going through very different things even though their lives were intertwined. I even felt bad for Rion, and I hated that for me, lol! Artefacts of Ouranos would make a bomb movie - this was my first series from Nisha J. Tuli and I'm going back to read her others.

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Finally, Lor gets the ending that she deserves. This was one of my most anticipated releases of the year and I started it immediately upon receiving the book in my library. Overall, I did very much enjoy the way that all the pieces came together in the end, but thought the path to getting there was a bit rocky. As much as it pains me to say, I don't feel that Tale of the Heart Queen kept the momentum from Fate of the Sun King going the way I wanted it to. It also took me longer to get through this one than I would have liked, as it went in a completely different direction than I expected it to. The pacing seemed off to me for much of the story and I really wish that previous books had dedicated a bit more time to explaining the importance and significance of the artefacts and the arks. The cohesive information and key plot points were not as clearly laid out as in earlier books, giving TOTHQ an overall chaotic feel. There was so much going on and so many pieces of information flying about at points that it almost felt like the plot was being pulled out of a hat. As for the characters, I really enjoyed getting to see more of Gabriels POV and loved that Tyr was able to secure his future after centuries of Atlas' control. I was a bit confused as to why Atlas' "fate" took so long to be decided, as the title of the third book seemed to indicate that it was all but sealed, but didn't mind getting insight into all of the other changes in Aphelion. I would have loved to see more POVs from Willow, Tristan, Amya, and even Mael because I feel like it would have added even more depth and urgency to the plot than Lor, Nadir, and Gabriel did on their own. I can confidently say that book three will remain my favorite of the series, but I am so happy that everything worked out for the characters the way that it did and felt that the ending was especially satisfying. Despite the critiques I have, I did enjoy Tale of the Heart Queen and I loved The Artefacts of Ouranos. I'm so sad to see this world go and know that I won't ever be able to read about it again for the first time.

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Wow!! After the cliffhanger of the last book I could. not. wait. for November to get here so I was over the moon to get my hands on an ARC!! Lor’s character growth through the series has been phenomenal and she hits her peak in this book, she lets nothing stand in her way to protect the people she loves and proves again and again the Queen she is. Nadir continues to prove Lor is his everything and he will give up everything for her, 1,000,000,000% King behavior. SO much justice dispensed in this story, questions answered, challenges overcome, defying meddlesome gods, unwavering loyalty and undying love; it was a masterpiece!

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This final book in the Artefacts of Ouranos series was SPECTACULAR! I devoured this series and was so excited to get the ARC for the final book because that cliffhanger in book 3 was genius. Tale of the Heart Queen was a great fantasy read with imaginative world building and subplots that were just as intriguing as the main plot. Gabriel's relationships with Tyr and Atlas were some of my favorite in the story, and this book did a fabulous job of bringing closure to their struggles. Mael brought hilarious comic relief throughout and was another favorite character. I absolutely loved the character development of Rion in this last book, also. Even if it was too little, too late, Nisha was able to make me feel sorrow over a villain (even if briefly lol). With Rion's death and the death of Atlas, I was left with the overwhelming feeling that it is absolutely ok to still care for & grieve for those who have wronged us but to LET. THEM. GO. I will definitely be screaming at everyone to read this series. Nisha knocked it out of the park!

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First, thank you to Nisha J. Tuli and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to ARC read the final book of her series!

Tale of the Heart queen ended beautifully, and Nisha tied everything together in the most perfect way. The soap even made its way back in the end! I’m so glad she gave us a happy ending after leaving us hanging at the end of the third book.

I really enjoyed the 🌶️, character developments, and perseverance of Nadir & Lor!

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Where do I begin!? I can't put my thoughts into words after my time with our Ouranos family has come to a close 😥🫠

This series has very quickly become one of my absolute favourites, it hooked me in right in the beginning, so I was very quick to have a re-read and eagerly begin book 4! I may have delegated my mother duties to my husband for the past couple of days, but reading what was to transpire between Lor and those she holds closest became a priority 🙊

I couldn't love our Lightning Bug more after finishing, but now my heart has been split in 2 leaving our Ouranos family behind. I can only hope we may get a sneaky novella or two in the future about Tristan and Willows futures.

Nisha, you have smashed it out of the park once again, I never had any doubt! 🫶🏼

PS, eff you Zerra 👊🏼

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This is probably one of my most anticipated reads of 2024! I was so ecstatic to receive an eARC after the way this story was left at the end of book 3! However, I found myself slowly losing interest. We waited SO long For Lor and Nadir to FINALLY get together and the whole first part of the book they were separated again! However, I did love how all the storylines came together and reached a very pleasing conclusion!

Thanks to NetGalley and Forever Publishing for this arc in exchange for my review!

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In three days time, I devoured this book. The moment Tale of the Heart Queen landed in my inbox, I let out a literal squeal of excitement. Fourth books are a massive undertaking, and as a reader, it is my greatest delight to find an entire series that not only sticks so innately with me but when the author creates the space for readers to soak their toes in the entire realm and truly immerse us in every character’s storyline.
The stunning conclusion to The Artefacts of Ouranos, Nisha J. Tuli’s “Tale of the Heart Queen,” is sure to captivate readers who have been along for the entire journey, especially those particularly attached to soap (all Tuli’s little easter eggs for those who have been along for the whole ride SENT me-so so good). Packed full of page turning twists, compelling characters that usher you to sink further into Ouranos, and a thrilling subplot that had me rushing for the the final page, Tale gives the perfect ending to a beautiful series. The masterful breadth of setting and character that Tuli writes is the most refreshing experience to consume as a reader.
Without spoiling too much (as this is a fourth book and many things can be spoiled-there are mild spoilers ahead), here are some general things I loved about Tale of the Heart Queen:
- An exquisitely stabby heroine (and one of my favorite cinnamon rolls of an MMC)
- SO much more of Lor/Nadir (iykyk)
- Micro tropes (Tuli is the QUEEN of micro tropes and I ate them uppp)
- Immaculate world building
- Chosen one trope, but not in the way you might imagine
- A full cast of characters that I would like to specifically wrap up in tiny little blanket burritos (I was rooting for all of them, but also wanted to tuck them away and keep them from any harm whatsoever)
This was such a luscious blend of world creation, character driven story, and enticing plot. I am SO excited for readers to pick this up-if you’ve been along for all of Artefacts, you’ll love Tale of the Heart Queen.

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I've taken time to really meditate on the ending of this series and I have to say - applause for Nisha J. Tuli - you sucked in me from the beginning and, yet again, I couldn't put this book down.
I thought I had a tough time with dating - man, Lor and Nadir can't catch a break in the book. Trials and trials for the two of them but as the great Kelly Clarkson said - what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.

I couldn't recommend this book/series enough. Be sure to read!

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I'm so thankful I received an ARC from Netgalley and Forever (Grand Central Publishing)

I really enjoyed this series as a whole, it had enemies to lovers, spice, and overall a great plot.

While this book was a great conclusion to the story I felt like it was a bit too long. They could never catch a break. I did skim just a little over some of these parts that were just a little too much.

I still enjoyed the book and great conclusion to the story. Look forward to reading more books from the author!!.

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What an amazing ending to this series!!!
I have to admit I was getting worried around the 80% mark because it seemed like there was still soo many things that needed to be resolved. I was nervous, but Nisha you wrapped it up perfectly!
Here are a few notes I took while reading (although most of the time I was too invested to stop and make notes):
-Zerra is a real b!tch
-Love Garnet
-Double love Gabriel. He became an unexpected favourite, especially his banter with Lor.
-Rion is pure evil, but how dare you make me feel an ounce of saddness for him at the end. Did I cry when the cave was collapsing and he was saying but not actually saying goodbye to his son? Yes, yes I did!
-Lor and Nadir's reunion was perfection!
-Hylene and Gabriel??!!!! Whaaaaat!! I need a novella or something about them. Poor Gabriel always getting interrupted anytime he tried to get close with her.
I feel sad and content at the same time with the ending of this series. That last book had so many side quests that I wasn't sure it would all work out. But it did! It was like working on a puzzle for 3 books and we finally got the last pieces put in!

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I’m soooo sad this is over. What an amazing series. Tale of the heart Queen was the perfect wrap up, HEA, and more. It almost makes me want to start this series over from the beginning just to stay in the world. From The descriptions of the world, the characters, everything about this is just *chefs kiss*. I will definitely be reading more by Nisha. <3

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