Member Reviews

Good god… Nisha I LOVE YOU

First of all, I want to brag on what an incredible writer Nisha is and what an intoxicating and incredible story she has created. I am sad it has come to an end but WHAT AN ENDING. I am SO thankful for this ARC and so glad I have read this series. I look forward to what is to come from Nisha!

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WOW, I cant even begin to say thank you for the opportunity to read this arc. I felt like I was sitting at the edge of my seat the whole entire time. Nadir and Lor .. ugh their love and relationship just truly gets me. I really love how protective Nadir is, I also liked the obstacles they had to face in this book. It was so interesting and I could actually picture these scenes vividly in my mind by how well described they were. The ending *chefs kiss* this was everything I didn't know I needed and it was so nicely executed. Nisha, this series was utterly amazing and I feel content with how it ended. Thank you so much again!

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This fourth and final installment of the Artefacts of Ouranos series was in my opinion the best of the books and a perfect conclusion for the series. I enjoyed following Lor in this final part of her journey and getting to better know and see the development of some of the other characters (Tristan, Willow, Gabriel, etc.). While as an avid fantasy reader I did feel some of the plot was predictable, it didn't take away from my overall enjoyment of the book.

If, like me, you had *feelings* at the end of the Fate of the Sun King, I'd definitely recommend sticking with the series and reading Tale of the Heart Queen--it was worth the wait!

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Amazing conclusion to a stunning story. This book picks up right where that wild cliff hanger left us in book 3. It was beautiful. Tons of intense magic and fast paced. It was amazing. Lots of storylines going on. I don’t want to give specifics because it will give away the ending of book 3. I love this series so much. Nisha is amazing. I am so greatful I got a copy of the ARC. I don’t want this series to end so I’m happy and sad at the same time. Daddy Nadir is all I’ll say.

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I enjoyed Fate so much, so I was really looking forward to reading Tale! Although I still enjoyed the book, I have found the story to be going a bit stale now that we're on book 4. I hate to say that, because I honestly enjoy this series so much and part of me wants it to just keep going... But I can't ignore the fact that I read a different series in between Fate and Tale and I found it really hard to get back into the world of Ouranos. I felt a bit disconnected and it really hindered my overall experience while reading Tale...
However, the story itself is honestly great and I still really enjoyed it and would definitely recommend this series as a whole.
Book 4 is over 200 pages longer than Book 1, and I noticed that each book gets longer and longer. Which does make sense in a way, but I think it would have benefitted this series immensely if each book was around the same length. I think there's a lot of filler. Book 1 and 3 have been my favourites thus far.

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This book was action PACKED. So much happened—yes, it tied up all the storylines left from previous books, but it also brought up new plot points and still tied them up in a neat bow. Overall, I thought it was a satisfying conclusion to a great fantasy-romance series, but I felt that it easily could have been broken up into two separate books (and therefore had some storylines, especially the main storyline at the end of the book, expanded upon). I’d be thrilled to revisit the world of Ouranos again in the future—there are plenty of side characters that could benefit from a spin-off!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC, in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Thank you to NetGalley for providing a digital ARC of Tale of the Heart Queen in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own, and I have provided a link to my review on Goodreads.

Tale of the Heart Queen left me pleasantly surprised with how the story came to a close and, despite the fact that I don't think this installment reached the same heights the first two did, it was an improvement on the most recent addition to this series. You get to follow Lor in the aftermath of the Fate of the Sun King ending, which leads you into an interesting piece of this world, and from there, there are a good handful of turns in the plot that kept me engaged and interested in where these characters would go next. Most of what I found underwhelming in Tale of the Heart Queen had to do with underutilized elements of the story that I wasn't happy with and certain plot points that fell flat for me. For instance, based on the expectations I had for these characters after reading about them for three novels, there were a few that I felt were not properly utilized or explored in this final journey like I wanted them to be. The climax and overall conflict in Tale of the Heart Queen also wasn't exactly where I thought it needed to go, and it left me feeling like there was a slight dissonance in tone between the issues these characters were facing and how those issues were resolved.

That being said, my enjoyment of this last installment in the series wasn't entirely damped by these issues. The writing kept me connected to the characters so I not only cared about how their relationships were changing as they developed but I was also invested in whether they would succeed or not. That led to a satisfying conclusion, despite my opinion that the conflict could've been more nuanced so the overall plot felt the same. The pacing was a vast improvement when compared to Fate of the Sun King as it felt like things were actually happening--in other words: this was a fairly eventful book. It isn't as fast-paced and action-packed as others in the genre, but it didn't feel like the characters were ever standing still for long, and it didn't seem as though things were always happening to them rather than them having an active role in the story.

Overall, the emotionality was there, the plot arc provided a strong enough ending for these characters, and I got what I wanted out of this conclusion. Could it have been more in-depth, lore-filled, and complex? Sure, but that's never been the style of this series, and I think Tale of the Heart Queen ultimately did these characters and this plot justice. I'll certainly be coming back to reread the novels now that I know the final novel didn't ruin the whole thing.

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A great way to finish this series. It got a little off track for me with one of the story lines but overall a good book and I look forward to more from Nisha!

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC of this book.

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The first bit is a little dragged out. It does get better and everything gets wrapped up. I really liked the first book and fell for these characters which is why I continued the series. I'm glad it's finished and in a way that fit the story. I still don't think we needed Gabriel's POV.

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I had one thing bookmarked in the first chapter and that was one thing I wish romance books did more often! Which is not believing someone they know the MMC doesn't trust. This book almost got an automatic 5 stars just for that. Alas it got 5 stars because this book is AMAZING! The twists and turns. Things you just never saw coming. Such a stunning book I tried to slow down reading because I knew I would miss this world. I am a little curious as to where FMC's siblings will end up. I would absolutely read their own series too. This world, these characters are all amazing and I truly fell in love with them while bingeing these books this year. While this was not my favorite book of the series, this absolutely was my favorite series of the year! I cannot wait to see what comes from Nisha j. Tuli next!! I will absolutely be keeping my eyes peeled for her.

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Wow, what a finisher for the series! Tale of the Heart Queen did not disappoint and Nisha did a fantastic job drawing the story to a close. As much as I hate having a series end, it takes a special writer to make the ending an enjoyable read. The culmination of the story and characters left me sad it was over but smiling at how everything came together for each character that I had come to love.

This last installment of the Artifacts of Ouranos series releases November 26! Get your preorder in now…you won’t be disappointed as Lor and Nadir wrap up their story surrounded by their family and friends.

Thank you to Nisha and Forever Publishing for letting me read this ARC!

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Tale of the Heart Queen is the final book in this series, and it was a good read. I absolutely loved the previous book but, in this story, there were a few parts that I thought were a bit slow and it made the story drag at times. However, overall, it was a good getting to see the characters get either their well-deserved HEA or knowing how they met their downfall. Nadir is gone and Lor is desperately trying to find a way to bring him back after losing control of her powers. Her cries are heard but they come with requirements. Lor must journey alone to acquire something for Zerra in order to save Nadir, but Zerra also desires someone that's not hers to claim and she's okay with lying if she needs to if it gets her what she wants. Gabriel is dealing with the aftermath of the attack and Atlas betrayal and King Rion is even more determined to get his hands on Lor. Both Atlas and Rion finally get what they deserve in very different ways, and an unexpected apology was issued. This book gives us a lot of Rion's backstory and how his choice of power over love set a lot of things into action when it came to him. This story was full of revenge, secrets, lies, battles, attacks, destruction, deaths, sacrifices, destinies fulfilled, reunions, regrets, forgiveness, tearful goodbyes, apologies, freedoms, steamy scenes, love and ends with a HEA. This was not a short story, but I think readers will be happy with the ending of this series.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Forever (Grand Central Publishing) for this free eARC of Tale of the Heart Queen.

This has been a 5 start series from the start and the final installment, Tale of the Heart Queen, was no exception.

Tale of the Heart Queen is in multiple POVs and brings us back full circle. You can tell Nisha put her heart and soul into this book, and I was riding the rollercoaster of emotions the entire time.

My favorite elements of this book:
- Badass FMC
- Fated Mates
- Save the World
- Call backs to the previous books
- No loose ends/all plots are brought to conclusion perfectly
- Family Redemption

If you are a fan of Aelin Galathynius/Throne of Glass, you will love the Artefacts of Ouranos series FMC, Lor.

I became so attached to these characters, and was sad to see the series come to an end. I am satisfied in the conclusion of a great series, although it felt bittersweet. I have become a big fan of Nisha’s writing style and look forward to reading everything else she’s written and everything else she writes in the future.

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4.75 stars!

What an ending! This book gave me everything I hoped it would. I'm sad for the series to end but I love how the author wrapped everything up.

I highly recommend this series to anyone who loves romantasy! Wicked royals, deadly trials, fae magic, a lost Queen, a stabby heroine, found family…what more could you want?

I will continue to read anything Ms. Tuli writes!

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If you’ve seen my previous review of the other Artefacts of Ouranos novels (hint: it was one of the first series reviews I ever posted on this account!), you already know that I love these books. I’ve enjoyed each novel in the series more than the last; the story has kept getting progressively stronger with each release. ♥️⚡️👑✨

So, when I tell you that I was absofreakinglutely THRILLED by the opportunity to read this book before its official publication date in November, I am in no way exaggerating. I was very, very, very stoked.

I’m happy to report that this conclusion did not disappoint (although I’ll admit I still think the third book in the series, Fate of the Sun King, is my personal favorite).

Tale of the Heart Queen took me on quite a journey, and I was ultimately very satisfied with the ending. It’s always bittersweet to say goodbye to something you’ve enjoyed so much, but man, was the adventure fun while it lasted.

I cannot wait for everyone else to get their hands on this book—and if you haven’t read the other books in the Artefacts of Ouranos series, I highly recommend them!

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*Thank you to Forever and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for my honest review*

This absolute chonk of a book was the ending I needed! And given the finale of Fate of the Sun King, we NEEDED it. There's steam, there's intrigue, there's lore, there's EVERYTHING. I loved all of the PoVs and timelines, especially the new characters we get to meet. Zerra is the worst of course, but it was nice getting to see her pettiness on the page. I don't think there were any particular huge twists or surprises, but that's because everything was foreshadowed so well.

Nisha J Tuli is seriously a master at her craft and this is a series that I'll keep recommending until the end of time.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for allowing us to finish out the Artifacts of Ouranos series early! I absolutely loved getting to hear the end of the queen of heart story. A lot happens in this book which at times can be a bit overwhelming but overall the pacing was good and the story was coherent and thoughtful. Absolutely in love with our boy, Nadir and Lor, as they navigate these latest trials. The surrounding characters are in the alive in an away that adds to the depth of the story. Would recommend to anyone looking for an action packing romantacy!

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I was lucky enough to receive an eARC of Tale of the Heart Queen and boy did it live up to my expectations!!! It was the perfect ending to Lor’s tale. Action, adventure, love, family, it was all there. I couldn’t have asked for anything more. I’m so thankful to have had the opportunity to read this early and am so excited for its full release in November!

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The perfect conclusion of an amazing series. I absolutely LOVED it all - I don't want to give away anything in my review so I won't say anything specific. I was beyond excited to have snagged an ARC of this series, it's one of my favorites and the cliffhanger in Fate of the Sun King was killing me. I had to know Nadir's fate ASAP. I downloaded and read it as soon as I was home from work the day I got it. If I didn't want to savor and take my time with this book knowing it was the last one in the series, I would have read it in one sitting it was so good.

If you thought the previous books had twists and turns, this one is a cross-country race in the mountains. Nisha brought back ALL the characters in this one and we get to see, learn, and explore more of the world she has built. There's betrayals, spice, trickery, magic, redemptions, love, battles, and did I mention spice? I will never not recommend this series or anything by Nisha J. Tuli.

Thank you NetGalley, Nisha, and anyone else who made it possible for me to get an ARC. It had made my entire week. I look forward to see what she will come up with next <3.

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Thank you to Forever and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review

I would recommend if you're looking for (Spoilers)

-m/f fantasy romance
-fated mates
-last book in the series
-desi rep

I won't say much since it's the final book in the series but I was along for the ride, I've enjoyed this series so much and honestly I'm so excited to just go back and reread to see all these little easter eggs that Nisha laid out. An incredible romantasy series.

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