Member Reviews

Many years ago, Seth Godin’s books inspired me to set up a business and gave me confidence to create and put my work out into the world. I have a lot of respect for his work, and he has influenced many to get out there and ship their work.
That said, it is possible that I have outgrown this style of business writing. I found this book to be metaphor-heavy (sometimes confusingly so) and light on meaning. It skims the surface of strategy but lacks nuance and doesn’t explore issues to a depth that I wanted.
This is probably a reflection of where I am in my own career, and the experiences I have had, so I hope that young people will use this book to delve deeper into Godin’s earlier work and be inspired.

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Disclosure: Many thanks to Netgalley, the author and the publisher of my ARC. All opinions are my own. All opinions are 100% my own.

I've been a fan of Seth Godwin's for some time now. He has always provided solid advice and input for entrepreneurs. He hasn't grown his presence lightly; he's strategic in his approach.

In This is Strategy, he provides a ton of information. The book description makes you think you'll learn how to create your own strategic guide for making your business successful. However, that is not what I got from reading this book.

Since I am a woman who enjoys reading little bits of food for thought and being given things to ponder, I honestly enjoyed this book. I gave it a three-star rating solely because the description does not tell what it offers.

It did feel like I was gaining more insight into how other companies have achieved success or failure than into how I could grow strategically. However, since I tend to analyze what I read, it gave me things to consider with my business. So, if you're a thinker, then you will see Seth's method as still helpful in this book.

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I have mixed feelings about this book. On the one hand, there were some great tidbits about strategy in there. The small sections felt very bite-sized so you could read one or two of them and then move on; excellent for a busy reader. Seth Godin's writing style is fairly clear and concise, doing a solid job of communicating what he was trying to say.

A couple of things I wasn't a fan of: first off, this book was definitely presented as if it was more of a how to on strategy, not a collection of little blurbs about the subject. Another thing that bothered me was that randomly right near the end of the book he started talking about politics. It only very barely applied and felt a bit more like it was shoved in there so he could make his opinions about this or that known to the public.

Otherwise a solid book, I'm glad to have read it.

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Such a fun read! Highly recommend.

Many thanks to Netgalley, the author, and the publisher for my ARC. All opinions are my own.

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A collection of short, often abstract thought pieces interspersed with more tangible insights, aimed at helping readers navigate complex environments and drive meaningful change. While it includes some great anecdotes, much of the book feels like a series of disjointed blog entries. Only in the second half does a sense of cohesion emerge, with stories building on each other to inspire deeper thinking.

I found the book lacking a clear structure, a division in chapters or themes to guide them. While some may breeze through the book, for me it was a slower read, as each story prompts reflection on its relevance to personal goals and work.

Though Godin effectively challenges conventional thinking and advocates for long-term, purpose-driven work, his advice echoes his previous works. Longtime followers may find the ideas familiar, though still insightful.

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Godin is a master! Just when you think its not possible for him to come up with fresh new ideas, he delivers another masterpiece...brilliant! This is one of those books that you can just sit down and read a lot at once. Full of short ideas that had me pausing to ponder and reflect. I will restate, Godin is a master...brilliant!

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This was fine. Nothing revolutionary and definitely not Godin's best book. Very basic and probably an ok introductory book to strategy.

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Are you tired of quick fixes and short-term thinking? Do you want to make a lasting impact but feel stuck in outdated systems? This is Strategy is a modern classic – a must-read for anyone seeking to drive positive change, whether you’re revolutionizing an industry, sparking a movement, or building a career. With Godin's trademark clarity and insight, this provides a framework for effective and elegant strategic thinking, offering essential building

This book has a lot of good insight and clarity, but I feel like it lacked a cohesive, clear message. It felt disorganized. (I think some of that was the formatting, which hopefully will get cleaned up for the final version.) There's a lot of good stuff in this book, but it isn't presented in a clear and direct enough manner for me.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the advanced digital reader's copy (ARC) in exchange for an honest review!

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Hmmm… interesting individual facts and stories. I counldnt quite see the value when not set in a framework for the book.s logic and messaging. Would suit someone who likes to dip into anecdotes, historical facts and figures. Thank you to #netgalley and the publisher for an ARC.

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