Member Reviews

This is an excellent addition to my Stephen King book collection. I enjoyed reading about what was going on in the author’s life when each book was being written and how it impacted when it was completed and published. Lots of fun facts and photos as well.

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A must for Stephen King fans or those interested in learning about him! I have several students that are interested in mysteries and thrillers.

I was given the opportunity to read this by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Great to see a book about a horror author aimed at kids. Lots of info, so more for middle grade and up. Nicely presented.
As one of my favourite authors, it was enjoyable to share this with my kids.

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As a Stephen King lover this book called out to me with a very high pitch. I couldn't resist. This book is a great exposé of the masters life. Getting to know him more like this actually explains somethings when reading his books. I highly recommend this book for avid fans of Stephen King.

Thank you to Netgalley, publisher and author for my advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Having been a Constant Reader from the age of nine when I picked up and devoured Christine, I had to grab this book to review.

While aimed at the younger reader just discovering Stephen King, I found the book very interesting for adults too. There were covers and pics I had not seen before, and I enjoyed the range of info offered – from the plots of the books, to titbits about how they were written, to pieces about Stephen’s life and his family.

The layout of the book was eye-catching, but some of the book plots were covered a little too well and if you hadn’t read the book, well, you’d know the ending now! However, a sneak peek into upcoming works was a treat.

A must-have addition to the Stephen King books filling the bookcase, I highly recommend this collection of information and pictures for the reader who would like to know a little more.

All things serve the beam...
Thanks to NetGalley for the opportunity to review the book.

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Stephen King is one of my most favourite horror authors. I really enjoyed this book and getting to know more about him

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This may be targeted for younger readers but I think any Stephen King fan would love to add this to their collection. The photos and Stephen King's history were very enjoyable to read.

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I love Stephen King and this book is a must read for all Stephen King fans!

I loved the pictures and how the book was laid out, this novel was packed with interesting facts that I did not know! It keeps the reader gripped to the book without dragging the information out which I find with some Non Fiction books they tend to get a bit boring, however, this book is definitely far from boring, it’s an eye opener and it’s extremely inspirational

5 stars

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Stephen King's, Misery, changed the way I read literature and is one of my favorite books of all time. The movie The Shining changed the way I looked at horror movies. Let's just say, Stephen King changed my life.

Here are areas that made me love this book:
- The photos tied to each piece of information given by the novel
- The 'fun fact' type insert the author included that gave context to the written sections and photos
- The focus on each one of his hit works (especially the one on Carrie, The Shining, Pet Sematary, It, and, of course, Misery (the cover that was included in the book is the same copy I own. It was interesting to learn King saw Misery as a 'love letter' to his fans, I would have never thought that)

Some areas of improvement:
- The artwork + cover feels a little too cheesy (although I understand it)
- I am not totally sure who the intended audience is for this book. While I think its a quick read, I feel like the intended audience of this book is young adults who are maybe doing a project and need a book to use as a starter for that. If these are young adults who are super into Stephen King (like I was), then this will be a nice read for them. Is this book for middle grade (which is what the artwork indicates and that might be too young to cater to)? Or is this for high school aged students, and if so, what type of high schooler are you hoping to reach?

Thank you Bev Vincent, NetGalley, and Quarto Publishing Group for this early copy! All opinions are my own.

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This was very insightful! I am planning to read Stephen King's books, and this was like a guide. It's like a biographical record. There were stories about him I never knew, but now reading about him has given me a different perspective.

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If this is not one of the best books written about King and his influences, then I know nothing about storytelling.
The book captures the essence of King’s writing very well.
I must admit that I grew to like King mostly after my mid 20s, unlike many readers who had been fans since they were teens. I suppose I found more his stories that appealed to me later and the ones I read in my teens were not my cup of tea. I have realised how much I like King’s writing, his approach to life and storytelling more with this book. It was nice learn of certain details such as King’s interest in poetry.

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This books is aimed at younger readers but - being in my late 40s - I also enjoyed it tremendously. I‘ve been a King fan for 30 years so reading up on one of my favourite authors was great. I already knew a lot beforehand but I still learned something new from this book.

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Although written for young readers, Stephen King fans of all ages will find much to enjoy about this book. It takes you back to King's early childhood, a time when he first realized he enjoyed being frightened, and takes us through his life and career with an interesting look at his books and adaptations of them at the end. While I'm not a regular reader of King, I mean, I don't like being scared, I know I was astonished to see it all in one place, in order, of his writings. Heck, the author even mentions some of King's college aged, more or less, poetry, as well as his various collaborations throughout the years. There are lots and lots of photos, too, not just of King but of his book covers and some of the memorable movie scenes adapted from his work, including two of my favorites, "Stand By Me" (from "The Body") and "The Green Miles" with Tom Hanks. I'm not sure I even knew he was responsible for "Shawshank Redemption" so, well, make that three of my favorites.

In any case, if you want to know where King was in both his life and, so to speak, his head at the time of his multitude of writings, you'll find this book fascinating. I know I did. It was all quite fascinating. I'll also note that while it doesn't delve into the troubled areas of his life, it doesn't sugar-coat it, either, making for genuinely revealing information. I really came to appreciate his wife, too, throughout the story. Most know the story of how she,Tabitha/Tabby (whose photo is shared), rescued his first major hit, "Carrie" from the trash, we also learn how it eventually found a publisher. And, oh, we also learn that while "Carrie" made King famous, he'd also been writing for some twenty years and been published, just not to acclaim. And, and, much more.

The author does an excellent job not only delving into King's life but connecting life experiences that sparked ideas and even made their way into various novels over the years. You'll definitely come away with a new, improved idea of what is in each and how it came to be, not to mention reminded that despite his prolific ability to write book after book, King never found it easy. That's a good reminder for aspiring writers. Nope, it isn't easy. And, oh, speaking of the writing process, one of my personal favorite books by King, his "On Writing", came about after the accident that came close to taking his life. Details of that are in the book.

Bottom line, if you're a fan or simply curious about Stephen King and his books/writing process, this is an excellent start. Not only are there great photos but the author gives us a selected bibliography and end notes and the appendix is broken down to include books and adaptations. Seeing that lengthy list written down in one place is impressive, at least it was to me. Thanks #QuartoPublishingGroup and #becker&meyer / #becker&meyerKids for sharing this early, fun look into Stephen King's life and work. I had no idea. I'm feeling the urge to go back and reread some of those books now that I know more about where they came from.

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Focuses a bit too much on book plots in my opinion — some summaries even flat out give the ending of the novel— but the information around King and his life is solid. Extensive endnotes & sources. There's not many biographies written for teens on authors they actually like to read, so I have a feeling this will circ very well during our school's yearly biography report.

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This was a pretty thorough look at all of Stephen King books and I couldn’t stop reading. It was nice to read about his current works as well as how his career began. Also nice to learn about his own books provided clarity about his own life and were instrumental in helping him heal from painful events. I always enjoy reading about Stephen King. Definitely an informative book that I would recommend to anyone who is a Stephen King fan.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the arc.

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A must have for every Stephen King lover! Although designed for young readers, adult King fans will want to devour this too! Filled with info, photos, quotes, and the essence of King's writing and life. Highly recommended!

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This book is a brilliant read and a must-read for Stephen King fans. He is decidedly the king of horror. The book talks about his journey, childhood, struggles, influences, success and works. His story is so well narrated that it's unputdownable. The pictures are like cherries on the top. The book aptly describes what he went through while creating the magic that he presented to us, over the years. I hope to revisit this book a decade later; I am certain I will enjoy it as much as I did this time--or perhaps even more. Ben narrates, "Some people believe it is possible to learn about a writer through a careful reading of his or her work, others think a writer’s work is best understood by knowing the details and circumstances of that person's life. Which way does the mirror point or does it work in both directions." I think it works in both directions. Having a background of his life and journey has inspired me to read his books and I am sure I will relate his works with stories from his life.

My thanks to Netgalley for the Advanced Readers Copy.

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This is a great book for Stephen King fans, I really enjoyed reading all about the process/what was going on in Kings life around the writing of each book. My only criticism is that for some of the book descriptions too much information is given away, fine is you've already read the book but if you were using the navigate your way through and decide which King books to read then some descriptions would spoil the book a bit.

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