Member Reviews

Unfortunately I had to DNF this book. It was certainly not one for me, The plot was confusing to me, the narrative all over the place and I could not get into the story or the characters. I loved the description and the cover art, and was anticipating loving this book. It was not the case for me.

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Overmorrow is a sweet magical adventure book with original characters and a mystical plot circulating around a missing brother and the challenge of rain. In full transparency I had a bit of an obstacle getting into the book and following its rhythim. I believe this may be because the story felt like I was being pulled in so many different places and directions and couldnt follow. The adventure aspect was cute and I did want to understand how it ended, especially because I really enjoyed the ambience and enjoyed what the author was portraying. The descriptive factors were top notch. The book was enjoyable but fell a little flat for me. Its cute and can be a great read for readers that enjoy descriptive plotlines.

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I just couldn't make it more than 40 pages. I hate DNFing a book, but the writing is all over the place and it is so confusing. The blurb sounds great but the text makes no sense. It's almost like a bad translation, or something AI generated. The language tone changes, the phraseology and grammar is all over. I really wanted to like this as the premise sounds amazing, but it needs a good edit before it's even readable.

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Overmorrow presents a fascinating premise: a world where magic coexists with the mundane, and a young woman, Ellie, is thrust into a perilous quest to save her brother and the world from oblivion. The concept of a magical rain that awakens people to the wonders around them is truly imaginative. However, the execution falls short of its potential.

The novel suffers from an overwhelming amount of exposition. Every detail, every thought, and every emotion is spelled out for the reader, leaving little room for interpretation or engagement. This heavy-handed approach to storytelling hindered my ability to connect with Ellie and the world she inhabits. The story’s pacing suffers as a result, feeling sluggish and laborious.

Unfortunately, I was unable to finish Overmorrow. The excessive explanation and lack of subtlety made the reading experience a chore. Despite my initial interest in the premise, I found myself growing increasingly disengaged as the story progressed. With a lighter touch and a stronger focus on character development, this story could have truly soared.

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I really wanted to like this book but unfortunately it fell short for me. Overmorrow is confusing and the plot is all over the place . I had a really hard time grasping what this was even about . Hard pass for me . Sorry!

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Ich habe mich über das Buch sehr gefreut. Es ist nicht nur fließend zum lesen sondern auch sehr spannend.

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I really, really, really wanted to like this book. Believe me, I tried.
Whoever is editing this book for publication, you have your work cut out for you.
There were soooo many grammatical mistakes, I felt as though I was reading something written by someone learning English for the first time. The actual concept was superb, I really liked the idea if the Overmorroe Rains, magical creatures and people, other worlds...the whole works.
But the story does not mesh together properly, which left me confused and hurt my brain.
The timing is wayyy off, jumping from the present to a while later without any apparent warning. The author tried to go for a wacky, weird, mysterious vibe, but all that was achieved was me wanting to know exactly WHAT was going on. There was no mysterious vube here. Only a lack of good writing. I really am sorry.
The dialogues were also off, characters were attempting to dish out sage advice but really ended up making no sense.
I really am sorry. This story has so much potential to become a bestseller because of the actual idea. But maybe the focus should be on narrating what happens properly, instead of aiming to be mysterious and failing miserably.
Would I read the sequel, if any? Sure. I can handle badly explained and executed villains and plots again. I just want to see what happens to the Wright siblings.

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I was very intrigued by this book and the cover is what drew me to it. I’ve got to admit I found this book very difficult to get into and it did feel like a slog to get through it.

I spent majority of the book very confused as to what was going on. Each chapter reads to me like a very vivid dream or hallucination with a very slow plot that isn’t gripping. It felt a bit all over the place which I think was intentional with some of the plot being around memory loss, but it didn’t give me the motivation I like when reading.. especially fantasy.

I’m sure this book will be a good fit for many it just wasn’t for me.

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I’d like to begin with a huge thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an advanced copy of this book to read.
Despite my hopes for this book, it was a huge DNF. I could hardly get through the first few pages without wanting to put it down. In hope that it was just the slump of beginning a new book, I pushed through but over 100 pages later, it only got worse. Reading this felt like homework, like I had to push through it and force myself to sit down and make any progress through it. The first thing that stood out to me was the writing style. To sum up the writing style, it is as if the concept of “show, not tell” was entirely disregarded. Everything is so painfully over explained, to the point where it leaves no room for the reader to have any part in understanding the scene. Rather than leaving the subtext to clue the reader into a character’s feelings or thoughts, or the mood of a scene, it is explicitly stated to the reader to avoid any possibility that it’ll be missed. Instead of letting the scene speak for itself, it is explicitly stated as to how to is to fit in the plot and what purpose it serves.
As for the plot, it is, to say the least, lacking. The pacing of this story is painfully slow. A very character driven novel, Overmorrow feels like just a written-out inner monologue of the main character instead of a third-person narration of a plot line. This approach leads to an awkward narration style that feels like both second and third person. Sometimes the reader is spoken to directly, but most of this novel reads as if written in third person omniscient. The description promises a story of a fantasy world that exists in New York City plagued by a monster trying to erase the memory of the fantasy from the memory of average New Yorkers. Instead, what is delivered is a narration of a young girl trying to solve the mystery of what is stealing the memory of this fantasy world and why. Instead of gradual plot progression that asks questions then provides answers, this novel provides only questions and rumination over those questions. The lack of progression slows this novel and makes it so hard to stay motivated to read.
While this book was a DNF for me, I see the potential for the plot ideas developed within. If one were to be able to get past the writing style and slow pace, there are elements of this story to be enjoyed. The fantasy world build within the framework of New York City has lots to discover and explore, and the complexity of this world is such that it leaves one wanting to understand exactly how this world works and functions.

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The originality of this book was evident throughout, and I enjoyed the exploration of its unique concepts and themes. The magical world and coming of age components were especially compelling.

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Love the character development and plot line will definitely recommend to friends and family. Amazing job

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A magical adventure with children on a quest to find their missing brother, but also figure out why someone is trying to get rid of the magical rain, Overmorrow. I did have a bit of a hard time following along as the children's story goes all over the place, but it was interesting to see who they met along the way.
I received an ARC copy from NetGalley and the publisher. All opinions are my own.

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When Ellie’s brother vanishes, she stumbles into a magical underworld beneath New York City, teeming with whimsical creatures and hidden dangers. Armed with the gift of Overmorrow—a rain that reveals hidden wonders—Ellie sets out to find her brother while facing a sinister force that threatens to erase magical beings from human memory. The inventive world-building and magical elements give this book a fresh twist on the portal fantasy genre, reminiscent of the charm found in The Chronicles of Narnia.

Though the novel’s creativity and imagination are impressive, it sometimes struggles with dense descriptions and pacing issues, which might make it a bit tricky to dive into. Still, the book’s enchanting premise and engaging twists offer a satisfying adventure for fans of magical tales and coming-of-age stories. If you love exploring imaginative worlds and don’t mind a complex narrative, this one’s definitely worth checking out.

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I was really intrigued by the concept and the cover is absolutely gorgeous. I think there is some brilliant imagination at play here, unfortunately I could not find my way into the writing at all. It felt like a fever dream - and not in a good way. Admittedly, I prefer my narratives to be fairly linear and generally don't prefer conceptual storytelling, making this a poor fit for me from the get-go. But even setting that aside I think I would have struggled with this one because it is just so all over the place. I get that some of that is intentional in the opening chapters, due to the family memory issues, but still...

My opinion is not the majority one though, and many people have absolutely loved it. So I say if you enjoy wild imaginative tales and don't mind a loosely constructed narrative that meanders in a non-traditional sense, definitely give it a try - I'm bummed I won't get to find out the way this one plays out, but there's just no way I can read it. It's not at all a good fit for me.

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Honestly this book is a tad rough. The ideas and the fantasy of it has so much potential but I couldn’t get over the writing and description. I have never DNFed a book until now. If you can overlook the writing style the book seems to be ok. Unfortunately about 30% of the way through the book with little improvement I had to put it down. The authors imagination seems amazing, but the book definitely needs some editing to reach its full potential.

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This novel took me on a journey through imaginative and ever-changing landscapes that felt truly magical. The story is whimsical and filled with fresh, vivid imagery that kept me engaged from start to finish. While I found it a bit challenging to connect deeply with the characters and navigate the unpredictable world, the book's enchanting and spellbinding nature made it impossible to put down. It’s a perfect coming-of-age adventure with plenty of twists and turns. The cover art is just as beautiful as the story inside, and I think it would be amazing as an audiobook. If you’re looking for something original and inventive, I highly recommend giving this book a try.
Thnx NetGallery

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Actual rating 3.5/5 stars

This was a wholly original novel, which I love. Adore, really. I really enjoy a wild imagination and brand new imagery and vivid new worlds. The writing as well helped with the feel of this world and its whimsy. The downside was just that I found that I couldn't get very invested in the characters and their story. Very much looking forward to whatever else this author writes, though!

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This is a beautifully written, bizarre, creative book that may entice fans of Harry Potter. The book's cover is beautiful, and it does seem to match the descriptive way the book is written. However, I could also understand if it would initially put some readers off. The book is about looking for a lost sibling in a world you do not understand that is constantly changing around you. A perfect coming-of-age story, with a few twists and turns.

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I wasn't sure what to expect going into this book but boy am I glad I picked it up. It was so enchanting and mesmerizing. I stayed up all night reading it because I just couldn't put it down. I need more like this now. Definitely will be recommending this to friends - super well written and great vibes.

Thank you for the ARC!!

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A very nice read, reminiscent of a lot of books I read younger, loved the Chronicles of Narnia vibes.

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