Member Reviews

Publication Date: April 30, 2025

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐.5

The enchanting and whimsical qualities of the book were so captivating that I found it impossible to put down. It would be perfect as an audiobook. I would enjoy experiencing it again in audiobook form.

Thank You Netgalley for ARC

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This is definitely a different book from everything I have ever read. It's a mix between a rainbow of sparkles, a firework and some out of the ordinary mind! The chapters are a succession of very imaginative thoughts put into words that bring you to a whole other universe. For me it was a little bit too much but if you're searching for a very original story, full of "crazy" references and a touch of drama... you are at the right place!

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Thank you for this ARC!
For starters, I LOVE the cover! I was also surprised to find out that the author wrote and directed a photonovel called “The Joplin Undercurrent” about the history of the town, this town was a hour away from where my hometown is. That was very cool to see along with Carthage Missouri being mentioned in the book several times. ~Now for my thoughts on the book itself, it was very good and I enjoyed the journey they embark on while trying to find their missing brother. The world was so magical and immersive. The beginning was a tad repetitive and slow going. I was also a little lost in the beginning when learning about the characters and during the start of the world building but it made more and more sense the further through I read. Overall a very fun read!

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I really enjoyed this book. For this being my first ever science fiction I did not get bored once. I really enjoyed the setting in Oman because it’s not a place ppl would think to set a book. In addition I liked the pov of this book, it really helped with my enjoyment. Overall I would recommend this book to ppl and I think the author did an amazing job writing it.

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This book has an overall magical feel and a unique writing style. It's full of adventure for the main character as she sets off to figure out what happened to her older brother. It reminds me of Chronicles of Narnia or The Magicians.

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Overmorrow is a magical realm where fairies, centaurs, wizards and more live and go about their business. This realm coexists beside the mundane world, hidden from non-magical people as they walk the same sidewalks oblivious to the magical world just beyond sight. At its heart this book is the story of three young adults who go on a search for their missing brother. The search turns into a greater mystery and the siblings become investigators trying to solve it; searching for clues, interviewing people of interest and gathering evidence. This book threw me for a loop at first. I was so disoriented for the first few chapters as the world of Overmorrow was being introduced. Once the plot got under way it slowly became easier to understand the context. The greater mystery beyond the missing sibling, Charlie--and possibly tied to his disappearance--is someone or something trying to shrink Overmorrow and get rid of the magical world altogether. There is a host of intriguing characters but my one bit of criticism is that only one of the children shows any character growth and this character seems to be on the sidelines of the main story. One fascinating aspect of the story I enjoyed is that the author was also a figure in the book, acting as the narrator. That doesn't seem unusual at first glance but the method in which the author has referenced themself left me half expecting a surprise ending where we find out the author is not just the narrator but an integral character we've been following the whole time.

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4 stars from me. This was such a good read for me. I couldn't put this book down for a minute. I recommend everyone to read this book If you haven't yet.

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This was so magical and imaginative I loved it. The writing and atmosphere was great, I felt so immersed. I loved the idea of kids in search of magic and excitement and not the boring life of adults. Very fun and whimsical read!

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