Member Reviews

The main characters of this story are the bookshop owner of Miracle Books in Miracle Springs, NC, Nora, her boyfriend, Police Chief Grant McCabe, her amazing group of incredibly supportive friends, and the town recluse, Lucille Wynter, who lives in the dilapidated "haunted house" in town. Ms. Wynter has books delivered by Nora but never allows her into the house further than the small boot room off the kitchen where they share a cup of tea, 2 cookies each, a bit of chit chat about her love of books, especially those where the reader must follow clues to solve a mystery, but never about anything more personal than a glimpse at her obvious devotion to the memory of her father. It's on one such visit that Lucille doesn't come to retrieve her books, and Nora is forced to call for help for the old woman only to find they've arrived too late. Lucille leaves a book for Nora with its own real-life mystery to solve. The book sets Nora on a quest to discover not only who killed Lucille but also what made her trap herself in her home for decades with a horde of books. The treasure hunt that Nora is on puts her life in danger, but she's compelled to continue searching for answers for Lucille, whom she feels she should have done more for in life. This was the first book in the series that I've read, and I love the cast of supportive friends that Nora has in this tight-knit community. It sounds like a wonderful place to live ... except for its frequent murders for Nora to solve. I will definitely be reading all of the other books in this series.

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Nora Pennington, bookstore owner in Miracle Springs delivers books to a reclusive elderly woman regularly. Nora is never allowed inside the house but sits in a enclosed porch area of the dilapidated mansion Lucille Wynter serves her tea and cookies . One delivery day there's no answer to her knock and Nora senses something is not right. When Lucille finally answers her phone her words send chills down Nora's spine. She breaks down the door to find Lucille's body at the foot of the stairs. Once the shock ends Nora feels guilty that she didn't do more to help the old woman. Police arrive and one of them finds a bag with Nora's name on it. Inside is an old book with a series of clues. Nora realizes Lucille has sent her a message that may explain why she lived as she did.
To assuage her guilt Nora takes on the challenge Lucille has set. In doing so she puts her relationship with Sheriff McCabe and her life in jeopardy.
This is #7 in the Secret, Book, and Scone Society series and one of the best. The mystery is intriguing as the tragedy unravels and secrets are exposed.
Thanks to Netgalley and Kensington for the ARC.

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Huge thank you to Kensington Cozies and NetGalley for allowing me to read this early!

I am a huge fan of this series, and this newest book does not disappoint! A perfect cozy mystery for the fall with its mix of spooky haunted houses and scavenger hunt elements. This book was the perfect mix of mystery and character development that keeps me coming back for more! I am so excited to pick up this book on release day!

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The Little Lost Library is book 7 in the Secret, Book, and Scone Society series by Ellery Adams. I enjoyed the sisterhood of the four friends who meet weekly for their girls’s night. If they can help solve a mystery in the process, all the better. This book involved a tough topic regarding hoarding. Nora gets involved when a reclusive customer dies under suspicious circumstances. Nora is in for a surprise when she discovers the woman was a hoarder. But she left her a small book with clues about her life which Nora can’t resist. I read the first book in this series where I met all the characters. This book can be read as a standalone but now I want to catch up on everything the friends have gone through so I look forward to reading the rest of the series.

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The Little Lost Library by Ellery Adams is another excellent book in this series. I love the characters and this mystery was a good one!

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Nora Pennington, owner of Miracle Books, has been taking reading matter to elderly resident, Lucille Wynter for many years, but has never got further into her crumbling mansion than the boot room. Agoraphobic and set in her ways Lucille is, it seems, a voracious reader, and Nora feels they understand each other, or she did until, once again, she finds a dead body! This time however, it's the location as well as the untimely death which shocks her.

Once the police have secured the scene they give Nora a package which, amongst other things, contains a request she feels unable to ignore. As Nora gets drawn into her hunt for answers she begins to neglect her friends in the Secret, Book, and Scone Society, her bookshop, and partner Sheriff Grant McCabe. But, is Nora putting herself in danger from the ruthless killer who will stop at nothing to ensure secrets which have lain undiscovered for decades remain that way forever.

I was able to read an advanced copy of this thanks to NetGalley and the publishers, Kensington Publishing and Kensington Cozies, but the opinions expressed are my own. I loved this book! Right from the start it was as if it had been written just for me. It had everything I want in a cosy but still surprised me more than once! Highly recommended.

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The Little Lost Library is the seventh book in a wonderful series set in Miracle Springs, NC. If I could I'd move there in a heartbeat. Ellery Adams descriptions of the community and society of close woman friends are so vivid and heartwarming. I've loved this series from the start and can't say the books keep getting better, they are all good and are consistently well written mysteries.
This time the plot doesn’t revolve around the other members of the society, but rather around Lucille Wynter, a reclusive inhabitant of Miracle Springs. Bookshop owner Nora has been bringing books to Lucille on a regular basis. When the novel opens Lucille has recently died (Was she murdered?) and leaves Nora a puzzle to solve. Nora depends on her friends and law enforcement beau Grant to solve the puzzle and figure out Lucille,s story. I highly recommend this series.

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The Little Lost Library is another great addition to The Secret, Book and Scone Society series. Nora's reclusive elderly client is found dead at the bottom of the stairs and she has left Nora a book containing clues to a treasure hunt for the Little Lost Library. While fighting against shoplifters and a staffing shortage, Nora uncovers the clues, only deepening the mystery.
I have enjoyed this series of complex, flawed but wonderful characters. written equally with humor and heartache. The mystery always keeps me guessing. Each visit to Miracle Springs is like returning to visit old friends and it touches my soul in ways I didn't even know I needed. I heartily recommend The Little Lost Library as well as the whole series.

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I have read every book in this series & enjoy them even though they do tend to be slightly darker than your average cozy, in my opinion. This one seemed especially depressing, but that could be events in my own life effecting my reading of it. I found this one hard to put down. I am having trouble putting into words what I felt about this book because of the way some of the plot hit me. I'm not sure enjoyed is the right word, but I certainly didn't dislike the book & will continue to read the series. It felt like we got much less of our side characters than usual & I missed them. I can't quite put my finger on what was different with this book than the rest of the series, but it felt like something was. I haven't decided if that's good or bad yet.

Thank you to NetGalley & Kensington for the chance to read an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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A series I would recommend. This book was very entertaining. It's definitely for a book lover. A murder of a book hoarder imprisoned behind her books leaves behind another mystery for Nora to solve,

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The Little Lost Library was a great read. It is part of the Secret Book and Scone Society series. It takes place in the town of Miracle Springs, NC. Nora Pennington is the main character who owns Miracle Books book store. Lucille Wynter is an elderly recluse who lives on an estate called Wynter House. Nora takes delivered used books 1-2 times a month. Lucille never leaves the house and has Nora stay only in the boot room but never invited in. Nora had to abide by her rules. Nora would ring the doorbell and sit in a chair until Lucille came. Lucille would make her tea.

On this day when she delivered the books Lucille did not come to the door. She decided to break Lucille's rules as she felt something was wrong. She called Lucille. There was someone in the house that answered the phone. The voice said "help" in the phone. Nora called 911. Then she heard a small voice saying "too late". After calling 911 Nora broke into the house. There was a terrible smell in the house. She found Lucille at the bottom of her steps. Nora sat and held her hand until Deputy Jasper Andrews arrived. Lucille was dead. Both Nora and the deputy looked around and was surprised at Lucille's living condition. Jasper took Nora outside as the EMT's arrived.

Deputy Paula Hollowell arrived with her dog, Rambo. She was hired to replace the previous K9 officer. She accused Nora of breaking into the house and stealing things. Jasper went to speak to Hollowell and told her that Lucille had a son who lived in an apartment above the garage. His name Clem Wynters.

When Nora was leaving Jasper found a package with Nora's name on it and gave it to her. When Nora got back to her store she opened her package. She read the letter first then opened the book "The Lost Library by Hugo Wynters. Sheriff Grant McCabe came home. He lived with Nora. The next day McCabe spoke to Nora about Lucille's death. Nora told him about the letter and book but he was in a hurry to get back to the office. When Nora got to the store she told Shelton who worked for her in the children's department what happened to Lucille. She wasn't sure it was an accident and about the letter and book.

When she looked Hugo up on the internet it told about his life. He had married Helena from a well-to-do family and built Wynter House as a wedding present for his wife. They had two children, Lucille and Lynette. Lucille married Frederick Vandercamp. There was a scandal at the mill. Hugo was accused of embezzling money the company but never arrested. Both Hugo and Helena died months apart. Lucille stayed in the house.

At the end of the work day a woman came into the bookstore. She was a nasty woman who wanted to know what Lucille said before she died. She said she would come back the next day to talk about her mother. She was Lucille's daughter, Harper. At the same time Beck Wynter went to the police station to inquire about his mother's death. Lucille had 3 children.

At home Nora showed McCabe the book and letter and they discussed it. That night Nora had her book club meeting at the store. The club was called the Secret Book and Scone Society. The group consisted of her friends, Hester, June, Estella. They brought dinner with them. After they had discussed the book Nora told them about the letter and book. They all read the letter and book. They thought it sounded like a scavenger hunt.

While waiting for McCabe to arrive at the restaurant for dinner Nora went into the restaurant's garden. She was sitting on a bench when Beck came into the garden and wanted to paint a stone and put it in the pond. He sat down and spoke to Nora. He asked about someone he could hire to help clean out the house. Nora recommended her friend, Bea who did that type of cleaning. McCabe came and they had dinner. After dinner he told Nora that he didn't want her to get involved with the children and house. He told her that Lucille had been strangled. While leaving the restaurant Nora saw Hollowell with Jasper at the bar very cozy. Nora felt bad for Hester as she had been dating Jasper. They had been boy and girl friend but Hester told Nora that they had drifted apart.

Nora went back to the house. The house was slowly getting cleaned. In the clock room she saw Beck and asked if he would be keeping any of the clocks. He told her that everything that could be sold would go towards Lucille's debts as well pay for the cleaners. The tape around the step was cleared and they were told they could clean all the rooms except for the library.
Bea and Nora were in the bathroom cleaning they found bibles in the tub. Clearing out the bibles they found a golden wedding ring on a twig. Upon closer look they realized it was a finger. They realized that there might be a body under the books so they stopped and called the police. Could this be Lucille's husband? Hollowell came and said something nasty to Nora. While waiting to be interviewed Nora read the book again. The second clue was in the banister. She checked and found the next clue and took it. McCabe came to the house to make sure Nora was alright, He told her that there was a skelton under the books. Maybe Vandercamp didn't leave as everyone thought he had. McCabe hoped that Nora would stop coming to the house but Nora told him that she had to help Bea with the books,

This is where the story takes off with Nora following the clues in the book for the lost library. There is so much that happens that it is hard to put all on paper. I will leave it for the reader to enjoy to the surprising ending.

I really enjoyed the book. I loved the characters. They added so much to the story.

Thank you NetGalley and Kensington Publishing Corporation for this ARC.

Nora met Bea at the flea market and told her about the job. Bea decided to take it and got the job. She asked Nora to come over and go over the books to find out their worth. While in the room she saw the grandfather's clock. It was the first item mentioned in the book. She went to check it out and found the first clue inside a secret compartment. There was a small box. A note was there saying "You found me". She took it with her. When she got home she looked into the box and found a small coffin. Nora decided she would try to find the rest of the clues.

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Nora has been taking books to elderly Lucille Wynter. She goes to a small outer room and has never been inside the house. However, on this day, Lucille isn't coming out. When Nora calls her, she says "help". Nora breaks into the house, but finds Lucille dead, and realizes that Lucille has been a hoarder and the rooms are piled with books and other treasurers as well as dust and debree, and that her son has been living in the garage and is probably into drugs. Lucille has left Nora a note that includes a treasure hunt through her house, and Nora agrees to help the group cleaning the house for the children, particularly for pricing and helping to see the man valuable books. However, there have been a lot of troubles in this house over the years since the husband left, as the past gradually becomes clear.

Nora'a task isn't easy. When someone throws a fire bomb into her beloved Caboose House, Nora has to move in with police chief McCabe. There are some unstable folks working in Wynter house, and Nora is still in danger! I love this series with a group of friends getting together to make all their lives better. I thank Netgalley and Kensington Books for the ARC so I could read the book before publication.

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Wonderful Intriguing Tale
Ms. Adams creates a wonderful tale about a book seller who is very community oriented. Delivering her monthly supply of books to an elderly woman. The woman who was always prompt did not answer the door. Nora took matters into her own hands and became embroiled in not only the new case, but also and old one. Written with wit, humor and a bit of romance, this is a tale that should not be missed. I wish I could give it more than 5 stars.
I requested and received this book as a NetGalley ARC gratis and offer my opinion in the same.

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Through NetGalley, I received a free copy of THE LITTLE LOST LIBRARY (Book 7 of the Secret, Book, and Scone Society mystery series) by Ellery Adams in exchange for an honest review. Nora has been reaching out to a local elderly shut-in, Lucille Wynter, but the woman remains stand-offish. Though Ms. Wynter will sometimes invite Nora inside, she only allows Nora in as far as the boot room. One such visit has Nora bringing Ms. Wynter a box of books, but Ms. Wynter doesn’t come to the door. Nora knocks, and no one answers. Nora finally calls and receives no answer. Nora calls again and again. Finally, the phone call is answered with a gasp for help. By the time Nora emergency services and breaks into the home, it’s too late. When Nora learns that Ms. Wynter was murdered rather than dying from a fall, Nora becomes obsessed with following the clues Ms. Wynter left for Nora. Nora hopes the clues will reveal Ms. Wynter’s secrets as well as the identity of her killer.

I like this book and enjoy the series. I recommend this book to fans of the series and the series to fans of cozy murder mysteries featuring flawed women seeking to outgrow their scars, and secrets, so many secrets.

#TheLittleLostLibrary #NetGalley

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An elderly Miracle Springs resident’s lifeless body is discovered at the foot of the stairs of her crumbling Gothic mansion. Her children seem to believe there is something valuable hidden in the house, and a note Nora receives sends her on an important quest.

I really enjoyed this seventh book in the Secret, Book, & Scone Society series by bestselling author Ellery Adams. Ms. Adams is also the wordsmith behind The Book Retreat Mysteries series which I am also very fond of.

I appreciated the depiction of the warm, close relationships between Nora and her friends, took pleasure in the settings of her bookstore and the small-town, felt unease in the Wynter House scenes, and could almost taste the many yummy foods described.

For fans of books and cozy mysteries.

Publication Date October 22, 2024
Kensington Cozies

Kindle edition 329 pages

#arc #netgalley
#elleryadams #secretbooksconesociety
#murder #secrets #booklovers #bookstore
#smalltown #gothicmansion

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The newest instalment of the Secret, Book, and Scone Society series is one of the best yet! Nora Pennington owns Miracle Books, a bookstore in the small town of Miracle Springs, North Carolina that focuses on Bibliotherapy. Nora knows what books will help someone heal from whatever they’re experiencing in their life.

Part of her work includes delivering books to locals like Lucille Wynter, an elderly woman living in what is rumoured to be a haunted house. Never letting her past the front boot room, Lucille is private about her home and life.

During her most recent delivery, Nora is left waiting at the door with a bag of books. Worried, she calls Lucille who ends up begging for help and then hanging up the phone. Once inside, she realizes why Lucille has shut herself away from the world and what she’s been hiding. At the bottom of the stairs, lays Lucille, dead, amongst her hoarded home.

Nora feels so much guilt and pain for not noticing Lucille’s situation earlier; so when she realizes Lucille has left her a note and a book; Nora gets to work figuring out what secrets are buried beneath Lucille’s possessions.

This is such an amazing addition to the series and as always, I feel transported to Miracle Springs and like I’m in the Secret, Book, and Scone society with Nora and her best friends Hester, Estella, and June. This book is perfect for those looking for a cozy mystery with an autumn vibe. I’ve read all the books in this series and already can’t wait for the next one. I think this would also work as a standalone but I hope people will read the rest of the series once they’re done!

Thank you so much to Net Galley and Kensington Publishing for an e-ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Lucy, a recluse, has set rules for Nora when she delivers books.When Lucy doesn't finally answers Nora's
call, all Nora hears is a faint request asking for help. Bt=reaking the door down, she discovers Lucy's body at
the bottom of the staircase. When Nora receives a book from Lucy, she discovers it is filled with clues on locating
the lost library. Her determination to solve the mystery puts her in danger's path.
Excellent addition to the series.
#TheLittleLostLibrary #Kensington #NetGalley

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Ellery Adams' two mystery series are among my favorites, The Little Lost Library is book #6 in the Secret, Book and Scone Society series, and it's a winner.

This time the plot doesn't revolve around the other members of the society, but rather around Lucille Wynter, a reclusive inhabitant of Miracle Springs who lives in what others consider a haunted house. Bookshop owner Nora has been bringing books to Lucille but has never been permitted inside the house. After Lucille dies in a suspicious manner, Nora is determined to find out just what brought about her death, especially since she has received a cryptic letter from Lucille that may ultimately reveal the secrets of Lucille's estranged family and the reason she has hoarded so many things over the years, some of which may be real treasure. Besides solving the riddles in the letter, Nora has to deal with combative family members and dangerous situations.

I love spending time in Miracle Springs with familiar characters and especially enjoy the mature love relationship between Nora and her law enforcement beau, Grant . The characters have depth, the plot is creative and compelling, and the ending is particularly uplifting , if not exactly what I expected .

My thanks to Kensington and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and provide an honest review of this book.

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"The Little Lost Library” the 7th instalment in the "The Secret, Book & Scone Society" Mystery series by Ellery Adams. This book can be read as a standalone but I highly recommend you read in order to get the full background. Big clues come in small packages as Miracle Books owner Nora Pennington and the Secret, Book, and Scone Society attempt to solve a series of murders connected to a bibliophile’s missing books

I was utterly captivated by this book! Each layer of the mystery, every riddle, and each new discovery drew me in deeper, making it impossible to put down. I devoured it in one day, curled up with a hot cup of tea and snuggling Lindi - completely absorbed!

This series never fails to evoke strong emotions and leaves me feeling fulfilled.

I'm eagerly awaiting book 8! If you're a fellow mystery lover, do yourself a favor and dive into this series - I highly recommend it!"

I requested and received an advance reader copy of this book from Kensington Books and Netgalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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"The Little Lost Library (Secret, Book, & Scone Society #7) by Ellery Adams is sort of the worst case scenario for a hoarding house. Nora is bringing books to a long time customer and when the woman doesn't follow her usual pattern of behavior Nora takes steps to try to help. Unfortunately, she's too late. Nora finds out the woman was a hoarder, mostly of books. In the process of helping the woman's family clean out the house Nora is secretly follow clues the woman left her to a secret library somewhere in the house. As she does this, all the house's secrets get revealed.

There were a few mysteries going on in this book. The primary one, the death of the woman, wrapped up pretty much as I expected. The other mysteries as well. It was all still an interesting story that kept me reading.

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