Member Reviews

I was lucky enough to get approved via Wishlist on Netgalley! I love all Ilona Andrew stuff so I didn’t even see it was an audiobook but man it was narrated really well!

Storytelling still too notch.
Holiday novella.
I love the menagerie of animals
Lol I love the humor.

Definitely recommend!

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I loved that we are getting Roman’s book. He was always such an interesting side character in the Kate Daniel series. I loved learning more about him. You first learn in the Kate Daniel series that he has a big heart despite serving the God of Destruction. His good heart just shines even more in Sanctuary. I loved his menagerie of animals that he begrudgingly takes care of and it only made sense that he would protect and mentor his unexpected guest seeking sanctuary. I highly recommend the audiobook because the narrator Chris Brinkley was a delight to listen too. He’s a new narrator for me and I absolutely loved his voice!

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Thank you #NetGalley and #HachetteAudio for the chance to read this short story in exchange for an honest review.

While I haven’t read all of the books in serial order, I saw this one and really wanted to read it. I’m a sucker for for a dark and stormy antihero :)

I loved Roman’s explanation of how being the guardian of Death and Destruction doesn’t mean that he supports murder and morally deficient ongoings. The narrator for this story was fantastic and immediately added to the overall experience of the story. Ilona Andrew’s is also just the best at adding quick wit and humor into these books. I thoroughly enjoyed this reading experience 🙌

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I'm not sure if it's because I haven't read the series this book came from, or if it was because I was just really tired and sick (thanks COVID and MRSA) while reading it.

But it was a bit hard for me to follow.

Even so, though, I enjoyed it. The author does an excellent job of getting you to feel things for the characters right away. I was instantly hooked on the MC (mostly because, like me, he's a sucker for a stray). And "the kid" grew on me quickly after he began talking.

I also loved the included lore. You don't get a lot of "god" stories outside of Greek, Roman, and Norse. So for the author to bring in gods from other cultures, such as Czernobog (Don't know how they spelled it in the book, as I listened on audio), was so cool!

I am only rating this book 3 stars for now because, as I said, I had trouble following it. But it definitely piqued my interest enough that I plan to track down the actual series and read the whole thing.

I say if you're into fantasy and forgotten gods, give it a shot. You'll enjoy it.

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Roman is a reclusive dark priest whose life takes a chaotic turn when a wounded boy arrives at his doorstep seeking sanctuary. The holiday setting adds a touch of dark humor to the narrative, like when a mystical creature eats your last cookie. The story pits Roman against formidable adversaries who grossly underestimate him. They quickly learn that Roman, the Black Volhv, is a powerful servant of Chernobog, the God of Destruction and Death. The author combines action, magic, and humor into an amusing story. The unexpected holiday twist adds an extra layer of charm. The contrast between the holiday and the battles of magic and survival makes this story a standout in the dark fantasy genre. It’s a fun and engaging.

I received an ARC audiobook for my honest review. Thank you, NetGalley and Dreamscape Select, NYLA.

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Perfect vibes to read this in the winter or around Christmas would be a vibe too! This is the first book I've read in the Kate Daniel's side of things. I have read everything up to current in the Innkeeper series though! Ilona Andrew's does such a good job in giving me cute characters to root for in the Innkeeper series and that trend continues here. The vibes of the beginning give a cozy fantasy feel while still keeping the stakes high enough and mysterious enough to keep me interested. I feel as the story went on I was missing more and more because this was my entry into the Kate Daniels world but I felt like it was still fine to read this first. I just was also sure that I was missing things I would have appreciated had I read those books first. The narrator did a great job and I would listen to pretty much anything they narrate! As the story went on I got more curious but also more lost in what seems to be a bigger plot in the book with the gods. May need a reread or may come back to this book after I read some Kate Daniels which I definitely plan on doing!

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Genre: Slavic inspired fantasy

Give me all the Slavic-inspired fantasy! (But really, this is a trend I'm absolutely thrilled about in my ARC reading this summer as I get ready to head to Poland and Hungary.)

Roman serves Chernobog, God of Destruction, Darkness, and Death. Surrounded by a number of freeloading creatures in his post-Shift Atlanta house, Roman is extra cranky this year at the holidays until a teenager shows up begging for Sanctuary. As one who serves a Slavic God, Roman has certain responsibilities, and they extend to protecting and perhaps training this lost teen.

This novella is set in the Kate Daniels world, but you don't really need to have read the series in order to enjoy this. The concept of magic-up vs tech-up is referenced, and those who have read Kate Daniels will find the tone familiar...but none of the major characters from the main series arc are referenced, and this feels like it's setting up another thread.

Sanctuary leans heavily on Slavic themes, and functions as a way to explain a new branch of the worldbuilding. The plot and character arcs are short, as fits a novella. Where it lacks is what's missing from my own personal taste in the Kate Daniels world- I love the deep dive mythology and hefty plot that goes along - so this felt a little flat.

The audiobook narration is very good, and includes an essay on interpretation of Slavic myths as well, which obviously I loved.

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I have wanted a Roman story since Andrea's novella. The dark Volhv who sometimes shows up in a variety of silly pajamas from time to time finally gets a story of his own. The Slavic gods are really interesting and getting to see Roman at his home protecting a boy and his dog that showed up asking for sanctuary makes me think he can't be all that evil.

It is time to see what Roman and Chernobog can do when a group of mercenaries come looking for the boy and the only thing separating them is a stretch of land Roman has carefully cultivated. Remember, Roman is beloved by evil things, which means he has some nasties living there along with a plethora of unusual creatures that are only slightly evil sometimes. Roman only seems rivaled by House Harrison in the pet department.

I thoroughly enjoyed this trip through Ilona Andrews ideas for Slavic lore. Going through Nav and learning how a few of the gods interact along with Roman's origin story was just everything I was hoping for. Roman really is soft hearted to belong to a death god but probably brings great balance to that god as well. It is hard being devoted to a god and can definitely mess up your dating life, but maybe Roman has a shot with the character introduced within this story, since she also serves the gods.

***“Those trees in the distance are the Twilight Forest, where wolves of Doubt and Uncertainty prowl. The open ground you see is the Grueling Field, where spirits of the punished plant and plow, but never reap or harvest. It is a place of thankless work, nourished by worries that plagued humankind since farming began. A place where seedlings die from crippling frost and plants are felled by cruel wind. The pines around us are the Evening Forest, where the birds of Regret and Missed Chances shriek and wail. When we pass through it, we will enter the Glades of Remembrance. They will make you relive your most painful memories.”***

As always Ilona Andrews brings creativity and ingenuity into lore that isn't commonly known and creates something magical. My only complaint is that it wasn't long enough...but that is always my complaint when I have to step out of one of the worlds they have created. From the ending, I'm thinking we could possibly get another story with Roman as the MC, we can only cross our fingers and pray to Chernobog or whoever else has blessed Ilona Andrews that happens.


They got Chris Brinkley! He is the voice of all the Winston Brother's books by Penny Reid and I have loved his voice since I first heard it in that series and all the spin offs. He is a fantastic pick for our Dark Volhv, his voice is so rich and can do the slight accent I always assumed Roman to have with his Russian heritage. I read this when it was posted on IAs blog but he helped to really bring out the best in the story and made it all the more enjoyable.

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For the fans of House Andrews and the fans of Roman, which we all probably are if we are reading this book, this is an excellent addition to the KD world and a very nice start to the Roman part of it.
The writing and characterization aside, coz no bad stuff from the Andrews in that aspect ever, the story itself was so much fun. Getting Roman's history, his family dynamics, from his pov, and how he came about being the Black Volhv , this story clears all of that up so well. The fights against the mercs was magical and messy , The new characters and mythology was very cool, just the way we like it. Fair warning, there is no romance, YET. But we shall hold out hope for that one.

All in all, finished this in one go, smack in the middle of the night. And would do it again. Coz , worth it.

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Excellent book.
I won an advanced copy.

Roman just wants to enjoy his holiday (misery) by his lonesome. This is not his favorite time of year. With his critters to keep him company he can enjoy his cookies and eggnog in peace.

Finn is brought to his attention, in a unique way, by Roman’s critters. At first, Finn does not say much, but Roman has a feeling… Finn is running from something, someone. Maybe a few someone’s.

Saying more would give too much away. Epic battles, a plot twist or two, surprises, good and bad, epic plot, and a good ending. Snark too. I do love Roman. Good character.

Very good book.

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Ilona Andrews books are the kind of books I read over and over again and the Kate Daniels world the most. So it was a no brainer that when I knew this book was coming out I knew I would need to read it. I may have squealed when my Netgalley wish was granted. I have always loved Ramon and was eager to read more about him and from his perspective. This book did not disappoint. I listened to the audiobook and I thought the narrator did an ok job although it wasn’t quite the voice for Ramon I had imagined or hoped for. Ramon isn’t the priest anyone chooses to come to. He serves a dark god, but when he wanders outside and finds a bleeding teenaged boy on his property he is confused. When the boy wakes up only to speak “sanctuary” he’s beyond curious but also the type of dark priest that no one should plan on crossing.

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Sanctuary is a story about Roman, the Black Vholv, who provides sanctuary for a boy being hunted by a variety of supernatural bad guys. The narrator is excellent and I’m always happy to get a new story in this wonderful world.

While Roman is one of my favorite secondary characters, this isn’t my favorite of the side stories. There’s a lot of magical fighting and a good bit of interesting explanations of the Russian mythology around the various characters. As a novella, there’s less relationship building or plot outside of the fighting. It’s still very enjoyable, though. There’s some excellent dialogue, new characters, fascinating creatures, and a visit to Nav (a sort of alternate reality underworld.) I think the book works well as an introduction to a new series and the epilogue is great.

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Set in the world of Kate Daniels but she doesn’t make an appearance in this story. Roman wakes up to find a teen boy and his puppy asking for sanctuary from a group of mercenaries chasing him he doesn’t refuse to help. Few people would ask a priest of Chernobog for help. This story introduces some new characters and give a wonderful backstory to Roman for fans of the series. A great stepping into point for this series for a new reader and fun for long time fans of the series. The audio book was a lot of fun to listen to and I enjoyed the narrator.

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