Member Reviews

Thank you NetGalley & Penguin for the eARC!

This book was a ⅗: would read on a beach trip if it was in the hotels library.

I really liked the storyline, plot, and the characters in this book. However, I found that the conflict was not introduced early enough to the point that I was absolutely hooked on this book (as shown by the 10 days it took me to read this book).

I enjoyed the characters and once I hit the 70% mark where the background to the conflict was introduced I think I finished the book in one sitting. Great book, I just wish there was more in the beginning in order to feel more connected and interested in the plot.

Great detail about the book publishing industry and it was super fun to hear about the European tour! Loved Andie!! The dynamic between the mom and daughter was also an interesting read!

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The book stirred a whirlwind of emotions within me. The unexpected twist from the past caught me off guard, enhancing my enjoyment of the fiery enemies-to-lovers dynamic between the protagonists. The protagonist's journey of self-discovery and the heartwarming conclusion were also highlights for me. However, the pacing felt somewhat slow and occasionally challenging to follow. I found myself wishing for a deeper dive into the female lead's psyche to grasp her emotions more fully from the beginning rather than having to wait until later in the story.

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Mein Leseerlebnis

Die Liebesgeschichte um eine zweite Chance spielt in der Welt der Bücher, Autoren und Verlage. Als Leserin bin ich von so etwas als Basis für einen Liebesroman in der Theorie ein großer Fan, auch wenn längst nicht alle Bücher rund um Bücher für mich ein Volltreffer sind. Auch “Bad Publicity” gehört leider in diese Kategorie.

Die Geschichte kam meinem Empfinden nach nie so richtig in Gang. Ich habe beim Lesen darauf gewartet endlich, in einen guten Lesefluss zu kommen, das passierte aber leider nicht.

Die Auflösung zu den Problemen zwischen den Hauptcharakteren ließ dazu passend recht lange auf sich warten (nach gut Dreivierteln des Liebesromans) und fiel zudem überraschend blass aus. Dem Verhalten der Heldin dem Helden gegüber folgend hatte ich etwas wesentlich schwerwiegenderes erwartet, als enthüllt wurde.

Die Hauptcharaktere blieben zudem leider etwas blass und ihre Beziehung interessierte mich darauf aufbauend nur wenig.

Als wesentlich kürzere Geschichte hätte das romance Buch für mich sehr wahrscheinlich besser funktioniert.

Keine Bewertung, da abgebrochen.

Für wen?

Wer Liebesromane mit Büchern und zweiten Chancen mag, für den könnte “Bad Publicity” eine Versuch wert sein. Beim Lesen sollte man für die Charaktere und die Geschichte etwas Geduld aufweisen können.

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By Bianca Gillam
Published Date May 13, 2025

This book was a great second chance romance. Andie and Jack have to overcome the past, recognize the hurt they caused each other, and take the time, risking getting hurt again to understand what really happened in their past.

As a lover of a cozy bookstore and the library I loved the descriptions of all of the different book stores. I could close my eyes and picture myself there. Andie was a very relatable character, going through a whole bunch of trauma in different areas of her life and bottling it up to try and move forward. Eventually the bottle will pop open but we always think we can just keep it contained.

I would have loved to see Andie take over the bookstore that was run by the neighborhood. As much as the bookstores were a part of the story and how much she loved them I would have loved for her to end the story with going back to what she really loved or at least showed her volunteering at the book store. I also would have loved to incorporate Sara’s story a little bit more. I felt she was such a big part of Andie’s life but her story just bits and pieces.

I would definitely recommend this book, especially to bookshop lovers like myself.

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💫 Bad Publicity by Bianca Gilam - 4.5 stars
MORE! I want more Jack and Andie! I loved this story- it starts as what you would assume is a traditional enemies to lovers trope, but oh, how much more it really is! We dive deep into Andie’s struggles with grief and her ability to compartmentalize, to her own detriment. Jack is the worst… at not being the worst. I wanted more of their specific story, but I absolutely loved this book and Andie’s journey.

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Thank you to Penguin and NetGalley for the advanced copy of this title!

I ultimately wasn't as invested in this story as I expected to be. The city scenes were so wonderful to read, but I felt the chemistry wasn't quite there for me.

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This was a fun easy read! I wasn’t sure I was going to enjoy it because in the beginning Andie isn’t very likable. All you know is that she hates Jack with a passion, and she’s selfish. I’m so glad I pushed through though because once you get past that it becomes a good book.

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3.5 stars for this cute romcom.

First of all, I have to say, I am a bookish book fan.
I just love reading about books, about book lovers, about the book industrie →authors, editors, booksellers etc.
It could be the main plot or just a side story but romance between book lovers is my favorite kind of books.

Which is why I asked for this arc I was so excited to read and I am very thankful to Netgalley and to Penguin for giving me the opportunity to read this book in exchange of a review.

In this book, Our FMC (Andie) Is a new publicist in a big publishing company in New York and her first work is to go on a whole month book promoting tour with a very popular author ... who also happens to be her ex.
Jack (the mmc) used to be a non-fiction historical books author and just published his very first fiction work.

Unfortunately, even if I did like it (I read it in one sitting), something was missing for me.
The story felt a little flat at first, I was feeling like reading a diary in which the fmc (Andie) just talk about her day assisting her author/ ex she absolutely hate, kind of like a to do list with little comments about how it went.

I know the book is supposed to be a second chance enemies to lovers, but reading about her talking trash about/to the mmc (Jack) without even giving a hint of why she is mad at him was kind of hard to follow.
I think the explanation about what happened between them in the past came too late in the book so it was hard to understand why he needed to apologize.
I want to understand her feelings, to be mad at him (Jack, the mmc) with her and to feel all the emotions of both main characters.

I do plan on buying a physical copy of the book and giving it a second chance (sometimes, stories are better after a first read).

so I might have to write a second review after my reread but i do recommend this book to book lovers.

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♡ Bad Publicity review ♡
4/5 stars
This book was such a cute romance book! I loved reading about Andie and Jack's relationship and I definitely recommend this.
♡ What I liked ♡
Andie and Jack were such a cute couple, the angst and tension between them was perfect.
The way Andie's grief about her father was captured was so well done, it added a lot of emotion to the book.
I loved both Andie and Jack's characters so much
The plot was exciting.
♡ What I disliked ♡
THE ENDING WAS SO FRUSTRATING, I would've loved more of a conclusion between Andie and Jack, and more cute moments between them.
I did not like Andie's best friend Sarah at all. She annoyed me so much.

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This book had me feeling so many things. I didn’t expect the surprise twist from the past, and I enjoyed the enemies to lovers chemistry between the two leads. I always enjoy a book about authors and bookstores and found the bookstore descriptions/stops to be a cute touch. I enjoyed the protagonist’s self-growth as well and the sweet ending.

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I liked this but it wasn’t for me, it was a bit slow and hard to follow at some points. I loved receiving the ark and would recommend the book to friends!

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This book fell a bit flat for me. I wasn’t connected to the characters or invested in their relationship at all

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3 stars

Bad Publicity by Bianca Gillam was an overall enjoyable read. It was lighthearted while exploring deeper emotions. The way the author writes about grief feels authentic and adds depth to the story. Though it took me a while to connect with the main character. The FMC's personality was a bit hard to warm up to at first, which made the early parts of the book feel slower. However, as the story progressed, I found myself more invested, particularly in uncovering the history between the two main characters. I think the book would have benefited from revealing some of that backstory earlier on—it would have helped me relate to the FMC sooner.

Overall, while it wasn't an instant favorite, Bad Publicity was still an enjoyable read, and I'm glad I stuck with it until the end.

Thank you to NetGalley and Penguin Books for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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What a great read! I thought it was on the shorter side since it was only 220 pages on NetGalley, but apparently it’s almost 400 pages? Anyways, super enjoyable with interesting and complex characters. Andie was such a complex individual, I thought her grief was portrayed really well. I liked Jack enough, but I feel like I knew less about him than Andie, which does make sense logically. Still, I wish I knew more. I also wish there was some sort of dual timeline or we got to know what happened in Edinburgh between Andie and Jack sooner, but it’s fine. I think there could have been more details on the book tour, and Andie kind of went from hating Jack to wanting him overnight. Otherwise, this was really interesting and definitely worth reading.

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I had high hopes for this book based on the description but unfortunately it did not live up to my expectations. My main issue was the fact that Andie hates Jack but we don’t get the full backstory of why until pretty much the end of the book…and she immediately forgives him. He definitely deserved to be forgiven and did not deserve Andie’s harsh treatment the majority of the book. Also I was just bored while reading. There wasn’t a ton of character building or growth and the fmc was not very likable. All of that being said this was a very easy read, it just fell flat for me.

There is definitely potential here I just think it needs more. More character and plot development..

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I really loved the story line and giving jack another chance but I really didn’t like FMC I found her very immature most of the time but I did understand how grief can turn a person into something they’re not. I think we could do less with the words “love” being used like 24/7 because it seems very stereotypical in saying all British people say or talk like that. The mom used it in almost every sentence and it just seemed so fake to me. Other than what I said above I loved the story idea but I think there could be a couple changes to make it better and more realistic.
Thank you NetGalley for the ARC read!!

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Reading about the publishing industry in novels is a favorite of mine. I like to get a feel for the behind-the-scenes world of books, authors, and all the other folks involved with getting a book out into the world. This story was a good one and I think Gillam did it justice. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

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Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this arc!

What a great book. Such a quick and easy read. I enjoyed this book. All of the characters are great. Also great story and awesome writing style.

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This book had a lot of potential. However, it was not for me. I liked the idea of an old fling gone wrong/second chance story. However, the way the FMC acted the first 60% of the book was uncalled for. It didn’t match the theme of the book. She was rude about everything, even Jack breathing. Just to find out she had it all wrong, and STILL left? I could not understand or relate.

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I really enjoyed the writing style of this book, and thought it flowed well. I also liked the parts about the book tour.

That being said, while this book dealt with serious topics, it still felt as though it lacked any emotional depth. I really struggled with Andie, as it felt as though she was handling much of her life through the lens of a teenager. She was really hard to root for, and it didn’t feel like her character growth was deep or genuine.

Additionally, I didn’t feel the emotional connection on her end with Jack. I really loved Jack’s character, but additionally there was no exploration of his character growth.

Separately, on a personal level, as some who lives in Dublin, some of technical inaccuracies took me out of the plot (for instance, two shots being £5 despite the fact that Ireland has used the Euro since 2002).

This book was still a 3 star read for me, as it was enjoyable and easy, but lacked anything more than that. I would be really interested to read more from Gillam, as I liked her writing style so much and would be encouraged to see where she goes as an author.

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