Member Reviews

This book was adorable! I ate it up. It’s a modern-day Ferris Bueller’s Day Off in Philly! It’s YA, so it gives off more High School vibes and themes. I loved the friendships, family, and young love. K.L. Walther is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors. The adventure was fun, and it was a quick read that drew me in right away.

Thank you to NetGalley and Delacorte Romance for this free ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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While We’re Young: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.5

Something about K.L. Walther books just get me, every time! In this modern “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” retelling, we follow four highschoolers, three of which have skipped school for a last hurrah of sorts- while the fourth is left out of the plans and spends the day suspicious of their sudden lack of attendance.

This was such a fun and cute read, but it also tackles the topics of growing up, friendship, family, and grief. I think she did an amazing job at portraying that, and how all of those things can be affected by what we go through in life. And, as a fan of FBDO I think she did a great job incorporating that into this beautiful story. K.L. Does an amazing job writing these YA/NA books, and I always find the characters and relationships so cute and sweet. The more I read, the further in love I fall with her writing! I can’t wait for the next one.

I was beyond excited to receive this ARC so thanks to NetGalley, Random House Children’s, and K.L. Walther for letting me read it!

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this was so quick to read I loved it!! read it on my kindle even stayed up a little late to finish it! had lovable character and they were so well written. left me in a really great mood after reading and it even leaves you wanting for more! easy 4 star!

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This book gave me Ferris Bueller’s Day Off vibes and I loved it! The way Grace thought of every single detail to make sure her friends had a much needed day out shows what type of person she is. I enjoyed that the book covered mental health illnesses and family issues. James was the real MVP by looking out for everyone until he could find them. I loved the little quotes and things that were directly from Ferris Bueller. Overall I thought it was a good adventure.

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super, super sweet! i love k.l. walther's books because of how they make me feel. just a good time reading and always writes the most swoon worthy YA romances. i liked this one alot, maybe my favorite so far!

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A YA book inspired by ferris bueller's day off — as someone who loved watching that movie growing up this book intrigued me.

The book follows 3 friends who skip school and spend the day in Philadelphia, Grace, Isa and Everett. Their day took a couple of unexpected turns but it kept the story interesting. Overall, super cute story and would recommend to anyone who wants a fun read inspired by the classic 80s movie!

Thanks Random House Children’s and NetGalley for the arc!

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A huge THANK YOU to the author, K. L. Walther, and the publisher, Random House Children's, for giving me the chance to read and review this book.

You should know by now that K. L. Walther NEVER DISAPPOINTS!!
Yes! This is the book I've been wanting to read! So. Much. Fun!

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I absolutely adored this book!! I was so excited when I got approved to read K. L. Walther, I loved the Summer of Broken Rules. Growing up, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, was a classic in our household. My family would quote it all the time. During my senior year of high school, some family was visiting and they planned to go snowmobiling on a Wednesday during school. My parents encouraged me to pull a Ferris Bueller and said they'd call in to school the next day saying I was sick. "Don't let school get in the way of your education", was a favorite line of my Dad's. Anyways, the easter egg's of names, quotes, music, annnnd the parade throughout the book was the perfect homage to the movie. I loved the multi POV's of Grace, James, Isa, and Everett. The only critic I have, is I didn't love the type of car chosen to replace the best friend's fancy car. The Ferrari is such a classic, I was pretty bummed. However, that is so miniscule and doesn't change my overall rating of the book. Thank you so much NetGalley for the ARC and K. L. Walther for this fun and adventurous book!!

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DNF @ 30%
3 ⭐️
3.5/5 🤬

Thank you NetGalley for the E-copy of this book!
This book is about a group of friends (or ex-friends) getting together one last time for senior skip day. Will they rekindle their old relationships or will they go down in flames?

This book wasn’t bad from what i read until but i just wasn’t connecting to any of the characters which made me not care about continuing the book. The concept of the book is fun but it is very character driven. And that’s great for some people but it wasn’t my thing.

I could see many people enjoying this book but for me i didn’t see the point in continuing the book and i wasn’t going to force myself to. But overall it wasn’t a terrible book. 🤍

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I loved this book, definitely my favorite by this author. The characters were described so well and made me want to keep reading.

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"While We're Young" by K. L. Walther is a poignant and evocative novel that explores the themes of youth, love, and self-discovery. The story follows characters who navigate the trials and triumphs of growing up, dealing with relationships, dreams, and personal growth. Walther’s writing is both lyrical and immersive, capturing the emotional depth and intensity of the characters' experiences. With its relatable characters and insightful exploration of young adulthood, this book is a compelling read for those who appreciate heartfelt and reflective coming-of-age stories.

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Anything Wathler writes is going to be an automatic buy for me!!! I loved the concept of this book and the tension between the main character and the love interest. The love triangle is 100% giving Betty by Taylor swift. I love Walther and her SWIFTIE themed books!

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Adored this one!!

By far my favorite from the author and really enjoyable read.

Perfet for a some read and super easy paced. I read it in one sitting. Really reccomend it!

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I really enjoyed this book. The characters were well developed and lovable. The pacing was perfect and left you wanting to read more. I can't wait to read more by this author!

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Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this book!

I really enjoyed this book. Such a cute quick and easy read. I loved the storyline and the characters. Great writing style. Perfect summer read.

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I absolutely loved The Summer of Broken Rules and was thrilled to receive an ARC of While We’re Young! This book brings different vibes but has all of the ethereal youthful energy TSoBR does.

Following a group of four childhood friends as they finish high school, you see two love stories told from four perspectives. Grace- the class president who decides a day off would be good for her and her friends. Everett- the boy who has been in love with the same girl since 8th grade but too scared to say anything. Isa- the picture perfect, ivy-league valedictorian (hopeful). James- the aloof musician who is known as a trouble maker.

Through a series of errors, reconnection, and self discovery, this quartet addresses the challenges of growing up, anxiety, depression, grief, and broken relationships through a day long adventure.

Bringing so much humor, adventure, and charm, While We’re Young will provide you with so many touching moments and so much laughter. Coming out on March 4, 2025, this book is a great YA romance for your spring reading!

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I couldn’t get into this book. I wasn’t a fan of her first book but wanted to give her another try. The story line was good and the characters were well thought out but it didn’t have me.

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3.5 ✨

•3 friends take an epic skip day, leaving one friend behind at school
•Ferris Bueller vibes, reverse gender style
•4 POV
•Friends since childhood but secrets have strained the friendship
•Last ditch effort to heal the friendship before college
•Friendship, love, adventure, grief
•Dancing With our Hands Tied 🎶

Thanks K.L Walther, Random House, and NetGalley for the eARC!

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This book was really cute! Definitely more vibes focused vs plot focused. It was a fun, quick summer read. I really loved all the characters and the interconnected storylines. Personally, I think Everett was my favorite. Every book by K. L. Walther just leaves me feeling so happy and in a great mood. I love all of her work and I am already excited for my next read by her.

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Fans of Ferris Buellers Day Off will love this retelling! 3 friends go on an adventure to reconnect after their friendships have changed. I loved Grace and Isa’s friendship, they felt like such genuine, likable characters. I instantly adored them both. I loved all the call backs- the dogs name was my favorite! I liked the multi POVs between the 4 main characters, especially as they grew and we learned why the friendship had become strained between them. Easily a 4 star read that I truly enjoyed.

Big thanks to Net Galley, Random House Children’s, and the author for the ARC

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