Member Reviews

Told from multiple points of view, this fun read reminds you of Ferris Bueller’s Day off. Grace and Isa take a senior skip day and decide to get Everett to come along. In the meantime, James. Grace’s brother knows something’s not right when they aren’t at school. Grace and Everett broke up freshman year. Will they get back together? Isa and James like each other, but no one has told Grace. Will that finally happen? During their day out so much happens, and they see some things that cause questions. Was the day worth skipping school?
Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the eARC of this book. All opinions are my own.

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This was another cute book by K.L. Walther. I enjoyed it and it read quickly. Very Ferri Buellee vibes and so many Taylor references. Thank you netgalley for this arc in exchange for my honest opinion

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K.L. Walther you are toooo good. I loved the story line and I loved the characters and their back stories. One of my favorite things about K.L. Walther’s previous books is the way she tells such a high energy story while balancing depth in the characters, and this book does that so well! I feel like I was really in the moment with them!

I loved it, it was so fun. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an early copy!

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Arc: KL Walther I love you and everything you write. You do no wrong. My favorite thing about her writing is she’s not only right romance. She’s writing so much more. Her books are full of family, friends, and romance. I relate so much to Everett with the grief of losing his father.

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I really enjoyed this book! I enjoyed the characters and each of their povs. I wish there was a little more to the ending, but overall, it’s a perfect cute romance with a fun plot!

Thank you NetGalley for an ARC!!

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I am thankful to have gotten the eARC for free from Netgalley and Random House Delacorte Press so I could leave my voluntary and honest review.

Many times when I read that a story is a “retelling” I have found that it is not at all but more of an homage to another story. This is the exception. It is most definitely a retelling of Ferris Buellers Day off (FBDO) It does flip the script a bit on the characters but everything is present to the end that there was nothing surprising as you knew what was going to happen the entire book.

So if you didn’t like FBDO then this is not the book for you! But if you’re a fan, this is a cute retelling that can be a great beach read. I didn’t realize that this was from the same author as Summer of Broken Rule when I requested it and started reading initially. But I had set it aside for other books and circled back to it yesterday and at that point read the information. It makes sense as to why it didn’t grab me right away and had to return to it as I thought Summer of Broken Rules was just meh.

I did enjoy this one much more though. I’m not sure if it’s the nostalgia that made me enjoy it or the journey of the mostly fluffy teen story with some feels. Either way I am glad I read it. There was some cheesiness thrown in in several spots that I am glad it wasn’t any more instances or it would have gotten annoying.

But give it a go if your like YA and want the nostalgia of a beloved movie to get retold.
My rating system since GoodReads doesn’t have partial stars and I rarely round up.

⭐️ Hated it
⭐️⭐️ Had a lot of trouble, prose issues, really not my cup of tea (potentially DNF’d or thought about it)
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Meh, it was an ok read but nothing special
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Really enjoyed it! Would recommend to others
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Outstanding! Will circle back and read again

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Thank you NetGalley for a copy of While We’re Young in exchange for my honest opinion.
"While We’re Young" was an entertaining and fast-paced read, drawing inspiration from the 80s film Ferris Bueller's Day Off. I found it quite enjoyable and it had me reflecting on my own journey and the defining moments of my youth.

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While We’re Young is a wonderful book that’s based off of Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. This book was AMAZING. Even though I’ve only read The Summer of Broken Rules from K.L. Walther, While We’re Young will probably be my favorite books from her. I was hooked from the first line, all the way until the last line. I loved how there were multiple POVs, and that helped me to be able to relate to all the characters in different ways. This book was light and funny at certain times, while also portraying deeper and topics that can hit right to the core. I would definitely recommend this book to people who loved Places We’ve Never Been by Kasie West. Thank you Netgalley for an early copy!

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I loved the summer of broken rules when I read it, but this book just didn’t hit the same for me. I usually love YA books.. this seemed to write a little too young for me. I didn’t connect to any of the characters and they seemed too bland. I would recommend this book to maybe teens or early college students. Just wasn’t my cup of tea tbh.

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This book was a really fun read. It’s now the second book I’ve read by K.L Walther and I continue to think she’s an exceptional writer. While We’re Young truly expresses how people can change growing up, but that in the end, friendship with them is what really matters in spite of what might happen in between. All of the characters in the book illustrate this by sticking by each others side, and I think that message will be appreciated by many people who read this book especially if you’re still in school and/or have a good group of friends.

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4.25/5 ⭐ (it could def be upped to a 4.5/5 ⭐ on a reread!!!)

K. L. Walther does it again. A book full of romance, secrets, and fun adventures around the city of Philadelphia.

Now, I have never seen Ferris Bueller's Day off (though I did catch the end on tv and saw some parallels) but this book made me want to watch it!

I really enjoyed the characters in this one. Each one had their own motivation, and K. L. Walther signature personality. Grace was my favorite of the four. I loved how the book starts off with her mischievousness and loved the way her character developed. I do wish we got more of her talking about her love of tennis but I loved her as a character. I will say, because there were four main POV's I felt like we didn't get as much 'plot' in terms of the adventures they had. It is more a character driven story.

I loved how deeper themes were woven into such a happy story. Def a smiling through your tears kinda book.

It does have an open ending which is one of my least favorite plot devices but I think it worked well for this story (esp after I watch the end of FBDO). Lots of questions that I hope will be maybe discussed in a future book.

I do wish that the parents had found out or at least that the secret isn't kept from everyone in the story (again one of my least favorite tropes is lying/sneaking around though it does make sense with the source material). After a slow start (takes them about 30% to reach their first destination) it is so much fun. Reminded me of What Happens After Midnight by K. L. Walther in that way. Wasn't obsessed the first read, fell in love with it on the second.

ALSO!!! you get cameos for upcoming K.L Walther characters- Mads, Marco and Conner from 'A First Time For Everything' and Audrey from a distant release that she has briefly talked about so keep an eye out for the cameos!!

Waiting for this book to come out is gonna be the worst!! I need to gush about it with people!

Thank you NetGalley and Random House Children's Books for the EARC in exchange for an honest review!

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I haven't been let down by this author yet and this one is no exception. The Summer of Broken Rules is still my favorite by this author, but this one was great as well! She always has amazing covers!

I love a good Ferris Bueller's Day Off inspired story and this one was great. I loved how this one wrapped up allowing us readers to make inferences of what happened next. It reminds me of my high school days, first loves and friendships during that time period.

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While We’re Young is a fun ride! Do you want to hear about an epic senior skip day? If so, this is the book for you!

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A book about 3 friends going on an adventure before they go to college and everything changes, this book drew me in from the beginning. I connected with all of the characters and I didn’t want to put the book down because I needed to know if their relationships were reconciled. I have loved everything that k l walther has written and I can’t wait for people to read this.

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This Ferris Bueller’s Day Off inspired story was fast paced and fun to read with all different kinds of emotions sprinkled in. Obviously we had the romance aspect, but it shined a good light on the importance of friendships and forgiveness as well. There was also a slight melancholy tone tackled as well. Overall it was a fun and exciting read about four friends and two different relationships. My only complaint is I wish we would have gotten a little more insight as to what happened with Isa’s storyline at the end. I did really enjoy it though!

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Thank you Netgalley for the ARC of this book! I LOVED The Summer of Broken Rules and had high hopes for this read!

I would say this is a 3.5, rounded up to 4 stars. While I loved the premise, the characters, and the development, the all too abrupt ending got me! I understand wanting your readers to make their own inferences about what happens next but I needed more from the ending.

My favorite thing about this book was character development and journey they all went through. I knew that things would work out but I appreciate the journey they went on.

I do wish that James could have been a part of the ditch day from the get go but having him join when he did was for a purpose too.

I really hope we get some more resolution in K. L. Walther’s future books!

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I am a BIG fan of KL Walther! I have loved all her previous books and was so lucky to get my hands on her newest release, While We’re Young. Thank you Netgalley for an early e-copy of this book! 

This book is all about the ULTIMATE senior skip day. While I am no longer in school, it gave me the perfect nostalgia and whims of reading a young adult romance. I compared it to the Anna and the French Kiss series just on the vibes, romance triangle/square? and road trip travel.
This book is FULL of longing! The longing is deep and so full of passion for each other. This leads me to say I am an Ev and Grace TRUTHER! Isa and James are cute but I would quite literally die for Ev and Grace to be happy forever until the day they pass at a nice old age surrounded by their great grandkids, ya know?

I love that we see chapters narrated by each of the four main characters! The only thing I hope publishing corrects before mass market release was a couple of details that were repeated from the point of views. Because there are four POVs, characters will describe an item, place, or person with the same terms and it is redundant to a reader if there are no new details.

P.S.- As a Braves fan, I adored all of the Phillies slander in this book and I stand by that!

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This book was super cute! A new version of Ferris buellers day off with lots of movie references and dodging getting caught. I loved how the four characters found their way back to each other. It was a feel good book with a happy ending!

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I'm going to start this off by saying, I love Ferris Bueller's Day Off. So when I heard this was inspired by it, I was very excited to read it. Now that I have read it, I have some issues. The reason why Ferris Bueller's Day Off works (in my opinion) is because there is only one real driving force behind the entire day. Cameron is so the total opposite of his best friend and so uptight that this day does everything it can to get Cameron to finally loosen up and let go. There are other things going on obviously in the movie, but there is one big character arc moment of growth and it's Cameron. This book, it has wayyyyyyy too many things going on and because it has way too many things going on, it can't dial in well into one specific problem. So you end up irritated or let down because you probably chose a story you preferred and it just got watered down because of all of the competing major life things going on. For me, I preferred Grace's story. So I found absolutely everything with Isa and James beyond annoying. Because Isa was having to fight for her side of her story, she came across as the villain in Grace's.

I loved the idea of a Ferris Bueller's Day Off reverse gender retelling, but it just didn't work for me. But I think if you've never seen Ferris Bueller's Day Off, you will probably like it more than me because you have nothing to compare it too.

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As an 80’s child, I was super excited to read this book and it did not disappoint. I loved the setting and all of the cult movie references!

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