Member Reviews

Eight year old Dak has a good life. His family loves him, the family llama farm is successful, and he doesn't have to worry about being cold at night. The llama poop he spends all day shoveling makes for excellent kindling.

It's a good life, he knows, but not necessarily the one he wants. He'd prefer adventure, travel, and a sense of responsibility that doesn't include scooping llama poop. He doesn't expect the opportunity to arise one evening from a sparkling purple llama.

A talking sparkling purple llama. Can Dak help Llama Lucy and his new friend, Fenn, on a quest that is of the utmost importance for their world?

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It was funny, well-paced, and the illustrations were adorable. I could see my boys or my nieces enjoying the story, and I liked how the first book ended well while leaving a nice opening for future stories. The mythology was explained well, the world building was clever, and I very much enjoyed the dragons. I would recommend this book to parents and kids looking for an enjoyable read.

Especially if they like llamas.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This was a fun read! There were some funny moments that will be great for kids. This book will make a great read for kids.

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Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for this e-ARC!
4 stars

Honestly, this is the type of book I'd love to get my niece. It's super cute and adorable, plus is just a fun story. The art is great. There's dragons and magic. The world building is simple but fun. Really, if people want a little fantasy adventures for their kiddos, I'd definitely recommend it!

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