Member Reviews

Absolutely wonderful. Easily a perfect read for both kids and adults about learning who you are and what is important to you. And a must-read for fans of K. O’Neill’s other works, as well as for any new comers who are fans of Studio Ghibli or the Earthsea series — I mention the last because this story struck the same exact chord in me that LeGuin’s story did, and I love chasing a feeling.

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Desperately lovely. There needs to be a word for the particular melancholic yearning provided only by a Studio Ghbili movie and a K. O'Neill graphic novel.

I love how much is conveyed through large, macro-lens landscapes', and how minimal but impactful the dialogue is. The subtle worldbuilding, with its focus on traditional folkways as well as environmental ethics, is just outstanding. The fact that we're getting such contemplative queer narratives is simply a gift. All the stars.

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