Member Reviews

I have to start with my usual disclaimer that I rate memoirs highly because it is their story to tell. Some celebrities use ghost writers and are better narrators than others. I hesitate to say that this memoir would have been better with a co-writer and narration coaching. I appreciated all of the context given with his family history and acknowledgement of his privilege in the industry. There were so many interesting anecdotes about his time on Little House (which was why I requested the book) so fans will enjoy!
*Thanks to High Bridge Audio, Kensington Publishing & NetGalley for the ebook and audiobook copies

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Thank you to HIgh Bridge audio and to NetGalley for an ARC of this fantastic audiobook.

I was really excited when I saw Dean Butler had a book coming out, and even more excited when I saw it on NetGalley to request. I was able to get an audio and a digital copy and was very excited for both.

I really enjoyed this book. I have been a massive Little House fan (the books and the show) always wanted to know more about Dean and his career. I have read a lot of the other actors from the show's books and have enjoyed most of them, but now it is Dean's turn to tell his own story. On Little House he came across and genuine and very sweet and he comes the same way here. I think he is genuinely appreciative of his role as Almanzo and how it changed the trajectory of his career.

This book was great fun and a really quick read. I definitely recommend it to any Little House fans, or anyone interested in Deans career before and after Little House.

I loved listening to Dean tell his own story. It was like sitting down with an old friend listening to his stories of his career. I am really glad that he read his own book, it was so much fun.

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A great memoir about Dean Butler that not only sheds light onto his life but also the Life of Little House and the Prairie. It’s a glimpse into the glamour of Hollywood both then and now. It was filled with insights and didn’t shy away from some hard pieces while maintaining dignity for others at the same time. I really enjoyed the audio version of this one since Dean read it himself. Thanks to NetGalley and Kensington Publishing for the read.

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5 stars. Can I give it 10? Gladly I would. I am a LHOP fan. Have seen every episode multiple times (I’m a 72 baby). This is my first LHOP memoir. Dean Butler. What a treasure. An absolutely genuine, honest, candid and humble man who gives a riveting insight into LHOP experience as well as the many other aspects of his life while being 100% respectful towards those he mentions in the book without holding back pertinent information. Dean writes beautifully, and is genuine in his feelings towards others with gratitude and thanks which I feel is so lacking in many celebrities of today. While the reflections on LHOP was my main interest, I was pleasantly surprised that Dean was the producer for FAHERTY, a podcast/sports show that I loved so much, featuring golf stars as well as other well known favorite athletes from other sports. I loved that show and it was awesome to learn about the making of the show and special behind the scenes moments. This is a memoir I devoured in one day and was wanting more. I wished that Michael Landon would have been closer to Dean and there was a lasting bond there, and I appreciate Dean’s honesty and down to earth approach in describing his relationships with those he worked so closely with. It’s evident that Dean has a lasting love and passion for the LHOP and and I’m so thankful that he wrote this book to give us a glimpse into his experiences on the show as well as his family history and personal love life. He’s an amazing person and I hope this book is a huge success. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher, and Dean Butler for allowing me access to this wonderful book.

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Thank you to NetGalley for providing a copy of this audiobook in exchange for an honest review. I am a proud Bonnethead and have had the pleasure of meeting Dean Butler and having a great chat with him about his love and appreciation for both his role in the Little House on the Prairie tv series and the wonderful work he has done independently on documentaries to portray the real life Laura and Almonzo. So I can't act surprised to have loved his memoir "Prairie Man" so darn much. His voice comes literally through on his narration of his memoir but also in the words directly from the physical book. This is a good man, grateful for the career he has had and not ashamed to adamantly admit to his love and appreciation for the role that first endeared him to the public. This book is all about Little House and also not so much about Little House. I say that because once Dean received the role of Little House, everything he did after seems to have shaped him into the person he became and ultimately into the man he is today. Spoiler: He's a good man. The actual content about filming Little House and his co-stars is just a small part of the book as a whole but what he gives us is lovely and relevant to his experiences. He tells some truths that are a little hard for fans to hear but that ultimately are respectful nevertheless. He doesn't demean any of his fellow actor's experiences. I appreciated that. I also loved the look at the roles and positions he next experienced in his life. This was such an enjoyable book. I loved also the two forwards of the book by Melissa Gilbert (Laura Ingalls Wilder) and the ever lovely Alison Angrim (Nellie Olseson). Please give this one a try even if you aren't a Little House fan. Its nice to read a book that is honest and yet also respectful.

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