Member Reviews

During World War II, an American expatriate turned French ambulance driver and a British pilot team up with refugees to get out of France as the Germans are closing in.

This book covers events I didn't know about, the evacuation of Dunkirk and the sinking of a ship that was supposed to carry people to safety. It also offers a glimpse within the halls of power during Churchill's talks with French leaders.

Fleeing France was captivating from start to finish and I really appreciated the way Alan Hlad brought these events to life through the story of Ruth and Jimmie and their friends and family. Great audiobook narration.

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Historical fiction titles have the opportunity to spark an interest to dive a little deeper into the period. Alan Hlad's Fleeing France does a great job of painting the picture of how horrific the invasion of France by the Germans was for those living through it.

Overall, the story is compelling with a touch of romance between Ruth, an ambulance driver for the French Army, and Jimmy, an RAF pilot she and her friend Lucette rescue. They journey together across the country, attempting to find safety for a young 9-year-old Jewish girl and her grandfather they meet soon after Jimmy's rescue. The story does a good job of conveying the fear and joy felt by the characters.

While I enjoyed the romance, I felt like the story's end for the couple was a little contrived, or at least not how I'd anticipated the characters to act in that situation.

As for the narration, I found the layering of accents to be a nice touch. Feedback from my peanut gallery was that the narrator was 'breathy' and hard to listen to. I could detect what they mentioned, but it didn't deter me from finishing the audiobook.

Thanks to NetGalley and High Bridge Audio for the audiobook for review..

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Ruth Lacroix is an American singer living in Paris. When the war breaks out, she wants to do her part to help France. She becomes an ambulance driver and ends up meeting a downed RAF pilot, Jimmie, in Dunkirk. As Dunkirk falls and over two hazardous weeks, Ruth and Jimmie will journey hundreds of miles together, helping other refugees as they rush to reach the sea before they are overtaken by the Germany army.

This is a well researched tale. It is full of history and great characters. I enjoyed Ruth. She has a big heart and lots of courage.

The only reason for the 4 star rating is the love story was a bit overly dramatic. Their conversations just didn’t feel real. Minor issue!

The narrator, Moniqua Plante, is excellent. She did a wonderful job with all the different voices, accents and emotions…and believe me, this story is emotional!

Need a well researched historical fiction…THIS IS IT! Grab your copy today.

I received this novel from the publisher for a honest review.

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Even though there are so many numerous novels revolving around World War II, Alan Hlad has provided his own fascinating perspective and detailed account of it.
The characters in his story are well-drawn and include Americans, French, British and Germans, among many participants. It is obvious the author did quite a bit or research for the story. I learned so many more details about places and battles that I thought I was familiar with. Each had their own story, and it was fascinating to see how their lives and actions all played out. I especially liked the roles women played in the war effort.
The horror of war and the devastation caused by it were so graphically described. What realism!
The narration was great. This was my introduction to the author, and I am a fan!

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I love historical fiction, especially set in the WWII era. I’ve read a lot and this may be my favorite. It’s great to hear the perspective from a man and a woman. I don’t want to share too much for fear of spoiling it for others, but I really enjoyed this book and would love to read more from this author!

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While I appreciated the opportunity to listen to the arc of this book I just found that it was very difficult to get into and follow, I unfortunately had to dnf.

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<a href="" style="float: left; padding-right: 20px"><img border="0" alt="Fleeing France" src="" /></a><a href="">Fleeing France</a> by <a href="">Alan Hlad</a><br/>
My rating: <a href="">5 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
I was given a free copy of the audiobook on NetGalley. Another great historical fiction novel by Alan Hlad. Ruth and Jimmie's story with World War II plot was unlike any other book I've read. I recommend this novel to anyone who enjoys fiction novels with historical elements with a sweet love story.
<a href="">View all my reviews</a>

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I am a huge fan of historical fiction ... especially those that occur during WWII. This book was a little different focus than those I have read in the past. While it deals with the story of a nightclb singer who decides that she needs to do more to help end the war that Germany has declared. Her willingness to volunteer to drive as part of the French Ambulance Service (along with her friend, Lucette) is admirable. The relationships she makes, the people she meets, the efforts she makes in helping an RAF pilot and a young 9-year-old Jewish girl and her grandfather escape France. I learned more about the efforts to rescue those who participated in the battle at Dunkirk. The author did a wonderful job of providing well researched details while bringing to life the people who were willing to sacrifice everything to end the war. A little bit of romance, edge-of-your-seat anticipation, a front-seat view of the willingness of individuals to make a difference. This is definitely one to put at the top of your to-read list!

Thank you to NetGalley and John Scognamiglio Book for my advanced review copy. All opinions and thoughts are my own.

For more reviews, please visit my blog at: Over 1000 reviews posted!

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4.5 glowing stars for Alan Hlad’s newest book, Fleeing France. I feel very lucky to not only have discovered author, Alan Hlad, but to have read each and everyone of his books. Fleeing France was Alan Hlad’s newest historical fiction novel and it was a good one. It was fast paced, well written and very well researched. Alan Hlad's novels usually include a little known aspect about World War II that has not yet been fully explored. Fleeing France was inspired by the real events of the evacuation of Dunkirk or Operation Dynamo, the Nazi invasion of France, the formation and volunteering of French women to the French Ambulance Corps, the defeat at the Battle of France and Operation Aerial which occurred during several days in June of 1940. I listened to the audiobook of Fleeing France that was narrated very well by Moniqua Plante. Her performance was excellent and made my experience of listening to this audiobook even more enjoyable.

Ruth Lacroix was the daughter of a French born mother and an American father. Her parents lived in Maine on a farm that boasted a beautiful orchard full of apples. Growing up on the farm, Ruth learned how to drive and repair the tractor that serviced the farm as soon as she was old enough. Ruth was born with a special gift. She was a very talented singer. As soon as she was old enough, Ruth left her parents in Maine and went to live with her Aunt Colette and Uncle Julian and her cousin in Paris. Uncle Julian was a doctor and Aunt Colette was a nurse. They worked together at the same hospital. Both Aunt Colette and Uncle Julian welcomed Ruth into their home and offered her a place to live for as long as she wanted to remain in Paris. Ruth considered herself very lucky to be offered a singing role at Casino de Paris. During her time at Casino de Paris, Ruth made the acquaintance of a dancer named Lucette Soulier. The two women forged a meaningful friendship with each other.

All was going well for Ruth in Paris and with her singing career until Hitler and the Nazis threatened to invade France. Ruth’s cousin enlisted in the French Army and not long after he had enlisted the family received the devastating news that he had been killed in action. Ruth was inconsolable. She had been very close with her cousin. He was more of a brother to Ruth than a cousin. His death was a terrible shock and loss. With the threat of a Nazi invasion, the casino where Ruth had been performing, was forced to close. Ruth lost her job but she was determined to remain in France and help with the war effort. Both Ruth and Lucette applied to become ambulance drivers in the French Ambulance Corps. Ruth’s parents tried to encourage her to come home to the States where she would be safe but Ruth was determined to stay in France. Her parents finally relented and gave Ruth their support and blessing to do her part in the war effort.

As ambulance drivers, Ruth and Lucette saw their fair share of injured soldiers. When news of the evacuation of Dunkirk reached Ruth and Lucette, their orders were to bring all injured soldiers there for evacuation from France. Before Ruth and Lucette had a chance to head towards Dunkirk, they witnessed a British Royal Air Force pilot bailing from his burning plane. The pilot was Jimmie Quill and he had been part of Squadron Number 73 RAF. Jimmie had suffered a broken arm that Ruth and Lucette did their best to set. Jimmie’s main goal was to get back to his Squadron but after he discovered that his squadron had evacuated their base he agreed to accompany Ruth and Lucette to the port near St. Nazaire. They learned that a ship had been commissioned to transport any troops that remained in France and any civilians that wished to escape from France and the Nazis to England. Churchil had named this endeavor, Operation Aerial.

Ruth, Lucette and Jimmy drove the ambulance toward the port. Along the way, they encountered lots of French people trying to get to the port. There were mostly women and children and the elderly crowding the roads. One young girl and her grand pere caught Ruth’s attention when the elderly man began to fall. The girl was Aline Cadieux the man was her grand pere and was called Pierre. They were French Jews. Aline was nine years old. She had lost her mother in a bombing raid and her father had been taken to a camp by the Nazis. Aline and Pierre joined Ruth, Lucette and Jimmie in their quest to reach the port. It took the group over two weeks to reach their destination. After the ambulance broke down, they were forced to walk and they found refuge in barns and anywhere they could to sleep. When they finally reached the Port near St. Nazaire, Lucette and Aline were among those that were allowed on the first evacuation ship. Ruth and Jimmie had to wait until the next day to board a ship that was leaving France. On that fateful day, the Luftwaffe attacked the evacuation ship, the RMS Lancastria. So many did not survive as the RMS Lancastria sank. What was the fate of Ruth and Jimmie? Had they been among those that survived?

Fleeing France was a compelling yet heartbreaking story. I enjoyed all the historical details Alan Hlad was able to include in this book. I admired Ruth’s courage, strength and determination. It was interesting to witness Churchill’s thought process and planning throughout the war years. I was quite receptive to the romance that began with Ruth and Jimmie. They were destined to find one another. Fleeing France encompassed the acts of courage, resilience, bravery, sacrifice and determination.. If you enjoy a well written and researched historical fiction book that takes place during World War II then I highly recommend Fleeing France by Alan Hlad to you.

Thank you to High Bridge Audio for allowing me to listen to the audiobook of Fleeing France by Alan Hlad through Netgalley in exchange for an unbiased review.

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Fleeing France by Alan Hlad
Historical WWII fiction. Inspired by real events.
American born singer Ruth Lacroix has lived in Paris for many years so when the war arrives in France, she wants to help rather than sail home. She volunteers to support France and when desperate needs occur, she ends up driving an ambulance and transporting the injured. She encounters Jimmie, a British Royal Air Force pilot after he bails out of his burning plane and they travel together to Dunkirk, caring for the wounded, and orphaned.
They travel hundreds of miles together, but courage and resilience offer no protection. A single stroke of luck, or a split-second decision, can mean the difference between live and death.

🎧 I listened to an audiobook of this narrated by Moniqua Plante. The performance is wonderfully done with different voices for the main characters as well as accents both American and French, the latter being impressive with the name of the restaurant, towns and names. Emotions of worry and sadness, and contained terror were clearly heard as the story progressed through the war and difficult times. I could feel the exhaustion from both the storyline and the voices.
I listened to this audiobook at 1.5 which for me matches the local speech patterns and made the narration compelling and attention grabbing.

Heroes of history, many stories that may be lost, but this book reminds us that millions were impacted and many stepped up with their lives. It was a sad time around the world. The heroes should not forgotten.
Riveting storytelling. I wish it could be a happier ending but wars certainly are not.

I received a copy of this from NetGalley and publisher RBmedia.

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Thank you to HighBridge Audio and NetGalley for an ARC of this audiobook.

Historical fiction is my favorite genre and I have read many novels that take place during WWII. It may be that I have just read too many novels from this time period, but I really didn't find anything different or unique about this story that will stay with me. When reading historical fiction, I like it to be about something that I want to look up and learn more about. While listening to the story, I found my attention drifting and did not find the narrator very engaging. I also did not like the ending because it did not really conclude the story and left the reader wondering what happened to the main characters. Maybe there is going to be a sequel? I am not sure, but I don't think that I am interested enough to read it if there is one.

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4⭐️s. Wonderful story of how hard love is to find. Especially in the midst of World War II. Also, let us not forget the hardships portrayed so many endured. May we continue to learn from the past and seek better.

Ruth’s dream is the be a singer at the Casino de Paris. Unfortunately, that dream must be put on a shelf as war has come to France. When news of family dying in the war comes, Ruth knows she has to do something. She hears a need for volunteers with the French ambulance corps, and not so easily makes the cut. Jimmie is a British Royal Air Force pilot. When his plane catches on fire he must bail out quickly. Thankfully for him, Ruth is close by. They both spend two weeks trying to get back to their posts while helping refugees and facing a disaster that could change everything they found.

A wonderful narration by Monique Plante. So grateful for the advanced listener copy from @netgalley @highbridgeaudio and @alanhlad

#netgalley #advancedlistenercopy #fleeingfrance #bookstagram #book #audiobook #alanhlad

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This was OK. The story reminded me of the backstory of inglorious bastaards . The story tended to drag on and really didn't differ than a lot of WWII stories.

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Fleeing France: A WWII Novel of Sacrifice and Rescue in the French Ambulance Service
by Alan Hlad, narrated by Moniqua Plante

In 1939 Ruth Lacroix had left her family's Maine apple farm to live in France with her aunt and uncle so she could pursue a singing career. But the death of her cousin to German soldiers and her love of France and its people led her to want to do her part to protect France. Because of her work on her parents farm and with farm machinery, Ruth is hired as an ambulance driver and she loves the work, doing her best to transport injured soldiers to the medical help they so dearly need.

At the same time German planes are targeting Ruth and her ambulance, Jimmie, a British Royal Air Force pilot, is hanging in a tree from his parachute and Ruth and her coworker are able to save him. From there the trio, along with others they pick up along the way, must find a way to flee France as the Allies begin a mass evacuation named Operation Aerial.

I listened to the audiobook and the narration really upped my anxiety. Never a dull or safe moment, the peril that all the civilians and escaping soldiers were in is made clear. When this book is over, it's not over, there is much more to be done and some of those who make it to the end of the book are heading into danger as great or greater than the danger they have already survived. There is more story here if the author wishes to write it although I'm not sure my heart can take much more for these characters. Still, I want more, I want to know what happens next, even if I won't like what happens.

Thank you to HighBridge Audio and NetGalley for this ARC.

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Interesting story of a few brave women willing to risk their safety to help those in Fance fighting the Germans. The main character, a young woman from ME and living her dream in France as a singer when the war breaks out. She joins the war effort as an ambulance driver. We learn a bit about the battle a Dunkirk and the fighting in WWII. There is a brewing romance and a few twists in the plot. A good story with a happy if not impossible ending.
Thank you NetGalley for this audiobook.

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I always love how Alan Hlad tells a story, “Fleeing France” is no exception. Ruth Lacroix is an American singer in Paris when World War II starts and makes thge decision, along with a friend, to drive an ambulance in France instead of going back to the United States. On a transport they run into Jimmie, a British Royal Air Force pilot, who has bailed out of his burning plane, and they try to get out of France. I loved this book, but I want a follow up what happens to everyone next! I became very invested in everyones story.

Narrato, Moniqua Plante is the perfect choice to keep up calm through some scares and nail bitting parts.

Thank you NetGalley and HighBridge Audio for an advanced copy!

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I was able to review the audiobook of the novel thanks to Netgalley and am rounding it up to 3.5 stars. It's a wonderful WWII historical fiction story about the courageous roles women with fierce determination played during the war. An emotional and fast paced story inspired by real events. A very inspirational and enlightening story.

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History major nerd came out big with this book in me! I LOVED it! I so enjoyed listening to this as I grocery shopped this evening and did some household chores. The characters just were so well done, and the storyline was beautiful. Highly recommend!

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