Member Reviews

3.5 ⭐️I enjoyed this book along with its heartfelt moments and captivating characters, but I unfortunately didn’t love it. The plot centers around a vibrant protagonist who explores the intricacies of love and relationships, providing readers with a blend of emotional resonance and playful humor. I really enjoyed Lin’s writing, but I don’t think it was fully for me! I love sapphic romance novels, but maybe I might be outgrowing YA novels. I still think this is a good book if want a quick cutie read though!!

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the ARC!

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'Love Points to You' is a fresh, exciting entry in the YA coming of age genre. With complex familial dynamics, friendships, passions, and romance, Alice Lin does a fantastic job portraying the absolute chaos that is your junior year of high school. While it's woven into everything, the romantic relationship between Lynda and Angela always feels comforting even when things aren't quite so smooth between them. I cannot begin to express how much it means to me to have bi ace representation like this where their sexualities are so normalized and not at all perceived as negative or questionable in any way. Their sexualities are noted in small, purposeful details in their interactions and worldviews bringing startlingly relatable and accurate representation. Every page of this book is laced with so much love and heart. What an absolute joy it is to read!

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This is the story of Lynda Fan, a teenage artist going through turmoil in her family life and dreaming of attending RISD. When Lynda meets Angela, they begin working on an Otome game together and maybe also fall in love.

I have mixed feelings about this book, and a lot of that comes from how it's marketed. Lynda is a complex character with plenty of flaws and the romance oftentimes takes a back seat to her character struggles/development. Its biggest problem stems from the fact that we know almost nothing about Angela and much of the book is about Lynda's family instead. This is much more of a coming of age story than a romance, although it did have some really cute moments.

Bi people deserve to have mediocre romances written about them too.

Thank you to Delacorte Romance and Netgalley for the ARC!

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Alice Lin is an incredibly talented writer; I just want to get that out of the way, first and foremost. This book spoke to me through every character: Lynda being so driven and unwilling to accept the idea of giving up, even in others, Angela's fear of pursuing her passion as her career and then losing interest in it, Josie being so mindful of everyone else's feelings that she sticks with something she has grown to hate-- every part of it. I love that this exemplified a different versions/stages of burnout through the character's individual struggles. The family dynamic between Josie and Lynda, primarily, but also the dynames that extended to Aunt Mindy, Lynda's father, and Amy's mother were eloquent and realistic. This book was a gift, and I'm so thankful I got to read it. Very excited for whatever comes next from Alice Lin!

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I'm so conflicted!!
IT started off so good and I was convinced I was going to LOVE this, but in the end I think I'm going to have to rate this 3.25 stars.
While it was super cute, I wasn't very convinced by the romance, I think from Linda's perspective it was just kind of a snap moment and then she liked Angela, whereas if we had Angelas pov, I think i would enjoy it more.
Also I KNOW that Linda is supposed to be flawed, but she was still annoying to me
there were also some typos, so I hope that they will be fixed when this is published.
I know this review sounds kinda negative, but I still really enjoyed it and had a great time reading it :)

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As an ace reader, I LOVED the ace/demi rep in this book. I would have loved to have this and other books like it available to me as a teen.

The family tension in this book is very strong. Lynda is a strong-willed, stubborn character who is not afraid to speak her mind, and she has to learn that sometimes she doesn’t know everything that’s going on with everyone around her. It’s an uncomfortable journey, and I’d say after prolonged conflict it resolves maybe a bit too nearly, but overall it’s a good story with a message that resonates. The message? Learn and practice empathy for others, go after your dreams, and remember that sometimes others have dreams that don’t necessarily help you with yours. Oh, and kind transparency is almost always a good choice.

This is one I’d recommend for people who really love YA and are looking for an emotional journey with family tension, self discovery, and demisexual representation. Oh, and lots of great multicultural Asian American rep!

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I am not sure if the open ending of the story worked for me, and some things happened to be a little too convenient. I’m also not sure if the balance of Lynda’s likability is there. Despite these minor flaws, I loved how relatable and realistic the majority of characters are.

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"Even the everyday stuff is a lot more colorful with you around."

BIGGG thank you to NetGalley and Delacorte Romance for this arc in exchange for an honest review!!

Overall, I enjoyed this book. I thought this was super cute, definitely 4 stars, until around the middle of the book. My biggest issue is that between the cover, title, and first sentence of the synopsis, this book is being marketing like a YA romance when in reality it reads more like a coming-of-age novel. I found myself expecting a lot more from the romance and was a little confused when we spent about 70% of the book with Lynda and her family. However, the story overall was fun and I enjoyed a lot of the characters!


Our FMC Lynda loves art and really wants to get into the Rhode Island School of Design, but she doesn't have the money. Her dad and new stepmom don't care enough about her interests, deciding to focus more on her stepsister’s violin lessons. Fustrated, Lynda is worried she'll have to find a way to pay for RISD all on her own, when her classmate, Angela Wu, offers to hire Lynda as a character designer for an otome she's developing game. Between school and working on the game, Lynda and Angela grow closer, and Lynda begins to wonder if there's more to life than just art.

I absolutely LOVEDDDDDDD every aspect of the otome game. I ate up every scene where they talking about the development of the game. I would 100% play it lol.

The first half of the story was fun and fast-paced, but towards the middle it started to drag a bit. I'm also not a fan of Lynda's behavior towards the end, and I think things wrapped up way to quickly considering how she acted.


Because I read an e-arc, I won't put anymore direct quotes. However, I thought Lin's writing style was easy to follow and flowed well. A lot of the book was Lynda's inner monologue, which did get a little annoying once she started blowing up at everyone, but all in all I enjoyed the writing.


LYNDA: I've got mixed feelings on Lynda. I couldn't truly connect with her, even in the beginning, and she comes off as very self-centered and close-minded as the book goes on. Like, relax girlie, the world doesn't revolve around you. Lynda spends basically the entire book being jealous of her stepsister Josie, and she slowly continues this huge negative downward spiral until she explodes. Towards the end when she blew up on her parents, sister, best friend, aunt, AND girlfriend, I had to put my kindle down for a second and take a breath.

I did, however, enjoy the tiny crumbs we got off her creation Buncleaver. I would absolutely buy a Buncleaver sticker pack.

ANGELA: I don't dislike Angela, but I also didn't learn much about her or see her as much as I would've hoped. She felt like a side character, as the love interest, was definitely disappointing. We never get a true conclusion on Angela's future with the game or even the next steps in the process, and I felt like she forgave Lynda way too quickly after her harsh words.

One thing that was absolutely iconic was her revenge plot against all those guys. I support that completely.

BORA: Probably my favorite character. If Bora and Lynda hadn't supposedly grown up together, I wonder a bit more why they were friends. Bora was such a delight! She was funny and supportive of Lynda while still keeping it real with her, and she wasn't afraid to tell Lynda when she was doing too much. I also think she should've gotten a better apology. I'd 100% read a Bora spin-off.

JOSIE: I felt so bad for Josie the entire book! It seemed like every single family member, INCLUDING Lynda, was stressing her out 24/7. I hated Lynda's reaction to Josie finally admitting that she didn't want to play the violin anymore, because frankly, fuck you, Lynda. Not everything people do is a hate crime against you and your life. I loved seeing Josie just glide through life during the last 20% off the book with no more violin lessons, because it was honestly the least stressed we saw her all book. I do wish she'd been able to get back with her boyfriend.

LYNDA'S DAD: I don't like this man, and I don't care that they started working on their issues towards the end. The whole reveal at the end for him didn't really strike me as anything spectacular, unfortunately. There's a certain age where it’s a bit too late for parents to try and start being interested in what their kids like, and 16 is way past that age. I have no sympathy for absent parents, but I can admit that I like that he's trying now.

AMY: I honestly didn't like Amy either. She comes off as a helicopter parent, and it started to feel like Josie's lessons were less about what Josie likes and more about what her mom wanted from her. I wish that shoe Josie threw had hit her.


Overall, I did enjoy this book. I do think it was a little unrealistic, solely because why does Angela just have $10,000 to give?? That honestly made my jaw drop. I did enjoy the ace rep, but I wish the ending hadn't been so abrupt.

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this was such a cute and fun book! I love the sapphic young love and lynda and angela were so cute together! i love their rivals to lovers vibes

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I love a good sapphic romance in my life! This book was a cute and easy read for someone needing something light. The characters have a beautiful depth and complexity to them that helps the reader really connect with their story. If you’re looking for a romance with LGBTQIA+ representation, this book is for you!

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I loved the way the story revolves around Lynda and Angela’s growth as humans. I think this is very much a story about accepting your imperfections and embracing your sense of self no matter how it has changed from what you originally thought.

In terms of romance I was disappointed we didn’t get more of it and it definitely wasn’t the main focus of the plot but it was still very cute when we did get bits.

I did go into this book knowing that it was a YA f/f romance but I was pleasantly surprised by the fact that both the MC’s are asexual! We don’t get nearly enough ace rep in books and I was very happy to see it here.

The plot of the book was easy to follow and fun. It was a lot of fun to just get lost in and all the descriptions! I was definitely craving some good bubble tea by the end.

The characters were well developed and grounded. You knew exactly what they wanted and over the course of the book, you get to know them even better and were able to connect with them on an emotional level. They felt like real people which is always good in a contemporary book.

I enjoyed the writing style of this book very much. The language was sophisticated and nerdy in a way that I relate to personally (I have been told I talk like I’m out of a classical novel before). It gives the characters an extra dimension and really cemented their personalities for me.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my thoughts and review of my very first ARC!

Rating 4.4 ⭐️ out of 5⭐️

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Amazing book . Love the character development and plot line will definitely reccomend to friends and gamily

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This book was very cute and sweet. I think it was great Lynda got to experience so character growth in many ways. I felt bad for Josie and thinks she deserves so much better. This book is great for younger reader to be introduced to a sweet sapphic story line. Would definitely recommend to younger teenagers who are trying to figure things out in their own way.

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I received a free e-ARC in exchange for an honest review. Thank you to Random House Children's and NetGalley.

I thought Love Points to You by Alice Lin was a cute YA romance. I really liked the frenemies to friendship to dating arc and the chemistry between Lynda and Angela. Also I appreciated that Lynda is not perfect and acts out like a teenager. It was a little hard to read some of the family interactions but I thought they were well done. And I love the cute illustrations at the top of each chapter, especially Buncleaver. Really the only downside of the book and the reason I am giving it 4 stars instead of 5 is that I thought the ending was rather rushed, and I wish there had been maybe 1-2 more chapters and things there were developed more.

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As long as you’re up for a YA book, I’d recommend Love Points To You. The book kept me engaged with unique story and world elements I haven’t read about before. I also really enjoyed a new and unique version of a love story (ace rep!) that I haven’t seen much before. I did get a little frustrated with the main character’s behavior and extreme emotional reactions, but that often happens to me in when I read young adult books, and the MC’s learning is satisfying. Cute and fun! Would recommend.

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Giving this one a neutral three stars, I didn't love and I didn't hate it. The author is great with their words and story telling, however this one just wasn't quite right for me, I couldn't personally relate to any of the characters and it took me out of the story.

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"Love Points to You" by Alice Lin is a charming romance novel that weaves together heartfelt moments with engaging characters. The story follows a dynamic protagonist navigating the complexities of love and relationships, offering readers a mix of emotional depth and lighthearted humor. Lin's writing is both witty and poignant, making it an enjoyable read for fans of contemporary romance. The book stands out for its relatable characters and well-crafted dialogue, though it occasionally leans on familiar tropes. Overall, it's a delightful addition to the genre, perfect for a cozy escape.

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This was super cute and fun! I really enjoyed the characters and their dynamic. It could've used more depth but for a YA romance I have no complaints.

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Such a fun and loving read! I was reminded of the TV show babysitters club. How does a family recover after losing someone? What about two families struggling to find their ways blending together? An emotional read you don't want to miss.

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This is a hard review for me to write because I feel like there was a pretty equal amount of things that I liked and disliked about this book.

Let's start with what I liked!

1. I am a 30 year old and I love smut as much as the next person, that being said it low key gives me the ick when YA books start merging into smutty territory. I LOVE that this was a YA novel that actually felt age appropriate, while still being able to enjoy it as an adult. The romance was tasteful and something that I would let a younger teen read, but it still didn't feel juvenile to read as an adult.

2. I was so happy to see asexual representation in this, and I think it was written quite well. As someone who identifies as Demisexual, it was nice to read a story with Ace characters that still wanted the romance, just not the sex.

3. I think there are some really great characters in this book. I think my favorite were Bora and Josie. Bora showed true friendship, even when it came time to give Lynda some tough love. I also appreciated how she NEVER treated Josie like her "best friends stepsister" and was a friend to her as well. Josie was my favorite character though. By the end of the book, we learn of her internal battles and how it took so much courage to stand up for herself, despite all of her uncertainties. She felt realistic and relatable.

Now, let me address the things I didn't love!

1. For being a romance novel, I felt like there wasn't an awful lot of romance. The story focused on Lynda and her family issues more than the romance in my opinion. Which is fine, but it was more coming-of-age with a side plot of romance than an actual romance to me.

2. Don't get me wrong, I like Angela, but I feel like for being the love interest to Lynda, we actually really didn't get to know that much about her, or her past as a popular girl. I would have liked to explore her character more. For being the romantic inter of a romance novel, I feel like we know very little about her at all. I feel like I know more about Bora and Josie to be honest.

3. The story had me really invested at the beginning, then it felt like it started to drag a bit around half way through. It started picking up and bit and then ultimately the ending conflict felt like a let down. Lynda got upset because she felt she was treated unfairly, lashed out at her family, best friend, and girlfriend, said some truly terrible things out of anger, and then just apologized and everything was fine. We got no closure on the fate of the game or Lynda's future at RISD and it just felt a little disappointing.

Overall, I did enjoy the story, it was cute, I liked a lot of the characters, I just wish the ending would have tied up more loose ends and left us knowing a bit more of what happens in the future. I'm giving this 3 stars, but I would really give this more like 3.5 stars. I did really enjoy it, I was just left wanting more.

I received an arc from the publisher and I am voluntarily leaving an honest review.

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