Member Reviews

Sent my review to the provided email in the ARC: And here, since this is just going to the publisher:

Per the request in the advance copy of Love Points to You that I received, I am sending my review of this book here. For clarification, I received a copy of the aforementioned book through NetGalley. I also gave a 5 out ot 5 star review and a message thanking NetGalley and Delacorte Romance for the copy:

As for my full review:

I loved Love Points to You, the characters, the plot and literally everything about the book! I am an Indian American and, till now, had not read many books written in the POV of an Asian American, or an American with Asian ancestry. I connected with the book that way, seeing the POV of Lynda as she lives her life and explores her opportunities. I liked the writing of the book, it pulled at me as we bond and sympathize with Lynda as well as with the other characters. Despite some of the things and opinions Lynda has, we still root for her and laugh along with her. For one, I loved the part in the book when Lynda overhears her Dad and Aunt Mindy during the holidays and she replies mentally to her aunt that she doesn't have an attitude. That made me laugh out loud. The whole book was a nonstop read for me, into today's early morning hours!

I liked Angela's personality as well, how she stands for what she believes in and doesn't care about others opinions of her behavior. In that, she and Lynda are similar, I felt. I liked how their love story plays out, how it changes Lynda through the book until she finally asks Angela out, after Angela pulls it out of her when they're in the library. Lynda began wondering how a person's attitude towards their dreams and goals could change when they fall in love, we see this with Collin and Josie (I hope I got his name right!). Then she repeats her sentiments later when she realizes she's fallen in love with Angela.

Overall, I could go on and on about what I loved about this book and I loved everything. Their romance, the story line, the characters. I liked that Lynda is on a better understanding with her dad and Amy and Josie and I hope that this isn't a standalone, that the story continues. If it doesn't, I'll be happy imagining Lynda and Angela and their classmates going off to college, Lynda and Angela surviving through long-distance, if they go to different colleges, and ending up together. Like how Lynda's dad said in his vows that he got a biking partner as well as a life partner in Amy, I feel like I can imagine Lynda and Angela's vows at their wedding. Lynda incorporating her feelings that life with Angela will be more colorful and Angela saying her life with Lynda will be magical. But this is just my imagination, inspired by the brilliant writing of Alice Lin!

I can't wait until the book comes out next year, will definitely buy a copy!

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