Member Reviews

So sorry but I did not enjoy this book and would have preferred reading some travel blogs during this time. I've been curious about visiting Thailand a few years now but was not enticed to make travel plans now,

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Doing Life Differently in Thailand : One woman ditching the daily grind, living solo and making memories. I wanted to love this book but was a bit disappointed. EAT, SLEEP, REPEAT, was the theme. I was hoping to be taken on a tour of the country and take a peek into some of the amazing places. Whereas it was a diary of the food the author ate, and her relationship with the locals. I found it a bit sad that she had all this solo time on her hands and just stayed in the same few places. It was a bit odd as not many people would be able to live in hotels for months at a time. However, I also admire that she did exactly what she wanted to do, and that in itself is doing things differently (whatever it is to you).

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This book has the honor of being one of the few books I did not finish. I can usually power through a bad book but I could not imagine reading 300 more pages. The book really needs an editor. It is an adolescent diary written by a 50+ year old woman. Every day is the same I spoke Thai, I ate food, I rested in my air conditioned room. Having her repeat that 200 more times is unnecessary. Just because she speaks Thai she thinks she enjoying life among the Thai people but instead her privilege at being able to 6 months off from work and leave her family comes through on every page. The contempt she shows about tourists was weird since she is also a tourist. I was looking for word to reading this book as I enjoy travel books but this was a big disappointment.

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Really interesting read about life and culture in Thailand, a place I've never travelled to. Enjoyable memoir!

Thank you Netgalley and Solo Sisters Publishing (Mel Pike) for the ARC!

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I have been really struggling with this book and have decided to DNF it. I found the author to be very judgmental for someone who has lived in other cultures. There have been multiple rants about tourists sunbathing in skimpy outfits and using "weed". The writing feels very juvenile and reads as "I did this, then I did this, and then I did this". I also don't need to be reminding on every other page that the author speaks Thai. Between the writing and the judgement, I had to let this book go. Which is disappointing because I adore travel memoirs and Thailand is a place I would really like to visit.

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Great read, nice to hear about different countries and cultures.

Thank you NetGalley for my complimentary copy in return for my honest review.

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I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This was an interesting book. I learned a lot from reading it!

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