Member Reviews

🏕️ If You Tell A Lie🏕️
By Lucinda Berry
Narrated by Bailey Carr; Stephanie Nemeth-Parker; Susannah Jones; Jane Oppenheimer; Carly Robins

Pages: 255 🎧 & 📚
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Book Goal 2024: 94/100

If you tell a lie is a riveting story about the consequences of being dishonest not only among your friends but to the community as well. This is a dual timeline story that visits the past of camp Pendleton and the current life of a group of friends who used to spend summers there.

The girls were friends from day one and had spent many summers at Camp Pendleton but their senior year was different. Instead of focusing on their time together, the summer turned into being boy crazy and going after one of the camp teachers. After a crazy murder, the girls swore themselves to secrecy.

Twenty years later they are reunited and the plot thickens.

If you tell a lie was a quick thriller that was easy to read & listen to in one sitting. I spent the entire time curious on where the story was going to go and if I could really trust anyone…

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If You Tell a Lie follows 4 girls that had met at Camp Pendleton. Blakely, Grace, Meg, and Thera had sworn to be best friends forever and to never keep secrets from each other. The last year at the summer camp Blakley has an obsession with the new tennis coach Mr. Crosby and want to have him to herself. Blakely has come up with a plan to get the Mr. Crosby alone and with the help of Grace, Meg, and Thera to pull it off. What happened after a picture was taken by Meg of both Blakely and Mr. Crosby in a compromising position. Twenty years later all girls recieves a letter in the mail by Mr. Crosby's wife Reginia who is looking for revenge. Now the four women who haven't seen each other have met for a weekend at Blakely's house in Georgia. When the weekend is over only the unthankable happens. Grace, Meg, and Thera are eached visited by police and Regina Crosby is missing. This book had an unbelievable ending and the real question is do you really know who your friends are. I would like to thank both NetGalley and Brillance Audio for an advanced copy of this audio book.

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What a ride!! Multiple POV.. dual timelines.. teenage drama and some heavy topics!

Lucinda had me at the end of my seat with this one I did guess the ending at the beginning but then changed it because it couldn’t be that wild but man oh man was it wild!

This a book that reminds me don’t trust teenagers because if they’re shitty teens they might definitely be shitty adults!

It does read more YA but I love YA books.

4.5 ⭐️

Read the trigger warning before.

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3.5 stars

I have loved other books by this author but struggled a tiny bit with this one. I did enjoy it - just not as much as others by Lucinda Berry. I struggled to connect with the characters which I think caused me to lose interest a bit at times.

It was an entertaining read nonetheless, and I recommend others to give it a try.

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This review was originally posted on Books of My Heart

Review copy was received from Netgalley. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

3.5 hearts

I've been thinking about what to say and I'm still not sure. There are four main characters who start as friends at gifted kids camp when they are 8. They are all misfits in their regular life as too smart, too fat, or something. At camp, they end up as the popular girls. If You Tell A Lie alternates between their last summer of camp an their lives now, twenty odd years later.

The last summer they did some things which led to a a coach at camp being murdered. It started with a lie taken too far by Blakely. The girls, in general, don't agree with her, but you don't say no to her.

Now Blakely has called them together again. Uneasy about what happened that last summer, they are not certain they want to get together and relive those emotions. But they all go. Blakely is in trouble and wants her old friends to help her.

I'm not going to spoil what happens. I will say I don't like the ending, parts of it are too open ended for me. I also really dislike some of these girls, now women.

I appreciated having different narrators for the different characters. It took me a bit to figure out about the 4 main characters. The emotion infused into them enhanced my enjoyment of their performance. I was able to listen at my normal 1.5x speed.

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3.5 ⭐️ I have become quite the Lucinda Berry fan of late. While this one was not my favorite, I still found it to be fun and easy to binge. And given the camp setting (in flashbacks), a perfect Summer thriller to add to your beach bag.

🎧 With not one, but five narrators, including the incomparable Jane Oppenheimer, this full cast audiobook did NOT disappoint.

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This read kicks off with four teen friends at a summer camp and quickly leads you down a storyline of secrecy and a dead body. Years later these four teenagers reunite as adults. It’s not quite the joyous reunion but instead it’s time for the dark truth to come to light.

Overall, this is a captivating thriller read. A bit predictable and slow at times but there are various twists that’s will keep you engaged until the end. You are dumped quite a bit of information at the end which felt a smidge abrupt.

Netgalley Audio ARC

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I unfortunately did not enjoy this one. I didn’t like any of the characters. The ending was not satisfying at all. It was one of those endings where you wish you could just go back to the beginning and pick up another book instead.

The audiobook was good. Narrated by: Bailey Carr, Stephanie Nemeth-Parker, Susannah Jones, Jane Oppenheimer, Carly Robins.
It has flash backs and sometimes those are hard to follow with audiobooks, but I don’t have any trouble following along. I just didn’t care for the book overal

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If You Tell A Lie is a dark, twisty and addictive thriller. The setting was top notch, the descriptions and the story were amazing. Lucinda did a great job at portraying the mind of a typical teenager and how easily influenced they are by their peers. It felt real, nothing was over the top for me.

The multiple POV's and dual timelines made for such an engaging read. Even with the 5 girls they were never confusing, they each had a different way of being. I wasn't sure which of them I could trust.

In true Lucinda style her writing is captivating, fast paced, addicting and an ending I wasn't expecting. It definitely still left me with some questions, but I really enjoyed this one.

🎧 The narration by Bailey Carr, Stephanie Nemeth-Parker, Susannah Jones, Jane Oppenheimer and Carly Robins was amazing. They all have distinct voices and it makes each character easy to follow and come to life. They had the perfect tones at the right times, really great audiobook.

✨️Thank you to @netgalley, @brilliancepublishing & @lucindaberry for my gifted ALC in exchange for an honest review.

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This book had lots of potential! I loved the premise and idea with this mystery. However, it was hard to remember which chapter I was on as the two MCs were hard for me to distinguish. Lots of teenage chatter & the ending was fairly abrupt. I enjoyed this read, but there’s some lost potential.

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I have read every single Lucinda book up to date and one thing about this author is she can definitely write.
If you tell a lie is quite different and less traumatizing than some of her other books but i still enjoyed the story of these four women and their retelling of what happened that 'one summer' at camp.
The story was easy to follow and the narrators did a good job, but i will say it was confusing at times trying to figure out which of the women were speaking.
The story was enjoyable but i was let down with the ending it felt unfinished in a way.
Looking forward to continually supporting this author and reading more of her work.

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Lucinda does it again! This was easily one of the most enjoyable book to listen to thus far. I’ve read and/or listened to quite a few of Lucinda’s books and the multiple narrators really made a difference!

At first it took me awhile to get used to the multiple POVs but the voice changes really helped the vibe of the story! I was on the edge of my seat, sucked into the story and each chapter.

Usually having so many POV changes and timelines makes for a difficult read or listen but this one was very easy to follow. And the twists? I couldn’t believe the ending. I love the way Lucinda tells a psychological thriller!

One of my new favorites of Lucinda.

Thanks so much Brilliance Publishing and NetGalley for the ALC.

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I have to prepare myself for Lucinda Berry books - she grabs those trigger warnings and pushes boundaries and writes stories that really set off a lot of people

I’m a big fan of hers and believe that because she pushes boundaries, she’s gonna get a lotta low and high ratings

I really enjoyed this book - it was fast paced, entertaining, intriguing and the characters had a lot of depth. It did push limits, but this is no ‘Saving Noah’ so I’m not cautious about recommending this book - which I do!

So - Four summer camp friends reunite after receiving anonymous notes

This story is told from multiple POVs, past and present. This allows the reader to gain a deeper understanding of each character and I loved that. Although they make mistakes and do unlikable things, I liked everyone

I listened to the audiobook and loved the narrators. They all did a wonderful job of being teenage and adult versions of each character. My only area of criticism would be that they all had similar sounding voices. I find it easier to differentiate between characters when accents are distinct or even pitch/tone is different

I loved the constant reveals and surprises, especially towards the end… now I loved the big reveal, but I would have liked more - definitely a Regina flashback and a chapter from each friend when they realized what the frick was going on! Like give me more… maybe book 2?! ‘If Your Tell ANOTHER Lie’ hint hint Lucinda 😉

Thanks to Netgalley and Brilliance Publishing for access to this audiobook ARC in exchange for my honest review

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Holy crap, Lucinda Berry does it yet again with a thriller with so many twists and turns you can’t put it down! I was shook! This was amazing.

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I would like to thank netgalley and the publisher for an advance copy in exchange for an honest review. I have enjoyed the other books I have read by this author, I enjoyed it till the end, it was way too abrupt and for the most part and the characters were not that likeable.

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𝐀𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐨𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰
4 🌟
𝐓𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐬 :
•multi POV
•dual timeline (past and present)
Peer pressure is a bitch. Blakely character I HATED from the jump, the sad little rich girl, blah, blah, blah! Gace probably had the most fucking common sense in the entire group as an adult. The audiobook production is great. I like how each character has a different narrator so you could tell them apart. I would have given this story 5 stars, but I hated the ending!
𝙽𝚘𝚠 𝚕𝚒𝚟𝚎!
Thank you, Netgalley, and Brilliance Audio for the audiobook for my honest review.

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I have such mixed feelings about this one..

To start with we have a dual timeline situation. In the past There are four girl friends at summer camp who tell a lie that spirals out of control into extreme consequences.

Flash forward to the future, the girls have all grown up into adults who are living separate lives, who find themselves reuniting under the pretence of receiving a letter implicating them in their past involvement in said lie.

First let me mention to check your triggers before reading as the book contains dark subject matter such as SA of a minor, non graphic attempted harm of infants, eating disorders, murder and castration.

The plot itself has potential to be really good. I liked the pretence under which the girls find themselves reunited as adults and then the reveal as to why they’re really there. I feel if the author stuck to that story line she could have gone great places with it.

What I had a problem with:

Firstly I feel the author googled eating disorders and ran with it. I feel like it was completely unnecessary and irrelevant to the overall plot and there wasn’t enough time spent getting educated on this subject, the characters experience felt inauthentic.

Secondly one of the girls exhibited extremely dark behaviour but I don’t think we get any real background information as to how and why she came to be this way, other than she did it because she could.

Thirdly the ending felt incomplete. We got a vague explanation as to the twist unfolding itself and yet we didn’t get a follow up on what happened to any of the characters themselves. I understand leaving an open ending for readers interpretation but this didn’t feel like that, it felt like the author decided to just close her laptop and stop writing.

There didn’t seem to be any closure for any of the characters including the tennis teachers wife or her sons.

This book was just a bit bizarre for me. I’m not sure if the author tried to include many twists and Different character POV and failed to merge them cohesively together but there was just something off about this book. I feel it could have benefited from a lot more editing.

To end on a positive, I thought that the audiobook narrators did a good job on the narration.
Publish date: July 23rd 2024

Thank you to Brilliance Publishing and Lucinda Berry for the ALC!

Narrated by - Narrated by Bailey Carr; Stephanie Nemeth-Parker; Susannah Jones; Jane Oppenheimer; Carly Robins

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Super fast paced and edgy!
I love the back and forth of timelines, it was done right. Both portions super entertaining and constantly feeding my curiosity.

My first Lucinda Berry book but it wont be my last.

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This was a wild ride! First of all Ms Berry’s mind is so twisted. Never would I have guessed this would turn out the way it did. I will say in the very beginning i was a tad bit confused with all of the girls and the other POV but i quickly adapted.

I like how this author showed how privileged yt girls/women can just accuse a black man of something so heinous and just everyone goes along with it. Something that has happened before in the past.

Although I didn’t get the ending that I wanted it was so juicy and unpredictable I can’t be too mad.

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Unfortunately this one is not for me. I found the ages of the girls to be super cringe for my taste, just because I haven't been that age in a long time. I also found that the book had some triggers for me (eating disorder), so at the 35% mark, I unfortunately had to stop. I've heard such good things about this author, and for those who are into YA suspense/thriller, they would really enjoy this one, which is why I rated it three stars. I definitely want to pick up another by this author and give her another chance!

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