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Mylie y Ben fueron mejores amigos que poco a poco desarrollaron sentimientos por el otro, los dos sabían que no podía pasar nada porque él se iría a una gran ciudad a la universidad y que tenía muchas aspiraciones que no podría cumplir en Clay Creek.

Pensaron que podrían seguir siendo amigos, pero la distancia fue mucha, los mensajes y llamadas fueron cada vez más escasas hasta que dejaron de comunicarse y su amistad murió.

Una decada después Ben tiene que regresar al lugar que juro nunca regresaría, pero su mamá en su lecho de muerte le pidió que visitara el pueblo y que se quedara por unas semanas.

Cuando se vuelven a ver les cuenta trabajo retomar su amistad por las cosas no dichas, no obstante llegan a un punto en el que deciden retomar su amistad.

Puedo ver porque Mylie y Ben fueron amigos más no puedo verlos como pareja. Les falto esa chispa o química en el presente porque en los capítulos del pasado se notan sus sentimientos.

La razón por la que Ben no quería quedarse en Clay Creek se me hizo tonta y más ya siendo un adulto. Celebró que se fuera en su juventud para que creciera como persona y no se quedara con el y que hubiera pasado.

No entiendo como a Roby o como se llame el delincuente del pueblo no le pusieron un alto y dejaron que hiciera todas esas tonterías hasta que casi mata a alguien.

Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This was a fun, second chance love story. Two neighbors in a small town, Mylie and Ben, grew up together, until Ben moves to the "big city" after high school graduation. His mother makes him promise to go back to Clay Creek 10 years later to sell his deceased grandfather's home. This is when the fun begins. All of the characters are really great (especially Granny). I really enjoyed this book. It was an easy beach read for me. I look forward to reading more by Annie England Nobin in the future.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC of this book.

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This book was absolutely darling. I can not say enough how darling the two main characters were together. It was just precious. So adorable!

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This was such a cute story. I always love a good, small-town romance novel. The cover is absolutely gorgeous. I love how the chapters go back and forth with past and present tense. I have been skeptical with books that do that, but I am starting to love it.

I loved Granny. She is such a fun, quirky character and she really stood out to me the most.

I wished there was an epilogue to tie everything together. If there is a second novel to this or another stand-alone in this town, I will definitely read it.

Thank you NetGalley for allowing me to read this story.

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this was pretty cute! it was not the most original book i have ever read, but the cover and title perfectly encapsulate what the story contains and for that i had an enjoyable time. the romance was very cutesy and i thought the writing was really good!

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I really wanted to enjoy this! i thought it would be fun ending to the summer read, bur it had a lot more negatives to me than positives. I felt the chester’s were not nearly fleshed out as much as they should have been. They felt very surface value making it hard to connect with them or root for them. They also had such a toxic relationship. TONS of miscommunications and fighting and the HEA didn’t really feel like a HEA to me because i didn’t believe that they would really even blast.

I also feel like (i’m sorry) i just finished this book less than 1 months ago and i can honestly say i don’t even remember much of it. It just felt very lack luster to me and that it needed more love on the little details that really just make readers just fall in love with the story and characters.

as always - this is just my opinion, reading is subjective and if you loved this book that’s absolving wonderful!

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Spring Fling is a second chance romance of two childhood best friends. This book did not disappoint. A quick, cozy read I couldn't put down

I love the feel of the overinvolved small town of Clay Creek. The supporting characters give this book so much life and Mylies family adds so much emotion to this book.

The dual timeliness really give the reader a look into their past ass both children and young adults. These flashbacks really build Ben's character

My only dislike with this book is that I wish the plot had developed just a little faster

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This was a cute and sweet, second chance love story. It’s about neighbors who grew up together, drifted apart, and then found eachother again. I enjoyed it. It was an easy beach read for me. I did feel like something was missing something, but I couldn’t say what. It just felt a little superficial to me. Sometimes you need an easy love story to get lost in though, so it was nice.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC of this book.

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Spring Fling is an absolute delight. Perfect hometown rom com with an added villain twist to give it more thrill. I loved every aspect of it.

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Thanks NetGalley, the publisher, and the author for this digital advanced copy!

This small town romance is for fans of Virgin River, Gilmore Girls, and Heart of Dixie. Big City Ben comes back to Clay Creek, Arkansas to sell his family home and reconnects with his childhood bestfriend Mylie.

Some things that I liked:
* How fast paced and quick things went. Sometimes when you sit down to read a romance, you end up getting an epic novel. This is exactly what it advertises itself to be: a fun, flirty, small town romance.
* The flashbacks. We get some sneak peaks into teenage Mylie and Ben’s lives. Though I think it could’ve been executed a little more smoothly, I enjoyed the premise of it.
* The supporting characters. From Granny to Jodi to even Bobbie, I was loving all these quirky people. I could see this turning into a tv show so easily.
Things that I didn’t love:
* The chemistry between Mylie and Ben. I felt like they said they had chemistry but I didn’t actually see it/feel it while reading.
* Some general grammar and spelling errors that took me out of the reading experience (though I assume this would be fixed by the final copy).
* No epilogue. I wanted to see what things looked like a little down the line.

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this book has everything you could want: small town, second chance, effortless banter, and a setting that calms the soul. i had a fun time reading spring fling! i went in with no expectations and found myself not using any brain cells (which needed every now and then). if you're looking for something funny, cosy, and romantic - look no further!

thank you netgalley for the arc!

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Mylie and Ben get a 2nd chance for romance when he comes back to Clay Creek 10 years after their high school graduation to sell his deceased grandfather's home.

I liked the setting of a small town in Arkansas, which added unique elements and obstacles for the main characters to interact with. All the side characters were well hashed out and gave personality to the book. Even Stanley the family dog and Fat Tony the stray raccoon have their own hilarious story line that works really well in creating a homey familiarity within the community.

There were times while reading that I got a bit lost as to where the characters where in terms of setting, conversations between people would continue to flow from home to outside to car with hardly a mention on when we transitioned to the new area. This took me out of the book for a split second every once in a while as I tried to back track to figure out when the location shift occurred only to turn up empty on an exact timeline. Since this story is about the relationships between characters, nailing specific whereabouts of everyone wasn't an important concern at the end of the day.

Something that really killed the ending for me is Cassie getting back with her cheating boyfriend Ryan. I am not sure if this is in the spirit of 2nd chance romances or if the author is leading up to a sequel, but ew!

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I just finished Spring Fling by Annie England Noblin, and I’m feeling a bit torn about it. The book features a classic friends-to-lovers romance, and I love a good romance book regardless of the tropes, but something about this one didn’t quite click for me.

The storyline itself has potential, but it felt a bit overloaded. The romantic moments seemed rushed and kind of repetitive, and the dialogue from a lot of side characters was a bit much. It almost felt like there were too many voices pulling me away from the main romance.

I read an ARC uncorrected e-proof, so maybe that’s why some parts felt off—there were a few moments where the story seemed to confuse me and characters were mixed up. I tried to overlook that, but it did affect my overall experience.

On a brighter note, Granny was a standout character for me. She reminded me so much of my own Granny, which was a nice touch. Even so, there were still aspects of the story that felt out of place.

In the end, Spring Fling just didn’t resonate with me as much as I hoped it would. However, if you’re into friends-to-lovers stories and don’t mind a busy cast of characters, you might enjoy this one more than I did.

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ughhhh small town romances are so fun and so good! i really enjoyed the characters and the cover is legit so cute im obsessed! great time

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This was a very cute book! It took me quite a while to feel hooked, but I loved the characters and the development once I was into it. I wish there had been a bit more to the ending, especially wrapping things up with the villain of the story. I will definitely read a follow-up novel if one is written.

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NetGalley ARC Review✨

Spring Fling
By Annie England Noblin
Pub Date: 03/18/2025

Thank you to @netgalley and @aenoblin for an Advanced Copy of Spring Fling in exchange for my honest review.

After her best friend (and secret love interest) Ben leaves for Chicago the day after their high school graduation, Mylie stays in their small town with her Granny and little sister. She builds a thriving business and moves on with her life but always wonders what happened to Ben and what could have happened if she just told him how she really felt.

Ben's family kept their home in the small town but one day Miley discovered a For Sale sign in the front yard. She hears Ben is coming into town and wonders how they will navigate their old friendship.

Will they admit their old feelings for each other? With Ben still planning on leaving their small town after his home sells, will they be able to keep their friendship going? Can it be more?

Spring Fling is a cute small town romance with second chance, returning home tropes. It's a sweet read for those looking for a book with Hallmark vibes.

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🌸Spring Fling by Annie England Noblin🌸

I am super grateful to have gotten this book as an Arc! I usually don’t gravitate towards small town romance, but this book honestly changed my mind about it! I loved Clay Creek, and wish I could go down to Hook Line & Sinker! I loved how the author was able to tie in present day with flashbacks to little Mylie & Ben to show how their friendship started. I became obsessed with Mylie and Ben and their adorable friends to lovers trope. Also Granny is my spirit animal!!!

Thank you again to the author and publisher, Avon and Harper Voyager, for providing me with this Arc! You should definitely add this book to your TBR if you love small town romance, with a little bit of spice! Spring Fling will be available to purchase on March 18th 2025.

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I really enjoyed this super cute rom-com book!! It was the perfect book to read during vacation. Can't wait to read more books by this author.

Thank you NetGalley and the author for this ARC!!

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A cute second chance romance! Held my attention for a little while but then I found myself getting frustrated with Ben and mylie’s communication skills. I also have a hard time with third person pov but that’s a personal preference

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The Spring Fling is a fun small town romance story. I enjoyed all the different characters especially Granny and Fat Tony! This is not just a fluffy romance with the element of Roger, the disgruntled ex-employee. I enjoyed reading the bond between the Mason women. It was a little spicier than I expected. Would definitely recommend this book.

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