Member Reviews

I really enjoyed reading this book! It was funny, cute and spicy. And gave one of the greatest love stories! Would Definitely Recommend!!

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Ben and Mylie were best friends in high school, but when Ben moves away to attend college and they lose touch, life moves on. That is until Ben has to return to town to fulfill a dying promise to his mother—to visit the small town where he grew up before selling his family's house there. When Mylie and Ben reconnect and rekindle their bond, life seems easy for both of them, until they are faced with the challenge of choosing between the lives they once thought they wanted and the one they now want together.

If you're a fan of small-town, second-chance romances (without the miscommunication trope, I might add), then this book will make you fall head over heels in love. I’ve been craving a romance novel that makes me feel like I’m right there with the characters, and this book did not fall short. The writing style was fantastic, and although I was initially worried about the book being in third person—since it can sometimes be hard to step into the characters’ shoes—I found that this book had the opposite effect and really enhanced the experience for me. I can’t even put into words how much I already miss these characters, and I BEG the author to please write another book. After reading this one, I will eagerly read anything this author publishes; I am completely hooked. I’m generally tough with my ratings, but this book deserves all the stars it can get and I’m so excited for the release date so I can purchase this book and add it to my bookshelf.

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I'm kind of a sucker for a small-town contemporary romance and Spring Fling does not disappoint. Mylie is one of those strong female characters that you cheer for from the very first page; she's a tough as nails business owner who's also one of the nicest people in that little podunk town. Her Granny is just as awesome but this whole book is full of loveable characters; so I'm hoping that maybe this'll end up being the first in a series because I'm not ready to let these book-friends go just yet. This book is a quick, fun read that's full of family drama as well as the romance. It's great for a little bit of an escape from the real world.
Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to read the ARC of this book 📚

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This book fell a bit flat for me. While I did enjoy the times that they couple was together, there were too many flashback that took me out of the story. If you don't mind multiple flashback throughout you romance, this might be the book for you.

Thank you to the publisher and to NetGalley for an arc. All opinions expressed are my own.

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I received this book as an Advanced Reader Copy in exchange for an honest review. Thank you so much to NetGalley, the publisher, and the author for allowing me to read this book before publication.
Spring Fling will be available for purchase on March 18th, 2025.

Ben and Mylie were best friend in high school, but when Ben moves away to go to college and they lose touch, life moves on. Until Ben has to come back to town to sell his grandma's house and sparks start flying all over again. You will find yourself kicking your feet and giggling with this small-town romance where old friends fall back in love.
This is a very very cute small-town romance about two friends who never took the opportunity to try and make things work when they were younger. The small-town is perfectly written with characters that are overinvolved in everything around them, grudges that have been held for generation, and a lot of hard work put into community events that bring people together. The setting alone makes this book incredibly cute!
The characters are incredibly lovable. Mylie and her family are incredibly close, supporting and loving each other through the ups and downs of life in a way that is heartwarming. Ben is a bit closed off and mysterious, but the more flashbacks that you get to Ben and Mylie in high school, the more Ben grows as a character. You get to see where his quietness started and how it changes based off of the people he is around. And the same thing goes for Mylie. Between her internal though process and the flashbacks to her in high school, her character changes a lot.

Once thing I did struggle with this book is the timing of it all.
Flashbacks typically started at the start of new chapters, but when you are reading about what is happening in the characters' lives in the present, there are a lot of time gaps. Eventually I was able to adjust to the writing style and figure out when the time gaps happened, but I do think putting some sort of divider between paragraphs when time is skipped over could be helpful to readers!

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What a cute spring feel good book. I love the small town vibes and the 2nd chance romance.

A little bit more depth to the relationship development could have made this at least half a star more.

I recommend it.

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Spring Fling was an adorably sweet book; the perfect summer lake read!
Mylie and Ben are unwilling best friends in grade school that lose touch after graduating and still wonder what might have been. So, when they get a second chance ten years later to reconnect as adults everyone is rooting for their friendship to turn into something more.
Won't give out any spoilers but all the characters were endearing (except for Robbie, he sucked!) and the town of Clay Creek stole my heart as well.

Appreciate the ARC, a big Thank you to Netgalley, Annie England Noblin, and HarperCollins!

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publishes march 18, 2025!
fat tony is my favorite character haha
definitely not the best/favorite romance i've read, but i don't have too many complaints. mainly, the pacing was kind of off-the beginning was slower, which wasn't bad at all, i really liked that because i was able to connect more with the characters! the only bad thing was that it made the ending feel a lot more rushed. I was reading and then i hit like 85% and was wondering how everything was going to be wrapped up in such little time.
nevertheless, i really liked the ending. simple and sweet AND not your traditional kind of 3rd act conflict which i LOVED (bc i hate stupid miscommunication 3rd act conflicts)
ALSO, the small town is just so cute, you get to know and love all the characters, businesses, and traditions.
overall super enjoyable read and I highly recommend you check it out once it releases :)

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First of all, I would like to thank net galley, Annie England Noblin, and Avon for this advanced reader copy!

Spring Fling was a cute, small town romance. While I understood the romance and knew what the characters were supposed to be feeling, I did not see much emotion or love from them. I wish that the book had more inner dialogue intermixed with the actual dialogue. While the characters were saying that they loved one another, there was nothing else to show for that love. This made the romance seem nonexistent.
Maybe it’s because the small town that I live in is incredibly different, but to me the small town aspect seemed so unrealistic. I think the biggest part that threw me off was the dance, and the fact that people who were not high schoolers were attending.
The pacing of the book seemed off to me. There was big event after big event and it felt like there were a lot of things going on.
While the side conflict was nice, there seemed to be a lot of attention focused on their conflict. The conflict began to feel like the main plot rather than the romance.

Overall, I did like Spring Fling. I feel as though the story has a lot of potential.

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Another hard one to rate so I’m going right down the middle…I am thankful to have gotten the eARC for free from Netgalley and Avon and Harper Voyager so I can leave my voluntary and honest review.

I’ll be honest, I have had this book sitting in my TBR for longer than typical as I started it and just wasn’t engaged and kept putting it down for other books.

However, I finally decided to buckle down and it did get better. It’s a cute story so if you’re looking for a fluffy read, this can be enjoyable and I did like the FMC and her family.

The romance was meh as it was met with too much miscommunication and arguing. But to be honest “insta connections” between partners bother me when they aren’t based on anything substantial or rather unfold with substance.

This is an early digital uncorrected proof so I am not going to be harsh on the errors included in the book. But at this point in the process there shouldn’t be that many in my opinion. Several times names were confused which made it really hard to follow.

The story was very predictable but in the end it’s a fluffy feel good story so it may be just what you need as a cleanser.

My rating system since GoodReads doesn’t have partial stars and I rarely round up.

⭐️ Hated it
⭐️⭐️ Had a lot of trouble, prose issues, really not my cup of tea (potentially DNF’d or thought about it)
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Meh, it was an ok read but nothing special
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Really enjoyed it! Would recommend to others
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Outstanding! Will circle back and read again

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❀ Spring Fling review ❀
I'm conflicted about how to rate this because I had many problems with it but I also really enjoyed it.

   What I liked ⁀➷
° The small-town vibes in this we're so cute. I absolutely loved the town of Clay Creek and all its residents.

° The supporting characters were amazing and they all have my heart, Cassie, Granny, Jodi, and so many others added so much fun to the story.

° The plot was really engaging and I was able to finish this in a day. I was never bored while reading it.

What I didn't like ⁀➷
° The romance was cute at times but there was a lot of miscommunication and fighting...Ben and Mylie are not really a couple I could see lasting for a long time in the real world.

° I think Ben and Mylie could've been more fleshed out and developed characters.

° I had a few issues with the writing, at one point Mylie says being killed in her own home was not on her 2024 bingo card... what 😭 that's something I say when a celebrity does something exciting, NOT WHEN I FEAR FOR MY LIFE

Thank you so much for the publisher Avon and Harper Voyager, NetGalley and the author for the arc!

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The story has a dual timeline: present-day and then flashbacks of the past. I loved getting a glimpse into Ben and Mylie's younger days. As a reader, you witness the missed chance at love alongside the second shot.

I highly recommend it to anyone who loves a friends-to-lovers rom-com.

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This book is a lovely small town romance featuring childhood friends who drift apart when one moves away after high school. Then the one who moved away, moves back for what is supposed to be a short time, and we get to see their love bloom. It has duel timelines (Past and present) and duel POVs. This book is a quick and easy read for anyone who loves friends-to-lovers.

Overall this book is well written and was a joy to read. This book was 4/5 stars for me.

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Spring Fling was a fun, flirty, easy-to-read book that left me smiling. Mylie and Ben are adorable and their chemistry throughout the book was spot on. I generally dislike the miscommunication trope, but this one was done fairly well (I say fairly and is why I gave it 4 stars instead of 5). So don't let my 4 stars dissuade you - I'm just really not a fan of miscommunication especially when it isn't done well (but this one was done OKish... is that a word?).

The book is great for fans of Sarah Adams or Sarah Ready (all the Sarahs) if you want fun and cute small town romances. The granny is likely my favorite character because she's a "no-sh*ts given" sorta person and I am here for that.

Thanks to NetGalley and HarperCollins for an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This was such a great read. The characters were well-developed, relatable and the book truly sucked me into the small town where it takes place. It was perfectly funny, sweet, frustrating (in a good way) and an excellent plane/vacation read.

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This second chance, small town romance will have you in a chokehold! The author presents this story based on two timelines, then and now. It gives you a glimpse into the past relationship between Ben and Mylie. This story allows you to fall in love with the idea of the couple, giving you hopes of what could have been, and then crushing those hopes. The current timeline lets you regain all those feelings and brings those hopes to life.

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I loved this book! It was such a cute second chance small town romance. Granny is my spirit animal and Fat Tony had me cracking up. All the characters were likeable and it was a short and easy read. Thank you so much for the opportunity to read and review this arc.

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2⭐️⭐️! Just because this was a 2 star read for me does NOT mean this is a bad book. This was a sweet, small town romance that appeared perfect for fans of Sarah Adams. Mylie and Ben are high school friends who, by chance, are reunited in their small hometown. It’s a fast-paced, quick read, with a dash of spice and plenty of heart melting moments.

I think my 2 star rating stems from problems that are preference based rather than book-based. Please do not let my rating dissuade you! I love a good friends-to-lovers trope, but I struggled to attach to the characters, perhaps due to the quick pace. I found the characters and their conflict a bit young or juvenile, sometimes feeling as though I was reading a young adult novel. The strong “miscommunication trope” throughout the book, which I tend to generally dislike, added to the juvenile feel. Also, be aware this is written in the third person POV, which added to my level of detachment to these characters and their story. I struggled to see myself in this story, but perhaps that says more about me than the book itself!

Despite my own personal preferences, this book is a fun, cozy read that will leave you smiling. Thank you very much to the Annie England Noblin, HarperCollins, and NetGalley for my very first ARC!

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I really enjoyed this story! The town was so cozy, and it reminded me of Gilmore Girls in a lot of ways. The townspeople if Clay Creek were so whimsical & fun, and Granny was such an incredible character!

I thought Ben was very charming, and reminded me alot of Ted Mosby from HIMYM. Mylie’s character left a little to be desired, she was very serious, and understandingly, she had to grow up fast raising her baby sister, but Mylie’s character wasn’t as fun and engaging as Ben’s character.

Overall, I enjoyed the characters, but the plot and ending weren’t as solid as the character development of the town, its people and the MMC & FMC.

However, I would definitely read from this author Shaun because the writing was whimsical, the banter was cute and the story had so much charm.

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Thank you NetGalley for the ARC! This was a very pleasant, easy read. I love a friends to lovers trope, especially when it is two people reuniting from childhood. I felt there were a few plot holes but generally enjoyed the read.

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