Member Reviews

Ultimatum is a thrilling dystopian science fiction novel that blends elements of Mad Max, Jurassic Park, and Ready Player One into a unique and engaging story. Set in a post-apocalyptic world ravaged by war and genetic experiments gone wrong, the story follows Marine raider D on a perilous mission across a nuclear wasteland. Vladimir Fleurisma's cinematic writing style brings the desolate landscapes and mutant creatures to life, immersing readers in this genre-bending tale. The pacing is swift, and the narrative is peppered with plenty of sizzle, making for an exciting read. The well-developed characters, particularly D, Zach, and Cella, add depth to the story. While the novel leaves room for further exploration and potential prequels or sequels, it stands strong on its own, leaving readers eager to see where Fleurisma takes us next in this captivating world.

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