Member Reviews


Valleyview Tales

by Jan Christensen

Heron's Nest

Mystery & Thrillers, General Fiction (Adult)

Pub Date 21 Aug 2013

I am voluntarily reviewing a copy of Black Out through the publisher and Netgalley:

She's on the side of the road left eye swollen shut when a passerby stops to help her. He asks her name, she makes up one Alice Strong and an age eighteen, but she doesn't remember who she really is. She's full of bumps and bruises and scratches, Hannah takes her in, helps her find a job at a nursing home, a place to stay.

When a patient dies while she is working Alice Strong feels a rush of strong emotions, for a woman she did not know, or did she?

Soon more of the patients at the nursing home are getting sicker and dying, and it become obvious a killer is on the loose.

Will Alice remember who she is, and will she find out what's happening at the Convalescent home?

Find out in Blackout in five out of five stars.

Happy Reading.

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