Member Reviews

🌃Great community of characters: will this day end in celebration?🎉

I am a big fan of the way author Shari Low packs so much everyday drama and such fascinating storylines into a short timeline. In this case, it's New Year's Eve or Hogmanay in Glasgow where the story's set. Everyone's day ends up intersecting at a well-beloved, family owned Italian restaurant, with multi-generational families, partners and close friends experiencing their highs and lows on this special last night of the year.

Business woes, romantic problems, health issues and family disagreements run rife but, if you're looking for the upside, you get it, too, in a happy ending that takes you past midnight and into a New Year full of promise.

It's not my favorite of the many novels I've read by Shari Low but it's still warm, entertaining and poignant, emotional times alternating, to form a really enjoyable story.

Thanks to Boldwood Books and NetGalley for sharing a complimentary advance copy of the book; this is my voluntary and honest opinion.

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In my opinion, Shari Low never fails to deliver a great story. Her books are always uplifting and heartwarming. The characters are absolutely adorable and feel so realistic which made this another addictive page turner. Devoured in just 24 hours i just wanted it to continue and find out more about all the characters after this story ended. Thoroughly enjoyable, i never feel let down by this remarkable author, one of my favourites.

Thanks to Boldwood Books and NetGalley for allowing me an advanced copy to read in exchange for my open and honest review. As always, my reviews will also be posted on Amazon, Goodreads and Waterstones and interaction on Facebook and instagram where possible.

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Thank you NetGalley, Boldwood Books and Shari Low for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

One Midnight With You is a really unique story told over 24hours from several different perspectives. There are about 15 characters whose lives are intertwined that we hear about.

I have read 2 of Shari Low’s other books in a similar format and enjoyed them. It’s remarkable what can happen in such a short amount of time, especially when you consider a group of people connected like this.

The story seems so straight forward and clear from the start but there are several twists that keep you turning the page.

I wouldn’t consider this a typical romance, I would have said more Women’s Fiction but it doesn’t have a lot of focus on relationships.

I adored the tradition of celebrating New Year’s or Hogmanay together and now want to create a tradition like that in my life. The friendships in this book were something so touching and special.

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Aw I love Shari Low! Her books are just so full of heart. I adore the Glasgow settings and dialect, I can relate to so much of it. And just when you think things are maybe getting a wee bit twee and comfortable, there is an unexpected shift in the story. She writes so realistically about friendships, we might not approve of our friends choices but we will always defend them to the hilt and be there for them.

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Shari Low transports her readers into a world of love and friendship but does not shy away from darker emotions such as grief and jealousy.
The reader is drawn into the magic circle of friends and experiences their highs and lows, health scares and celebrations, relationships and endings.
I have yet to be disappointed with a Shari Low read, I am instantly transported to Glasgow and the circle of characters which usually overlap slightly in each book. One Midnight with you has alternating chapters from Ailish, her daughter Emmy, her ex mother in law Minnie and Dario, son of Gino who founded the ailing Gino,s restaurant where everyone gathers on New YearsEve.
This book is funny, sad , uplifting and absorbing, a must read if you enjoy life, living and friendship.

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*"One Midnight with You"* follows three generations of women—Ailish, her daughter Emmy, and mother-in-law Minnie—through a single day on New Year's Eve in Glasgow. The story is set over 24 hours, divided into two-hour segments, as multiple characters face pivotal moments of loss, whether it be a job, a loved one, or a relationship. As the clock ticks toward midnight, they must make decisions that will shape their futures.

The novel is heartwarming and packed with emotions—laughter, tears, love, and anxieties—as the characters gather at GINO’s, their traditional New Year’s Eve spot. The book emphasizes the importance of letting go of the past to embrace the future, and despite the challenges, each character brings a heartfelt determination to find solutions. It's a feel-good read where even those who've made mistakes are genuinely likable, making it easy to lose yourself in their stories.

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One Midnight With You is Shari Low’s newest release. This is my 5th book from her and I love her writing style. This is an uplifting book with many different characters you get to know through each chapter. Friendships , divorce, family, love .., this book has it all. Thanks to NetGalley for this early release in exchange for my honest review. To be published August 26, 2024.

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This is another terrific book by Shari Low. There is a large cast of characters in this story - something that I usually don't enjoy and find confusing but this was written in such a way, with different ones having their own chapters, that it was so easy to keep track of who was who. All the people involved had their own experiences and memories of past New Years Eves, some good and others not so good and this particular year saw all of them facing different issues and dilemmas which kept me hooked on their stories and eager to see the outcomes. A very enjoyable book with nice, memorable people. I highly recommend it. My thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Thanks to NetGalley and Boldwood Books for the opportunity to read One Midnight With You by Shari Low. I am completely hooked on Ms. Low's "One" series and they only get better and better!

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Shari Low's latest novel is a masterclass in storytelling, filled with richly developed characters and an engaging plot that keeps you hooked from start to finish. Although the extensive character list might seem overwhelming at first, the narrative quickly draws you in, making it easy to keep track of everyone and their interwoven lives. The way Shari intricately connects the characters through their individual journeys and a central event is both impressive and moving. Her writing is not only beautiful but also deeply captivating, making this book a truly great read. Highly recommended for anyone who enjoys a well-crafted, character-driven story.

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I really enjoyed the way this book was broken into sections leading up to the big event at midnight.

I sometimes struggle with many characters but these all were connected seamlessly and had their own little story.

This was different to the other books that this author had written but I enjoyed it.

Thanks for the opportunity to review.

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New Years Eve, three women, Ailish, her daughter Emmy and her mother-in-law Minnie all about to have their lives changed after the clocks ticks on to midnight.

A wonderful story of love, broken hearts and hope with long time friendships, disappointment and dreams makes this book, not to miss!

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It's no secret that I love Shari Low's “One” series of books. Well, they're not really a series they're just a set of books that have one in the title and they happen in a single day (or moment, or weekend, or holiday) As you can probably tell by the title this one takes place on New Year's Eve, or as they call it in Scotland "Hogmanay".

A lot happens in the 24 hours of this book…people facing their fears, new romances, old romances renewed and lots of drama from all the families. Every single character is likable...I cheered them on and wished that they’d get their happy ending. I loved that we saw some characters from the previous "One" books too.

This is an important New Year's Eve to everyone involved but all for different reasons. As in all of Shari Low’s books friendship and family feature prominently. Each character has their own chapter from their own point of view and that helped me feel like I knew them. Minnie was my favourite character in the book, I always looked forward to her chapters the most because she was so much like my own grandmother I adored her. The friendship between Ailish, Gwen and Rhonda really touched my heart. They were always there for each other and we're always brutally honest. They're the type of friends that kick you in the butt when you need it.

Some parts of this book were sad or made me angry but it was also very humorous at times… and I even felt scared for the characters sometimes. What an amazing feat for a book to make me feel lots of everything all at once.

Looking for an uplifting, yet sad and romantic book? Any of Shari Low’s books would be for you. In her books, you can feel the characters joy and pain and this one was such a lovely read with Shari Low’s trademark relatable characters.

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One Midnight with You is the latest in a long line of novels from Shari Low. It follows its usual format of covering the events in the lives of four interlinked people during the course of a day - in this instance New Years Eve. Expect to witness every emotion that will bring a few laughs and a few tears. Another winner from Shari. I really enjoyed it.

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A story set on New Year’s Eve about a group of people who have life choices to make.
Some unforgettable characters and how they cope with their decisions that will shape their future.
Thank you to NetGalley and Boldwood Books my e-copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I became totally absorbed in this book and did not want to put it down. Ailish is trying to find her way through life after divorcing her husband of many years and many revelations are made in the lead up to new year
A great ensemble of characters that you come to love. Reminded me how good the author is.

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Shari does it again! Brilliant characters, a fast moving storyline, men who get what's coming to them, celebrations and love. Perfect weekend read.

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We begin the book on New Year's Eve in Scotland. The storyline is focussed around several of the characters, telling their different individual stories. We meet Ailish, her daughter Emmy and ex-mother in law Minnie. We also meet the family who run the local Italian restaurant, Gino's Trattoria, and this restaurant is the centre of all the character's storylines! They are all preparing to bring in the New Year in their own different ways, but life has other plans for them all.

I love this author's books and I love how this, and the previous books, are all set over the course of 24 hours. This one follows their stories over New Years Eve in Glasgow. The author is so good at writing characters who are easy to relate to, and I loved Ailish and her family and friends. Their stories are all told in two hour blocks throughout the day and evening, and once started I couldn't put the book down. Each of the characters have their own little individual story and you find yourself rooting for them so they all get their happy new year! It's a story full of emotions, secrets and regrets, but there are also lots of family, friendships, fun, laughter, love and second chances throughout! None of the characters were unlikeable and every one of them had some redeeming qualities by the turn of the last page!

The book is lovely to read, and captures you right from the beginning. The pace of the story is good and their alternating stories are so wonderfully written and easy to follow. The timeframe of New Years Eve is perfect and I could imagine the fun, excitement and anticipation of the forthcoming New Year as I read. Whilst I read this book unseasonably in the middle of a summer heatwave, I didn't even realise as I was so engrossed in the storyline! A real feel-good read! Would recommend!

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Shari Low has done it again. Her capacity to intermingle more than one story line, everything happening in one day makes you keep reading until the end because you want to know how all it unravels. Friendship, family, betrayal, forgiveness, trust, and above all love is the clue to this wonderful story.

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I am not sure that there sufficient words to describe how amazing this book is and the sheer love and enjoyment that author Shari Low gives her readers through her work. As a long time fan I expected this to be an excellent read and one that would have been laughing and crying along with the wonderful characters that she tells her rapt audience about and this is indeed that; a wonderful story told over the day of New Years Eve, or Hogmanay.

Ailish, her daughter Emmy and mother in law Minnie are the main protagonists in this story and we learn throughout the book how important the date is to them all and how it’s significance has shaped their lives.

The writing is so beautiful and the characters take shape so well that I can picture them all and their relationships to each other, laughing and crying along with them as their stories unfold. There is a huge emphasis on friendship and family and their importance which is the theme running through the novel. I loved the book and was disappointed to reach the end, hoping to see more of the lives of the characters. Perhaps they will make another appearance, as the author has done with other characters so successfully in previous novels.

Huge thanks to Netgalley, the author and the publisher for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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