Member Reviews

4 out of 5 stars! Thank you, NetGalley and Zeitgeist for this eARC of Unlocking the ADHD Advantage by Anders Hansen.
This was actually a book that was available during the "Read Now" option, and since both of my boys were diagnosed last year of ADHD, I took advantage of educating myself on ADHD. This was very well done but also a little overwhelming for me at times. It took me a while to read it but it was a good book to get myself ready for my boys and possibly their future. This has helped me prep on what to expect of my son's future and how I can plan to work with him on getting ahead of his ADHD. I really appreciate how short it was and just to the point.
Really appreciate this!

It's still not clear to me who this book is adressed to.
While it makes some suggestions to be for people with ADHD, the layout and the chapters aren't really well thought through for this crowd.
There's lots of explanation about the brain chemistry and while it's an interesting topic, it's written in a rather uninspiring way with lots of statistics and repetitions.
Some of the stories (e.g. the female basketball player) seem to be made up to sound "sensational" and while the authors admits feeling guilty about it - there are quite a bunch of moments with lots of (implicated) judgement.
It might be a good overview for people who aren't familiar with ADHD though - it's a short read after all.

Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for the chance to read and review this ARC.
As a human being who was diagnosed with ADHD when I was 6 years old I felt this book was understandable and easy to read. It was engaging while at the same time the author obviously utilized research to write this book, which is a breath of fresh air compared to the most recent non-fiction book I reviewed for NetGalley.
My favorite part of this book was the "ADHD Advantage" sections within the chapter which really helped give somewhat "step by step" instructions on how to best accommodate one's life with ADHD or create the best "life hacks" while living with ADHD.
Overall, this was well done, easy to digest and understand, and I found it to be helpful. I appreciate the glossary and bibliography in the back as well.

Great Book that helped me understand myself much better. The writing was easy to understand and i was able to get through the book very fast.

A great take on ADHD.
Anders Hansen's take on ADHD was uplifting, informative and thoughtful. Framing it in the context of how it can be beneficial as opposed to a disability. Even with that, he doesn't sugar-coat the difficulties that ADHD can cause, especially for school-aged kids who are stuck in an educational system that is not designed for the way their brains work.
There is interesting data scattered throughout. The first part does get a bit scientific in discussing genetics, which can be difficult for those of us with ADHD. However, it is still interesting.
I also appreciated that this was short and accessible.
I give it a 4.25.
Thanks to Netgalley and Zeitgeist for this ARC

If a reader was new to the concept of ADHD, then this book could be helpful, but for someone who has already done a lot of reading and learning on this topic, this book was not helpful. I have read several books and articles on ADHD, and I was eager to read this about unlocking the advantage, but the information and advice it gave were largely information I have already read when I first started learning about ADHD or strategies I already developed from the first several years of my adulthood when I was undiagnosed but living with ADHD. It did not present me with new information or strategies unfortunately.

This book completely shifted my perspective on ADHD. It’s packed with relatable insights, practical strategies, and an inspiring message about embracing neurodiversity. The balance of research and real-life examples made it such an engaging read—I felt seen on every page.
If you want to better understand ADHD or harness its strengths, this is a must-read. Five stars for the empowering and positive outlook! 💡✨

A friend of mine recently asked if maybe, I had ADHD, considering that, as for many conditions, women and men are often having different ways to cope and therefore women being less identified. Out of curiosity, I picked a few books to understand a bit more what ADHD means, and whether I could identify to this.
On the one hand, I really liked the approach of the author saying that we are all more or less on the spectrum for ADHD, with some aspects of our behaviour being more or less under what is called ADHD.
On the other hand, he kind of started losing me, when he started describing ADHD as one of the most important qualities imaginable, making people having it more courageous, better focused on what really matters, and so on. The fact that the author speaks of a superpower in the title was a hint, but to me it felt like too much at some point, not so much highlighting the positive, than making it all about it.
Still it was an interesting read, thank you to NetGalley for giving me a chance to read it.

Dr. Anders Hansen’s Unlocking the ADHD Advantage offers a refreshing, empowering perspective on ADHD, framing its challenges as potential strengths. With scientific insights and practical strategies, Hansen highlights how traits like impulsivity, restlessness, and hyperfocus once served an evolutionary purpose and can still be harnessed effectively in today’s world. The blend of historical context, actionable advice, and inspiring personal stories makes this book an engaging read for anyone affected by ADHD. While some parts may feel basic for readers already familiar with ADHD, Hansen’s positive, holistic approach brings valuable encouragement and a unique outlook.

Really interesting points and ideas to follow, especially as someone recently diagnosed with ADHD, thank you

I found this very well researched and helpful for learning techniques on how to manage and thrive with ADHD. It was thorough and well-written.

A new, positive take on ADHD, the interspersion of personal stories and practical tips were informative and helped in rewiring my thinking that this learning disability IS a disability and instead, it is in fact, a super power that I can harness to achieve my goals. Sometimes veered into the overly positive, self-helpy vibes that I can get from a well-being book, but nonetheless, I still enjoyed the read.

G e f ä l l t m i r s e h r. A d h s ist keine Krankheit sondern ein Segen. Positives über Adhs in einem Buch zusammengefasst.

"Unlocking the ADHD Advantage" gives a refreshing take on ADHD, showing it as a unique way of thinking that can boost creativity and success, rather than just a disorder. The book mixes personal stories with practical tips, highlighting the strengths of ADHD traits. As someone with ADHD, I found it empowering because it focuses on turning what might seem like weaknesses into strengths. This book helped me see the positive side of ADHD and appreciate it more.

Unlocking the ADHD Advantage" by Dr. Anders Hansen offers a fresh and positive look at ADHD, turning what are often seen as difficulties into potential strengths. Dr. Hansen, a top psychiatrist, explains how traits like impulsiveness and trouble focusing might have been helpful for our ancestors. The book is full of practical tips and real-life stories, showing how you can use these traits to lead a more productive and satisfying life. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for an encouraging view of ADHD. Thank you for NetGalley for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

"Unlocking the ADHD Advantage" offers a fresh view on ADHD, setting it up not as a disorder but as a unique way of thinking that can be harnessed for creativity and success. Combining personal experiences with practical advice, we're able to see the potential in traits often seen as things holding us back. As a sufferer of ADHD this was an empowering read, emphasizing strengths and providing strategies to turn what I view as weaknesses into benefits. This book is a helped me embrace the positive aspects of ADHD.

This was a very interesting and a very informative book to read. I always think it is fascinating to read about different kind of mental conditions, and how our brains work, especially how other brains work, that have their opwn special way. So this was a verys nice book about ADHD.

This was okay. But I think I had more issues with it than not. And I kind of feel like bullet pointing them:
-The format didn't work for me. Ironically it wasn't ADHD friendly in my opinion. Lots of long paragraphs and history that buries the lede.
-While some of this information could be deemed helpful, at this point there is so much info out there about ADHD and I don't think this brought anything new to the table. This information has been more than covered in other books, websites, Reddit, Instagram, tiktok, etc.
-This felt a little repetitive. Like how many times did I need to read that ADHD was a strength for hunters however many thousands of years ago.
-In that same vein, while the book acts like it's gender neutral, it really seemed to be written for men. The aforementioned hunter references for example, encouraging pursuing a career as an entrepreneur, etc. Not really relatable or realistic for women, on average.
-Weirdly anti medicine.
-And insists that exercise can solve all problems. I mean I think exercise is great, but my nephew exercising for four minutes a day is not going to solve his ADHD.
Anyway, I feel like the recent ADHD books that I've read haven't offered anything new for me. I have such a strong desire to read more about ADHD, but it needs to be eye opening or revolutionary. Not a rehashing of topics covered elsewhere.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher.

As an individual with ADHD I was so excited to get the opportunity to read this book. It was very eye opening and made me feel less alone in the constant struggles. Great tips and tricks, and even how to use it to my advantage. Appreciated this read!

This book is tailored towards those with a passing understanding of ADHD (though most readers motivated to pick a book such a this one likely already know a whole lot more thanks to the flood of ADHD reporting in recent years).
That being said, it is written in an accessible manner and contextualises ADHD traits as making sense for most of our human evolution. My biggest takeaway was the fact that ADHD also exists on a spectrum, with degrees of the "traits" affecting different people in different ways. The book makes a great case for why ADHDers are good creative brainstormers, well suited for entrepreneurship and benefit a whole lot from exercise (especially early in the day). None of these assertions are groundbreaking but I appreciated that the author provides a medico/scientific explanation for each "super power". My only complaint is that every time the author draws his way to a conclusion, it is immediately followed by aa disclaimer ("this gene is closely linked to entreprenuerial tendencies, however it doesn't mean having this gene makes you an entrepreneur" .... ad nauseam)
This review was provided thanks to an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review