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e-ARC Review
Rating: 5 stars

The fact I have to wait for book two is absolutely criminal, the cliff hanger is brutal!! I had the absolute pleasure of gaining early access to Healer To The Broken King and now I have a new series I’m absolutely addicted to, an absolute five star read.

Calliste has been training for the past 9 years to become High Priestess of Epione’s Order, healers to the land. On the day she was planning to take her vows, and thus binding her to the mountain, is suddenly interrupted by the King, Theron, who demands a healer to come back to capital with him. Turns out, his son has fallen ill and the head physician has no idea what is happening. Calliste is terrified to go back to the land where her life was turned upside down but what choice does she have. From the journey to the magic, this story hooks you from the start!

Reading this felt like a combination of A Touch Of Chaos and Throne Of Glass with the Greek mythology, treacherous journey, and blooming romance. The spice in the first book was pretty minimal, a mention here and there but nothing too descriptive. The slow burn makes it that much better though. I cannot wait for book two!!

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I am enjoying this book so much! Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher, and the author. All opinions are my own.

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Really enjoyed this Greek-based fantasy. It was really interesting. Mortals caught up in immortal games are always fun reads.

I love the priestess. She's great. And it's interesting to see her interactions with the king. Romance is obviously going to happen. That's a given from the start, but it's fun to see it develop throughout the book.

I like how the author is letting us learn more and more about Calliste's background as Theron does. We still don't have the full story either, which I find intriguing.

I'm definitely looking forward to the next one!

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"Healer to the Broken King" by Avie Adams hooked me from the start with its slow-burn forbidden romance and Greek mythology. The story follows Calliste, a healer, and King Theron, who need to save the king’s son. Their growing feelings, mixed with secrets and court intrigue, make for an engaging read. Despite the cliffhanger, the romance and adventure kept me eagerly anticipating the next book.

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Healer to the Broken King is a slow burn fantasy romance that draws inspiration from Greek Mythology. the main character Calliste is a healer, who gets roped into assisting King Theron in the hopes that she’ll be able to help heal his ailing son. but the more time they spend together, the closer they get — despite the odds stacked against them. Calliste’s magic involves a connection with the gods, specifically the god of dreams Hypnos. Calliste struggles to keep her secrets hidden from the man she’s falling for, while also dealing with the envy of the very god who’s meant to protect her.

i enjoyed this one and the fact that characters are older. Theron isn’t the typical brooding king (even though there’s still some of that lol). im a sucker for forbidden romance so i was eating up the tension between Calliste and Theron, but im also interested in Hypnos and her dynamic with him. the ending left on a cliffhanger so ill be keeping an eye out for book two’s release.

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ARC review - Healer to the Broken King by Avie Adams


Thank you to the author, Avie Adams, Netgally and the Victory Editing Negally Coop for the opportunity to read this ARC in exchange for my honest opinion!

This book quickly became one of my favorite reads of 2024, I am beyond excited for book two! It follows a healer, Calliste, as she works against the feuding immortal gods to save the life of a cursed prince. She puts her life in danger while trying to navigate her powers and the unexpected feelings that arise for King Theron that could jeopardize the fate of the kingdom. And also has a hidden past she is trying to keep secret.

I loved the world building, though a bit heavy at times if you love mythology you will love this! The character building was phenomenal and the plot was new and not overly done! I could have easily sat down and read this in one sitting if I didn’t have 1000 other things to do!!

Besides some of the difficult name pronunciations Avie Adam’s writing style is magical, so easy to read and immerse yourself into the story. I felt a true connection with the characters and honestly loved them all!

I loved the slow burn, angsty relationship between Calliste and Theron and I’m excited to see how that blossoms in the next book!

If you love…
🖤 Forbidden Love
🖤 One Horse
🖤 Forced Proximity
🖤 “Who Did This To You?”
🖤 Mythology
🖤 Cursed Kingdoms
🖤 Meddling/Feuding Gods
🖤 Sloooooow Burn 🔥
🖤 Mature Main Characters


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I wanted to love this book so much. I loved the premise. The cover is stunning…but it was a hard read for me just simply because of the writing and the dialogue.

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What a heck of a novel! I adored the whole story and devoured it in a few hours. Avie is superb at world building and drawing her reader into the tale. I can’t wait to read the next one to see how Calliste’s story unravels.

I will say though, that the ending is super abrupt. Like I’m the middle of the story abrupt. There’s so many side stories and issues yet to be addressed that I was left feeling a little adrift but I will definitely pick up the next book to see if my questions are answered.

Overall, a compelling novel and I’ll be following Avie’s author journey with interest.

Thank you to NetGalley, Avie Adams and Victory Editing for sending me this eARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Healer to the Broken King is book one in the Brides of Myth duology by Avie Adams.
I am left with no words… I was so invested the entire time. I craved to read this book because the writing style and plot kept me on the edge of my seat for all of it.
A wonderfully written epic fantasy romance with the best characters.
There was enough build up to give me a good overview of the world, but it was also paced at just the right speed that there was enough detail without being laborious, and enough intrigue to keep me wanting to find out more.
such an engaging Greek mythology.

Thank you NetGalley and Victory Editing for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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I genuinely found this book entertaining and fun to read— it was engaging enough that I finished it in a day! The Greek mythological elements and the layers of the fantasy world were particularly enjoyable. Although the ending felt rather abrupt and some aspects could have been explored in more depth, I am definitely looking forward to book two to see where the story takes us!!

Thank you to Avie Adams and the Netgalley team for providing me with the ARC!

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Title: Healer to the Broken King

Author: Avie Adams

Rating: ★★★★

Get ready to be swept off your feet with "Healer to the Broken King" by Avie Adams, a slow-burn fantasy romance that’s as enchanting as it is intense…. The best kind.

Calliste, a devoted healer on the brink of becoming high priestess, finds her world turned upside down when the dark and domineering King Theron storms her sanctuary. Abducted and blackmailed, her nine years of dedication go up in smoke, along with her hopes of safety. Forced to return to the glittering capital she fled, a place filled with nightmares and scars, Calliste’s journey is just beginning.

King Theron, a broken man weighed down by his crown, will stop at nothing to save his sleep-cursed son—even if it means capturing a cherished priestess. As Calliste begins to mend his shattered heart, Theron struggles to resist his dangerous desires.

Their forbidden love heats up Theron’s kingdom and sparks envy in the god Calliste serves. Bound by duty and shadowed by secrets, their love must withstand intense trials—or risk dooming them both.

With mature protagonists, tortured heroes, and a world inspired by Greek mythology, "Healer to the Broken King" has it all!
The epic fae action and Greek mythology backdrop add a magical touch which I always love in books. Calliste and Theron's journey together is filled with entertaining banter and quirky moments that make you root for them from the start. The slow-burn romance is worth every page-turning moment, especially when that long-awaited kiss finally happens! I will be honest, I was giggling by this point.

Dive into this beautifully crafted tale of forbidden love and see if Calliste and Theron can overcome the odds and find their happily ever after.

Thank you to The Publisher ARC provided by Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op, the author Avie Adams & Netgalley for an advanced reader copy (ARC) in exchange for my honest review.

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Healer to the broken King
By Avie Adams
Publishing 15th July 2024
Rating 5 stars CAWPILE 9.00

This book I asked to read because it had Greek mythology inspiration in a fantasy Romance and because I am certainly on a bit of a Greek mythology kick at the moment I wanted to see how it would be. I read this book in one sitting and I loved it.

The world building had enough sprinkling of Greek mythology that if you know your Greek myths you would be like oh that god but it never felt bogged down by it. This is a unique world and I fell in love with it and the characters. I hope in the concluding part that the two characters I am rooting for end up being together because on the page they are strong characters but also show their vulnerability. I am now sad I am going to have to wait to book 2 now because I will be thinking about that ending for a long time.

Make sure you check trigger warnings for this all are in the front of the book to see if there is anything that could trigger you. This book was a ride and now I cannot wait till the next part.

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I really enjoyed this book and practically read it in one sitting.

The world building is so well done. I love the incorporation of Greek Gods and Goddesses, but with a twist so it's new and exciting.

For the most part, the pacing of the book is pretty good. There were some moments where I felt like the pacing was a little slow, like the traveling portion and even some of the repetitive nature of trying to heal the son. I think that's the big reason why it's not a five-star for me.

The characters are a highlight. I love the FMC. Calliste is a very strong woman, with a past. She has a lot of power that she needs to learn how to use as well as learning to be confident in herself. I love how she is going on a journey, which will continue. The MMC, Theron, is morally grey but also has a devastating past. The two connect even when they don't share all of their secrets. There is a delicious tension between the two characters which is sure to take us on a ride in the next books. There aren't many secondary characters that stand out, so this book is really developed through our MCs and their secrets.

I do think at times there are too many secrets left open which did leave me frustrated at some points. The repetition of the same secrets, like why FMC won't talk about her husband and what happened definitely left the door open for huge FMC development which would have been great to see in book 1. It will definitely be in book 2 since it is a focal point as to why Theron and his advisors and guards are looking into Calliste and her past. Obviously, there is a lot to uncover and unpack in upcoming books and that makes me excited to keep reading.

Can't wait for more.

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The struggles between duty and the heart.

When you get a book that hooks you from the first line you know it’s going to be a great escape into a new world, or in this case blown back into the past where mythos rule.

The healer to the broken king is a well crafted first part In the Duo - one I can’t wait to see what happens next.- because how it ends will leave you breathless !
The emotions this novel brings forth is something that will have readers unable to put down, as well as the chemistry between the characters is a subtle temptation that keeps on building as it goes on- with the effects of using her powers choices between duty and the heart are pushed to the test for both of the MCs

It’s an age old question what will win out between the heart and duty.

This was an Arc and am so thankful for the opportunity to read this. Thank you Avie Adam’s for this amazing piece and the NetGalley team

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"Who did this to you?"

“Stubborn. Demanding. Uncompromising.
Yet gentle. Quiet, too. No, not quiet. De-tached. It would be too early to judge who he was beneath it all.
But she was certain of one thing: the king was consumed by suffering- enough to shatter a soul.”

I absolutely adored this book! It was fantastic and marvellous and amazing and I can’t help but feel overwhelmed by all the feelings I experienced. Characters in their 30s. A king in desperate need of a healer for his son. A priestess in need to take her vow, with a secret past, a troubled one and some scars as constant reminders. A love blossoming were it should even exists. A game of gods and immortals where she is nothing but a pawn even without fully realising her potential. It’s a fantasy romance book worth the name. It has dark traits and it is complicated. It’s painful and healing and sweet and sometimes romantic and it gives us an introduction of how potential spicy it can be. Of course, it ended with a massive cliffhangers, leading to me desperately needing for more. More of Theron, our brooding, tormented and broken king. More of Callista and her hope and strength and resilience and passion. More of this Greek inspired world with its gods and titans and powerful dynamics that I still need to understand. More of the frustrating and vexing general that I think will give us some interesting moments ! I can’t wait to read more !!!

"Scars that make me want to hunt down her husband and watch him die a slow and agonizing death."

“Less of a king now. More of an unapologetically attractive man.”

"What did you imagine?"
"You." He fixed his eyes on her. "Bare underneath me, arching and coming wildly with my name on your lips. What else?"

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I was first drawn in by this gorgeous cover, and then the description. It was the dark vibe but you just *know * there is going to be just enough sweet moments sprinkled in to balance everything out.
I was immediately impressed with the writing. Sometimes third person can feel clunky, but not in this case! I was halfway through the book in no time—I could not put it down. The author’s voice is smooth, letting the story shine through.
The story is unique, but with the atmosphere of some of my favorite manhwa combined with the elements I love to find in fantasy novels. The slow burn forbidden love is just…. *chef’s kiss* and the character development was perfect, while their personal histories gave them more depth.
I’m both happy (because there will be more!) and “upset“ (because I have to wait) that it ends on a cliffhanger.
This is the fantasy book I’ve been craving for all year!

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Title: Healer to the Broken King by Avie Adams
Genre: Romantasy
Pub Date: July 15, 2024


✨️ Mythology Retelling
🐍 Temple Healer FMC
🍃 Dual POV
🗡 Forced Proximity
✨️ Forbidden Love
🐍 Destructive Secrets

My Review:

Calliste has undergone many trials in her nine years to be inducted into the Sisterhood and the day has finally come, but the ceremony is interrupted by King Theron who insists she must come to his palace immediately to heal his son who hasn't awoke in six weeks. Theron and Calliste grow closer during the journey to the castle, but Calliste is to be a priestess so nothing can come from the infatuation.

Came for the pretty cover and the promise of some Greek mythology, stayed for the forbidden love, and to see what happens to Kalias! Both Calliste and Theron have their secrets, and neither are willing to share, I'm nosey, so I want to know too. The cliffhanger is brutal! I love a good forbidden love/slow burn. This one took a little bit for me to get into, but I really loved it! I can't wait to read book 2!!

Thank you so much, NetGalley and the sweet author, for the digital review copy ❣️

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I loved this book so much! the world building and the plot was amazing and well thought out.
I loved the greek references were spot on.

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**Review: "Healer of the Broken King"**

"Healer of the Broken King" was an amazing read! With its adult characters, rich fantasy setting, and a captivating storyline, it had me hooked from the start.

Calliste was on the brink of being vowed into her priesthood when her long-held dream was suddenly disturbed by none other than the king himself. After nine years of dedication and hard work, she is torn from her path by King Theron, who desperately needs her help to save his son. As she grapples with this new reality, old nightmares and her past life come rushing back to haunt her.

King Theron is on his last straw, doing everything he can to save his son. But in a world where gods and goddesses manipulate mortals like puppets, there is much more at play than meets the eye.

I loved the depth of the story, particularly how the main characters, Calliste and Theron, are older and very adult, each with a haunting backstory that adds layers of complexity to their personalities and motivations.

I am eagerly looking forward to book 2!

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A discovery of romantasy with Greek vibes that I devoured

I was lucky enough to have this book in ARC ... And now I regret it because the wait is going to be even longer for the second book ><

I didn't know this author at all but this book attracted me because it had three of my favorite tropes : the single father, the "royal" and Greek mythology !

And I DEVOURED it in one night !!

What I particularly liked :

- the universe draws its originality from the fact that it uses many references to Greek mythology (notably the gods) (and for people like me who grew up with Percy Jackson it was GREAT !) by adapting it to fantasy and with a more developed touch (I loved the discovery and all the details of the Underworld !)

- the multiple plots which intrigued me a lot. For this first book, it is mainly the basics that are laid but we have a lot of questions and clues which suggest that things are much more complex than we think (hello Hypnos xD)

- the characters to whom I quickly became attached ! Special mention of course for Calliste who has a horrible past but who is such a strong and human character who was able to rebuild herself and assert herself (I particularly liked the way she does not hesitate to assert her opinion even in front of other more influential people !) And of course, Theron so tormented by everything that happened to him and which greatly influences his present actions ...

- Romance ! I really liked seeing the two characters "poke" each other, confront each other and then finally succumb in order to take three steps back >< No sex scene here but a lot of fantasies which suggest much more spicy scenes for the future =) (and I love the comparison with the nymph =D)

- THIS END !! I can't wait for the next book, I have too many questions >< (especially this damn paper !!)

In short, a romantasy with Greek vibes that I read with pleasure ! I recommend it to all fans of Greek mythology and fantasy (especially those who liked the Tainted Accords by Kelly St-Clare !)

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