Member Reviews

Oh my heart! Any book that Basham writes is an automatic "purchase now" from me, but this book really took it to the next level for me. This book is the third in the My Heart Belongs in the Blue Ridge series and is just as powerful as the two before it. As I finished it, I just let my heart marinate in the story and the parallels that can be drawn from this story to my own life. Basham is a master storyteller and I struggle every time with rushing through her books and wanting to go slow to savor each and every word. Easy 5 stars!!!

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I loved 'Hope Like Wildflowers' and felt immersed in this story that takes the reader on a beautiful journey of hope and healing, and what true love looks like. The true love of our heavenly father, and the true love of a kind and self giving man, after Kizzie experienced a broken father and a young man who used her. I could not put this story down, it was so well-told that I kept turning pages into the night. I loved the friends and mentors along the way who loved her, and helped her grow in her faith and live better going forward. Kissie McAdam's tale will wrap around your heart and have you cheering her on.

Fans of historical fiction will love this story, and this series!

Thank you to the publisher and Net Galley for allowing me to read an early ecopy. All opinions are my own.

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Be still my heart! What a wonderful story of redemption. Pepper Basham brought me to literal tears with her tale of a fallen young woman who truly finds herself when she finds Jesus.

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Confession: I still haven't gone back and read book 1 in this series like I planned to after reading book 2. :D (Because story of my life, I read books out of order!)

I think this read would benefit from doing so, though book 2 was fine. This one picks up with the sister of book 1's heroine, so having not read book 1 yet, I felt a bit at a loss - no connection to Kezzie (and, second confession, I _really_ don't care for her name; sad but true!).

So, this was a bit of a hard read to get into on a few levels, and quickly turned into a DNF. From skimming other reviews, it does seem to pick up, but I'd honestly rather reread other Basham novels--notably the contemporary ones! The Skymar series, in particular, is exceptional.

I received an eARC of the book from the publisher via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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I want to say this is my favorite book by Pepper Basham but I say that about everyone of her books. I love her stories, this is an absolute fantastic read! I feel in love with the characters immediately but Kizzie held a special place in my heart. I found myself walking in her shoes with how the author weaves the mistakes that are made outside of God’s word. But as hatred falls upon Kizzie’s door she handles herself in a way that had me laughing and cheering her on against some evil men who intend to scare her. The way Jesus is poured into the pages of the story brings joy and beauty to the pages transforming it into so much more. I stayed glued to the pages and fully entertained from beginning to end. A budding romance along with a testing of her faith keeps the story moving at a perfect pace. When a twist is thrown in toward the end you will be on the edge of your seat with what circumstances it may bring. So beautifully written, this story will most assuredly leave an impression on your heart.
Was given a complimentary copy. All opinions are my own.

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We all make mistakes. Kizzie McAdams has made one. Her family disowns her, and she has few places to go. She decides to turn to God and repent for her mistakes. Can the world forgive her, like our heavenly Father? Read of Kizzie's journey.

I enjoyed this redeeming story and God's grace. I would read more from this author. Thanks to Netgalley for an advanced copy, my opinions are my own.

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I enjoyed this one. Kizzie McAdams starts out as a servant. Like many young servant girls of the time she becomes pregnant. She is not completely turned out by the father but is an outcast to his mother, other servants and the town. She finds a friend who invites her to their church and it changes her life. In order to do so she must take a big risk and start her life over somewhere else.
I really like the character of Kizzie. Like many of us she struggles with a sin that has a strong hold over
her. Through helping others, she improves her own life and becomes stronger in her faith. Mrs. Carter is another strong woman who lives out her faith by helping young women such as Kizzie. Noah and his mother care little for social norms when it cones to helping and protecting others whenever they can. Lots of great characters with strong faith make this a great read. Of course there are those trying to push them off their path from time to time adding to the intrigue of the very satisfying ending.
I received an advance copy of this book through Netgalley in exchange for my honest review.

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Kizzie McAdams is the main character of this redemption story. Alone, pregnant and cast out from her family she found a home with friends, Nella and Joshua. She also found her worth in God.
Pursued by her past she felt compelled to leave her friends and seek out a new future for her and her child.

It was a very unique story line.

I felt Kizzie became mature in Christ almost too fast for her age. Although we call learn through hard experience and she definitely had some.

Also Noah was very kind, loving and caring but maybe little too perfect.

I loved the setting and the details of living in the mountains.

The first half of the story was slow for me. However, the second half was unexpected and engaging.
I loved the epilogue, it was the best part.
Thank you to Net Galley for allowing me to read this book. The opinions are entirely my own.

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This is a great read.
The book tackles a hard subject. That of unwed mothers.
The shame and blame put upon women throughout the ages is horrible.
Yes, sexual intimacy is meant by God for within marriage. But when things happen, it seems only the women are blamed. It takes two to tango.
I wish I could say it is better now, but the purity culture has done the same thing to countless young women destroying their value as a person.
I love that this story brings out very strongly that God does forgive. Yes, we must make better choices but sex outside of marriage is not the unforgivable sin. This story shows how God can take a wreck and still bring beauty.
I received a complimentary copy of this book. My opinions are my own.

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This story! I’ve wanted to know Kizzie’s story since she was first mentioned back in ‘Laurel’s Dream’ (and again in ‘The Heart of the Mountains’).
Kizzie had made some bad decisions with lasting consequences. Seeing her turn back to God, make the hard decisions, and lean into God’s forgiveness and love were beautiful. Noah!! Noah was such a strong, caring man who lived out his faith. He loved and accepted Kizzie for who she is now.
I loved Nella (and Joshua). She was exactly what Kizzie needed at the time. A loving , truth speaking woman. I also loved Mrs Carter and Victoria Lewis. They were so loving and accepting of Kizzie.
And the epilogue, I could barely read it through my tears!!
This ARC was provided through NetGalley by the publisher. I was not required to give a positive review, rating and opinions are my own.

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4.5 stars for this beautifully inspirational historical romance. This story follows Laurel's Dream and The Heart of the Mountains. I have only read one of those and it was a few years back, so I went into this one pretty blind as regards to the history and did not have any trouble following along, so this story stands just fine on its own. Though if you've read the other stories, I believe you will understand Kizzie's yearnings for home a bit better. For fans of the series, they will be glad to get Kizzie's story. Kizzie has been cast out by her dad for bringing shame to the family by getting pregnant without being married. And her story is a truly redemptive tale. The faith thread in this story is solid as Kizzie learns to find her identity in God's love for her. When she leaves temptation behind for good, she finds His blessings abound even more and finds friendship and acceptance in the least likely of places.

Though this is mostly a character driven book as Kizzie's character growth and development is the central story-line, there is also a bit of a mystery sub-plot as it surrounds the mill in the town where Kizzie lands. As a plot-preference reader, this helped me enjoy this tale immensely even though I loved to see Kizzie's growth and the sweet romance that came with that growth. One complaint I have is that when we first switch to Noah's point of view, we're about a quarter of the way through the story and so it feels abrupt like we're starting a new story altogether and it kinda snapped me out of what I was reading. However, it did make its way back pretty well as we're introduced to Kizzie through Noah's eyes a chapter or so later. Noah is the epitome of a historical romance hero - a true gentleman who has a bit of heartbreak in his past, but full of compassion, standing up for the innocent, and takes good care of his mother. Just makes a girl want to sigh. Or swoon. I thoroughly enjoyed his character arc as well, though. And the epilogue is one for the ages. I was wiping tears. It give you ALL the feels! All in all, this was a beautiful and inspirational story and one I would recommend to fans of historical fiction and tales of redemption. Special thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for an advance e-copy of this book. I was under no obligation to provide a review and the thoughts contained herein are my own.

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Oh, Kizzie.

I think she might be my favorite. I love a good redemption story. And this one does not disappoint!

Watching Kizzie come to faith, and then grow in her faith. Watching Noah stand up to his brother, and love unconditionally no matter Kizzie’s past or any other obstacles and challenges that came along the way. What a picture of true love, along with God’s love for His children!

I’ve been delighted with the number of books recently that have tackled the guilt of sexual sin. The love of Christ that can be shown through these books has touched my heart! And Pepper did an amazing job in Kizzie’s story touching on the guilt and the shame and finding new life in Christ!

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Historical fiction about a young woman cast out from her family after falling pregnant by her employer's son. The story was sweet and engaging, but marred for me by some modern-day phrases ("true that" and "control the narrative").

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This book started off extremely slow for me. I really didn’t like the name Kizzie and the whole first 100ish pages were treacherous to get into. But once I found Noah (like a lot of reviews point to), things started to heat up.

This book follows Kizzie through the hardest time in her life until her hard worked for, happily ever after. Along the way she has many trials and then finally some triumphs. Some very well deserved triumphs.

Although this book was hard to keep engaged with, the ending wrapped up nicely and even brought a few happy tears.

*ARC kindly provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest and truthful review.

Review will be posted on Goodreads and Amazon.

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Kizzie's story is here and it is a wonderful one! Set in the late 1910's, we first see Kizzie pregnant and alone and then follow her and her choices as she grows and realizes her worth in God. Beautifully told and a story that is hard to put down. We meet Charles and his mother and a few others including Charles' cousin Cole, Jonah, Bella and kids as well as Noah, Victoria, George, Gayle, Molly, Taylor and a few others after she moves 20 miles away. Kizzie has learned to endure and thrive while helping other women with similar situations as her while she's with Gayle, as well as remembering she's been redeemed when her thoughts take her to her past. Loved this story and the closing of the McAdams family's story arch.

A complimentary copy was provided by Barbour via NetGalley. A review was not required and all thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I've spent the last week immersed in the McAdams family when I read Pepper Basham's "My Heart Belongs in the Blue Ridge" series ("Laurel's Dream", "The Heart of the Mountains" and "Hope Like Wildflowers") back to back.

"Hope Like Wildflowers" is the third book in the series about Kizzie McAdams, a broken young lady we finally get to meet after having heard all about her from her siblings in the previous two books.

The title says it all: it's a redemptive love story filled with hope. Yes, there's romance in it, but this novel is first and foremost about the Father's unconditional love for us.

I've read several of Ms Basham's books (and loved every one of them!), but this story differed from the others I've read. Like the first two books in the series, it's a little grittier and filled with "real-life" heaviness. The reality of Kizzie's life is bleak, at best, from the first chapter, but as she learns about God's goodness and mercy, we see His light shining through the darkness.

Kizzie's a remarkable young woman despite all the hard knocks she sustained over and over again. And her darling little bubby. 😍

I enjoyed meeting new people, although every time Kizzie thought of her family, I did too. Having spent two books with them, I missed them, but knowing the timeline in their books vs Kizzie's story... it needed to go back a few years to catch up on all we missed. I knew it had to be this way even if the separation was hard!

The Epilogue was perfection and exactly what I needed and hoped for, particularly after the events in book two. Thank you, Ms Basham, for ending the book the way you did. ❤️

NB I received an ARC of this novel from NetGalley and Barbour Publishing. Thank you. 🥰

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This is a beautiful story of redemption. Kizzie gets into the wrong kind of relationship and ends up pregnant. Rejected by her family, She has to learn how to fend for herself.
I love that this story is filled with so much hope. Yes, things do look pretty bleary for Kizzie at times, but with the help of wise friends, she gets her focus back on God and what's really true.
The romance is slower getting started in this book, but it's not missed because Kizzie does a lot of growing so she can be ready for the right kind of relationship. And when the romance does happen, it's so sweet. 🫠
I recommend you read this if you love historical, soul-touching stories with romance and even a little dash of mystery.

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October 1917, Oak Plains, N C. Imagine a young unmarried pregnant girl who has just been disowned by her father in the middle of the night. She was afraid of the coyotes howling as well as other wild animals. She had taken a job in a fancy manor and believed that her employer loved and planned to marry her. She ends up finding solace in another town where she was treated better and introduced to the Lord. It was there that she met the man she ultimately married but she also had many struggles. Will this end in a happily ever after? This is another great story Pepper D. Basham and I thank NetGalley for the ARC. I was under no obligation to give a good review. All opinions are my own.

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A beautifully written and moving story of God’s turning ashes into beauty when we confess and turn to him.

The story of Kizzie and Noah spoke to me. Kizzie McAdams turned to God after being cast from her family for becoming pregnant out of wedlock. A single mom alone with her newborn and ostracized from her family and community, Kizzie meets godly people on her way who inspire her to seek Him and confess her past. Noah Lewis is a hardworking mill owner, but as the second son, he has to bow to his tyrannical older brother while fighting for the rights of his workers. He is determined to care for the people who work for them and fight to keep their family company running despite the losses they are taking.

One blizzardy day, Kizzie and Noah cross paths as she helps him after his carriage overturns. He admires her spunk and resilience; she sees his kindness and strength. Despite their class differences, they forge a friendship of mutual respect, which deepens into something more.

As forces press in on them—social expectations, their pasts, and an uncertain future—Kizzie and Noah discover that with God’s grace, the future will be bright and filled with hope.

Hope Like Wildflower by Pepper Basham is a poignantly written story of forgiveness, redemption, and enduring love. I love how Kizzie and Noah’s respect and friendship blossoms into more. Noah sees beyond her stained past to her business smarts and compassion. Kizzie learns that though he is wealthy, he is humble and gentle but strong when it counts.

While you can read Hope Like Wildflowers as a stand-alone book, it is most rewarding to read it after reading the first two.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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"Hope Like Wildflowers" by Pepper Basham is another wonderful book by an author that quickly became one of my favorites in the last year. This book is the end of a trilogy which I happened to read out of order and was able to pick up the story right away without the full backstory. Kizzie, our main female character is mentioned in the first two books but this really could be a standalone book. It also perfectly wraps up the series as well if you've read the other two books - Laurel's Dream and Heart of the Mountain.

Kizzie is a young woman who became pregnant by her employer. Cast out by her family, she finds care in the least likely places. This book had me crying and rejoicing with Kizzie as she struggles to become the woman she's meant to be. This is a true story of redemption and forgiveness, the type of redemption that can only be found in our creator God. I love how faith filled this book is and how the author shows that someone broken can heal through God's grace.

I can't recommend this book and series enough. Thank you Pepper for writing this book!

Thank you to Netgalley and Barbour Publishing for a chance to read an ARC of this book. All opinions expressed are my own.

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