Member Reviews

Wow, just wow!! Pepper Basham's writing just keeps blooming to more robust, more lovely bouquets of words with every story I read of hers. Hope Like Wildflowers, the third book in her My Heart Belongs in the Blue Ridge series, was an incredibly heartwarming story of faith and God's love overcoming shame and regret. And family love was celebrated which is always one of my favorites in a story. This series has become a preferred series to me. Truly!!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. The opinions expressed are completely my own.

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Lizzie McAdams hasn’t made the best choices. After giving birth to her son Charlie, who was conceived out of wedlock, she discovers Gods forgiveness and love. Will she find a new home and a community who will accept her- tainted past and all?

I love the story of redemption in this book. The references to the Christian life and God’s abundant grace are beautiful!

However, the writing is what I would call “obvious.” Too much telling. The romance comes on quickly and just doesn’t seem believable to me. I also kept feeling confused about the setting, particularly the time period. I’m not sure that’s ever well described. Seems like World War II, but the only reference to the war is when a woman is shunned for marrying a German.

Overall, it’s an easy, cute read!

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Book 3 of 3 - A touching story of Kizzie McAdams. An unplanned pregnancy changes her life in many ways. She receives no support from her far and is left to figure life out for her own. Great story. I received a complimentary copy from NetGalley. This review is my feelings towards the book.

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I loved this book and the characters in it! Basham continues to amaze me with her stories and the depth of her characters. There were so many characters that I loved in this novel but a few of my favorites were Kizzie, Noah and Charlie. I enjoyed the depth of faith that Kizzie has despite having a past. So many great things to love in this story, I did not want the story to end.

Thanks to netgalley and Barbour Publishing. The opinions are my own. The review will be posted on my blog not prior to 30 days before publication.

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Set in the early 1900s in the Appalachian region. This book is about second chances, redemption, a mother's love for her child and newfound love. This is my first book by the author and I haven't read books 1 or 2 from the series yet. I usually always read a series in order but I really enjoyed Kizzie's story and I didn't feel like I missed anything by reading book 3 first. I definitely plan to go back and read the other books in the series.

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Kizzie was pregnant and running for her life in the wild country of Oak Plains, N.C. in the year 1917.
She screamed "help me" as she was being chased by coyotes, then she heard a shot and she felt something wet ran between her legs.
Joshua carried her into the house to his wife, Nella and she soon was in a bed giving birth!
Little Charlie was small but strong,but Kizzie was an unwed mother and she learned a lot about caring for newborns from Nelle.
Kizzie loved Charles, the baby's father, but he only wanted a "kept woman" to have children with and not a wife.
Kizzie found God and her world turned upside down!

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I really enjoyed Laurel’s Dream and The Heart of the Mountains by Pepper Basham. Book 3 chronicles Kizzie’s story, and is a wonderful addition to the series.

Rejected and sent away by her father, Kizzie is a young unwed mother with unrealistic hopes that her baby’s father will marry her. Kizzie’s journey to find acceptance and a place to call home leads her to a newfound faith in God and ultimately the knowledge that true acceptance comes from Him. I loved watching her character growth as the novel progressed.

The love story that blossoms between Kizzie and Noah is sweet and satisfying. Will they overcome the hurdles on their path to a happily ever after?

I received a review copy of the book from the publisher through Netgalley. The opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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This book is worth the read; it's worth pre-ordering. This book deserves a space on everyone's shelf.

Kizzie's story is a tale of second chances, brokenness, and redemption that spans from 1917 to 1920, overlapping with the stories of Laurel's Dream and The Heart of the Mountains. It serves as a satisfying wrap-up to the series but is also easy to read as a stand-alone... Kizzie's journey is one that many can relate to - dealing with the shame of her past, moving forward, and trusting in God... Your heartstrings will be tugged by Kizzie's challenging journey. You will feel sad and angry at times but also inspired.

A strong faith element is included, with the characters learning to trust God and that He will be there for them through everything. I loved seeing Kizzie and Noah grow and realize what is important over time. Kizzie realizes she is much stronger than she ever thought and, with God's help, can handle whatever comes her way.

"If the Lord loves us in all our brokenness and creates good for us even when we're not, then don't you think He is also able to create a man to love you in your brokenness too?"

This book is amazing. The writing is sharp and insightful - and at times just charming. Well-developed characters with believable charming romance....Releases on October 1st.

Thank you NetGalley and Publisher for the eARC.

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Another great book set in Appalachia from Pepper Basham!

Kizzie's story is powerful -- unwed, pregnant and disowned by her father, she heads back to the father of her baby only to find out he's unwilling to marry her and sticks her in a house as a kept woman. However, she finds love and acceptance from her neighbors that help her through her pregnancy and after. They help her find a new direction in life, where she finds true love. Set in Appalachia, it's a beautiful setting and the characters are so well crafted and the storyline is deep and powerful.

Thank you to NetGalley, the author and publisher for a temporary, digital ARC in return for my review.

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4.5 stars rounded to 5

I really enjoyed this book! This was my first book that I read from Pepper Basham, so everything was new. The character development was great as well as how the Kizzie grew closer to God. It was a clean Christian romance. The reason for the half star was because in the middle it started to lag a bit and it got boring. The ending was very sweet though!

Thank you to NetGalley and Pepper Basham for letting me read the book before it gets published!

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I dearly loved the first two books in the My Heart Belongs in the Blue Ridge series and have been longing to read the story of the “missing sister” Kizzie. This is it, and it was well worth the wait! This heartwarming, gripping story of love and redemption grabbed me from the beginning touching my heart and stirring my soul for the entirety of the read. A beautifully crafted cast of engaging characters drive the story. I love strong but vulnerable heroine Kizzie and noble hero Noah. I love how Noah does not judge Kizzie for her past actions and shows her what real love looks like. I was blessed by the wonderful, lovely supporting characters Gayle, Nella, Joshua, and Victoria. I appreciate the depth of the faith element in the story. Kizzie’s resilient faith journey from self-doubt and shame to confidence and contentment in God’s love is inspiring. The lovely, satisfying epilogue brought tears. I think Historical Christian Romance fans will love this story, and I highly recommend it. Note: This book works well as a standalone, but I recommend reading the previous books first for a more meaningful reading experience and just because they are so good!
I received a copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley with no obligation to write a positive review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Fantastic book! Redemption…God’s love…Forgiveness… This book was filled with a deep sense of all God wants and desires for us. I felt it was a bit slow at the beginning, but it set up all that would come later and was important to the entire story. The main character spoke God’s truth in her life and it was such a good reminder that we are all His children and He wants so much for us to live for and in His glory. I also enjoyed reading a story taking place during the early 1900’s. It’s not too often a story isn’t overpowered by war during this time and it was interesting to read about how things were changing in America during that time period.

*I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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First of all, thank You netgalley for the ARC granted. What an inspiring story! Kizzie is such an incredibe character, well developed and easy to be related since She is learning from her rights and wrongs how to be the best version of herself, for God and for others. Noah is the man crush goal from all woman wishes to find in life haha ​​His resilience through the hard times, and still behavior to do the right thing is commendable. I loved the lesson here, of finding hope and love first in God and in His grace, and just then You'll see the happiness, peace and goodness in this world. Pepper is such and amazing writer, and I am looking foward to read more of her stories.

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Pepper Basham honestly is one of my favorite authors for her ability to beautifully weave together stories that remind you of God's love.

Kizzie is such a joy to follow, from her downs to her brand new life in Christ to her journey to finding home. Every moment was beautifully written, showcasing the forgiveness of God and the strength he gives.
Noah is such a wonderful hero. Though he has heartache of his own, he strives to help and protect those around him and to always do the right thing.
The romance is sweet and will have you smiling and sighing. You can't help but love these two together.
The side characters are so wonderful and add so much to the overall story.

I was so moved by the faith in this book, and the reminder it gave of just who God is and our identity in Him.

With a perfect balance of faith, romance, and a touch of humor, this is such a wonderful read for anyone.

Thank you netgalley for an early copy of this fantastic book, my thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I was so excited to hear that Ms. Basham was finally going to write Kizzie's story. For those of you who have read Laurel's Dream and The Heart of the Mountain the first two books in My Heart Belongs to the Blue Ridge series, then you will know the name Kizzie for she is a sister to Jeb and Laurel who was forced to leave the family because of a bad choice that she made, but that was about all that we knew about her. And now we finally get to read "the rest of the story." and what a story it is. Ms. Basham has drawn from her own family history to create this amazing book., as well as drawing a beautiful word picture of God's amazing love and forgiveness for all of us.
I would like to recommend this book to you even if you haven't read the first two books in this series it can be read as a standalone though to get the whole picture it is best to read the three books in order, because you will get the whole picture that way.
Thank you, Barbour Books and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read an advance copy of this book and thank you Pepper Basham for sharing your heart with all of us.

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Another tear-jerker, redemption story by Pepper Basham. 'Hope Like Wildflowers' has strong, flawed characters that rely on God's love, restoration, and redemption.

A fallen woman, Kizzie feels unworthy of God's love, mercy, and grace.

Remembering what her mama said in regard to her daddy running from God, God's "faster, smarter, and can last a heap longer. If He wants you, He'll catch you.", Kizzie realizes that it's time to stop running and be caught. Caught in God's love, mercy, grace. Even in her brokenness, God loves her and holds her in His arms.

A story for all who are broken, who feel alone and unworthy, and are tired of running.

Releases Oct. 1st. I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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This sweet romance gave me the impression I’d truly stepped back in time! It wasn’t hard to imagine I’d picked up an old classic, full of tensions between family loyalties and cultural expectations; personal longings and godly responsibilities. I couldn’t help but love Kizzie and each woman who encouraged her in her growth from naive teen to mature woman. Gotta love this little mama bear who protected her cub! And Noah was every mother’s hope for her son. Tender and wise, I was glad his determination to help others led to the healing of his own grief. And if you could read the epilogue without tissues, you have no heart at all! This was a great read with lots of twists and turns - Basham was in no hurry to rush us toward her happy ending in The Hollows. I received a complimentary copy of this gem from NetGalley, and was not required to post a review.

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I enjoy Pepper Basham’s books and was excited to read this one. I liked reading Kizzie’s story and watching her growth. Redemption stories are some of my favorites. Noah was great too! I loved him and his mother. I appreciated the faith elements in the book. I love good Christian fiction. That being said, it seemed like having faith made things go Kizzie’s way a little more than is realistic. Overall, a sweet love story. Thank you, Netgalley!

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Kizzie is in trouble. She is pregnant by her employer’s son, who sends her home to have his child. She has been kicked out of her house by her dad, and is in labor when she stumbles on the house of a Christian couple who help her and teach her that God loves her and can forgive her past. She moves to another to start again and finds friends who look at her for who she is now not for who she was. Can she find love? Can she help others who have gone through similar circumstances?

Hope Like Wildflowers, by Pepper Barham, helps us see what God’s love is and how humility and forgiveness is a reflection of His love. It’s a sweet story of redemption and starting again. I was able to read an ARC on #NetGalley.

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“Hope Like Wildflowers” reads just as the title implies, hope growing like wildflowers - hardy, steady, and beautiful - in the most unlikely places. Kizzie McAdams has made some misguide, poor life choices, but when she went home for help, her daddy banished her from home. Her wandering took her through the woods and into the arms of a family who loved her and cared for her and pointed her to The One Who could ultimately help her and lift her out of this pit of sin that she had dug for herself. Kizzie discovers faith, which brings her abundant hope. Her life is still fraught with trouble and consequences of her prior life decisions. But, God through His Word shows Kizzie her own personal value. He shows Kizzie what love, real love, looks like. Through all these journeys, Kizzie grows stronger as a person and as a believer. Kizzie uses her own love and faith to minister to others, and this book can be such an encouragement to the reader. Truly. Aren’t we all a bit like Kizzie? Sure, our bad choices might not be so obvious as hers. Our sins might not be so advertised as hers. But, God loves each one of us and forgives each one of us. God brings other people along Kizzie’s path to help her and to encourage her. What a challenge to us to be willing to be used of God to encourage and lift up people around us. I highly recommend this book. I have waited and waited for Kizzie’s story, and Pepper Basham did not disappoint in the least with this book. If you have not read the other books about the McAdams family, you can still read this book and enjoy it all.

I requested a copy of this book for review. The thoughts expressed here are wholly my own.

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