Member Reviews

In Hope Like Wildflowers, Pepper Basham paints a poignant picture of early 20th century America, contrasting rich and poor, men and women, despondency and dreams. But hope shines through when Christ enters and offers complete forgiveness and true love, with fresh perspective and guiding light for the future. The situation Kizzy finds herself in was an all too common one at the time. I could not help but cheer her on as she forged a new path against all odds. The ending was slightly predictable while still being surprising, and left me in happy tears. This was my first book by Pepper Basham, and I am not sure why I waited so long. Her books are now on my must read list.
*I received a complimentary copy of this e-book courtesy of Barbour Publishing through NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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.#HopeLikeWildflowers #NetGalley
A story set in the early 1900s in the Appalachian Mountains. It's a story about how one who has let someone
belittle and control her, learn to feel and know who really sees and loves her despite where she has been
and what she has done.

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What a wonderful story of love and redemption. A story of how God brings blessings out of our mistakes and failures. Highly recommend! I received an ARC of this book but this opinion is my own.

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"Don't place your value on your past, Kizzie dear. And don't underestimate God's grand love for His children. The Bible says He lavishes His love on us. Do you know what lavish means?"
"A bubble bath in nice warm water." Kizzie grinned. "I never had one until I came to work for Mrs. Carter, and I'd say that's about as lavish as anything I've ever felt in my whole life."
Victoria laughed. "Well then, think of a bubble bath and even more when you imagine God's lavish love. He means to give us more than we can imagine, and usually in the most unexpected of ways."

I love this book! I was completely captivated from the start. This is a page turner about restoration and redemption. Pepper Bashan does a great job of telling a story that is scripture influenced without being preachy. I love how she shows God’s love, protection, and provision throughout the story. I highly recommend this book!

Thank you to NetGalley and Barbour Publishing for letting me read this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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A story that will keep you page turning for answers. A read with roots in the Appalachia, and although this is the third book in this series, it can be read alone, there are recurring characters.

This is Kizzie McAdams story, and when she ends up in a family way, she is disowned by her father, but God wasn't about to let go of her and we follow her and the people that are put in her path.

Heartwarming read, with some drama and scary happenings, but I loved it! A beautiful Christian book!

I received this book through Net Galley and the Publisher Barbour, and was not required to give a positive review.

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"Hope Like Wildflowers" is a romance set in 1917 in the Appalachia area. Kizzie was seduced by the son of the household where she worked as a maid. She honestly believed he'd marry her soon, but it slowly became clear to her that he intended her to be his mistress. She may have a nice house and scraps of attention from him, but she's scorned by many of the townsfolk and some get violent in an attempt to run her off. She struggled with how to deal with her situation, especially having a baby to support. With the help of a friendly family, she realized that God still cared about her. She chose Him and to change her ways, starting anew somewhere safe.

The Kizze that Noah meets is full of banter and is lighthearted. She quickly finds a job and a purpose, and she helps Noah understand what's going on with his overbearing brother and the mill. The main characters were likable, complex, and I cared about what happened to them. Noah and Kizzie supported each other and built each other up. But I didn't like that Noah and his mother just paid the price for Noah's brother's actions rather than forcing him to take responsibility.

There were some realism issues that kept me from getting fully immersed in the story. I find it doubtful that the brother could have gotten away with the things he did as there are safeguards against it. Also, the story started with Kizzie being chased by coyotes, which can kill small livestock but I've never heard of them being a danger to humans. Later, the snow storm was so bad that four inches of snow fell very quickly. The carriage horses struggled through the snow on icy roads. Then suddenly a horse galloped by with no problems. Also, it's unlikely the carriage could overturn on it's side in a ditch and the horses be left standing unaffected by the twisting and pull on their harness. And there were inconsistencies in places, like a wagon suddenly was a carriage, and the author didn't seem to quite know what the 'cotton mill' really did: sometimes the machines were knitting machines and others they were weaving machines.

Kizzie learned to trust God with her future. There was no sex or bad language. Overall, I'd recommend this enjoyable, touching story of hope and second chances.

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Like several other reviewers, I didn’t realize that “Hope Like Wildflowers” by Pepper Basham was the third book in the series-“My Heart Belongs in the BIue Ridge” - so I plan to happily read books 1 and 2 as soon as I finish this review. I want potential readers to know that this book is an engaging and beautiful story that stands alone very well.

Kizzie is beautiful, about 17 years old, raised in the Blue Ridge mountains, during the early 1900’s. She is in service at a rich family’s estate, and unfortunately succumbs to Charles, the young master of the house and becomes pregnant. Disowned by her family, she assumes Charles will marry her. Thanks to a neighboring shareholder family, she begins to learn that God loves her and that He has a plan for her. This leads her to a new life in The Hollows.

In the Hollows, Kizzie meets people who are believers and care about her. By trying a new path in life, Kizzie learns, “We all got pasts. But we got futures, too. Don’t get so hung up on the past that you discount God’s mighty good love in the future.” Her story is one of opportunity, hope, love, romance, support and understanding. The author lives in the Blue Ridge area, so thbook features beautiful descriptions of God’s world.

I highly recommend this book. Thanks to Barbour Publishing and NetGalley for an advance review copy. This is my honest review.

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A delightful book of historical Christian fiction depicting rural life in the early 1900’s. The story of God’s love overcoming our sin to bring us joy and happiness is prevalent. An enjoyable book.

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Pepper Basham is a master at heartfelt historical fiction and Hope Like Wildflowers continues the line with a heart achingly beautiful story. The first book in the series Laurels Dream introduces readers to Kizzie and the difficult circumstance she finds herself in. This book can be read stand alone as it has a good recap but you really don’t want to miss Laurels Dream and The Heart of the Mountain. Kizzie is a most likeable character, complex and full of depth. It is inspiring to follow her journey of faith. The love story is beautiful and filled with faith and hope. I was brought to tears in the end and I don’t do that often in a book. It is a satisfying completion to the series, even though I wish it weren’t ending.
Thank you to NetGalley and Barbour Publishing for the opportunity to read for my honest review.

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I will just start by saying this one is a 5 star from the super fabulous Pepper Basham and you will want to make sure you add it to your must-read list! This book is RICH in biblical truths of love and forgiveness and our identity in Christ. The journey that Kizzie takes is one that others would identify with--dealing with the shame of her past and having to center her focus on the identity she has before God--allowing Him to work it all out.

I really enjoyed how this plot played out--and just when you thought it was over, the epilogue comes around for a tear-jerking ending.

There are many tidbits of wisdom tucked into this book and I added several to my reading journal.

Highly recommend. Brought tears to my eyes.

I had NO idea this was part of a series that I now must seek out and read earlier books of. This is part of the My Heart Belongs in the Blue Ridge series--book #3. It appears that you CAN read this as a stand alone since I never guessed it was a series. (although the epilogue makes more sense)

*I received a complimentary copy of this ARC from the publishers and NetGAlley. All opinions are 100% my own.

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I was very excited when i seen this book and knew i had to have it! I wasn't disappointed at all.
I enjoyed this one so much! I finished it one evening because it was so very good!
My heart hurt for this delightful character Kizzie.
She is one that had hope all the way through this novel. For that, I admired her very much with all that she'd been through even if some of it was her fault.
Charles was a scoundrel through and through. His mom reminded of my husband's mom. Mean to the bone!
This is one that I absolutely couldn't put down. I found myself rooting for Kizzie all the way!
Wow! What a great story and one I hated to see end! I'm gonna cry. I hate seeing good stories like this come to an end because it's a long wait until the next book!
I love it when Basham gives her all and in this one, she certainly did! I loved every minute of it.
5 stars for a well written story and one I really enjoyed and appreciated. I highly recommend!
My thanks for a copy of this book. I was NOT required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine.

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With scenes from the beauty of the Appalachians mixed with the darkness of poor choices and their consequences, this stand-alone is sure to reach your heart. There's intrigue, instruction and a strong redemptive thread throughout.

I received a copy of the book without obligation. This review is my opinion.

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The opening lines of this book had me engaged and emotionally invested. This book was filled with adventure, romance, suspense and most of all, the message of God's love. I loved the entire story but the epilogue brought me to tears (well done!). I enjoyed getting to know Kizzie and Noah. I liked how the plot would change and evolve and then come to the perfect ending. I highly recommend all of the books in this series, but Hope Like Wildflowers was awesome!

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Hope like Wildflowers is the first book of Pepper Basham that I've read, it's the third installment of a series which I was unaware of. Am excited to start the rest of the series!

Set in 1917, the story follows Kizzie, a young girl who gets disowned by her family and has to find her way in a world that seems stacked against her. The book is all about resilience, self-worth, and faith. Kizzie struggles with feelings of being "broken" but discovers that God’s love can lead to healing and second chances.

With a mix of faith, friendship, and love, the book is uplifting and emotional, It brought me on a journey of growth and redemption. Hope Like Wildflowers is perfect for anyone who loves reading about the struggles a girl can face in the 1900s and wants to feel inspired and encouraged.

I was provided a complimentary copy of the book from Barbour Publishing via Netgalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own

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Loved reading the highly recommended inspirational story. When Kizzie leaves town to start over with her baby, she rescues Noah from a carriage accident. Read the wonderfully written and must read riveting story.

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I loved this book! The story hit so hard and the main character had great character growth throughout the story. And I loved the meaning behind this book!

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Pepper Basham wrote about a sensitive topic--out of wedlock pregnancy in the early 1900s--with skill and sensitivity. Kizzie's transformation is a real picture of what happens to many people when they find true faith in Christ. As someone who had an unplanned pregnancy I related to a lot of her experience. I really enjoyed the story and thought it distinguished itself in its genre.

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Have you ever read a book that had you question your entire rating system and suddenly re-define what type of books deserve the coveted 5-star rating? THIS is one of those books for me! I was sucked in from the beginning. Hope Like Wildflowers reads like one of your best friends who you’ve known for your entire life. The kind of friend who knows the good, the bad, the ugly, and the even uglier. You follow the story of Kizzie McAdams as she discovers the harsh realities of life outside of her perfect, beautiful home in the mountains. This story wrestles with some big questions for her (and us) - Is she worthy of love? Why would God forgive her? Will He abandon her baby who is innocent in this? Is she worthy of anyone’s kindness or forgiveness now? Will she ever stop messing up? Will she ever be enough?

As a professing Christian and an avid Christian Fiction reader, this book hit home for me. Life is not perfect. We all make mistakes - we all sin and fall short of the glory of God. Is that enough to have Him turn His back on us for good, though? This is the very same question we watch Kizzie struggle with as she learns to navigate life in a world that isn’t as kind as she once naively thought. The struggles in this book are one everyone can relate to in one way or another. This story takes you on a beautiful journey of loss, sin, perseverance, strength, and redemption. I can’t recommend this book enough. BUY THIS BOOK. This is not one you’ll want to just get from the library and return - you’ll want this one on your shelf to return to time and time again!

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The author writes gorgeous romance stories filled with faith and hope. Book 3 in this series follows the life of Kizzie, a young servant in 1910s Appalachia who gets pregnant out of wedlock. We follow her trials and tribulations as she eventually turns to God for grace and healing. Highly recommended!

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What a sweet and endearing third book in a beloved series! I felt an instant kinship with Kizzie despite our differences. The thread of redemption throughout more than makes up for the sense of rush I felt in the timeline. I hope we hear more from this family!

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