Member Reviews

Pepper Basham’s story “Hope Like Wildflowers” is like a comfortable afternoon at home, sitting in my nook with a warm cup of chocolate on a rainy day. The tale of Kizzie McAdams, a young woman whose life took an unexpected turn, and her relationships with the wrong guy, the right guy, and the perfect God. Throughout the story, I was reminded of biblical concepts of splinters and beams as well as the true meaning of compassion and the power of true Christian love for one another. Outstanding!!!
Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher and I read and reviewed it of my own accord. All opinions are my own.

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Title: Hope Like Wildflowers (Paperback)
Author: Pepper Basham

This book is the third instalment in a series, which I was unaware of when I requested it on NetGalley. I usually enjoy Christian romances, but unfortunately, this one didn't captivate me as much as I had hoped. The beginning of Kizzie McAdams's story seemed believable at first, but I felt that the character's many challenging life events were resolved too easily and unrealistically within the timeframe of the story. This is only my view of this story, it simply was not one for me.

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Hope Like Wildflowers was a beautiful illustration of the fulfillment of grace and hope we receive when we lean into God’s word and take heart that we are who He says we are. This book was an easy and quick read.

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From Amazon's product description

An Appalachian Girl Seeks a Place to Belong

Return to the mountains of 1910s Appalachia with beloved author Pepper Basham to discover Kizzie McAdams's story.

Kizzie McAdams spent her childhood longing to see beyond the mountains of home, but when her job as a servant in a landowner’s house results in an unplanned pregnancy, her world tips into uncertainty and heartbreak. Disowned by her father, she seeks comfort in the arms of the man who promises to take care of her, but his support is conditional and inconsistent. She finds acceptance in the home of a nearby family who not only offer Kizzie friendship but point her to a deeper understanding of God’s love.

Despite her change of heart, her status as a social outcast brings with it continued threats and alienation so she flees her past in hopes of starting over in a nearby town. But her new world carries many of the same prejudices as the old. It also brings the unexpected friendship of businessman Noah Lewis, a man who lives with the same desire as Kizzie for helping the marginalized.

Unfortunately, Kizzie and Noah’s attempts to help those in need pit them against Noah’s elder brother, a powerful mill owner who holds control of the family finances. Is Kizzie and Noah’s growing romance strong enough to battle family power, social expectations, and Kizzie’s past to capture their happy ending? And when Kizzie’s first love returns to claim her, which future will she choose?
Pepper Basham has a way with pen and paper that wakes a reader up and gives the reader something to think about. This book is no different. She takes on a social problem and works it through the warp and woof of her novel, giving it a depth that a lot of novels don't have.

This is a strong four star read.

Barbour Publishing provided the copy I read for this review. All opinions expressed are solely my own.

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This is a 5 star book for sure! I loved traveling to the Appalachian mountains as the author, Pepper Basham brings us full circle with the characters storyline. I enjoyed how Kizzie, a servant girl, who fell under the lies and deception of Charles, the wealthy employer, and was still under his mother’s influence, slowly turned to God and changed her life. This is definitely a must read book and would make a great gift for someone who fells they are not worthy of Gods love or forgiveness by the way they have lived their life. I highly recommend this book

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This beautiful love story of hope, grace, and restoration will take you on an emotional journey. I moved from being annoyed at Charles’ choices to crying with Kizzie and laughing at Gayle’s jokes; And the ending was just right. The relatable characters make it an enjoyable and engaging read.

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Oh my word! This book is fantastic! I was immediately hooked from the very first sentences! It's a story of forbidden love, friendship, brokenness, second chances, and redemption!

The characters are written brilliantly! I want to be Kizzie's friend! She's so amazing! Despite being heartbroken time after time, she still maintains hope and a giving heart. Her transformation to becoming a new person in Christ is inspiring! The Chappell family welcomes Kizzie with open, caring, and compassionate arms. Noah is my favorite! Absolutely swoon worthy! He genuinely cares for others. He'll give the shirt off his back to anyone who asks.

My favorite part of the story is the sweet love story! It's not your typical relationship because of many factors, but it was meant to be. The other great parts, in my opinion, are those dealing with faith in God. I felt encouraged and uplifted by the many scriptures throughout the book.

I was provided a complimentary copy of the book from Barbour Publishing via NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Pepper Basham doesn't just tell a story -- she imparts hope and joy through the pages. Hope Like Wildflowers is filled with such beautiful, timeless truths. Kizzie's story will leave an impression on your heart long after you've read the last chapter.

Be sure to check out the companion Appalachian books, Laurel's Dream and The Heart of the Mountains.

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HOPE LIKE WILDFLOWERS by PEPPER BASHAM is one of the loveliest novels that I have read this year. I really enjoy the author’s style and her portrayal of the characters’ emotions, and also the way the Christian message forms an integral part of the story. This is a story about wonder and hope, unconditional love and God’s redemptive power to save the lost and restore the broken.
Kizzie McAdams, pregnant and afraid, thrown out by her father, is running towards Oak Plains and Charles Morgan, her baby’s father, being chased by coyotes, when she is rescued by Joshua Chappell and taken in by his wife Nella, whose wise words, together with her mother’s bible, lead her to cry out to the Lord.
“You may not want to listen to someone like me, but if there’s anything I can do to make you love me, lord, I want to try. I…I aint got nobody else. And I need you. Even if its just the leftovers of Your love. I reckon they’re better than a feast anywhere else. I’ll take the scraps.”
As Nella says, “Time and the Lord will make you stronger. If you let ‘em”, and that certainly takes place in Kizzie’s life as she endeavours to live for the Lord and others. I like the way she cares for the lost and broken when she moves to a nearby town to start afresh. Her she meets Noah Lewis and his mother who have also been broken by circumstances in their lives and who care deeply for those in need…….
That is all I am going to tell you for fear of spoiling your read.
I cannot recommend the novel highly enough.
I was given a free copy of the book by NetGalley from Barbour Publishing. The opinions in this review are completely my own.

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“If the Lord loves us in all our brokenness and creates good for us even when we’re not, then don’t you think He is also able to create a man to love you in your brokenness too?”

I was swept away in this beautiful story set in 1917 and focussing on resilient faith and the choice to bloom in the most unlikely ways and places.

The ‘Battle of Brokenness’ theme featuring 16-year-old Kizzie Louisa McAdams carried the story and pulled on my heartstrings. At 16, she is disowned and “trapped in a world of outcasts and soured hopes.” When she meets Charles Morgan she believes she’s found love, yet she soon discovers he’s also trapped in a past he thought he wanted. At first, she’s willing to settle for what he can offer, but then discovers her bible and church and realizes she’s worthy of so much more than the seconds Charles offers.

I loved the reminders from Psalm 139 that God can use our hardships to stir up our strength, compassion, and trust, that we shouldn’t be putting a value on our past nor underestimating God’s grand love for his children, and that we need to choose to “keep living in the afters.”

My focus for the week: “Keep embracing the gratitude.”

This story about the value of a second chance needs to be on every Christian fiction lover’s reading list!

I was gifted this copy by Barbour Publishing and NetGalley and was under no obligation to provide a review.

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Of everything Pepper Basham writes, this Appalachian series is my favorite. It's where the faith is deepest and the characters are the most dynamic. So of course I've been looking forward to Kizzie's book.
First of all, let me say how much I love it when authors don't follow the prescribed "rules" for structuring a book. Hope Like Wildflowers is primarily a love story between God and the lost sheep he pursues. It's beautifully done.

I would say that the two things I questioned the most was how mature and wise Kizzie became after choosing to follow the Lord when she was still so very young. She spoke like someone who had been following Him for many years and had a lot of experience, which didn't strike me as completely realistic. And the second thing was just that the male main character didn't seem to have flaws to speak of.

A lot of times we read books that speak to the fact that the Christian journey is not easy, that there are still a lot of difficulties in life that God walks alongside us through. And then sometimes we have books that highlight the fact that God showers blessings on his loved ones that are undeserved and everything seems to work out for them. I just wanted to make a note that both can be true. Sometimes at the same time, while in other situations, one seems much stronger than the other. This book leans heavily towards one direction but it bears noting that in doing so, it doesn't mean that the other isn't true also.

This is a wonderful story about what true love looks like and is worth reading, especially for young ladies who are tempted to settle for less than God's best for them.
I'm grateful to Netgalley and the publisher for providing an ebook so that I could write an honest review. I was not required to write a positive review and all opinions are my own.

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4.5 stars for Pepper Basham's delightful newest novel! I loved the characters, and the story felt realistic (apart from Noah being TOO perfect, and a few other characters being too one-dimensional). The story contains everything I've come to expect from Basham's historical series: a strong emphasis on family and friendship, growth in the Lord, clear presentations of biblical truth, and a happy ending despite difficult circumstances. Additionally, though the epilogue felt rushed, it wrapped up the story nicely for the McAdams clan.

Thank you to NetGalley and Barbour for the free eARC. I post this review with my honest opinions. I will also post this review to Goodreads, Amazon, and Instagram no more than 30 days prior to the book's release.

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Kizzie's story at last! A redemptive tale that begins in 1917 and concludes in 1920, it overlaps Laurel's and Jeb's stories told in Laurel's Dream and The Heart of the Mountains. A satisfying series wrap up, but easy to read as a stand-alone. It is a touching coming-of-age story with a theme of faith, hope and love throughout.

This author knows how to tug on the heart strings with characters that grow on you. Kizzie's situation forces her to make difficult choices and become a stronger person through it all. She finds new purpose and meaning in her life. I was reminded of words from the hymn Amazing Grace, "Once I was lost and now I'm found. Was blind, but now I see." She went from being a lost, wandering, sad young woman to a stronger, more alive and healthier person through faith, and good friends who helped her along the way.

There are a lot of moments of introspection, and spiritual insights that Kizzie mulls over as she grows in faith, like pauses for reflection. It revealed what she was thinking and feeling. I loved how she finds the strength to face off with negative people by finding her identity in how God sees her. This is something many of us could latch onto, to shake off unhealthy thinking, help move past mistakes, and forgive ourselves and others.

A lovely conclusion had me crying happy tears. Historical Christian romance fans from mature teens and up may enjoy this one. Recommend reading the first two books to make this one more meaningful. 4.5 stars

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I loved Hope Like Wildflowers so much! Kizzies story was beautiful! Kizzie found her faith in God and that was enough for her.
Ms. Basham takes Kizzie on a journey from despair to redemption and love.

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"Hope Like Wildflowers" by Pepper Basham is a captivating novel that beautifully weaves themes of resilience, love, and hope amidst the trials of life. Set in a picturesque historic town, the story follows the journey of two deeply nuanced characters who, despite their tumultuous pasts, find solace and strength in each other's presence.

Basham's exquisite storytelling brings to life the vivid landscapes and heartwarming moments that define this tale. The characters are crafted with such depth and relatability that their struggles and triumphs feel profoundly real. As they navigate their complex histories, readers are drawn into a narrative that is both touching and inspiring.

This novel is a perfect blend of emotional depth and romantic charm, reminiscent of the elements you cherished in Lauren Asher's work. If you enjoyed the blend of historical charm and heartfelt connections in Asher's writing, "Hope Like Wildflowers" is sure to resonate with you.

Basham's ability to capture the essence of hope in the face of adversity makes this book a standout in contemporary romance. It's a story that will linger in your mind, much like the delicate wildflowers that bloom against all odds.

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Not my favorite Pepper Basham by far. I much preferred her other Appalachian books, which was disappointing as I was excited to read Kizzie’s story after references to her in the other two books of the series.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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Pepper Basham is an auto buy author for me. I love all her books and always recommend them to everyone I know. Hope Like Wildflowers brings us the story of the McAdams sister. She is young, naive and feeling hopeless. We see her gain her strength and it's a beautiful journey of redemption.

Thank you NetGalley for Hope Like Wildflowers by Pepper Basham

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First, let me say that Pepper Basham is one of my favorite authors. I have loved her witty writing, her other historical romances, and the faith interwoven.

This one compared to other Basham books was just "okay." It might be because the main character's voice is a teenager, so it had a youthful perspective and cadence. It felt like a book a younger me would have loved as I was learning about faith and learning about God's character. I love a good book that reminds me of Christian values and encourages growth, both in characters and in readers, but this one felt a bit repetitive throughout the book. I ended up skipping over some of the parts that were repeating the same messages/revelations again by the end of the book.

That said, I did enjoy the plot and story. I enjoyed Pepper's writing overall. I enjoyed the redeeming love story. As a pregnant teenager myself with a "first love" who was more like Charles, and real love being found later- flaws, babies, and all- I very much related to Kizzie's character. I related to her thoughts, fears, habits, growth, and newfound passion for helping others. Overall, I'd still recommend this book (but go read more of Basham's books!)

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If you’ve read Laurel’s Dream and The Heart of the Mountains, you’ll be eager to read this third one in the series, as it tells Kizzie’s story – the McAdams sister that is referenced in the first two books, but about whom no one has any information after she was sent away from home as an unwed mother. The themes of hope and love are strong in this book – Kizzie learns what real love is all about, as God’s love transforms her life. He also gives her hope for the future. Lots of wonderful spiritual insights come from various characters, and I thoroughly enjoyed reading the book. I went back and re-read the first two books, and while you don’t have to read them first, if you are able to, they give the broad background of the life Kizzie left behind.

“I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own." #HopeLikeWildflowers #NetGalley

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An inspirational book that had me unable to stop reading. Really enjoyed how important community and family are in life.

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