Member Reviews

His to Love had the perfect premise and sounded like a book I would love.

My biggest issue with this book was the length. It felt like a lot happened while nothing happed at the same time. We needed more time to properly build the relationship, as it felt insta-lovey. We’re told towards the end of the book that she’d been gone for “a few weeks”, although it felt like only a few days. [I have a spoiler to add to this but will put it right at the end]. The romance wasn’t even romance. It was lust. They were horny the whole damn time.

Because of the fast paced nature of the writing, the plot was definitely lacking. Things became boring very quickly. The ending/climax was good as things began to fall into place but other than that, there was no action to speed things along. The relationships, world building and plot were under developed. I do think this book could’ve benefitted from a few more rounds of edits.

I don’t know where the “dear reader” part came from but it was unnecessary. It was written in such a way that it felt like it didn’t belong in this book. Each time it happened, I was thrown from the story and left confused and annoyed. It was like it was added as an afterthought to bulk out the word count or something.

It gave huge black sails vibes, which was both a good and a bad thing (re originality). You can’t convince me Flynn isn’t modelled after Captain Flint and Lucas wasn’t a vague mix between John Silver and Luke Arnold. I love fan fiction as much as anyone does, I just prefer a little more creativity in published literature.

Regarding the romance that I felt was far too rushed and not at all developed or believable, I was surprised at the very end of the book it’s titled “3 months later”, and Emily was married and pregnant! Doing some very bad math, a few weeks + 3 months really isn’t long enough to know you want to marry someone (and become pregnant).

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A light read with a little bit of fantasy, romance, and pirate adventures. Flynn and Emily are quite the pair, but so in love. Levi and Lucas are next???

#netgalley #histolove

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Thank you to @netgalley and @VictoryEditing for a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest thoughts.

The moment I saw this book I knew that I had to read it! The thought of being transported into your favorite book to live life alongside the characters is any book lovers dream, and now I get to read it? This sounded absolutely amazing and I had a feeling I would enjoy it , especially with the pirates.

I did enjoy this book, it was a cute quick read and I thought the way the author gave backstories to the characters that you otherwise wouldn’t know if reading the book was clever. That happens often with side characters and I felt it was a cute nod to needing to develop even those outside our main couple. The side characters stole the show on many accounts and gave me many of my laughing moments.

I enjoyed the narration style where it is clear a third party is telling us the story, sneaking in little quips and hints about what is happening. This author takes third person omniscient to the next level, even in what could be considered a “dual POV” book between our MCs.

This book wasn’t perfect as I do feel like it could use more development when it comes to our Main Characters. I enjoyed the tension between them but at times it did fall a bit flat.

Overall, a decent read for anyone who wants a quick deviation from reality in the form of a dream we all undoubtedly have.

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2.5 stars if possible!
Thank you to Netgalley for my ARC copy of this book!

I requested this book as I found the story to be compelling and quite a refreshing concept, but I found the execution rather lacking. The concept has the bones of being a really interesting book with the main character being dropped into the plot of her favourite book, and the twists to the story could be brilliant.

The first point which I noticed throughout the book was the two time periods in which the story is set. Explicitly stating that the main character is from 1830 and that the book is set in the 1700s meant I expected the writing style to reflect this. Instead, the dialogue felt as though it was set in 2024. The way in which the characters swore, spoke about intimacy and introduced themselves suggested no hint of the time period in which they lived. At one point a character’s sexuality is referenced and they state ‘our times are not kind to men like me’ which feels rather on the nose considering the characters have no reference to the later acceptance of sexuality and identity? This took me out of the world of the book on numerous occasions and I think an author should either immerse the writing style fully into the era in which a book is set, or be more vague on the era we’re in.

I am a fan of a cheesy romance novel with stereotypical tropes and connections which border on disbelief, but I think this book really fails to establish the connection between the two main characters outside of sexual chemistry. Feelings seem to appear out of nowhere merely to carry on the plot and the sexual scenes. Not only was this evident in the romance, it also appeared within the familial relationships, with reactions never seeming to match what would be expected (very vague as to not spoil anything).

Overall I think the concept of this book is good and has the potential to become a series of ‘character ends up in the I favourite book’, but I think much more editing to establish time periods must be done before I would rate this any higher.

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the pagemaster meets harry hook from descendants and add smut

“heaven does not deserve its name, for nothing could ever compare itself to the divinity that was becoming one with her.”

emily is transported into the pages of her favorite book and comes face to face with her fictional crush.
i really liked the concept but it definitely felt very insta love to me, which is not my favorite. that being said, i loved all of the side characters and it was a super fun and fast read.

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While the premise of this sounded so fun and right up my alley I am unfortunately DNFing at 30%. The plotting is a bit weak, the character chemistry and dynamics are non-existent, the story starts off at a breakneck speed and then just kind of dawdles. There's not much in the way of character development so I failed to get emotionally invested.
I hope the author will continue to write as I think they do have promise and unique ideas.

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thank you to 'Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op' for providing me with this eARC!!

this is the first ever pirate romance i've read and i definitely want to read more in the future. the things flynn said had me swooning because omggg, how is he casually going to say "if it is as you say, and we are in a book, then that makes you the most real thing i have ever known." WHEN I TELL YOU HE HAS A WAY WITH WORDS, i am not lying. dardurin in my mind is the most beautiful place to exist and i wish i could spend a weekend away there by the water (and flynn).

considering the novella is set between the 18th and 19th centuries, the language could have been more archaic!! for example, the use of 'cap' for captain could have been swapped to 'cap'n' and i think that would have instead fit the time era as well as helped with the world building!! this is something i really struggled to see past as it kept throwing me off when i saw that the dialogue used wasn't much different from what i could expect to see in a novella set in the modern day and age. however, i did enjoy this story and would be interested in reading future work from elena covens, the language is just something i can't overlook.

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His To Love
Release Date: August 1st, 2024

I want to say a big thank you to Elena H. Covens and NetGalley for providing me an ARC in exchange for my honest opinion!

Favorite Quotes:

“I dare any man to look at me and tell me that what I feel for you is not real. I will kill him where he stands.”

“You are mine, Princess. Mine to heal, mine to serve, mine to protect, and above all else, mine to love.”


His To Love is a cozy pirate romantasy adventure, where we follow Emily Underwood as she gets transported into her beloved story about the dashing pirate, Captain Flynn Sawyer. She has to navigate the plot of the story as well as the characters that are now alive before her very eyes, while trying to stay alive long enough to find a way back to the real world. Will she be able to survive to the end or will she be stuck in Flynn Sawyer’s story forever?

My Review:

I’m not usually one that enjoys books set during an earlier time period then now, but His To Love has changed my opinion on Historical Fiction. I was pleasantly surprised not only with how much I fell in love with the setting but how much I really loved Emily, Flynn, Lucas, and Levi!

His To Love has dual POVs with each chapter changing between Emily and Flynn. We follow along as each of them falls for each other, however, Emily has already been in love with him as a character in her favorite book, but now she starts to fall for him as his own person. Flynn, on the other hand, is falling for Emily, hard and fast. There is no question that their love story is fast paced and spicy, but it is very satisfying nonetheless.

Our secondary leads, Lucas and Levi were my favorite characters so far! I loved their banter, not only with Flynn, but between each other. And, not to spoil anything, I’m really really excited to see what the second book will entail for one or both of them!

Even though I had an idea what the plot twist was towards the end of the book, I still enjoyed watching it unfold. I’m sure you all with agree that, while a bit predictable, it does help wrap up this lovely story.

Overall Thoughts:

His To Love is a great read for any Pirate of the Caribbean lover. Flynn even reminds me a lot of Captain Jack Sparrow, a dashing rogue pirate, with a penchant for taking what is his. Emily and Flynn’s story is only the beginning of this series and I can’t wait to see what is in store for these characters in the future!

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First, I would like to thank Elena H Covens for letting me read an ARC of His to Love.
I couldn’t put the book down; it is different than anything I have read before, and I truly enjoyed reading it. The FMC Emily and MMC Flynn have great chemistry and as their story builds you fall in love with them even more. But there is also Lucas and Levi, they have fantastic banter and offer some comedic relief. I enjoyed getting to know them more throughout the book as well.
This is a fantasy book, however, it isn’t based in a magical world, instead, Emily is pulled into her favorite book, staring Flynn Sawyer. I can’t wait to see what happens in book 2.
This review will be posted in Goodreads on 7/31/24 and Amazon on 8/1/24.

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I absolutely loved this book! The story was so unique and I could not put it down! The romance was so well written. I highly recommend this book!

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Thanks to Elena H. Covens for an eARC provided through NetGalley. The following is my honest and personal review of the book.

Imagine finding yourself in the middle of your favorite book.
And imagine that the main character of this book, who happens to be a hot pirate, thinks you are the princess and kidnaps you.
Now imagine convincing him to allow you to help him complete his mission so you can finish the story.
But also imagine falling in love in the process and not wanting to leave him!
And that’s not even half of what’s going on!

I immensely enjoyed reading this story!
First off, who doesn’t want to literally go into their favorite book and meet their book boyfriend and fall in love for real?
Second, pirates who are working for the good of the people under the command of said book boyfriend - it cannot get much better.
Third, a narrator who is witty, hilarious, and very engaging! Think Lady Whistledown (from the show - not the books), but 10x better.
Last, the side characters that you cannot help but love (and look forward to their having a happily
ever after, too).
I rest my case!

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This was the perfect palate cleanser following a VERY dense read, and it was such a delight. The plot was pretty straightforward, which allowed for more room for the characters to shine. Flynn delivered on everything I could have hoped for: roguish, charming, and a heart of gold. I don’t think I could have kept spoilers to myself if I had been the one pulled into my favourite book, but Emily handled herself like a proper heroine and kept it together! I loved the writing style, which included a mysterious narrator that I’m sure we’ll see plenty more of in the books to come. Overall, this was such an enjoyable story and a fantastic start to a new series I already can’t wait to revisit. My only critique would be that the tone of the narrator herself felt at odds with some of the content of the story in a few places, but I’m sure this will all make sense later in the series.

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The entire concept of this book was so unique. What if you were sucked into the pages of a book, only to find yourself needing to survive?

I really enjoyed this read! It was a quick and easy read, and very much a old pirate's tale meets bridgerton/regency era sort of vibe with a witty narrator. I adored Flynn as a character, he was probably my favourite out of all of them! I love a good cinnamon roll MMC and he was absolutely swoon worthy. Makes for such a good comfort read! I look forward to reading more of Elena's works.

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Thank you, Net Galley and author, for the ARC!

This book was a quick, easy read, with a very sweet romance. The chemistry between the main characters was great and soon enough I was swooning over Flynn. I enjoyed getting to know the side characters and thought they added nicely to the story. The plot was fast paced and enjoyable. This book does have spice but there was enough plot around it to balance it out.

My biggest complaint: I wish we got to see a little more world building. The writing was so focused on Emily/Flynn's thoughts that not much else was described.

If you like pirates, quests, and romance with no angst, I definitely suggest you check it out!

3.5 stars rounded up.

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Romance + Pirates + Accidentally traveling to another world with in your favorite book and you are pretty much set for a crazy adventure.

While reading her favorite book, Emily experiences a storm that sends her into the pages of her favorite book. Once there she meets Flynn Sawyer a pirate intent on exacting his revenge on the king. You could definitely see how Emily blossomed being free from the constraints of her own world and Flynn is a pirate you just love from the beginning. This book was fun and action packed and I enjoyed it!

"But you cannot love me, Flynn. That is not your story-"
"Then rewrite the story, Emily. So that I may spend the rest of my days getting to know the real you."

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First and foremost, thank you to Netgalley and the publisher and author for allowing me to read and review this book!

I'll be honest, I really wanted to like this book. The story itself caught my attention as I am a full-time Sea of Thieves streamer and avid Romantasy reader. It seemed like the perfect combination for me. When I first started reading this story I was very intrigued. I felt as though it took off rather quickly though and I didn't get a chance to really know the main character. It felt very description heavy and not enough emotion to make me feel engaged or connected. I liked the idea of a narrator but I feel as though it was introduced and then faded and then brought back randomly.

I also just couldn't get into the spicy scenes but I think that was just my own personal dislike of that type of intimacy. Personally it seemed a little to aggressive for the type of storybook vibes I was getting originally from this story. I think the story itself was a cool concept but the writing style and lack of relatable emotions made this feel drawn out and lackluster for me.

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DNF at 20%

I was honestly just really bored and felt dumped in the middle of the story. There was no build up at all, the characters felt very one dimensional, there is 0 world building, it all just felt meh. I will say it's a quick read and would be good for a light read that you don't need to get too invested in

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Pirates, dual POV, touch her and ☠️, grumpy x sunshine, second chance, novella.

Oh what a fun quick read pirate novella. I was hooked right away when the novella started with a note from the narrator leaving you with a question before you read. This is a fast
paced spicy novella, that for all you readers who LOVE a quick easy read this is perfect for you.

This novella releases on August 1st, so make sure to pick it up on the release date!

Thank you netgalley & Elena for an e-arc in exchange for an honest review ❤️

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3 ⭐

What to expect:
• Historical portal fantasy
• 1850s & 1730s setting
• Feels like a fairytale

Emily Underwood falls into her favorite book during a storm, leaving behind her mother and life in London, only to find herself captured by the pirate hero she’s been reading about.
This book felt quite whimsical, opening with a fairytale like narrator who appeared through out the book. And this, along with the portal magic, makes it a good read for anyone looking for a light hearted escapist fantasy.
However, because Emily knew the world she was falling into so well, I felt like the story lacked some tension and intrigue. She knew what was happening next on the quest and she knew a lot about Flynn’s backstory. I wish there had been some more surprises or things she didn’t know, because things seemed to be working out quite conveniently for her.
The characters were good, especially the secondary characters, but (and this is totally personal preference) I wish there was a lot more description of them and I did feel a bit disconnected from them because of the 3rd person POV.
As for the writing, there were some beautiful lines and some great dialogue. I just wish we had a got a bittttt more description. But I would recommend this book for fans of pirates and people looking for a shorter fantasy romance.

Thank you to Elena H. Covens and NetGalley and for this ARC

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Emily Underwood is on the brink of being engaged to a man she has never met in order to save her mother from losing everything when the courts declare her missing father dead. She needs an escape and decides to visit the library, just as a storm is bearing down on London and when lightning strikes she finds herself transported into the last book her father bought for her. She soon realizes that her only way back to her world is to finish the story, the only problem is not letting herself fall in love with the book’s main character, the notorious pirate, Flynn Sawyer.

Flynn Sawyer has lived most of his life with one goal, to kill the king and avenge his father’s death. He doesn’t have time for anything else, especially not for a woman. No matter how lovely she is or what dreams she may inspire. In fact, he is going to send her back to where she came from, just as soon as she helps him infiltrate the King’s masked ball. That is the plan, enter the ball, find and kill the king, then send the girl packing. That is his plan, and he is sticking to it!

Sounds great – right? I so wanted to like this book, it had such promise, but almost from the first page I was disappointed, the writing was inconsistent, the story dragged, and the text is riddled with typos, errors and modern verbiage. I know this was an unedited proof, but even knowing that, I just couldn’t excuse the poor execution of this book. It is really a shame, because this could have been a 5-star book. I hope with time this author is able to hone their work into the book they hoped it to be, but for now, I wouldn’t recommend this title.

2, maybe 2.5 stars

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