Member Reviews

DNF at about 30%. I simply couldn't get into this one. Poorly edited and feels like a bad Wattpad story.

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Oh, reading this was a treat!

I loved the chemistry between Ash and Eva and loved the depictions of them making music together. If the banter wasn't enough, I could almost feel the chemistry in their music making. Their instant attraction upon meeting was cute but I enjoyed seeing Eva question his motives for wanting to be with her and making me put a name to his newfound feelings.

The idea of demons wanting to live on Earth isn't new per se, but I found it intriguing that they're evolving into something not quite fully demon but also not quite fully human. Since the ending confirmed that this is only just book one, I'd love to see how future volumes further explore this notion.

Also Eva's mom is such a badass. She was my favorite character in this novel and I hope she gets her own form of happy ending. She truly needs it after this whiplash of a story.

This is my first story by this author and I'm pleasantly enthused. I'll for sure keep an eye out for the next books in the series. I cannot wait to see a human bust Mists' balls.

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This had EVERYTHING I love.
Hilarious banter, action, great side characters, family drama/secrets and spice with all the feels! Count me in. I’ve never read a book by this author before but this was a pleasant surprise and I will absolutely be reading anything I can by Aurora.

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