Member Reviews

Loved this! Such a good thriller. I really liked the back and forth perspectives and honestly I really didn't know who was being unreliable the entire book. I was satisfied by the ending and really enjoyed reading this! I'm looking forward to reading other books from this author.

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As in true jessica style this book pulls you in on page 1 and keeps you hooked for the rest of the book. There are parts which aren't for the faint hearted but it is a belter of a book.

Now whilst I wasn't a fan of Vera, I do understand that she had her problems and can see why she thought she was making the right choices.

Elle was desperate to be anyone else other than her and had suffered so much in her journey. She was inspiring and naive in her young years.

As with Jessica's other books, I flew through this desperately wanting to know more.

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I really enjoyed this book. It had me hooked from the very beginning and had so many twists and turns that I couldn’t put it down and read it in a day. There are a few different story lines, but it’s easy to keep track of what’s happening. The ending was satisfying too for all of the characters. Thank you to NetGalley for letting me read this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Don’t Tell a Soul kept me on the edge of my seat, I very much enjoyed Vera’s and Elle’s story.
There were descriptions of abuse which was difficult to read, and it was sad to read the choices which were made as a consequence of the abuse.
It is definitely worth a read.

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I enjoyed reading this book, I didn't want it to end. I'll definitely be reading more books by the author and will recommend this book

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Thanks for letting me read this ARC, Netgalley and the publishers.

A fab book with twists and turns along the way, keeping you guessing until the end! Would definitely recommend.

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This was a very gripping, anxiety, impossible book to put down. This book was WOW, it really kept me on my toes. It just show you you wont know who did it between the twins.

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This book has it all:

• Twists
• Twins
• Basements (2)
• Cats (there have to be cats)
• Bad parents
• Shady landladies
• Creepy houses
• Twists – did I mention it has twists?

Have I piqued your interest yet? These are all the ingredients needed for a twisty thriller about a teenager who leaves her abusive home to start over in a new town. She is lucky enough to find a job and housing due to the kindness of strangers, but at what price? Just when you think she’s going to be okay…dun dun dun…stuff happens….

I am so glad I got to read this advanced reader’s copy from Booksprouts and Inkubator Books!

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3.5 Stars
Thank you netgalley for this ARC. The first half of the book sucked me in, the second half kind of went down hill. But over all an enjoyable read

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There's a lot to like about this novel, not the least of which being the ambitious plot. The "out of the frying pan into the flame" storyline is a popular one, for good reason, and I think the author made a strong swing here. Fans of the genre might enjoy this! Unfortunately this book wasn't for me. The writing felt jumpy and unpolished, and the plot was rather hard to follow and somehow simultaneously unsurprising.

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I really enjoyed this book and inhaled it it 2 days, which is saying something with a 5 month old baby!!

Elle runs away from home and her abusive father and finds refuge with Vera, who offers her a spare room to stay in. Elle finally feels safe and that things are coming together - she has found a friend, a safe place to live, a job and a potential boyfriend. But is everything really as it seems? Lots of old secrets are held in the old house and are in danger of being revealed…what is the cost of keeping them hidden?

A story full of intrigue, suspense and surprises throughout with a good dose of emotion too.

A must read for fans of crime/thriller books.

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This book started out pretty good but got a little fantastical as it continued. It centers on Elle, who runs away from home and ends up stay with a woman named Vera, who has a similar background and a lot of hidden secrets.

Elle is a likable, albeit naive, character and is easy to root for. Vera is less likable but there a dynamic between the 2 that was interesting. As the story continued I had to suspend my disbelief, but the pacing was fast. I felt like it became a little ridiculous in the last couple chapters but at least all the loose ends were tied up.

Overall, decent read that held my interest but I’m not sure it will be super memorable later. Thanks to Netgalley for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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The beginning of this book just pulls you in straight away, and then through out reading there are a few twists and turns you’re not expecting!
I binged this book and did finish in 2 days… life just made me have to put it down.
It is told in multiple POVs which gave different perspectives throughout and it does have a then a now storyline too.
It covers some difficult topics, such as child abuse, domestic violence, alcoholism and death.
Definitely pick this one up in you love a great phsycological thriller that you don’t want to put down!

Thank you NetGalley and Jessica Huntley for the arc.

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Don't Tell a Soul is a compelling and thrilling read that will appeal to fans of mystery and suspense. Jessica Huntly's skillful storytelling, combined with well-drawn characters and a gripping plot, makes this book a standout in the genre. It's a rollercoaster ride of emotions and revelations, leaving readers both satisfied and eager for more from Huntly.

Rating: ★★★★☆ (4.5/5)

This book is a must-read for anyone who enjoys a good mystery with plenty of twists and a strong, relatable protagonist. Jessica Huntly is definitely an author to watch in the thriller genre.

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Don't Tell A Soul
Jessica Huntly

Stars: 4
Spice: 0
Format: E-Book
Review: Such a solid thriller/suspense read. From the beginning, I was hooked. I thought this book had great pacing which made it completely bingeable. While a couple of the twists felt a bit predictable, it didn’t detract from my overall enjoyment. This was a great introduction to Jessica's work and I am excited to add more to my TBR.
Pros: Great ending!!! Super Bingeable!!!
Recommend (Yes/No/Maybe): Yes, Absolutely
Thank you NetGalley for allowing me the opportunity to review the title.

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Thanks to #NetGalley and #InkubatorBooks for the book #DontTellASoul by #JessicaHartley. This captivating book is full of suspense and drama and I could not put it down. Loved it! Elle has left her home at 17 to get away from her abusive father. She travels to another town and ends up staying with a strange woman named Vera. Not everything is what it seems in Vera’s house. There are some very strange noises and secrets hidden. What is really going on in this house?

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Thank you to netgalley, the author and the publisher for the advance copy to read.

This was an enjoyable and quick paced mystery. When Elle runs away she finds herself a new place to stay.

The story had lots of twists and turns. I didn't particularly care for any of the characters but I'm not sure I was supposed to given the nature of the book.

If you want a quick and easy read give this a try.

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Unfortunately, this is a miss for me. While the premise of the book was very interesting, I believe the author failed to deliver. The writing was okay, nice and easy to read, which made this a very fast read, which was actually really cool. While I wasn't too into the story, I still didn't want to put the book down, that's how easy it is to read! On the other hand, this book is very, VERY predictable. I mean that in the sense that I predicted absolutely every single thing, from the twists to pretty much how the book would go. It's a shame, because I found the characters and their backstory interesting, but there was no real depth to them or the plot. Guessing everything meant that I wasn't surprised nor by the twists or the ending (which was, also, very obvious to me). I think that if the characters had more depth, the twists wouldn't be that easy to guess.
Overall, Don't Tell a Soul has the potential to be an very good book, if only it wasn't so predictable.

Thank you to NetGalley for sending me an eARC in exchange of an honest review.

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Don't Tell a Soul by Jessica Huntley was a gripping thriller with engaging characters.
This is a pacey tense thriller that I flew through!
This book is a propulsive thriller and an addictive mystery.

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4 stars! My first Jessica Huntley book. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an advanced copy of this book!

I was hooked from the beginning, and it kept my interest the whole time. It had a slower start, but once it picked up the twists kept coming. I did guess some of the twists, but I will say that there were a couple that I did not see coming. The book did wrap up nicely and you got answers to everything.

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