Member Reviews

Thanks Netgalley for my copy.

This book was a little slow at the start, I was surprised at how immature Elle was. Her chapters felt like a she was 12, not 17. But I supposed to kind of made sense in the end because of how she was treated.
I enjoyed the twists even though I called most of them quite early on. I still don't know wtf was Laura's problem though?

Anyway, happy to read more by Huntley.

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Full of suspense and unexpected twists.

Elle has lived 17 years living with an abusive father and a complacent mother, but just shy of her 18th birthday she decides to flee. with very little money to her name and a fake I.D she finds herself in a strange small town with no where else to go. Vera a single middle aged woman who likes to keep to herself invites Elle to live with her as long as she sticks to the rules but soon odd behaviour and strange sounds make Elle realise she might not be safe here either.

This book was incredibly gripping, a page turner and could easily be read in once sitting. Not only was the book fast paced but it the story made you feel so many emotions towards the main characters. The setting was super eery and the amount of twists at the end was mind boggling in the best possible way.

The only issue I had with the book was that in one chapter the character Vera had inner dialogue where she was saying how she always believed she would be a good mother and then a few chapters later Vera then mentions that she didn't think she would be a good mum, I believe this was probably just an oversight but it did confuse me on reading it.

I did however feel really immersed in the book and would recommend it to those who love a lot of twists with their thrillers.

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Elle has grown tired of her father's abuse, so, just shy of her 18th birthday, she flees to another town. She successfully uses a fake ID to secure a waitressing job and then a place to live in an attic room of the reclusive Vera. No one has been in, or near, Vera's house in 20 years, so townspeople are surprised that she has invited Elle to live with her. Vera gives Elle strict instructions never to enter the basement.

Vera tells her own parts of the story, going back 20 years when she also had to endure an abusive father and weak mother. She has closed off most of the house, being barely able to make ends meet with cleaning and other odd jobs.

When Elle goes to investigate strange noises coming from the basement, she learns that Vera's desperation is even more harrowing than her own.

This thriller had a lot of twists and turns, some of them more believable than others. Readers will root for a happy ending for Elle, but the book's climax seemed highly improbable. Overall, a good story, though.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC. All opinions are my own.

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This book had me hooked from the first page, so much so that I finished it in one sitting - staying up until 1.30am because I just couldn’t put it down! There were so many twists and turns, every time I thought there couldn’t be any more surprises they kept on coming. The multiple timelines were done really well - often they can become confusing, but in this book they were perfectly used to add to the story. 5 stars out of 5 ⭐️

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A well paced page turning thriller that kept me guessing right until the suprise twist ending. I quickly read this book in a single sitting! I felt for all the characters involved and my heart broke for Elle. The writing is well developed and maintained throughout the thought out plot.

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A good solid read that kept me turning each page till the end

3 stars

Thank you for the opportunity to review

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Whilst reading ‘Don’t Tell a Soul’, I found it captured my full attention almost immediately. It was super fast-paced and definitely had one-sit-read potential.

We followed the crossover of lives between runaway Elle and troubled Vera and how they can help each other, for a while. Secrets, however, catch up with everyone eventually…

I found the characters to be both likeable and relatable but did find myself wanting more from them, especially Elle. I wanted more of their personality and specific personal details in which they would feel more real, to me, at least.

I found there to be a good amount of twists along the way, some of which I saw coming and some which had my jaw on the floor.

As mentioned, this book is very fast-paced and bingeable but, to me, it felt a little rushed towards the end when the final few plot holes were being filled. Whilst most of my questioned were answered, I noticed that at least one wasn’t- though that is very easy to look past in the grand scheme.

It may be worth noting that thrillers are not necessarily my go-to genre typically, however I would recommend this book to readers like myself as more of an introduction to thrillers. Or, a nice little palette cleanser or even as a fast-paced, intriguing read to get out of a book slump.

TW: domestic abuse, child abuse, alcoholism, drugging, gore.

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I raced through this rollercoaster of a read! What a wonderful plot, brilliant characters, kept me reading into the small hours. I can’t wait for the next one.

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A creepy twisty psychological thriller that sees 17 year old Elle running from her abusive father and ends up renting a room in a house belonging to a very odd lady called Vera.
Elle finds a job and starts making friends, she even makes a somewhat strange friendship with Vera.
What could possibly go wrong?
I have to say I raced through this book and read it in one day, told through different PoV and timelines is opened up the story in present time and past unfolding the story as it goes.
Thank you to NetGalley for a copy of this book for an author I really love reading.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the pubisher for allowing me to read this advanced copy. At seventeen, Elle decides to flee her home, getting away from her abusive dad, and quiet mom. She goes to a town and gets a job. She finds a place to stay with Vera, an odd lady, but nice in her own way. Her one rule - stay away from the locked basement. I absolutely loved reading from each character's point of view and did not want to put this down until I found some answers!! This is for sure an edge of your seat thriller, and I could not wait to see what would happen next. Five stars!

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First and foremost, thank you for Netgalley and Inkubator Books for the opportunity to read an ARC of this book.

This book follows the stories of Elle and Vera - two women with similar childhoods who collide in a small town. Vera, the mysterious (read: creepy) townie soon takes Elle under her wing, providing her a place to stay and, ultimately, a maternal/sisterly shoulder. As you learn more about their pasts, through either flashbacks or them relaying the story to another character, it becomes clear that they are two very different people.

I have to say - I did not see the ending coming. The twists and turns through this book kept me on my toes. I thought I had figured it out, had it “confirmed,” and then another turn knocked me off my feet! I couldn’t wait to pick it back up when I had to put it down - definitely would have been a one-sit read if I wasn’t busy!

My only complaint is that I noticed minor repetition and times, and noted one contradiction. But those are easily ignored based on the totality of the book.

I would highly recommend this read to anyone who loves suspense and thrillers, with the caveat that the child abuse/domestic violence is explicit.

I can’t wait to read more from this author!

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I really liked this book but it wasn’t a 5* read for me. Maybe a 3 or 4 star. It was full of twist and turns that just kept coming all the way till the end

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This book contains abuse against children and can be a tough read at times. But Elle has a plan to escape her abusive father and make a new life for herself. When she rents a room from Vera, someone who was also abused by her father, she seems to have found a kindred spirit and she thinks Vera will look out for her. And Vera does look out for her.......but there is a very big secret Vera is hiding and if Elle uncovers it, will she be in great danger???

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4.25 / 5 ⭐️

Thank you to netgalley and the publisher for the ARC of this book!

Wow, what an adventure from start to finish! I need a book to hook me from the very beginning, otherwise I get bored easily and struggle to finish it, fortunately this book captured my attention very quickly.

I won’t lie, I think I saw the first twist coming, but it definitely still blew me away to come to terms with how high the stakes would be in this book so it didn’t disappoint.

I found Elle to be a likeable character, similar to myself in some aspects, which made it that much easier to emphasise with her situation. Jessica Huntley does a good job at creating characters you care about by giving them a compelling backstory and a high stakes journey to fight through, keeping you thoroughly invested in what happens to them.

Vera was a very intriguing character from the get go, though it was obvious there was something off about her. I loved reading her and Elle’s relationship growth, it was sweet to see her so concerned for Elle.

Each twist made me gasp and had me desperately devouring the words on the page to see what happened next.

The one thing that holds me back from a 5 star review is how easily I guessed a lot of the twists. I knew from the second we read about the bracelet what was happening there. Now, this is likely just a personal thing, but I am never too good at guessing twists, so the fact that I guessed a lot of them did throw me off a little- whilst also boosting my ego that I was right 😅 But this didn’t distract from the good time I had reading the book overall! I finished within 6 hours, with a dinner break in between, so suffice to say I had a good time :)

It was wrapped up nicely, a very satisfying ending with all plots neatly tied up with a nice little bow!

An excellent first traditional publication from Jessica Huntley, I look forward to reading more from her. And once again, thank you very much for the ARC! 🤍

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In 2004, on her sixteenth birthday, Vera is bedridden with the flu. Her father, intoxicated and enraged, continues his pattern of abuse towards her, her mother, and her brother Kevin. Vera is fiercely protective of Kevin, and he is just as protective of her.

Fast forward twenty years, Vera now lives alone in her childhood home. Her family has relocated to Australia, leaving her behind. She leads a reclusive life, working as a cleaning lady, but financial struggles loom as bills accumulate. Desperate, Vera makes a bold decision and takes in a boarder, a young girl named Eleanor who arrives in town with visible bruises. Vera sees a bit of herself in young Eleanor, and maybe that is why she decides to take her in.

Elle is just a few months shy of her eighteenth birthday, but she knows she has to escape. Her father's abuse has gotten worst recently, and Elle fears for the worst. And so, Elle escapes with a fake ID and ends up in a small town. She adopts the name "Eleanor" and pretends to be eighteen. By chance, Elle lands a job as a waitress, and she quickly finds accommodation with a mysterious lady named Vera. Elle feels as if there is something off about Vera and her grand house, but she is in a desperate situation. Without a place to stay, Elle will have to return home and back to her father's abuse.

As the days go by, Elle begins to adjust to her new life, but she knows that she will never be safe as long as her father keeps searching for her.

I finished this book within a day. Even though I tried to pace myself and slowly devour this book, I just didn't have the willpower. I had to know Vera's secrets and whether Elle had any secrets of her own. Is Vera just a normal woman with an unfortunate past of domestic abuse at the hands of her father, or did something strange happen to Vera? Will someone realize that Eleanor is actually Elle and return her to her father? I had so many questions.

There was something delightfully atmospheric about this book. It takes place in a fictionally town in England. I really liked the setting, it added to the mysterious vibe. I could easily picture this book as a movie.

If you're looking for a fast-pace thriller, full of twists and turns until the very end, this is the book for you!

*I received an advanced reader's copy of Don't Tell a Soul by Jessica Huntley from Inkubator Books and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.*

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Elle escapes her abusive home and finds refuge in a small town, where she befriends Vera who offers her a room in her house. Elle finally feels safe and begins to rebuild her life, but she discovers a dark secret in the basement that threatens everything she has worked for. Vera will do anything to protect this secret, leading Elle to realize that her new life is not what it seems...

Wow, I was completely captivated by this book from the very beginning. It had a perfect balance of suspense and intrigue that kept me hooked right from the start. By the time I reached 25% of the way through, I found myself unable to set the book down. The author skillfully answered all of my burning questions by the end, but the unexpected twists and turns left me in awe. Just when I thought the story had reached its peak, even more excitement unfolded. This book exceeded all of my expectations and more... I highly recommend this fast-paced read to anyone looking for a thrilling escape. If you're in a reading rut, this book is sure to reignite your passion for books.

I recommend this book, but Don't Tell a Soul or you will end up like... shhhh no spoilers!!!

Thank you to NetGalley and Inkubator Books for my digital ARC copy. I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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This is the first book I've read by Jessica Huntley. This is a fast paced book, good storyline and characters but must confess I found the ending a little unbelievable. 17 year old Elle runs away from home after a beating too many from her father. She ends up in a village near Gloucester. She manages to get a job in a local cafe and a local woman, Vera, offers her a room in her large house. Vera is known as something of an oddball in the village and Elle soon finds out that both of them had abusive fathers. Domestic violence and psychological galore at the fore told in POV from both Elle & Vera.

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Never a dull moment with this story! From the very first page it captivates you and keeps you locked up ( see what I did there ) until the end.
Many, many characters and everyone seemed shifty enough - so you didn't trust anyone easily.

The back and forth between timelines was perfectly executed and if I could, I would have read this book in one setting.

Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with the ARC of this book. All thoughts expressed in this review are my own.

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This thriller was not disappointing me but I will not remember it. It’s good entertainment and the twists are twisting. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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Elle, a young girl with an abusive father, and no help from her mother, decides she cannot live her life like this any more and decides to run away. She catches a random bus, and ends up in a small town where she knows no one, and no one knows her. She finds herself a job as a waitress, and meets Vera, a woman who offers her a room to rent in her large but dilapidated house. Ellie takes the room, and in time, feels safe with Vera, and a friendship forms which is almost like mother and daughter.
Vera has one main rule, which is Elle must never, ever, ever go into the basement. There are locks on the door to the basement, and Vera explains that the stairs are unsafe, and dangerous equipment is stored in there, she would not want Elle to hurt herself.
Although Elle is content living with Vera, she is curious, and so fails to keep the rule. She discovers that she is not alone in having secrets, Vera has her own secrets, as do others in the town, and Elle is not as safe as she believed.
I loved this book, the plot twisted and turned, and each time I thought I had figured it out, I hadn't!
A fantastic psychological thriller.

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