Member Reviews

Loved being back in the world of Kate Daniels and Roman! I really enjoy the mythology and religion around Chernobog and how it works being his priest. This was just a fun read from start to finished and can't wait to read more!

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Just a story about Roman, priest of Chernobog, during the holidays.

This is the first book in the Roman Chronicles and Roman is in his home, minding his own business with his creatures when a wounded boy and his dog show up and ask for sanctuary. When mercenaries, mages, and priests show up throwing magic around, Roman's protective side shows up and look out... The Good: I like Roman, I like how his duty protect comes out. I liked getting more back story on Roman, his brother, family. The twist with the boys sister was unexpected, but interested to see if this continues into the next series book. Fingers are crossed. The Not so Good: This is very heavy in mythology and it seems a mix of several cultures and lore. I know this is an area that the authors are passionate about, it became just a bit much for my non-myth loving mind to absorb at times. But full discloser, I am a BDHer, so I just take a deep breath and listen through until I can grasp the storyline again. I started with the serial on this one and then hit pause and waited for the final book. Thank you to #netgalley and #ilonaandrews for this ARC. Publication date July 30, 2004. I also purchased #sanctuary in audiobook format and it was great. All opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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Yet another fun installment in the Kate Daniels universe. Roman is an enjoyable character to explore more backstory of and this novella was an excellent way to show more sides to him. If you are a fan of the original series, this is definitely worth the read!

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I truly don't remember Roman from the Kate Daniels world, but if you give me a book from Ilona Andrews, I'm going to read it. I'm an Ilona Andrews fan-girl.

Sanctuary was... dense. You need to wade through a ton of Slavic world-building and lore, and it didn't always quite hold my interest. This book can 100% be read as a stand-alone, so it isn't as though the Kate Daniels' books would really help here, but I'll admit I was confused at times. It was action-forward, and not romance-y, though there is certainly potential there, and it didn't hold my interest quite as well as some of the other more recent series by this author duo. However, I'm very hopeful that the following books in the series will be more engaging and easier to follow now that some of the groundwork is already there.

If Ilona Andrews is writing a book, I'm going to read it. Let's keep the momentum going.

*~*Follow me on instagram for more reviews, book talk, and deals posts*~*

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Roman,Roman, Roman!!

So happy to be back in the Kate Daniels universe, as well as Roman finally got his story! I’ve been super excited to read this book. And let me tell you if are a fan of Ilona Andrews this is everything you want it to be. This is a story of self discovery, forgiveness, and being the Bad A.. Black Volhv Roman was meant to be. Sanctuary is an action pack laugh out loud magical thrill ride. This book was the definition of mind my business but if you want to start something, I will finish it… Really enjoyed all the characters and cannot wait for more. Definitely would recommend to all my friends and family.

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I'm always excited for something new from Ilona Andrews. This husband and wife writing team never fail to plunge me into their magical worlds and hold me captive for the duration.

Sanctuary, Andrews' newest novella, launches Roman's Chronicles with a story that I gobbled up in one delicious bite. If you've read the Kate Daniels World books you'll have already met Roman, priest of a dark god. If not, Sanctuary is a wonderful introduction to this complex character and his story. I loved everything about it from snappy dialog to laugh-out-loud humor to mind-bending magic, to (reluctantly) endearing moments to action-packed battles to edgy attraction (can't wait for more of that) to self-forgiveness and finally moving forward. And Roman's merry band of magical creatures? Pure gold.

Whether you're already an Ilona Andrews fan, a fan of urban fantasy or magic, or just looking for a quick, entertaining, and satisfying story that may be a bit outside your comfort reading box, I highly recommend Sanctuary. I'm already stalking the author's social media for hints on when book two of Roman's Chronicles will be ready.

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Let's be honest. There are so many fairytale and folklore inspired books, and a lot of it is overdone. The same stories and inspiration over and over again. THIS book, however, is a breath of fresh, wintry Slavic air that will leave your butt frozen to your seat until you finish. The characters are flawed but growing, there's a larger story at play above the immediate action, and there's intriguing glimpses at the world at large. This world is built on folklore that was completely new to me. It's dark, it's death, and it's....... cute? Take cute Disney sidekick animals, make em a little ugly and a little evil, add their help to a main character that shows us "dark" isn't the stereotype we think it is, and voila. You're ready for the second book.

Thank you to NetGalley for providing an arc of this book, in exchange for an honest review.

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Another side branch to explore in the world of Kate Daniels. Roman has always been a great character, and it's lovely to get some more of his backstory and (hopefully) his own arc to follow.

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Another marvelous read from husband and wife duo Ilona Andrews. Although set in their popular "Kate Daniel's" series universe, you don't have to have read any of those books to enjoy this one. Steeped in little used Slavic mythology we are given a character that serves a dark god. Rather than being a dark and gloomy character, Roman, is funny and kind to misunderstood dark creatures. This was such an interesting way to lookag the concepts of dark & light andlife & death as being a balanced equation rather than a battle between good & evil. A great read for anyone interested in action, comedy and world mythology. Definitely pick it ip!

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This was a fun story. It was fun to get some more insight into Roman. I am not sure where this story falls inline with the Kate Daniels series.

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Sanctuary by Ilona Andrews is a standalone in the World of Kate Daniels. We did meet Roman (hero), in previous Kate Daniels books. Roman is the priest of Chernobog, who is the God of Destruction, Darkness and Death, and in Sanctuary, we learn more about his backstory, which includes his chaotic family, as well as becoming Chernobog’s Black Volhv. Roman is depressed, wanting no company during the winter holiday, and to his surprise, a boy races to his house and begs for Sanctuary.

Almost immediately, elite mercenaries appear on his property, wanting the boy and his puppy; with them thinking this was going to be easy, with the hermit in the house. Of course, little did they know he was a powerful dark priest. Besides the mercenaries, they are also attacked by mages, strange priests, unleashing magic and trying to douse the house with fire. Roman collects a hoard of witchy pets and demonic beasties, which he manages to bring out in the fight to death against those who want the boy at any cost. While the attacks continue, Roman teaches Finn what not to use and what is safe.

We learn a lot about Roman in his early years, especially with his perfect older brother. His father was Volhv with Chernobog, during those years, and always pushed for the older son to follow him. Roman was lonely and felts ostracized from his family. But when he got older, the choice to replace the father, was a complete surprise as to who Chernobog chose. In the current time, Roman’s dreams show him dragging a tree to give to Morena (Chernobog’s wife), where he sees Andora, a girl he knew when they were very young; he also sees Farhang (the mage) who is in the dream and Finn, who is in for the ride.

What follows is an exciting and intriguing story, with Roman tied to the Slavic gods in this world, with magical siblings; not to mention his wonderful menagerie. Finn was a very good addition, and Andora, a childhood friend, who may become a potential romance. It was fun to learn about his younger years, being lonely with his meddling family. I look forward to seeing the possibility of a full novel upcoming. Once again, Ilona Andrews, our illustrious duo, gives us another wonderful masterpiece.

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I loved this story! It is no secret that I am a huge fan of the writing pair of Ilona Andrews. Whenever I pick up something this pair of writers create, I find something magical on the page. That is exactly what happened with this new story. I have to admit that didn’t remember as much about Roman from the Kate Daniels series as I probably should but that didn’t cause any issues jumping into this book. I think this story would work well as a stand-alone story and is a must-read for anyone who is already a fan of the character.

Roman serves Chernobog, the God of Destruction, Darkness, and Death which isn’t a pleasant job most days. He has powerful magic and I loved seeing some of the things that he was able to do. When a young boy asks for sanctuary at his home, he feels that he must oblige. That’s when the trouble starts. A group of mercenaries are determined to get their hands on this boy and will use everything at their disposal to make that happen.

The story had plenty of action to keep me glued to the pages. I enjoyed getting the chance to know more about this character and really appreciated learning how he ended up becoming the Black Volhv. He really is a good guy despite the fact he works for the God of Destruction. It seemed that there was no end to his ability and willingness to sacrifice for others.

I would highly recommend this book to others. This is a quick-moving novella that I was almost impossible to put down once I started reading. I am amazed by the fact that such a big story fits in this shorter work but Ilona Andrews somehow made it happen. I hope to read many more of Roman’s adventures in the future.

I received a digital review copy of this book from NYLA.

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This is a page turner. I read the serialized version of the online prior to getting this copy and I still ended up reading all but the last chapter in one night. I would have finished if common sense hadn't got the better of me on a work night. So yeah, I liked it.

Roman is... stalwart. He's got a little bit of Eyore in him and on him. Slippers to be precise. How can you not like a guy wearing Eyore slippers? The rest of the cast is just as interesting.

This is the first Ilona Andrews book I've read, but I definitely want more of the Roman Chronicles. Given the size of their back catalog, I think I might be in trouble.

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I received this title from netgalley two weeks before publication when they granted my wish. House Andrews are my favorite authors and I'm a proud member of the BDH (book devouring hoard) so I wouldn't call this review unbiased.

They have included a fair amount of world information so I don't think you'd be totally lost without knowledge of the series but I wouldn't start with it. Roman is a side character in the Kate Daniels world and this story is essentially Andrew's gift to their rabid fans.

In his world, magic and technology swing back and forth. Magic's time restarted with an Apocalyptic shift some 30 years before and technology is losing the fight. When tech is high, electric lights work, guns shoot, and cars will run. When magic is up, fey lanterns light the way, horses are the go-to method of transportation, and magic critters come from the wood to snarf down on delicious people. Roman is the Black Volhv, beloved of Chernobog, the God of Destruction, Darkness and Death. It's a family business and he's hiding out at home, trying to survive the holidays when an injured teen shows up under one of his trees begging for Sanctuary.

This is not a full length book, so the action goes fast because the kid is being hunted. Roman doesn't get to be the good guy very often but it turns out he's pretty good at it. The story delves into his background and history and maybe sets the stage for a love interest. It isn't a HEA (happily ever after) but this is book 1.

I loved it. Roman is one of my favorite side characters and I loved reading about his back story. (This was originally posted on the Ilona Andrews blog as a serial - it made Fridays better for several weeks.) The most satisfying bits are in the epilogue which I didn't completely love but the authors tied up enough loose ends for a decent ending to the story. Their production schedule is pretty full, so it's probably going to take a while for the next episode to drop, but I'll be waiting. Patiently. Stalking the blog every day for word. Just like normal.

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This was a long awaited read about Roman and it did not disappoint. I especially loved the insight into his and his family’s background. Though a short read, it packed a lot of juicy tidbits and of course, a great story line. The audiobook version was also incredible. I absolutely adore Ilona Andrews and anything they write and this was at the top. Can’t recommend it enough. Thank you, House Andrews!!

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In this masterfully crafted Ilona Andrews novella, readers are plunged into Roman's world in a chaotic adventure filled with great characters, mythology and lots of dark comedy. This story sets a tone familiar to the BDH (book devouring horde, ardent Andrews fans), blending Roman's mundane holiday mishaps with his dark responsibilities as a loyal yet reluctant servant of Chernobog, the God of Destruction, Darkness, and Death. The contrast is both humorous and captivating. Roman doesn't like the holidays, and sometimes most people, but either isn't possible this holiday season. His desire for solitude is thwarted by the chaos around him. When a wounded boy stumbles into his yard, Roman’s seemingly reluctant act of kindness sets off a chain of events that thrusts him back into a world he would rather avoid. The arrival of elite mercenaries, combat mages, and strange priests on his property transforms his peaceful abode into a constant battleground. Once they bring the battle to him, he is happy to defend the boy, assorted creatures and somewhat innocent people caught in the maelstrom.

The authors juxtapose Roman's patience and humor with his encyclopedic knowledge about and reluctant affection for the god he serves, Chernobog. While Roman plays at wanting to be a hermit left alone in the woods who wants to be left alone, his actions show this to be a lie. Roman’s adversaries soon learn that they have gravely underestimated him.

This book, similar to other Ilona Andrews books, blend of dark fantasy with elements of everyday life. The holidays serve as an ironic backdrop to Roman’s deadly encounters, adding depth and humor to the story. The author’s vivid descriptions and imaginative world-building transport the reader to a place where ancient magic and modern woes collide in the most entertaining way.

The Black Volhv: Darkness in the Holidays is a perfect read for those who enjoy their fantasy with a touch of the unexpected. Whether you’re drawn to the mythic elements, the intense action, or the character dynamics, if you're looking for a novel that defies the usual tropes and offers a fresh perspective on the dark fantasy genre, this is it. Whether you have read all the Kate Daniels novels, or none of them, this novella is one you will appreciate.

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This story is set in the World of Kate Daniels, but you do not need to have read any of the other books to enjoy this one. It is a tale of Good and Evil, Light and Dark, morals and choices, repentance and forgiveness. Not to mention a request for Sanctuary in unlikely places. Quite a lot of ground to cover for a relatively short story.

Inside the front cover the tile is given as "Sanctuary: Roman's Chronicles Book 1" I'm looking forward to book 2!

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I received a review copy from Netgalley. To be honest, as soon as I got my copy I gobbled it down in one sitting that night, it was that good. I love the worldbuilding of the Kate Daniels post apocalypse world, and the further worldbuilding specific in this book about Roman's powers and his part in that world. As for Roman himself, the character is so much fun being the "hermit in the woods with a heart of gold", he hides so much heart behind his outward show of gruffness and complaining. Just like the Kate Daniels's books I love the snappy and snarky dialogue, this one did not disappoint as there are so many good quotable lines. Like the other books set in the Kate Daniels world, this is an interesting exploration of the themes of found family, helping others, and perseverance. For such a short book this packs so much into it, and does it so well.

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That's it?! Sigh. I love Andrews and their short stories. I don't prefer to read serials because I invariably forget about it or the author gets off or something happens. So I was super happy to hear they were publishing this.

I enjoyed it! I like Roman from the other books and he's an interesting character so it was good to get some of his history and background. The story wasn't QUITE what I thought it would be and leads more into maybe a bigger story. Maybe it's like tapas and this was the first option, but I could make a meal out of these once more arrive!

If you like the Kate Daniels world, I recommend this to help you expand the world. They haven't gone wrong in any of the spin-offs and I enjoy returning every single time with whichever character it is.

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From the very beginning this book had me laughing! The nechist or small nasties are an example of how Ilona Andrews is able to take something mythology and alter it to fit into a different world. The nechist are more like small adopted stray animals with personalities of their own. At the start of the book, the nechist are found decorating an outdoor Christmas tree? With an unconscious teen at the base of the tree, secured with garland and partially decorated. The scene is hilarious!

Ilona Andrews has an amazing gift for world building and character development and writing an action-filled plot. Although short, the authors still manage to do both in this novella.

I was so excited to read this in advance! I enjoyed it so much that I preordered the audiobook and have spent my evening listening. I highly recommend this book and all the books that Ilona Andrews writes!!

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