Member Reviews

So Not My Romantic Getaway by Evie Sterling is a refreshing romantic comedy with an enemies to lovers theme. Two co-workers who only know each other through company email are both up for the same promotion, So definitely some animosity going on.
Fast forward both co workers win a trip to Hawaii for being company rock stars. The chemistry between Jack and Hazel is instant, but what happens when they found out they are actually rivals. Read this to find out. Added bonus: the cutest turtle named Chester. :)

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Such a great read! Highly recommend this one.

Many thanks to the author, the publisher, and Netgalley for my ARC. All opinions are my own.

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I want to start by thanking the author and publisher for the opportunity to read an advanced copy of this book. I really enjoyed it! It was cute and heartwarming!

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omgggg this was so fun and so cute! i love the vibes and omg jack was so stunning and just a great love interest! the writing was good and the plot was fun

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This was a cute love story that kept me intrigued. I felt the emotions of the characters as I was reading. Thank you for allowing me to read and review this ARC

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I received this ARC for my honest review. First off, it’s a show start, I am really struggling up until about chapter 6. After Hazel and Jack actually meet the book definitely flows better and it begins to be a much easier read. H and J have great banter and good chemistry. A cute clean romance.

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I received a copy of this ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I loved this book. It was so much fun to read!

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Thank you to netgalley and the publishers for the ARC.

This was a really sweet, really fast beachy romance. An unlikely couple, a vacation romp, and a sea turtle I got a little too attached to. A very cute read.

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I enjoyed reading this story and seeing what would happen with Jack and Hazel. I could have used a little more lead up for the romance but overall I enjoyed the book and it felt like the perfect summer vacation read.

Read if you like:
- Insta Love
- Coworker Romance
- Hawaii Vacation Romance
- Sea Turtles
- Workaholics

Thank you to the publishers and NetGally for this Advanced Release copy. I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this arc!

This was such a quick and easy read! I really enjoyed it. I wish there was more but this book was good! A great summer read!! I really liked the characters and they had great chemistry!

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This book was great! I absolutely loved the story and it is a perfect read for summer time! The main characters banter in this book was hilarious!

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Hazel and Jack work for the same company, hold the same position but they've never met. The only way they know each other is from work e-mails, which makes them both not like each other. When they’ve both won a week-long trip to Hawaii for being a star employee, things get interesting quickly and the chemistry between them is immediate and makes the story really engaging.

Once they realize who the other person really is, it adds a complicated twist. They’re not supposed to get along, but they find themselves happier than they’ve been in a long time.

I did find parts of the story slightly unpolished and unbelievable at times; but that didn’t take away from my enjoyment. I also would have liked to see more of the week in Hawaii. The days - beyond the first two and a half days - were skimmed over, when they were supposed to be how these two fell in love.

The third-act breakup was just a big no; it felt forced and driven by misunderstandings that could have been cleared up with a simple talk—miscommunication can be so frustrating and they both seemed to expect the other to say or do something about it but i suppose i can see why they were hesitant to discuss their feelings.

Chester the sea turtle was such a cute addition! A book with an animal character just makes it 10x better.

The big romantic gesture at the end was sweet and fitting for their characters, bringing their journey full circle and highlighting their growth throughout the story.

Even though I usually prefer stories that develop more slowly, I can appreciate a quick-paced romance when it’s done well. Plus, Evie really knows how to write a clean romance, which is always a bonus!

Thank You NetGalley and Victory Editing for the opportunity to read this! All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Hazel and Jack, rivals vying for the same promotion, both win a week-long trip to Hawaii from their workplace. Hazel is an introvert who values efficiency and perfection, while Jack is outgoing and focuses on relationship-building and creative solutions. Despite never meeting in person and detesting each other through their email exchanges, they find themselves in an unexpected situation when Hazel's ad for a fake boyfriend to ease pressure from her mother is answered by Jack. Their initial chemistry leads to a complicated but sweet romance set against the beautiful backdrop of Hawaii. Their connection over animals and mutual growth, along with numerous swoony moments, makes for a compelling summer read. The story is filled with holiday vibes, humor, and a heartwarming happily ever after, featuring the delightful inclusion of Chester the sea turtle.

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I received this as an ARC on NetGalley. From remote coworkers who had never met to friends to so much more. This book had a little drama, a great love story and two people finding themselves and what they really want.

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A simple enemies to lovers story.. I just felt that both characters were a little all over the place. Hazel was an uptight people pleaser. Jack was a former dirt bike competitor that was just going through the motions in life. Just an odd matched pair to have instalove after bickering back and forth via computer for the entirety of their work relationship. Thank you to NetGalley for this free advanced copy. I’m leaving this review voluntarily

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This was a very cute beach read. If you liked the book The Unhoneymooners, you will like this one.

✅ Enemies to Lovers
✅ Coworker romance
✅ Hawaii trip
✅ Sea turtles

They were both remote workers that had never met before. I loved that, because I am a remote worker and I think this is the first book I have read where that is a big part of the story. It made it unique and relatable!

I thought their love story was so cute. I actually went in with low expectations of this one, because I hadn’t heard any buzz about it yet and within the first chapter I knew it was gonna be good. Some writers just have that ability to draw you in immediately!

The only thing I felt was missing in this book was spice. There was kissing, but nothing else. Some people prefer no spice to their books & you will absolutely love this one if that is your preference. Personally, I felt the chemistry between them & wanted to see that explored more. With all that said, it was still a really good beach read and I am so happy I picked this one up!!

Thank you to netgalley for this free advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

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So Not My Romantic Getaway by Evie Sterling was an excellent romance story.
The characters are entertaining and the storytelling was engaging.
I enjoyed the dynamics of the relationship and seeing them from all perspectives.
A compelling read that I really enjoyed.

Thank You NetGalley and Victory Editing for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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I enjoyed reading So Not My Romantic Getaway by Evie Sterling. You will fall in love with all the characters. I received an ARC of this book courtesy of NetGalley and the publisher. All opinions expressed in this review are my own and given freely. Happy Reading!

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What happens when two strangers on a vacation in Hawaii lock eyes? And then happen to meet at the hot tub because he answered her Craigslist ad for someone to take photos with her to send to her mother pretending to be her boyfriend? And what happens when they find out that they are coworkers who have never met and who actually dislike each other very much, but now cannot seem to be able to stay away from each other? Well, this is what this story is about!
This was a light fun summer read, even if it is not a groundbreaking story. I liked the characters of both Hazel and Jack, and I enjoyed their meet-cute.
I did find it difficult to believe that these two strangers, who were planning on meeting every day for photo ops, did not share names when they first met. Maybe that’s just a me thing, but I cannot imagine not having this basic information about someone.
But I do like that they got to start their relationship by getting to know each other without the prejudices they have already formed through their bizarre work relationship.
I did find parts of the story slightly unpolished, like Jack’s life as a social media influencer, which he was able to fall back on when he resigned from his job.
I also would have liked to see more of the week in Hawaii. The days - beyond the first two and a half days - were glossed over, when they were supposed to be how these two fell in love.
Lastly, the third-act breakup was a bit confusing, because it felt like they were sacrificing their relationship to comply with the company policy, but also a miscommunication trope because they both seemed to expect the other to say or do something about it.

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I am enjoying this book so much! Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher, and the author. All opinions are my own.

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