Member Reviews

This story was okay. I feel like some parts were a bit rushed, while some harbored on a topic too long. But overall I think it was a well written urban fantasy

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Phenomenal novella that wonderfully weaves crime fiction, the occult and contemporary dark romance. I loved the Spelhouse nod. I believe this is a great companion for The Ballad of Black Tom.

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Inconsistencies: in one chapter Jason is a Leo and in another he’s an Aries

The writing is poor and disjointed which distracted from the root of the plot. The dialog was stuffy and basic and lacked any sort of flow. The plot was a great idea but poor in execution. Aida’s character could have had more development and really honed in on her story except she was largely excluded from the plot. The ending made it seem like the book was more about her than Jason. The entire book was a little bit of a weird power trip “nice guy” energy from Jason. Personally I thought the sex work scene and plots were not productive to the plot. I understand the attempt at comparing Aida to that of Mary Magdeline but felt it lacked any substance. Structurally, it is missing quotation marks or uses incorrect quotation marks through out the book.

I think this book could have been great but overall found it lacking in several areas.

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