Member Reviews

I love a great cocktail and it’s even better if the recipe can be used without alcohol. These recipes are delicious and the pictures are beautiful. Can’t wait to try more of these recipes. Thank you for the early copy of Monday Night Mocktails.

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Sometimes if you are not a drinker you feel a bit left out at dinner parties or when out to dinner with friends. Maybe you have health problems so you can’t drink alcohol, whatever the reason you or someone you know probably doesn’t drink and could use this cookbook. This mocktail cookbook works to remedy that, at least while in the comfort of your own home. There’s recipes for favs like margaritas and an old fashioned to the authors own creations. I for one can’t wait to try a fauxjito (a mock mojito) and a pineapple bebida, a spicy blend of pineapple juice, agave, jalapeños, and sparkling water. There’s really something here for everyone. There beautiful photos of nearly every drink as well.

I had no idea zero proof tequila was a thing!! Now I’m on a mission to find some so I can make a mock margarita. Happy alcohol free drinking!

**Thanks to the author and publisher for the e-arc I received via NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.**

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Monday Night Mocktails by Jennifer Newens is a zero-proof recipe book of mixed drinks. Every recipe had a photo with it, and measurements are given in both English and Metric. Most recipes only make 1 - 2 drinks and require an N/A alcohol, and if you can find the zero-proof liquors and wines, there are several creative seasonal beverages included, such as Pumpkin Spice Toddy, Sansgria, and a Turmeric Lemon Drop. If you can't find those items, the author does include a list of resources in the back to have them shipped to you.

This book contained mostly classic cocktails, with a handful of recipes that were new and creative. I was hoping for more recipes involving kombucha, or recipes on how to make and use your own shrubs. There's one recipe for a pineapple shrub in the book, but I'd like to see more for the other shrubs mentioned (i.e. peach or berry).

I found a few keeper recipes in this book. However, a lot of the recipes were fairly standard with just a substitution of zero-proof alcohols for the regular ones. I recommend Monday Night Mocktails by Jennifer Newens to those who are choosing to abstain from alcohol and have access to a variety of N/A beverages or are willing to spend the extra money to have them shipped. If the recipes were scaled, I think this book would be great for entertaining. Cheers!

Thank you to NetGalley, Jennifer Newens, and The Collective Book Studio for the opportunity to read the ARC of this book. I was not required to write a review, and all opinions expressed are my own.

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52 alcohol free recipes. I like the idea of mocktails. They can be shared by all of us, any age. I received a complimentary copy from NetGalley. This review is my feelings towards the book.

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Really fun, informative book of mocktail recipes that will keep you from missing the alcohol! Broken up into different seasons, these recipes are easy, and explained well. I didn't realize that there were also non-alcoholic spirits, With great pictures, this book will allow you to make a pretty, fancy drink for yourself and others without worrying about how you'll feel tomorrow.

Thank you Netgalley and The Collective Book Studio for the ARC!

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Wow, what a cool book! I’m trying to drink less alcohol because I find that as I get older even one drink negatively impacts my sleep. The mocktail recipes in this book gave me great ideas through the use of flavorful syrups and ingredients, all of which are easy to find. Many of the recipes do suggest non-alcohol spirits but it seems they could easily be omitted. I also liked how the recipes were organized by weeks of the year (and seasons), with lighter drinks in the summer section and heavier and more festive recipes included in the fall and winter sections. I’ll be trying many of these soon!

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This mocktail book is delightful! I tend to get a lot of headaches, so I've been trying out a few mocktail recipes for a fun treat that won't make my headaches worse.

With over 50 recipes, this book is split up into the four seasons of the year. Every recipe has a photo, and the photography alone is gorgeous! I also appreciate that each drink recipe has a reasonable amount of ingredients and not like 2-3x more items to track down than a traditional cocktail. The directions are short and sweet too.

I'm most excited about the fall and winter recipes. I didn't realize that there were non-alchoholic versions of liquor, which sounds silly, but the industry really has expanded so much the last few years. I will be running (!!!) to the store so I can try out more .

Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher, and author for my advanced digital copy!

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thank you netgalley for the e-arc. i was really excited to get this arc, i have been trying to drink less alcohol but still want a fancy drink at night or on the weekends. i was disappointed to see that almost all these drinks required a zero proof spirit (alcohol free rum/vodka/whiskey). those bottled zero proof spirits are expensive to have on hand for just some experimental NA cocktails. but the drinks overall were so creative and things i haven't really seen before.

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Thank you so much for sending me an Advanced Digital Copy of this book. The author gives very good information about tools and glassware for preparing mocktails. There are 52 recipes (one for each week). I am going to enjoy preparing these for years to come.

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I don’t shy away from alcohol, but I also don’t see it out. However, I do enjoy a good Mocktail as I really don’t have a need for alcohol if I drink is enjoyable all on its own without. The husband and I found this book to be most interesting and we plan to make one new drink a week from this book over the course of the next year. This is gonna be fun!

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This is a great book for a beginner mix-ologist regardless of their alcohol consumption. People who drink can sub in the appropriate alcohol but I really appreciate how it is focuses on mocktails.

There are tons of classic recipes made into mocktails as well as drinks I have never heard of. It is laid out by season so you can drink the cranberry drinks in fall, the eggnog in winter, etc.. Every single drink has a picture! I love when food-related books have a picture for every recipe because it makes each recipe more appealing and appetizing. There is also a list of supplies needed in the front of the book and their purpose. Along the way, it describes how to muddle or any other foundational aspects to the drinks.

I really enjoyed it and am very excited to try out more recipes.

Thank you to Netgalley for an ARC in exchange for the honest review.

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***Thank you NetGalley for the ARC!***

This book is, in a word, GORGEOUS. I won't lie and say that half the reason I go for recipe books like this isn't for the pictures, because IT IS. If nothing else, Newens's recipe book here is a triumph in picture, if not also in inventinveness and ingenuity. I'm not a big drinker to begin with, (caaaaaaan you say lifelong migraine/IBS/GERD sufferer and heavy sugar and sulfite-laden drinks literally cause these issues?!) but having a recipe book for tasty cocktails sans booze is a wonderful idea.

I took off a star because trying to source things like alcohol-free whiskey simply isn't feasible in most parts of the US, let alone a large beverage distributor that specializes in said things. I was hoping then that she'd have at least one or two recipes for the aforementioned non-alcoholic "alcohols" themselves, but there wasn't. (I get that this wasn't the point of the book, but even a nudge into how to make a faux beer even wouldn't have gone amiss)

If you're looking for an excellent mocktail book, or even for just a fun way to spice up sparkling grape juice come New Years, (THAT STUFF IS ADDICTIVE) this is an excellent reference and will 100% be ordering this to accompany my own bevvy of fancy cocktail recipe books!

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I can not wait to gift this book to all my friends this winter for a gift. It was SO fun! I have made a few of the drinks and they were delicious. This book was put together beautifully. Highly recommend.

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Monday Night Mocktails is perfect for those who want to enjoy a beverage without the full proof version. There are 52 drinks collected in the book, one for every week, and they are broken down by season. Traditional barware is still recommended as technique is important for many of the drinks. Personally, I found the recipes easy to follow, although some of the ingredients may not be readily accessible where you are. In this event, there are alternatives recommended or suggested retail where they can be found. Many of the recipes do call for a high quality zero proof version of the real spirit (wine, vodka, gin, bourbon, rum, tequila, and liqueurs). The pictures are just stunning and really showcase the beauty in some of the colors and presentations.
I received a complimentary copy from the publisher via NetGalley and all opinions expressed are solely my own, freely given.

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I think this book is pretty good. The recipes are easy to understand and the visuals are nice too. One complaint that I have is that some of the equipment is not very common in some households, but I guess that's what you're signing up for when you get a cookbook for mocktails. I would appreciate more recipes that are more accessible to the general public.

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Monday Night Mocktails features gorgeous full-color photos of the drinks! Teh author talks a bit about her mocktails, bar tools, and glasses. She hits the important things for these drinks keeping it brief. The book is organized by season taking advantage of fruits, vegetables, and herbs and spices for those time periods. Littered through the books are little tips to make your drink a success,

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This was a cute little book, perfect for people like me who don't drink alcohol but still want to drink something fun and tasty. I loved the pictures that accompanied every recipe. My only problem with this book was that the formatting was so off it was sometimes hard to read. There were a lot of mistakes also that I hope will be fixed by the time the finished product goes to press.

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I love everything about this book. I appreciate the tools and techniques that are shared to learn how to beautifully craft a great tasting drink which is all that matters when drinking a mocktail. I appreciate that each drink had a picture with the glassware and that the variety of cocktails are plentiful for different palates.

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I absolutely love mocktails and wish there was more books like this on the market! Thank you to the author for making this drink recipe book and I can't wait to try them!

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I was excited for this book as someone who doesn't drink alcohol anymore. However, a lot of the recipes call for non-alcoholic versions of the typically used alcohol. For example, if it typically is made with vodka, it just calls for non-alcoholic vodka. Why wouldn't you just use a regular recipe and sub the non-alcoholic version? I was hoping for mocktails that were delicious combinations that didn't require hard to find or expensive ingredients. I've been much more excited about recipes on social media for mocktails than this book. Overall it was disappointing.

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