Member Reviews

"Silent Nights are Murder (A Poppy McAllister Mystery #9)" by Libby Klein has reminded me how much I like this series. If you like cozy mysteries with sassy senior sidekicks and mischievous pets, you get both in this series. It's Christmas time for Poppy and her B&B full of helpers. Her aunt is in a bake off and yard decor battle with the neighbor lady. Her cat is constantly walking around the house sporting Christmas tree decor. Oh, and her mother that had been gone for 35 years showed up under a fake name.

While all of that is going on a body is found with a sign requesting that the police get Poppy. The kicker, they were found in her ex-boyfriend's restaurant. Poppy grudgingly goes "undercover" to help figure out what happened.

There were several moments that had me laughing out loud. There were also moments that had me go, "Ha! I knew something was up with them!" Just an overall great cozy mystery.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for sending this review copy to me.

This was a great Christmas cozy mystery! It does come later in the series, but you can read it as a standalone.

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Get Poppy. What the heck does that mean? One thing Poppy, our intrepid cozy heroine knows, is that she's got to figure that out as well as the identity of the murderer. And why was the fish guy killed? And she's got to deal with the fact that her ex Tim is around and that his new partner is pregnant. Oh and Figaro the cat is attacking Aunt Ginny's Christmas tree. Then there's the engagement ring. So many questions, all of which will be answered by the end of this latest in the series that will be most appreciated by those who have read at least a couple of the earlier books. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. A good read.

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This book was absolutely worth the long wait after the cliffhanger in the last book. No spoilers on who the ring is for!

There is a body in a freezer and for once Bed and Breakfast owner Poppy McAllister didn't find it. Except there is a note pinned to the chest about Poppy. And it's in her ex-boyfriend's restaurant. Something fishy is going on with the owner of Deepwater Fisheries and it's currently deceased owner and it is not just the product. Despite her ex's very pregnant girlfriend wanting nothing to do with Poppy, he begs her to come work in his restaurant and sus out who did the fisherman in before said girlfriend gets arrested.

Overwhelming all of this is the holiday season, Poppy's first with her boyfriend Gia and his darling kiddo Henry, the reappearance of her long lost mother, who clearly wants something and the hijinks of Aunt Ginny, whose antics are the reason I laugh my way through these cozies. Ginny is attempting to rival Clark Griswold and Poppy's headache expands each time a new addition appears on the lawn, or roof.

I adored this book and this series. It is one of my go-to series for re-reads. I cannot wait for more books in the series and I hope they come out quicker than this one!

Many thanks to Netgalley and Kensington Cozies for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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My most fave of all the books! There was so much going on that was absolutely hilarious, I was laughing practically the entire time I read. The ending was just perfect and I loved that all this happened at Christmastime. The mystery case was solved and everyone went on and had an amazing Christmas Eve and Day. I’d loved to’ve seen that Christmas village display inside the B&B, it sounded hysterical! I never guessed the culprit for that or for the main case itself, lotsa great intrigue which kept me reading.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an ARC of this book provided by Kensington Cozies via NetGalley, and my opinions are my own.

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With Silent Nights Are Murder, the ninth book in Libby Klein's A Poppy McAllister Mystery, you get what you expect of a Libby Klein novel, excellent novel with lots of hilarious fun and heartfelt moments. This one offers several wonderful twists for Poppy that had me cheering which help balance the fact that Tim, her ex-boyfriend, and the woman who has been chasing him are in back in her life and not in a good way. It looks like Gigi managed to catch him although it is not clear whether or not she can keep him. They turn to Poppy for help when they become the prime suspects in a murder. Naturally, Gigi's attitude does not change just because she is in Poppy's debt. Tim is the same nice but weak guy he has always been. Gio sure looks great, especially compared to Tim. I love that Poppy has Gio and Henry in her life; they both love her with no reservations and since she will never be able to have her own child, Henry fills an important spot in her heart. The crazy antics of the biddies and a few others keep the overall story light, and the holiday preparations add a lovely touch until Aunt Ginger's competitive spirit takes things too far, as always.
My thanks to NetGalley and Kensington Publishing for allowing me to read and review this wonderful book. Silent Nights Are Murder was a pleasure to read.
#NetGalley #KensingtonPublishing #APoppyMcAllisterMystery #LibbyKlein #SilentNightsAreMurder

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Another fun adventure with the gang from Butterfly Wings B&B. Though Aunt Ginny stresses me out sometimes, I am always right there with her. Can't wait for my invitation to the wedding!

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I love this series and Poppy’s adventures! All of the characters are delightful. This may be my favorite so far. Thank you to the publisher for the opportunity to read this advanced copy. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Poppy McAllister & her friends are trying to ID who left an engagement ring in a velvet box at the B&B. But the reveal party is interrupted by a call from her police nemesis. A fish supplier's body is found at Maxime's, the restaurant owned by her ex-boyfriend Tim. The corpse has a note taped to him "Get Poppy". Poppy reluctantly agrees to help Tim & his heavily pregnant partner Gigi to find the real killer.

This is the last book in the hilarious cozy mystery series, and ends on a satisfying note.

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Oh my gosh this is so good! Poppy's Aunt Ginny is going totally Clark Griswold on the outdoor Christmas decorations at the inn. Poppy does NOT find a body but is pulled in to investigate by her ex, Tim. And boy are there plenty of suspects and motives! Fortunately she has the support of her love, Gia, and his son, Henry. Plus her family and friends. It's a crazy holiday season!

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A good addition to the series- this mystery will keep you guessing right until the end. Filled with plenty of holiday touches - it is a seasonal treat.

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Wow, this book is packed with action! It has everything from an extortionist and miniature crime scenes to an antique diary and shark fins. Plus, there’s a surprise visit from a mother, a mysterious engagement ring and, of course, a murder. The Poppy McAllister Mystery series has always been fantastic, but this installment is truly exceptional. With so much happening, it all comes together seamlessly, keeping you glued to the pages as you try to unravel the mysteries.

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Christmas is my favorite time of year so I was excited to see that the latest book in Libby Klein's Poppy McAllister series is set at Christmastime. I just knew that Poppy, Aunt Ginny, and the rest of the Cape May gang would be involved in more than one Christmas themed catastrophe. And boy, was I right.

In Silent Nights are Murder, Poppy finds herself involved in quite a few different local issues. She and her friends are trying to track down the owner of a forgotten engagement ring, she has to deal with her mother coming back to town after being gone for 35 years, and she has to help a local restaurant clear their name after a dead body is found in their freezer.

And as if that's not enough, Poppy also must deal with Aunt Ginny's shenanigans, which includes decorating the B&B with enough Christmas lights to rival Clark Grizwold's house.

If you're familiar with Cape May at all, you will be delighted by the fun local references in this whole series. There's this one scene where Poppy refuses to make her mother breakfast and suggests she goes to Uncle Bill's Pancake House instead that had me chuckling to myself. I'm actually quite a fan of Uncle Bill's, although I'm sure any breakfast made by Poppy, Kenny, or Joanne would be much better! Haha.

This series makes me feel so warm and happy because of the atmosphere. Libby Klein has created a wonderful community of characters who make me laugh and cheer and keep coming back for more. This book is especially joyful because of the holiday season and the fact that Poppy has some pretty big life changes going on.

If you're new to this series but love Christmas, definitely check out this book. As with most cozy mysteries, it's best to read the books in order so that you know all the back story, but you can really jump in at any time because things are explained as they happen. This is an excellent addition to the series and is one that I will cherish rereading during the holiday season.

Please visit on September 24, 2024 for my full book review on release day.

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I would recommend this series. This is a good book with a mystery around Christmas time. Poppy is involved investigating a another murder. As usual lots of humor in this book.

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Thank you so much to NetGalley and Libby Klein for providing me with a complimentary digital ARC for Silent Nights Are Murder coming out September 24, 2024. The honest opinions expressed in this review are my own.

This is actually the first book I’ve read in the series. I had to get into the story a little bit. I love Christmastime cozy mysteries, so this one was really fun. I thought Poppy was an interesting character. The storyline with her mom coming back after all that time was a little crazy. I wasn’t sure why she decided to come back. It wasn’t the coziest storyline. But I thought the romance was good. The mystery seemed to take a backseat to the other plot points, but I really enjoyed it. I would check out other books by this author.

I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys Christmastime cozy mysteries!

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Loved reading this book and series. Her books are hard to put down. I suggest reading this series from the beginning. Each book gets funnier and funnier. Happy reading

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I really enjoy this series and the characters feel like friends. This book had a lot going on in it, so much that it felt like a couple of books. The end felt like it could be the series end. I really hope not, but it was a satisfying ending, if it is.

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I would give anything to see Aunt Ginny’s Christmas display outside the B&B; she definitely outdoes herself in her antics in this one and makes me love her more. It took me a little longer to get through this one, not because I didn’t love it but because there was way too much Tim and Gigi and I can’t stand them (I was always team Gia). There’s plenty of investigating in this one but it is balanced well with the usual Ginny antics and B&B guests, particularly with one guest that really makes Poppy re-evaluate her past. All in all, a great addition to the series.

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This delightful book has everything a cozy mystery should offer ... a nice bunch of quirky characters, a good storyline, a lead heroine who somehow always manages to find herself solving murder mysteries in her small town, a murder to solve that has enough red herrings to throw you off track thinking you know whodunit it before the story wraps up (only to find you're wrong and then wrong again), a handsome love interest, and an interesting occupation for the main character. This story has all that and more to keep your interest. Poppy McCallister runs the Butterfly Wings bed and breakfast in the beautiful coastal town of Cape May, New Jersey, where she lives with her crazy great aunt, her fun-loving bed and breakfast employee, and her rambunctious, destructive, but still loveable cat. Poppy has a tendency to find dead bodies but this time instead of stumbling over the victim of foul play, this person met their demise and was found with a note attached to them stating to find Poppy. What the dickens is going on that corpses are now being addressed to her?! Poppy really needs this kind of problem right now ... about as much as she needs to hear Bruce Springsteen's rendition of Santa Claus is Coming to Town one more time this holiday season. The Boss is a Jersey icon and the author is not exaggerating in the least that this song is everywhere all the time in the Garden State during the Christmas season. Poppy does her best to tune out the song and try to focus on finding out the identity of the murderer before they strike again. She's pulled in not only by her friend in the police department but by one of the suspects who she knows all too well who begs her to help find the real killer before he and his girlfriend have the murder pinned on them. While Poppy is trying to solve the crime, her crazy Aunt Ginny is busy trying to come up with the perfect entry for the dessert contest at the local senior center as well as trying to outdo her neighbors in decorating their yard for Christmas. Poppy also has someone from her past who shows up and proceeds to drive her crazy. How can she keep her cool, run her bed and breakfast, help find a murderer, have any time alone with her boyfriend, and keep her sanity? Read this terrific cozy mystery to find out all this and more.

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I just love Poppy and the situations she finds herself in. And Gia, now there is a prince of a man. Then we have Aunt Ginny and the Biddies for added entertainment. They do make me giggle! Loved this story and the wonderful characters. I received this book from NetGalleyl, but my opinion is my own.

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