Member Reviews

This was definitly an ode to all women and I'm more than grateful to had a change to read it Klarke was such a powerful woman willing to do everything just to stand out in a world of men, where women were just meant to marry and be owned by men. I loved it, loved her journey and her desire and strength to fight for more in her life, for a better life for women, for a life they deserve to be equal as men

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I enjoyed this climbing adventure novel set in a fantastical world. The author clearly knows her stuff when it comes to climbing, and it makes the action scenes all the more thrilling for it.

Klarke (I’m not fond of the name, but 🤷‍♀️) is a talented climber who can’t make the king’s elite squad solely because she wasn’t born male. The kingdom laws are designed to oppress females, and the current king is a misogynist among misogynists. Not everyone agrees, however, and Klarke inadvertently becomes the figurehead of an uprising among those sympathetic to women.

And then people start getting killed. Again and again.

And Klarke finds herself in a unique position to do something about it.

Fair warning—the story ends with a cliffhanger, but it’s a nicer one, not one where you want to throw the book at the wall. I’m definitely intrigued enough to read the sequel.

Thanks to NetGalley and Fitzroy Books for the eARC. I’m writing this review voluntarily.

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I really enjoyed reading this story and following such a strong and courageous female lead. I look forward to reading more from Dabney

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