Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley and PENGUIN GROUP Penguin Young Readers Group for providing an eARC in exchange for an honest review! All opinions are my own.

Nightbirds started off as a little slow for me, but as the story evolved and I learned more about the girls and their magic it became harder and harder to put the book down. The book has the glitz and glamour a la roaring 20s, but there are enemies all around the Nightbirds and they are closer than ever to claiming them for their dark purposes.

Each girl is gifted with a very rare form of magic, which is illegal in the Republic. Matilde, Sayer, and AEsa are the latest in a long line of Nightbird women, who are protected by the Great Houses. These families have kept the Nightbirds from being hunted by the church and the suzerain (almost a king or queen but not quite), and in return use the girl's gifts to keep them powerful. No one knows the true identity of the Nightbirds, except for a very small handful. Then the unthinkable happens, Matilde's secret as a Nightbird is discovered, and as the girls' identities are revealed, they are forced into hiding, and there they learn that their power is so much more than what they've been led to believe. And they are not alone.

What I really enjoyed about this story is the twists. I kept thinking that certain things were going to happen, making guesses as to who is the enemy and who is more than just a friend. I was surprised so many times and I loved being kept on my toes. With three main POVs there was plenty of action and romance to be found, and told in a way that didn't feel overwhelming. Even the world building is done well, though moderately simple. I found AEsa's character to be annoying so I didn't enjoy her POV as much as the others, but I'm intrigued to see where this story ends up going. There is definitely a sequel coming, but the book didn't end with a terrible cliffhanger for which I am thankful. 4/5

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Whoa, this was a really fun adventure! In the world of this book, magic is forbidden and only the wealthy can afford to pay astronomical fees to a nightbird for their magical abilities! Woman with magic that she can give to others for a kiss, but she is hidden by high society! The plot had high stakes because of the intrigue and politics. This religion is cruel and horrible! There's something very Salemesque about women wielding evil magic. It was a lovely atmosphere! I adored how opulent and gittery it feels in Matilde's point of view! Furthermore, I adore how each girl had a unique point of view and felt uniquely unique—something that is difficult to accomplish and the reason I don't typically enjoy multiple points of view! The way they each had their own despite their fears, they would stop at nothing to protect one another and their loved ones! The magic system was entertaining and fairly standard, but there was a lot going on, so I think it was a good thing it was straightforward! My only complaint is that, even though I enjoyed the story and was engaged, it felt way too long at times! All in all, I adore this book! I went out and purchased a hard copy for my library!

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Take a note authors keep smut in books!! I was completely obsessed with this book and couldn’t put this down, for me this was like a mix of speakeasy and political AND I’m here for it. I had never heard of this author before the first book and even in that one I was hooked. I will be reading whatever they write from now on!

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Magic is outlawed in Simta. But the Nightbirds are an elite secret and these girls can gift you magic with a price and a steep cost.

Read if you like: fantasy that feels like Gatsby, gangs and undergrounds, powerful girls, unique magic systems, multi POV, slow burn romance that keeps you on your toes.

The Great Houses keep the Nightbirds safe for their magic despite the laws that forbid it and the church that condemns it. But as a plot to eradicate all magic is uncovered the girls realize that their future isn’t promised and the past of the Nightbirds is full of lies. Matilde, Æsa, and Sayer will have to join with unlikely allies to fight for their lives and the legacy of magic.

This book is a fun little surprise. All the POVs and constantly moving parts had me thinking Six of Crows. The backdrop is lush and full of forbidden pleasures like the roaring 20s. The magic has all that witchy goodness with fun twists. And talking about twists, it keeps you guessing on how everything will come together. I love all the distinct voices and how their different views on life and magic help the story and plot keep moving where a smaller cast would leave the reader in the dark or with a lot of loose ends to run down. It’s one-part political and gang movement, one-part religious reformation, and one-part women’s (magical) liberation all working perfectly together with YA angst and longing and the need to find their place in the world.

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Nightbirds by Kate J. Armstrong – 3.5 stars

Nightbirds pulls readers into the lush, magical world of Simta, where Matilde, Æsa, and Sayer serve as the season’s Nightbirds—young women with the unique power to grant magic through a kiss. The premise is intriguing, blending forbidden magic with a political undercurrent, as the girls face pressure to marry into the Great Houses while guarding their secrets. Their abilities make them both coveted and dangerous, and the stakes are raised when they realize their power is far more than they’ve been told.

The magic system is inventive, and I enjoyed the fresh concept of passing magic through a kiss—it added a fascinating twist to the story. The political intrigue was also a highlight, as the characters navigate schemes that could upend their world. However, I found parts of the plot a bit slow, and while the dynamic between the three girls was interesting, none of them truly stood out to me as compelling individual characters.

That being said, I’m still intrigued enough to see where this series goes. There’s definite potential in the world Armstrong has created, and despite some pacing issues, I’m curious to watch the characters evolve and explore more of the story’s magic and political depths in future installments.

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**Review of *Nightbirds* by Kate J. Armstrong**

Kate J. Armstrong’s *Nightbirds* is a rich and immersive fantasy novel that takes readers into a beautifully crafted world where magic, politics, and intrigue intertwine. While it may be a slow starter, once you delve into the story, the world-building and unique magic system really shine through.

One of the strongest aspects of *Nightbirds* is Armstrong’s ability to create a vivid, atmospheric setting. The cities and landscapes she describes come alive with detail, making it easy to imagine the world the characters inhabit. Whether it's the bustling streets, the opulent ballrooms, or the hidden, dangerous places characters visit, the setting feels fresh and distinct, pulling the reader deeper into the story.

The magic system in *Nightbirds* is also a standout. The concept of young women possessing a rare power that can be transferred through a kiss is both intriguing and original. This adds layers of tension to the plot as these Nightbirds navigate the perils of their abilities in a world that seeks to control or exploit them. The magic feels integral to the world, seamlessly woven into the fabric of the society Armstrong has created.

That said, the book does take some time to get into. The initial chapters feel a bit slow as Armstrong carefully sets the stage, introducing characters and the complex political landscape. However, once the main plot kicks into gear, the pace improves, and the stakes rise, making it easier to become invested in the characters' fates.

One challenge I encountered while reading was the frequent shift in points of view (POV). With multiple main characters, the story jumps between their perspectives, which can occasionally be disorienting. At times, it was hard to keep track of who was speaking and where they were in the story. However, as the plot progresses, the individual voices become more distinct, and the shifts feel more natural.

Despite the initial hurdles, *Nightbirds* is an impressive debut. The depth of the world-building, combined with its unique take on magic, makes for an engaging and memorable read. Fans of rich fantasy settings and intricate magic systems will find much to appreciate here, especially as the characters' arcs come together and the story gains momentum. If you're willing to be patient with the setup, the payoff is worth it.

In conclusion, while *Nightbirds* may take a bit of effort to get into, its strengths far outweigh its weaknesses. Kate J. Armstrong has created a world that's as enchanting as it is dangerous, and her magic system adds a fascinating twist to the genre. If you're looking for a lush, complex fantasy with strong world-building, this novel is definitely worth the read.

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What intrigued me the most about this book was the 1920s vibe, but what kept me hooked was the character driven storyline.

The prose was beautiful, but the POV from the main characters were done wonderfully. Each had their own distinguishable voice, and obstacles that they had to overcome.

There was a strong feminist vibe to the book in which the characters questioned the misogynistic ways in their society, and try to defy the oppression.

The magic system was unique, and each of the characters were able to come into their powers a little bit more as the story progressed.

Nightbirds read like a YA Fantasy with a dash of romance, but also contained forbidden magic, political intrigue, as well as strong FMCs. It was a great setup for the next book in the series!

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC.

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This YA fantasy was fun and enthralling! I loved the world building and the emphasis on female friendships. With themes of fighting the patriarchy and persecution of women by religious organizations, this unfortunately resonates with our world today. and ending on such a cliffhanger i cannot wait to keep reading!

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This book is a must read for all book lovers. I love fantasy but what really hit home for me was how the book explores women in a time period where they were little more than dolls made to dress up and were silenced. It’s a world that fears a strong powerful woman whether it’s magic or strength of character.

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Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for a review copy of this book!

Born with ancient, hidden magic, the Nightbirds are captives within a gilded cage where they can only gift their magic to others. Thus begins a story of desire, independence, and sisterhood that shapes each of the young women who tell their tale in this story driven by others' need for power. The plot moves along briskly, and the characters are heartwarmingly believable despite their unique magical gifts. What is revealed is a hidden female matriarchy that drives its society while hidden from public power. These women must hide themselves in order to avoid persecution or abuse of their magical gifts. Add in the vicious, driven antagonist of the Red Hand who is passionate about sending these "witches" to their deaths, and you have some serious conflicts that help drive the story and induce some wicked paranoia and fear. Overall, this was a page turner that kept my attention and made me want to read the sequel. Yes, the ending is a bit of a cliffhanger, but you could stop at the first book and still feel satisfied. I, however, will look forward to reading the next tome.

Teachers: This would be a great novel for a literature circle as it has many powerful thematic topics to explore including female subjugation, leadership, community, sisterhood, family, friendship, loyalty, and sacrifice. There are a bunch of literary devices worth examining, too. The characterizations are probably the weakest part of this book, but there is enough depth to make these characters come alive.

Overall, I genuinely enjoyed this novel and can definitely recommend it to others. Enjoy, my friends!

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Wow I really did enjoy this adventure! This book is about a world where magic is illegal and the rich pay very high prices to receive magic from a nightbird! Woman hidden by high society for having magic they can give to others for a kiss! The intrigue and politics made the plot note high stakes. The religion is terrible and cruel! It feels very salemesque with women with magic being evil. The atmosphere was beautiful! I loved how in Matilde POV it feels so posh and gittery! And I love how each different girl had their own POV and they all felt distinctly different (it's not easy to do and why I don't usually like multiple POV)! I love how they all had their insecurities but when it came down to it they would do anything for each other and their loved ones! The magic system was fun and pretty Standard but there was so much going on i think the magic system being simple was good! My only critique is it felt way too long even though I was involved and loved the story it felt long and drawn out in places! Overall I love this book! I went out and bought a physical copy for my collection!!

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This book was a bit slow to start, with a lot of world building and other set up. The premise was interesting but nothing too ground breaking. Once the story really took off it was fun and atmospheric and surprisingly character driven. I ended up being invested enough to want the read the sequel as this ended in a bit of a cliff hanger

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I enjoyed Nighbirds, but much to my disappointment, I didn’t love it. It was atmospheric and I liked the worldbuilding, but I never became invested in anything or any of the characters. This may be due to listening to the audiobook rather than reading, but I found it a bit difficult to follow who was speaking. I think I may end up following the series because I did like aspects of it, I just expected this to be one of my top books of the year.

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Nightbirds by Kate J Armstrong ebook Addition from NetGalley

Nightbirds is a character-driven journey that’s all about fierce female protagonists. These women are at the heart of the story, navigating a world full of secrets and forbidden magic, which unravels in a way that feels both effortless and captivating. It’s hard to believe this is a debut novel because the world-building is so smooth and natural, like stepping into a place that’s been fully realized in the author’s mind.

There’s a kind of 1920s vibe to the setting—though it’s not explicitly set in that era, the atmosphere definitely gives off that energy, adding a unique flair to the narrative. The prose is really nice too, well-crafted without being overdone, making the reading experience immersive and enjoyable.

While it’s rooted in the YA genre, this book brings a level of high stakes that makes it stand out. The story unfolds slowly, with secrets and betrayals being revealed at just the right pace to keep you hooked. There’s also a touch of romance, woven delicately into the subplot, which adds to the overall richness of the story without overshadowing the main plot.

And, of course, I’m already excited for the sequel—Armstrong has set the stage for something truly special!!!!

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I fell in love with the cover and then I fell in love with the story
Due to health issues cannot write a proper review now even if I enjoyed this book. as it's well plotted, fascinating world building, and entertaining. . I liked the good storytelling.
It's full of food for thought and it's a good feminist fantasy
A more extensive review will follow
Recommended.Many thanks to the publisher for this ARC, all opinions are mine

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Rich and creative fantasy tale, a world of magic, discovery, secrets, betrayal, lies, and change. The world so detailed it feels real, almost as if you could step into it. Well developed characters and non-stop action, intrigue and sacrifice really keep you hooked to the very end, or end for now

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Thank you to NetGalley and Penguin Group for the opportunity to read and review this ARC in anticipation of the sequel's release

The Nightbirds by Kate J. Armstrong is a third person multi-POV YA fantasy combining themes of the magical girl genre and the Prohibition period. The Nightbirds are a mysterious group of young women blessed with magic by the Wellspring, the source of all power, who give the people they kiss the use of their specific powers for a brief period of time but are limited by not being able to use their powers on their own. Their magic is sold for a price to members of the Great Houses who exchange their secrets for a kiss, the means of transferring magical power.

With beautiful worldbuilding reminiscent of Prohibition-era New York, the story takes us everywhere from secretive elite clubs, to aristocratic masquerade balls, to the slums populated by gangs vying for power. The magic system and method of selling kisses to give powers set up an excellent allegory for sex work, as can likewise be seen by the secretive nature of the Nightbirds and the church's hatred of their power.

All three of the main characters, Matilde, Sayer, and Aesa each have their own histories and reasons for being Nightbirds and selling their magic kisses, and all three of them are fantastically written characters who grow and change throughout the story. Of the three, Matilde was definitely my favorite of the Nightbirds, and I am already looking forward to the sequel.

Content warning for brief depictions of sexual assault

I would recommend this book to anyone looking for an excellently written YA fantasy book inspired by the magical girl genre in a Prohibition setting

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I might have liked this if I wasn't in a reading slump, but ultimately, I was not able to get hooked into this book so I decided to cut my lose and start with a new book. I hopefully will come back to it when I'm out of my slump because it does seem up my alley.

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Thank you NetGalley and Penguin Young Readers Group for the e-arc!
First off I have to say I love this new paperback cover! The premise of this book is super interesting with the 'nightbirds' being girls with unbelievable magic. Matilde, Sayer and Æsa are amazing characters! This book really succeeds and making you feel so connected to not only their struggles but what's going on in this world. There is definitely a slower build up but once the story and the characters pick up speed, you are unable to put it down.

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amazing book . Love the plot line and character development. So good will definitely recommend. Love the book

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