Member Reviews

Olivia Shepherd has always known that she has empath capabilities; however she has blocked her powers after watching them take a toll on her mother. Olivia has set herself up as a successful political consultant in San Francisco, lately things have not been going quite her way. With a visit from a time walker, Elsa, Olivia learns to open up to her powers and fight the demon that has been attacking her. With her newfound powers, Olivia also learns about the Others that live amongst humans, fairies, witches, vampires and more. Olivia is also introduced to the Others Council and offered a job that she is perfectly suited for, running a political campaign for a former boss. As Olivia is more involved with the Council, she learns of their involvement in human affairs and the dangers that come with it. On the other hand, Olivia has a hot new vampire boyfriend, William to keep her company and keep her safe.

The Others is a supernatural political thriller focusing on reaching your potential. Olivia's character is interesting in that she knew her mother had extra powers, but was unaware of the Others around her in San Francisco, including some of her friends. Olivia accepted the existence of the Others without hesitation and joined the Council readily. Once Olivia's senses were opened, her world became brighter and more dangerous all at once. I enjoyed experiencing all of the Others along with Olivia. It was interesting to learn the purpose of fairies, some vampire history and the different powers witches have in this world. While I loved all the supernatural elements, the plot really centered around the political campaign and the lengths some people and Others will go to in order to have influence. I enjoyed watching Olivia in her element writing campaign speeches, dealing with slip ups and unruly opposition. Olivia's supernatural friends added elements of fun, whimsy and magic. Olivia's and William's relationship was fast-paced, fun and deep adding another layer to the dangers Olivia faced with the campaign. With several twists at the end, I can't wait to see what the Council has in store next for Olivia.

This book was received for free in return for an honest review.

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Olivia Shepherd is a political consultant who lives an average, normal life in San Francisco. Despite coming from a long line of empaths, Olivia has shut down that part of herself. Having watched her mother suffer from her empathic abilities, Olivia refuses to lead her life the same way. Until she is pulled into the Council and the circle of Others that happens to live their lives right alongside the humankind. Olivia finds herself intrinsically linked to the Others and to the Council even in the face of demons and dangers.

The Others is marketed as True Blood meets Supernatural and on those fronts, it absolutely succeeds. The Others is absolutely an urban fantasy, very very urban in fact. Multiple references are made to Twitter (X), Ubers, Kindles, etc. It also references specific American political parties right down to real slogans. Admittedly, I didn’t expect particularly the political aspect to the extent that it is referenced in the book (A LOT). Which isn’t necessarily bad, I find campaigns in particular fascinating but perhaps True Blood meets Supernatural meets Scandal would have been a more apt description.

There was a good amount that I quite liked from the Others. I think Davis has a wonderful writing style for starters. I also think the concept has excellent potential. I like urban fantasy and I love the idea that there’s a significant amount of Others living among humans. I chuckled at the reference to a Giants pitcher who has long hair and is a vampire, this is Lincecum right???

However, I really didn’t like any of the characters, at all, at minimum. Olivia was just not exciting or likeable even though we’re told multiple times that she’s so wonderful and a born leader (Where???? How??? What is she leading???). My least favourite character by far was William. Literally can’t think of anything I liked about him. The Confederate solider aspect was…odd, just right off the bat and then his like just total apathy towards humans even though his girlfriend is human??? The whole attitude was not it for me. The best character by far was Lily and we barely got to see any of her, I wish we got more of her.

Also, the pacing was a struggle for me. The ending happened in like ten pages??? (I do recognize it was intended to be a cliffhanger.) But we had chapters and chapters about a seemingly irrelevant political campaign and also on running and other aspects of training. I wish the timing was a little different throughout multiple points in the book.

Overall, the Others was good, I liked the concept although the execution was off in some places. I think the writing really saved it and looking forward to seeing more from Evette Davis.

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I was very excited to read this book based on the synopsis. Unfortunately, this one did not hit the mark with me. It's a modern day fantasy and very heavy on politics. I didn’t realize how much politics was going to be involved in the storyline. For readers that love politics and fantasy, you will love this series. I appreciate the opportunity to read and review.

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Accomplished political consultant Olivia Shepard is used to the quirky antics of San Francisco residents, but when her mystical spirit guide appears after a drunken night out, she realizes things are a bit more magical than they seem. With help from her friends, Olivia is introduced to the supernatural world of the Others, a world of vampires, fairies, witches, and werewolves. With rising political unrest and an open senate seat up for election, Olivia must use her own powers to head the political campaign of the potential new senate member chosen by the Others. Despite her enemies being actual demons, Olivia must balance her important career, her passionate new vampire boyfriend, and her undiscovered powers that no human should have.

“All I’ve ever wanted was to live my life in peace.”
“Mon Dieu! Who doesn’t?” Gabriel said, offering a sympathetic smile. “But that is not always what fate has in store.”

This book was a struggle to finish. The pacing and flow of events was so bizarrely fast that I rarely felt immersed or engaged in the story. Important aspects that deserved much more attention were instead summarized offhandedly in a single sentence. Less important things, like exercise routines, coffee preparation, and anything tangentially French or San Franciscan were given the spotlight. The detail inclusion and pacing choices were so jarring that I had to reread too many sections just to keep track of location hopping, characters appearing and disappearing, and time pacing. For example, while having a deep conversation with her love interest, Olivia becomes tired. In a single, small paragraph, she stops the conversation, goes to bed, wakes up, then finds him again to continue the conversation in the morning. In another instance, Olivia is told she must drink a special concoction to help with her powers. While the potion making could be an opportunity for world building and fun exposition, the timeline instead jumps ahead, to once Olivia has already had the drink. It then jumps ahead again, barely spending any time with her while she discovers her powers. Having to read situations like this again and again became frustrating. Any opportunities to connect with the characters and world were ripped away at breakneck speeds. As a whole, the writing style often felt amateurish (also I got sick of starting so many chapters with Olivia waking up, despite that being a time honored middle school classic).

The characters were similarly bland. There was no real chance to delve into character arcs or motivations. Olivia is a “middle aged woman protagonist” and that’s about it. The story desperately wants to convince the reader Olivia is smart, headstrong, a political powerhouse (one of the main reasons I wanted to read this book!), but provides no proof besides everyone fawning over her in true main character fashion. Instead, Olivia comes across as limp wristed, petulant, and impulsive. She routinely is given sound advice that she ignores because she’s a big girl, she’s in her 30s (not my words lol). She actively ignores or doesn’t notice glaring issues in the world around her, and she ultimately just seems stupid and unfit for such a high position of power. Her motivations are frustratingly inconsistent. For one, she has proudly never had a boyfriend and is adamant that she doesn’t care for one. Upon meeting the love interest (who’s name is WILL FERREL for some goofy reason), she immediately is in instalove with him. Their relationship progresses at an illogical speed, with them getting engaged in just a few weeks (Weeks? Months? I honestly have no concept of time in this book, but it was recognized on page how fast their relationship was moving). Everything falls easily into her lap and she doesn’t have to work hard for anything, which honestly made me start to dislike her by the end. Olivia is super powerful, super rich, and super boring.

The ensemble of characters around Olivia are rag-dolled around the plot, exposition given legs so they can be wherever it’s convenient. While there were several good ideas (a library fairy was one of the bigger casualties, what an incredibly fun idea), the delivery was flat and unsatisfying. Her close friends and love interests are fine on the page but easily forgettable. As in, the plot also seemed to forget their existence sometimes, and characters just disappeared without acknowledgement for large parts of the book.

As far as actual plot, I don’t even know what to say here. I am so baffled at the plot of this book. In essence, it seems like self insert fan fiction of the author vs. MAGA America. I’m not sure if the author and agent communicated only via smoke signals, but the marketing for this book feels strangely disconnected. I was so excited to read a dystopian, urban fantasy comparable to True Blood and Supernatural. What I got was a boring work schedule of a campaign manager. Sure, there are fantasy creatures around, but they don’t actually make a difference. Olivia never uses her powers in an important way, and pretty much immediately has ultimate control of her rare abilities. Her vampire boyfriend is, I don’t know, fast sometimes? Her best friend, the library fairy, uhhh, she’s seen reading a couple times? Everything fantastical sat charring on the back burner while the plot focused heavily on political commentary and the daily life of a very proud, 30 something San Franciscan. I think a lot of my dislike of this book comes from very misplaced expectations, something I’ve seen pop up in other reviews as well. Even taking this book as it is, the politics felt a little silly- characters discussing abortion rights and the literal actual real life Donald Trump (ew, why) was hard to take seriously when Olivia had evening plans with a witch to get enchanted tattoos or a date exploring a castle with a vampire, especially when this book was not remotely a comedy or satire.

This has been such a chaotic and disorganized review, as I’ve just finished the book and am reeling trying to piece together what I just read, but I think it’s still more put together than The Others lol. Unfortunately, this is a case of great ideas, with lackluster execution. I know this story will continue in what looks to be a planned trilogy, but I won’t be following Olivia beyond this. I’m also not sure what audience to recommend this to, as it’s not for any reader looking for fantasy, and I’d feel guilty suggesting this to those who enjoy political intrigue.

“I’m amazed at the businesslike way in which this all operates. You have a state-of-the art building, wireless technology. It all seems, well. . . routine.”
“Did you expect us to fly around on broomsticks?” Elsa asked sharply. “That’s a children’s fantasy.”

1.5 stars rounded up.

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you Netgalley and Sparkpress for giving me the opportunity to read this ARC.

Empaths, vampires and shape shifters oh my! The theme and plot alone drew me in. While I understand this is the first book in this trilogy, I was looking for more from these characters. I didn’t really connect with Olivia as much as I tried. She fell flat for me a little. Overall the plot and theme was pretty good. I am intrigued enough to read the second.

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"True Blood meets Supernatural in the kickoff of this urban paranormal fantasy series from an acclaimed author. Readers enter a dystopian San Francisco filled with empaths and vampires embroiled in political unrest - and Book 1 is just the beginning.

Much as she wishes otherwise, superstar political consultant Olivia Shepherd was born a powerful empath. It's a legacy she walked away from long ago - but when she wakes up one morning to find Elsa, a tenacious time-walker, standing in her kitchen, she realizes she can no longer ignore her gifts. She is quickly plunged into the hidden world of powerful "Others" and drafted to work for the Council, a shadowy organization that summons the fog to San Francisco to obscure their involvement in human affairs.

Complicating matters further is Olivia's new love interest, William. A centuries-old vampire, William is far too jaded to take an interest in human affairs - but Olivia no longer has the luxury of remaining impartial. As shocking details from Olivia's own past emerge and her role in the Council begins to take shape, will she rise to the challenge of her destiny?"

I will read anything set in San Francisco. Throw in a supernatural element and I am SO there.

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Thank you Netgalley and Sparkpress for allowing me to read this ARC in exchange for my opinion.

The Others by Evette Davis has a very interesting idea that piqued my interest. "A centuries-old vampire, William is far too jaded to take an interest in human affairs—but Olivia no longer has the luxury of remaining impartial". I was sold for this book at that description. However, the contents of the book read rather... rudimentary for me. I don't mind when I can't connect to characters based on physical, emotional, or other characteristics that make up someone. However, these characters lacked... personality. There is some personality among the characters but.. limited.

I... it's hard to write this review. I wanted to like The Others because I haven't read a good vampire book in a few years and I enjoy politics in books. But this... I'm disappointed.

It's... blasé??

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DNF at 10%. The writing was relatively easy to read but I wasn't a fan of the first person POV for this story. I also was not totally vibing with the main character and how she went from skeptical to on board so quickly. It has some interesting elements but ultimately wasn't for me.

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Olivia Shepherd was born a powerful empath. She walked away from it long ago. She wakes up to find Elsa, a time-Walker in her kitchen. She realizes that she can’t ignore her gifts. What are her gifts? Olivia becomes aware that she is thrust into the “hidden world “ of powerful Others. She is
drafted to work for the Council. What is the Council? Olivia has William, a century old vampire a her boyfriend. He complicates matters. She can’t be impartial any more. There are details from her past that Olivia may make her destiny a challenge.

The author has written a paranormal thriller and romance. It has political issues, social issues, family issues and time-walkers, vampires, demons. witches, empaths, and fairies. There is adventure and romance. All of this made it a perfect read for m. I loved this book!

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Thank you Netgalley and Sparkpress for giving me the oppurtunity to read this ARC.

The theme caught my eye almost instantly. I've been getting into supernatural genre lately, but this sort of fell flat for me. I like reading books where I can connect to the characters. I at times found Olivia to be a bit irritating. I couldn't connect with the any of the characters, they felt a bit 2 dimensional. I would've also liked a bit more background before jumping head in.

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Urban fantasy with witches, fairy’s, vampires and more? Does anyone really need anything else in a novel. I loved Olivia and her friends, especially Lily! I know it’s probably an unpopular opinion but I even liked William. But I’m a sucker for southern boys! Whether they are cowboys or vampires. It makes no difference to meeeee.

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The Others by Evette Davis takes readers on a journey through a San Francisco teeming with supernatural beings, where Olivia Shepherd uncovers the city's hidden layers of weirdness. As a seasoned political consultant, Olivia soon finds her skills unexpectedly crucial in maintaining the delicate balance of this otherworldly world.

The novel introduces a diverse cast of fantasy characters, governed by an unexpected semi-official body tasked with keeping the dark forces at bay. This intriguing concept adds a unique twist to the urban fantasy genre, making the story more compelling.

Instead of focusing on action-packed scenes, the book dives deep into the interpersonal dynamics that shape Olivia's experiences. As she taps into her latent abilities, Olivia navigates complex relationships and learns that empathy isn't always the virtue it's made out to be. This emphasis on character development provides depth, though it may not satisfy readers seeking more action-driven plots.

While the slower pace and character-centric narrative might not appeal to everyone, The Others offers a refreshing take on urban fantasy. Olivia's journey is engaging, and the world Davis has created is one worth exploring.

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Olivia knows that her Mother and Grandmother all had empathetic gifts, but she has seen how they had made her Mothers's life unbearable, so Olivia pushed her own abilities down so hard that she almost forgot she had them. Until she becomes under the attack of demonic forces. That is when her life, successful as it is, changes for the weirder. Having to relearn her abilities, see the hidden world of the Others that she has ignored her whole life, and fall in love, all while running a political campaign, is a lot for anyone to handle. Not to mention a few twists and turns along the way.

This is a typical paranormal series, complete with psychics, witches, vampires, demons and were. It is well written, though I found a few bits a little clique. A fun read and I am interested in seeing where the series leads.

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While I get some true blood vibes, I get more a discovery of witches vibe. If you love that show, then you will love this book. There were some unexpected turn of events that I did not see coming, and some that I did see coming. I enjoy that out of a book, with not everything be predictable. Of course what would a book with some romantic relationships be without a moment of your heart being stomped on. I had a feeling something of the sort was going to happen, but I didn't expect who it would happen to.

It was a book that kept me wanting to come back for more and that is what makes a 5 star read for me personally. If I can't put something down or find myself wondering what happens next, I know it is a book that I will enjoy through and through.

I do hope we see more of Elsa and Lilly in the next book, b/c after the attack, we hear they aren't around but not much more is heard of them. Hoping they aren't just written out characters who met their stories end and 'disappeared' after the turn of events.

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Thank you NetGalley and the SparkPress for an early copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This book truly should have been perfect for me, True Blood meets Supernatural is such a cool concept that I would enjoy reading about. Sadly, I did DNF this book at 30%. The book starts with Olivia learning about her empath powers, the supernatural world and it's involvement in politics. I had a difficult time getting into the characters and following the story. I would have loved a bit more backstory before we got thrown into the deep end of this world.

I think the concept is super creative and will attract readers who are interested in the political side of supernatural beings.

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This premise of this book was so intriguing and promising, but I just found it difficult to connect too. The writing felt jagged and abrupt. I couldn’t really relate to the main character Olivia. Her character was a little all over the place with her reactions. Elsa was interesting, but sort of hard to connect to as well.
It was definitely a fascinating start to a new series! I do plan to pick up the next to see what happens and if I can get more absorbed in that one.

Thank you to NetGalley and SparkPress for an ARC of this book!

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The Others by Evette Davis

Genre: Urban Fantasy, Paranormal Romance, Dystopian (hint)

Book One in The Council Series, it follows well-established political advisor Olivia Shepherd as she re-discovers her empath gifts running deep in her family's blood, thanks to a situation including her long-time enemy Stoner Halbert and a supernatural "familiar", a time-walker named Elsa.

This woman opens Olivia's eyes on San Francisco's people, many of them being otherwordly beings like fairies or vampires or witches. They call themselves "The Others", with some of them have their own agenda of watching over human race, sometime subtly manipulating through their gifts political elections.

This is The Council, a kind of UN organization, in which Olivia is recruited by head Gabriel Laurent, with her first task being a California election to the Congress.

Her job struggles with her intimacy, as Olivia falls head-over-heels for vampire William, whose opinion on humanity is less than favorable. Meanwhile, there are dark forces at work, forces which are a threat to Olivia and her Inner Circle.


Unfortunately, this book didn't work for me at all. I save Davis' writing, which felt fluid and enjoyable to read, but the plot is a perfect example of "great idea, terrible result".

This was meant as an urban fantasy with political intrigues. It felt like a contemporary novel on US politics. It felt so strange, especially because I was waiting for supernatural politics, and there was none in it. It's like I wrote a book on Italian/EU politics weaving it with witch folklore.

It was quirky but not in a way I liked. What was worse... were the characters.
I felt nothing for them, if not annoyance for someone (like Elsa the time-walker or Josef). They were innatural, behaving in a stupid and strange way, especially Olivia, who seemed not to perceive danger (and she's an empath).

The romance with William was insta-lust, but at least was warm, a little bit cheesy, but cute. I don't want to speak on the possible love triangle since the other he is unsufferable and useless (if not for drama). It ruined even the good drops of the romance.

In the end, I'm truly disappointed, and I cannot say I liked this book.


Rating: ★★


I want to thank SparkPress for the digital ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) via Netgalley. I'm not affiliated to the author, to the publishing house or any other person/agency. My review is honest and based only on my thoughts/feeling while reading the book.

Anais by The Bookish Scorpio

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Thank you for the opportunity to preview The Others. This is very different and may be the beginning of a series.
Supernaturally written with all kinds of characters including time travelers, vampires and creatures this is really spellbinding and filled with unexpected twists.
Read this carefully to get the full experience.
3 stars

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Ich habe mich über das Buch sehr gefreut. Es ist nicht nur fließend zum lesen sondern auch sehr spannend.

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As soon as I read “True Blood meets Supernatural”, I knew I had to read it: Supernatural is one of my all time favourite tv shows and I couldn’t resist.
Sadly it was not what I was expecting. Like not at all.
It feels just like a more adult version of Shadowhunters, but not as good as the Cassandra Clare series. The characters felt all bidimensional and a little dumb (especially the protagonist), and I stopped trying to be serious and mature as soon as I read that the love interest’s name is William Ferrell, I will now have the picture of the actor Will Ferrell in his vampiric version stuck in my mind forever.

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