Member Reviews

Zoe Foster Blake has a writing style that makes for great reading, from cover to cover there’s a lot to learn about the business world and the busy lives we all share.
I loved how this book mixes the reality of small business ownership with family ups and downs, there’s a lot to juggle!
The main character Kit is highly motivated and driven to succeed. In the beauty and hair care industry it’s cut throat and we learn about all the intricacies of learning to survive. Kit’s business and personal life is under scrutiny as she continues her drive to succeed in both, her commitment is to be commended!

Congratulations to the publisher, NetGalley and Zoe Foster Blake for providing an informative and engaging read. I appreciate the opportunity to read and review this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Loved the writing style! Things will calm down soon was easy to get straight into the book and an enjoyable read. Looking forward to reading more by Zoe Foster Blake!

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Classed as 'biz-lit', this book follows Kit as she launches a hair care range that throws her head first into the life of business.

Kit was so relatable as she described feeling like a fish out of water in the business world. Those feelings of imposter syndrome, like you are fudging your way through, acting like you know what you're doing whilst making it up as you go along, or chalking it up to 'luck' instead of bloody hard work.

This relates to more than those in business. Every day life for us mums was depicted so perfectly, and with such humour. The whatsapp group msgs with other school mums had me LOLing.

I'm so excited to see this story brought to life as a TV series. Highly recommend.

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Zoe Foster Blake obviously knows a lot about how businesses work, and this is evident in her novel.

If you love business, or want to know how business works when you're the founder of a small business, then this may be the novel for you. But there was far too much detail for me. A lot of it went over my head.

The author has got to the heart of what it's like to be a single Mum trying to run a business going through massive change while still being a great mother to her young daughter. I honestly experienced the stress and anxiety right along with her. But I felt there was too much focus on the business detail and not enough on the relationships in the novel, particularly Max. I got the impression in the first half of the book that he was going to be a major player, but then he kind of disappeared until towards the end. I think there should have been more focus on the relationships that were a major part of the story arc.

There were also a lot of proofreading errors which I hope were corrected prior to the book's publication.

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I’m a HUGE Zoë Foster Blake fan so I couldn’t wait to get my hands on this book. Things Will Calm Down Soon is about an ordinary person who has an extraordinary idea and then see’s that idea through to making a company and a brand and then ends up turning it into a multi-million dollar business.

Zoë said she has learnt so much in a decade of business and wanted to share that in fiction format, so there are lots of useful insights about business in this book if you’re looking. As someone that’s not particularly interested in business, I did struggle through this one a little bit just because it is so heavily centred on the intricate details of the business world.

I did however appreciate and love that this book showcases a successful woman and her accomplishments both at work and as a Mum. I enjoyed following Kit’s journey of growing her business, finding a balance between her career and her personal and family life and seeing how much she developed as a person through it all.

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This novel was unique to any I had read before with its business focus. Zoë Foster Blake's experience really shone through. I found it really interesting, and it felt really genuine. Kit and the other characters included were complicated, layered, and unique. As a reader, I enjoyed following Kits journey of growing her business, pursuing balance in her personal and family life, and seeing how she developed as a person over time.

Thank you to NetGalley and Allen & Unwin for the copy of this eARC

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