Member Reviews

Thanks to NetGalley and Scribner for the ARC.

While I really don't agree with his stance on letting cats outdoors and breeding/tnr efforts, this was a really interesting dive into cat psychology and what his job as a cat psychologist entails. The book is well-organized in a way that keeps the initial explanation of cats reacting as both predator and prey in mind as it explains the various afflictions, symptoms, and cases.

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As someone who works at an animal shelter, Dr. Beata's explanations of feline behavior were incredibly helpful to help me understand some of the most common cat behaviors. Random marking, aggressive behavior or depression are behaviors that many cat owners deal with, not knowing how to deal with it or how to make their cats better. Furthermore, vets don't always know how to help.
De. Beata's book is not only insightful for cat parents, but for veterinarians and shelter workers as well.

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I enjoyed the stories in the book more than the other parts of the book. I felt the stories were written in a way that was more readable than the other parts of the text.

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I love cats very much so when I learned that I won an ARC of The Interpretation of Cats, I was so excited! I have two cats of my own so I was interested to see what this novel could teach me about cats in general and their behaviors to learn how to connect more with my cats and gain a better understanding of them. I like that the author included case studies of different cats throughout the book and how he used these case studies of the cats to explain the different types of behaviors cats tend to display. Cats are known to be very mysterious, so I was excited to see if this book could help explain them on a broader level. The author discusses interesting topics such as feline aggression and mental well-being. Overall, I found this book helpful for people who come into contact with cats regularly and want to understand them more. I think the author had a good grasp on this topic and I like how helpful this book was.

Thank you to NetGalley for an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review!

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I have two cats (one maine coon and one norwegian forest cat) with VERY different personalities. This insight was immensely helpful in understanding each of them, their personalities, and how to navigate their different behaviors. Very informative! Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the advance copy.

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5/5 stars. I can't believe we have waited this long for a book of this level to be translated! I learned more from this book about cat behavior that I could from taking a course, so I highly recommend it to those looking to better understand cat behavior.

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I am very happy that people are becoming more and more aware of the true needs of their animal companions. Feline psychology and psychiatry is becoming a real thing. This book delves deeply into the subject, with many real-life examples and stories. but I, like other reviewers, find some of its advice bizarre, such as letting cats roam and mate freely. So you can learn useful knowledge, but you should take it all with a grain of salt.

Thanks to the publisher, Scribner, and NetGalley for an advanced copy of this book.

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The Interpretation of Cats: Understanding the Psychology of Our Feline Companions
by: Dr. Claude Beata
due 10-15-24

As a cat lover and owner, this was a fascinating and mind-opening book. Dr. Claude Beata is an advocate for the development of veterinary psychiatry, as well as an author of several other books on the Psychology of animals. By combining medicine, and adapting our behavior or environment, many behaviors in cats can be controlled, or eliminated. Much like humans, when we learn to adapt, every thing is easy to understand.
There is so much detailed information about the behavior of cats, in this book, and how they react and respond to stimuli and smells.

My favorite chapters were the ones explaining Hypertypes of cats, and the parts on Phermones. The whole book is interestsing, informative and written in a way that is easy to understand. I think anyone interested in cats, or cat behavior would love this book. Anyone looking for a fun read, would like this also.

Comprehensive and easy to read, this is a must have for all cat owner/lovers.
Thanks netgalley fro sending this e-book ARC for review.
#TheInterpretationofCats #NetGalley

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Coming October 2024 to the US! Already a best seller in France, The Interpretation of Cats explores feline behavior and psychology. I feel like I learned a bit from this one, but I also learned that my cats are so good compared to the case studies presented. The author is reliable, as he is a veterinarian specializing in animal psychology.

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What an awesome tool to peer inside our feline companions state of mind! This book delves into some behavioral issues, mental issues, needs/wants and uses real world examples to flesh out what he's talking about. I can see this being helpful to those who are seeking to understand why their cat is struggling

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INtersting book with loads of examples of cats with behavior issues. While I agree with the him on breeder's breeding ill cats, I strongly object to not fixing cats to control their populations! There are too many unwanted former pets out there. COVID pets got dumped in droves when folks tired of them as companions and went back to work! Then there are the strays of folks who could not contain their cats and keep them inside! Of course shelter animals have issues, anyone would after being locked in small cages sor days, week, even months or years. It's a sad and tragic world for our companion animals. NOt a book Id recommend. I've read many better ones.

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This definitely wasn’t my favorite book about cats. In fact, I felt that some of the author’s statements were not conducive with current cat life.

For instance, the author decried what he dubbed “mass sterilization for all family cats” and later said it was an issue of “freedom” to allow family cats to breed. He said he worries about ending up with only purebred cats. The problem with this is that 3.2 million ‘family cats’ go into shelters annually, and this is only in America. Many of them are killed. And yet he wants there to be even more? That’s a cruel standpoint.

He also talked about shelter cats being more prone to depression. He opined that by getting a shelter cat, “you run the risk of inviting depression into your home.” This may be true, but when you put it like that, you’re going to talk a lot of people out of rescuing a shelter cat.

Additionally, he tells a story about a cat he had that got pregnant and how they “never knew who the father was,” which tells me that they irresponsibly allowed their unaltered cat to roam the neighborhood freely and come home pregnant. That is not the way to keep their lines going. It’s simply awful cat ownership/companionship.

Some details were good, but overall, his way of thinking simply didn’t gel with mine at all.

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Fascinating! I especially liked the examples of particular cats and how their needs were managed and understood.

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I’m a cat owner so when I saw this was available to request, I clicked it right away. I think this is more of an introductory and historical study. If you’re looking for something specific to learn about your cat better please call your vet and gather info from them.

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The Interpretation of Cats' was good book but a bit dry. As a cat lover, I was interested to learn more about my favorite companion. However, I found it challenging to get through. While the information was insightful, the writing didn't always keep me engaged. If you are a cat lover and looking for a more scientific/psycho analysis of cats this would be your book!

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A bad behavioral problem with our beloved kitty drew me ASAP to this book. It is a big bestseller in France where first published, and is said to include compelling anecdotes, cutting-edge research, and years of treatment experience distilled down for cat owners.

I'd heard of psychiatric veterinary medicine for felines before, but not quite in the manner presented here. While I found this book fascinating and written with an intelligent, compassionate, and often charming style, I wanted to get to the "meat" of our problem and possible treatment options more quickly, through the use of concise chapters with headings for specific issues, highlights with bullet points, short summaries in easy to read boxes, and an index.

With a better design, THE INTERPRETATION OF CATS could become a more usable, effective resource for pet owners and their suffering creatures.

Thanks to author Claude Béata, Scribner, and NetGalley for the ARC. Opinions are mine.

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