Member Reviews

A dark and disturbing plot filled with twists and romance. A novelist with writers block is dreaming about her heartthrob but he may not be good for her. I couldn't bring myself to like the characters at all but I did enjoy the many mysterious twists!

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I have read a few of Pip Drysdales books and I have really enjoyed them... and this book did not disappoint!

Oh gosh - the twists, the creepiness, it was all amazing and left me saying WTF at the end.

Zoe is an 'author' who lives in LA - she moved there to pursue her writing career - which of late has been non existent. She has already released one thriller, and was signed on for a second.... that is two years past its due date. She is currently making ends meet by working a day job at a florist, which is how she bumps into an old flame, Zach Hamilton. Zach Hamilton has gone up in the ranks, when she first met him three years ago he was an aspiring actor (who ghosted her after their amazing 3 day rendezvous), but now.... he is actually a famous actor... And he wants to spend time with her again. Zoe starts to think spending time with Zach will help her writers block. But I don't think Zoe knew what she was in for.

This book had me guessing all these different outcomes for the ending, but did I pick it? NO! This was an amazing book that had everything - stalkers, lost love flames, private investigators, shady people and much more!

If you love fast paced thrillers that keeps you turning those pages - this one is for you!

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Thank you to NetGalley and HarperCollins Australia for the opportunity to read and review this fantastic new novel from Pip Drysdale.
I have loved all of Pip’s books and I’m always conflicted as to whether I should devour it or savour it -the temptation won out and I flew through this in less than a day.
Zoe is a struggling writer, also working as a florist, when she crosses paths with an ex who is now a movie star.
What happens from there is a fast paced thrilling ride - Zoe is a likeable main character who makes some questionable choices but also seems to come into situations not of her doing.
I loved the book - in -a- book theme, the glimpses into what happens behind the glitz and glamour of celebrity life, creepy stalker vibes and the LA backdrop.
Highly recommend this and all of Pip’s books!

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Pip Drysdale has always been an auto buy author for me, so I was very excited to tuck into her latest release The Close Up. I was not prepared for just how fantastic it would be, it literally took over my life for 24 hours until I turned the last page.

The suspense and sense of intrigue drew me down a rabbit hole filled with celebrities, authors, stalkers and so much more. Flailing author come florist Zoe reconnects with an old flame bartender Zach who has since become a famous actor, and that is where the wild ride begins. Strap yourself in and set aside time to read this book in one sitting, you will not be able to put it down. It is a nonstop thrill ride that had me gasping and the ending literally blew my mind.

Fame and floristry combine to produce one hell of a thriller. A very cleverly written story, a fantastic LA setting and just enough spice to heat things up. With plenty of unreliable characters your mind will spin as the story is revealed. A must read!

Thank you NetGalley and Harper Collins for this early reading copy, it is my book of the year. All the stars for this one, I know everyone who picks it up will love it as much as I did!

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Sensational!! This is my favourite novel by the author yet! The tension! I flew through this and it was one of those novels where you just hold your breath in parts.

Zoe Ann Weiss is a struggling writer. Her first novel wasn't the success everyone hoped for, her included and now she has a day job at a florist, while her writers block continues. Making a flower delivery on her 30th birthday changes everything, when she runs into a man she had a brief fling with years ago, Zach. Except Zach the bartender, is now Zach the celebrity and they start seeing each other again, in secret. It all seems like a good idea until a stalker starts reenacting things from Zoe's first book, step by step.

The twists and turns! I did not see any of this coming and this was all so cleverly done. I thoroughly enjoyed the LA setting and a book about a writer and a stalker combined, two of my favourite reading topics - what a combination.

Thanks so much to NetGalley and HarperCollins Australia for this gifted review copy.

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The Close-up gives a glimpse into the life of the rich and famous. Certainly not a life I would want.

The story goes along at a slow page for a thriller, so I was never on the edge of my seat, but it did make me feel a little voyeristic - like watching a accident from a safe distance. You are curious but your heart rate doesn't go up.

The main character did annoy me though. Zoe is a struggling author, but she doesnt seem to even want to write. Writers block I understand. Not trying to work through it? Not even a little bit? Especially what she had hanging over her head, you'd think she'd try anything. And then her internal thoughts around the writing and Zach and everything else going on in her life got me to the point I wanted someone to give her a reality check. Maybe that did happen a little with her frenemy in the writing group, but it wasn't enough for her to wake up to herself.

I didnt guess the ending, but it didnt shock me either. I actually felt a slight tinge of disappointment. Not at the writing, as I did enjoy her style, but that it wasn't the ending I was hoping for.

This is my first book by this author and I will seek out her other books now.

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The ending of this novel is so emotionally brutal, and so hideously believable, that I’m still getting over it a week later. You’ll be engaged by every word of this novel, and you won’t be able to walk away from it easily: it’ll linger in your mind.

Zoe is a writer, or so she grimly insists. She moved to LA after her first novel sold to a publisher, full of hopes and dreams. But that novel didn’t sell as well as hoped, and for the last two years Zoe has been increasingly desperate, flailing around looking for an idea for her second novel.

So when Zach, a hot young actor, takes an interest in her, Zoe sees not only the possibility of romance, but of fodder for her novel. But she shouldn’t write about the things she sees and hears in private…. Should she?

Zoe is the perfect heroine for this kind of novel. Most readers will empathise with her very quickly, and find her dilemma extremely believable. Like many a thriller heroine, you see some of her mistakes as she’s making them – but you know you might have done the same thing too.

Zoe captures the feeling that a lot of people have in their late twenties and thirties: that somehow she’s marking time, waiting for her real life to start, but also afraid that it’s almost too late. It’s an easy feeling to understand, and the way it colors her decisions helps to make the plot very credible.

This is a slightly complicated plot (although when it starts unfolding, it’s easy to follow), but because Zoe and her situation are so believable, it never seems too out there.

Drysdale writes in one of those “invisible” styles that doesn’t draw attention to itself but keeps the reader turning the pages smoothly. It works really well as the plot gains momentum, keeping you completely absorbed in the story.

This is an outstanding thriller: a strong and original plot, believable action, engaging characters, and a writing style which draws you in. And unlike a lot of thrillers, not only do the last few sentences pack a punch – it’s a lingering one.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Harper Collins Australia for giving me this book for my honest review.
I’ve read Pip’s other books and enjoyed them so was excited to read this book. Whilst the book started slowly, about 1/4 of the way through it picked up momentum and there were extra twists and turns that weren’t expected. The main character, Zoe, at times seemed really out of place in LA, but she had a quirky side to her with working at a florist, being in a writing group and trying to be part of the celebrity circle. Whilst the multiple twists and multiple storyline’s added interest to the story, they also added to the pace of the book. I loved the ending and overall once you get past the slow start it’s a really great read.

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Ash’s rating: 3.5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Summed Up: Glam Vibes, Big Thrills + A Little Too Much Drama

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When a book promises to be ‘dark and twisty,’ you know I’m in for the ride and The Close Up definitely delivered on that front 😏✨

Let’s talk about the good stuff.

Glam LA vibes that made me feel like I was soaking up the sun on Sunset Boulevard, epic suspense that had me on edge and slow burn tension that kept me hooked.

But here’s where things got a little dicey.

The main character? Calling her frenetic might be an understatement! I felt like she spent so much time spiraling and repeating her worries that it started to feel like déjà vu (not in a good way). Her hypocritical nature made it hard for me to enjoy her perspective and I was left feeling more stressed than thrilled.

This whole book gave me Scream movie vibes, the kind where I’m yelling at the TV, “NO, don’t go in there!” or “Call the police!!” But just like with a horror movie, I couldn’t look away, no matter how much it stressed me out.

The broad list of suspects kept this book engaging but the repetitive and manic nature of the story just didn’t work for me. Overall, still a shock factor suspense filled thriller that I think many will enjoy

A big thank you to HarperCollins and NetGalley for the early access in exchange for my honest review.

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At first this book showed so much promise, and had me laughing in sections. The writing was clever and witty and it seems like a good storyline with the main character needing to come up urgently with a new book, while falling back into a relationship that had major warning flags written all over it. Somehow though, the further I progressed in the story the more it became confusing and it just didn’t seem to work for me. I’m disappointed because I really wanted to like this more than I did. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for letting me read an advanced copy in exchange for this review.

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Another terrific, twisty thriller from Pip. Set against the glitzy and glamorous backdrop of Hollywood. You get a good look at both high and low side of Hollywood with movie star Zack and novelist Zoe. From PR machines to the heartache of projects being shelved. I always love a big of behind the scenes and really felt for Zoe with her struggles with writing.

This one started off a bit slower than her usual novels but once it got going the twists just kept coming and didn’t stop until right at the end. I had a few different theories going about who might be behind it but was wrong all accounts. I was very surprised by the ending. Definitely check out if you’re a fan of Hollywood and twisty psychological thrillers.

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Once up and coming novelist Zoe Ann Weiss is in a rut, stuck for an idea for her next book and with her deadline fast looming.

But when Zach Hamilton comes back into her life, the muse strikes once more.

But along with Zach comes his newfound fame, and a stalker who seems intent on recreating the narrative of Zoe's first novel, with her as the victim.


Pip Drysdale has mastered the art of a gentle thriller. The plot initially seems benign, but nothing is as it seems.

I will say this book took a lot longer to get going than some of Drysdale's previous works. However if you can hold on until about chapter 21, then it really becomes worth your while.

There are some great plot twists that you'll never see coming.

Looking forward to reading Drysdale's next work.

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I am a massive fan of Pip Drysdale and I am very grateful to have received an early copy of her newest release ‘The close up’. Let me preface that I loved the setting of the uber rich celebrities and LA lifestyles which is a different change of scenery to Pip’s usual UK settings. As a character, I don’t know whether I resonated enough with Zoe. At the beginning I found her to be quite intriguing and was relatable to her fears of not achieving enough at her age. However, I found her constant back and fourth thinking of whether she was going to hurt Zach quite repetitive. I wasn’t sure I loved the twist and then the second twist at the end felt quite rushed. Overall, I did enjoy it, however I wouldn’t say I loved it as much as her previous books. However, I am always so keen to read whatever she releases next!

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