Member Reviews

This has promise to be a 4-star read as long as the handful of edits can be fixed before release happen. I honestly enjoyed this story, and don't get me started on that TWIST at the end!

The spice do be spicing on the few occasions it is present. It pairs with the FMC perfectly and doesn't overshadow the main story plot

I'm still new to tropes, but this covers:

Amnesia (as stated in the description)
Forced proximity
Fake relationship to Slow Burn
He falls first, and HARD

I really hope there is more to come!

(Also posted to GR, I just can't work out how to link from app)

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A romance that is both enchanting, sexually explicit, and a tragic mystery. I absolutely hope there will be more and that I’ll get to read them!

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I really wanted to like this book, the idea is solid and I was excited after reading the description. The world building needed more work, and I didn’t like the way the FMC was written. Unfortunately disliking the FMC makes it difficult to read and connect with the book. The MMC was well spoken and respectful, and the book moved at a good pace. Overall the idea was unique and intriguing, though the execution could use some work. I’ll definitely keep an eye out for more of F.A. Eden’s books though.

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Mortal Memories by F. A. Eden weaves a tale of amnesia and forbidden romance set against the backdrop of the enigmatic Fae Quarter. The story follows Carra, a mortal woman with no recollection of her past, who finds herself in a perilous situation that forces her into a marriage with Straid, a Fae lord haunted by his memories of a past love. The narrative explores themes of identity, sacrifice, and the complexities of love. The book offers a slow-burn romance that will appeal to fans of this genre, with a blend of mystery and fantasy elements. I enjoyed the novel for its engaging premise and emotional depth. Overall, "Mortal Memories" presents a mix of intrigue and romance that promises to captivate readers looking for a spicy Fae romance with a touch of suspense. This is a review of an ARC. I received a free copy of this book from Netgalley in return for an honest review.

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Mortal Memories by F.A. Eden introduces readers to a world of fae intrigue, mysterious pasts, and an unexpected romance that teeters on the edge of danger and desire. The story follows Carra, a mortal woman found alone in the fae Quarter—a place where no human should tread without consequence. Faced with a dire choice—marry her unexpected savior, Straid, or run for her life—Carra agrees to the marriage, setting the stage for a slow-burn romance filled with secrets and suspense.

At the heart of Mortal Memories is the delicate interplay between Carra, a woman with no memory of her past, and Straid, a fae male haunted by his own. When Carra awakens in the fae Quarter, her only option for survival is to marry Straid, a man who has distanced himself from the world after the tragic loss of his fiancée fifty years ago. Straid’s decision to marry Carra is impulsive, driven by a sense of duty and perhaps something more that he’s not ready to admit.

The book delves into Carra’s journey of self-discovery as she navigates the fae world and tries to uncover the mystery of her lost memories. Straid, on the other hand, is a character shrouded in complexity, with a painful past that has kept him isolated for decades. As their relationship develops, the chemistry between them becomes palpable, drawing readers into a slow-burn romance that simmers with tension and unspoken emotions.

However, as engaging as the premise is, Mortal Memories does have its flaws. The beginning of the book feels rushed, with the world-building and character development somewhat lacking in depth. For a story set in a fae realm, readers might find themselves craving more vivid descriptions and a better understanding of the world Eden has crafted. The rapid pacing in the early chapters leaves little room to fully immerse in the fae Quarter’s unique environment, which could have added more richness to the narrative.

Yet, once you move past the initial rush and dive deeper into the heart of the story, Mortal Memories begins to reveal its strengths. The emotional depth of the storyline and the evolving relationship between Carra and Straid take center stage, offering readers a compelling narrative that keeps them hooked. Carra's journey from a bewildered woman with no memory to someone slowly piecing together her past is compelling, and Straid’s reluctance to fully reveal himself, even as his feelings for Carra grow, keeps the reader invested in their evolving relationship.

Throughout the book, there is noticeable repetition of sentences and a few punctuation errors, but these are easily overlooked in light of the gripping slow burn of chemistry between the two main characters and the mystery that echoes throughout the story. Eden weaves a sense of mystery throughout the narrative, particularly with the growing list of people going missing in the fae Quarter. The possibility that these disappearances are connected to Carra adds an additional layer of intrigue, keeping readers guessing about the true nature of her past and what it might mean for her future with Straid.

The novel concludes on a tantalizing cliffhanger, leaving readers eagerly anticipating the next installment. While Mortal Memories may stumble in its early chapters with rushed world-building and some repetitive writing, it ultimately redeems itself through the strength of its characters and the slow-burn romance that unfolds between them.

If you’re a fan of fae romances with a mix of mystery and emotional depth, Mortal Memories is worth a read. Just be prepared to push through the initial hurdles and settle in for a story that slowly but surely weaves its spell.

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Great story & plot. Loved the characters and the writing was phenomenal. I can’t wait to read more from this author!

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Mortal Memories by F.A. Eden
3 stars ⭐⭐⭐ - I liked the concept and intrigue
5 for spice 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️ - Spicy spice
Tropes: slow burn, marriage of convenience, forced proximity, amnesia,

I was really excited to read this story as the premise sounded interesting and intriguing. A mortal woman losing her memories and on the verge of being captured and possibly executed is saved by a male fae by pretending to be her fiance and then is forced to actually marry her to keep her alive. When a string of people go missing, Straid, the MMC, seeks out to solve this mystery along with the reason Carra lost her memory. Sounds like a perfect plot to this story. However, I felt there was a lack of world building and character development in the story.

The main character, Carra, had lost her memories and was forced into a marriage just to save her life, yet miraculously runs into a complete stranger on the sidewalk who claims to know her and tells her that she is a prostitute and he was her client. So, without any hesitation or question, she goes straight to servicing him and others. I felt this aspect was just out of place and did not flow well. It didn’t make any sense.

I did enjoy the mystery and the idea that something bad was happening and they were trying to find out why and what was behind this. However, there was no urgency or continuity with this and it just kinda fell flat. I did enjoy the ending and it did set up the next book pretty well. But, it took a lot to get through to get there and it just did not flow.

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**Mortal Memories** by [Author's Name] is a captivating blend of fae magic and romance, offering a compelling slow-burn narrative that will appeal to fans of K. F. Breene and Sarah J. Maas. This novel weaves an enchanting tale of love, memory, and intrigue set against the backdrop of a richly imagined fae world.

The story begins with Carra, a mortal woman who finds herself in the fae Quarter under mysterious and perilous circumstances. With no recollection of her life prior to that night, she is faced with a life-or-death decision: marry her rescuer or flee into the unknown. Opting for marriage, Carra commits to unraveling the mystery of her past while navigating the complexities of her new life.

Straid, the fae lord who rescues Carra, has been living in seclusion since the death of his fiancée fifty years ago. His impulsive decision to marry Carra, driven by a sense of duty and emerging feelings, brings him back into the realm of society and emotion. As he becomes entangled in Carra’s struggle to rediscover her identity, Straid is also forced to confront a series of disturbing disappearances in the Quarter that seem eerily connected to his new wife.

The novel excels in its character development and emotional depth. Carra’s journey to piece together her fragmented past while adjusting to a life in the fae world is portrayed with sensitivity and nuance. Her determination to uncover the truth about her identity and her growing relationship with Straid provide a solid emotional core to the story.

Straid’s transformation from a reclusive figure to a man grappling with his emotions and responsibilities is compelling. His internal conflict and burgeoning feelings for Carra add layers of complexity to their slow-burn romance. The chemistry between the characters is palpable, and their interactions are charged with a mix of tension, vulnerability, and burgeoning affection.

The novel’s setting is richly described, immersing readers in the mystical and often perilous world of the fae Quarter. The atmospheric details and the sense of danger and enchantment enhance the story’s appeal, making the fae realm a vivid and integral part of the narrative.

**Mortal Memories** is a seductive and engaging read that combines elements of mystery, romance, and fantasy. It offers a satisfying blend of intrigue and emotional depth, making it a standout choice for readers who enjoy immersive fae romances with a touch of suspense. Whether you’re drawn to the intricate world-building or the slow-burning romance, this novel promises a rewarding journey into a world where memory and love intertwine in the most unexpected ways.

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The book was extremely fast paced and easy to read, but not for me. For someone who likes a lot of smut and a fast pace this book would be perfect, it was just not what I expected.

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This book was so good!!! I finished it in 2 days. I couldn't put it down. The ending left my jaw on the floor. Please tell me there is another book? I can not wait to know what happened and how and why. I need more.

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Mortal Memories has an intriguing setup but feels a bit uneven. The fast-paced start and spicy moments were engaging, but the lack of world-building and plot clarity left me wanting more. Carra’s quick shift back to her old profession felt off, and some plot points were confusing or left hanging. Overall, it’s a decent read with potential, though it could use some refinement.

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The story follows a mortal, Carra, who ends up in the Fae Quarter without memory of her past. She's forced to marry a fae lord named Straid to save herself, and together, they unravel some mind-blowing mysteries. The book has it all—romance, mystery, and fantasy. The author creates a fantastic world where mortals and fae intertwine. This book is perfect if you're into slow-burn romance, amnesia, and political intrigue. The characters are incredibly well-developed, and this whole subplot about people disappearing keeps you on the edge of your seat. I 100% recommend it! Huge thanks to NetGalley, BooksGoSocial, and the author, F. A. Eden, for giving me the chance to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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[A quick note: This review was written first for Goodreads using HTML formatting to hide Spoilers. Since that is not possible on NetGalley, some spoiler content has been rewritten or, where not possible, has been redacted and indicated as such]

"That's how I'll survive this next year, isn't it? Careful, clever words that don't speak to the whole truth? I'll be surrounded by slippery words; I might as well use a few of my own."


2.5 rounded up to 3, I think.

Thank you, Netgalley, for providing me with an ARC copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

***Story & Characters***
While I found the first almost half of the book slow to settle into, by halfway, I found my groove with the story and that I was having an easier time committing to multiple chapters at a time.

Mortal Memories boasts a surprisingly complex mystery with the promise of some familial, royal and perhaps political intrigue that I did not expect. The two main characters were both likable and believable enough to buy in to their story, despite the fact that the opening scene of the book demands a high buy in price. The FMC in particular brings in some refreshing representation that overall made me feel more invested.

Carra, our FMC, is fiery and quick-witted. She is occasionally laugh-out-loud funny. In one particular scene, [spoiler removed by reviewer]. This surprisingly fresh scene helped to highlight her wittiness and take-no-nonsense nature.

Straid is aloof, formal (an old soul), and stoic. He felt a little less believable to me. A fae lord of some particular standing who marries a woman in need for her safety, who [spoiler removed by reviewer]. At the end of the book, Straid demonstrates some firm little nuggets of moral grayness, and I would have liked to see this more consistently.

I did observe some out-of-character moments for each of them, Carra's in the form of her surprising verbal aggressions that baffle and Straid's threat of power paired with a diminutive nickname ("little one"?) towards his new wife.

One of the things that took me out of the story the most was Carra's line of work.

Carra is a prostitute (her word), and she takes every opportunity she can to remind you that she is very good at what she does. My issue here is not with the line of work. My issue is that its treatment felt heavy-handed, like the author would not sleep well if her position on SW was not crystal clear.

While the line of work served Carra well by giving her access to high profile clients, which helped her to find information pertaining to the mystery, I found that we also get a lot of redundant or superfluous information about the nature of her clients, such as when she educates other people about her clients' preferences, despite the fact that the reader has already learned these things, sometimes more than once. There are some other pieces here that are too spoilery, so I have omitted them.

Again, truly, not an issue with the line of work or even the message. I felt that it was improperly balanced within the story.

Lastly, the ending had some surprising reveals that I enjoyed. I did not realize going into this book that this is meant to be, I assume, a series, so the ending didn't satisfy me in the way I expected. Instead, I got a pretty interesting cliffhanger. I would probably read the next book just to figure out what on earth that epilogue set us up for.


Overall, the story is the victor of this book. You will find some rather stylistically and grammatical simple language throughout. This book also needs a very heavy edit. There were multiple instances of missing words, wrong words, sentences that were repeated, and the wrong names being used in dialogue. We also see a couple of instances of the character's real name being used before it has been revealed.

Carra took the dress Niana offered and decided... (loc 543)

"Carra." He sounded pained. "You cannot leave the Quarters for the first year of our marriage." (loc 847)

In the beginning of the book, the bargain was established as one day a month after the first year, but at the end of the book, it's referred to as one day a year.

I did not factor these much into my rating, since this is not officially published. Hopefully the team will have a chance to do a thorough edit before it gets released.


Overall, a surprisingly interesting but stylistically simple mystery fae romance with some likable but occasionally unreliable characters, some heavy-handed commentary about sex work, a nice, steady slow burn and a sequel that I had no idea to expect.

And now... for some random highlights that I enjoyed <3

~ His next breath fortified him. It tasted of honey and orange, of stone and silver and the deep dark of sleep.

~ "You are the best husband I've ever had," she said, rising from her chair.
"As far as you are aware," he countered.

"Can I guess what it was?"
"My question was rhetorical."
"My answer was not."

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I enjoyed this book and wished it was longer. It makes me want to know more the world and the fae. The spicy scenes were done well too. I look forward to reading what happens next.

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Thankyou so much to Netgalley for allowing me the opportunity to read this early ♡

I absolutely fell head over heels inlove with the premise of this story! It sounded incredibly unique and it dove straight into the action! I did feel a bit confused in parts due to the memory loss of the main character and was hoping we might be filled in a bit but I was able to overlook most things because the story itself was so captivating! It would have been nice to see a bit more of a slow burn romance or just straight up friends, I understand the marriage happened quickly out of necessity but I had a bit of difficulty really falling for this couple as the story went on. I was very surprised by Carras want to go back to her job as a prostitute as soon as she remembered that aspect but I'm hoping book 2 fills us in more regarding her lack of memories and gives us more world building to really help build these images up in our mind!

I'd definitely be interested in reading book 2 to find out more about Carras journey ♡

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I enjoyed this book, the storyline was interesting. We follow Carra, a human sex worker, found in the Fae Quarters alone, without any memory of who she is. Humans are not allowed in the quarters without a fae with them, and when a guard finds her, she is to be punished or even sent to death. Along comes Straid, a fae stranger, who quickly tells the guard she is to be his wife at dawn the next morning, persuading the guard to let her over to him, and ultimately saving her life.
They quickly marry, and then go on a mission to unravel who Carra truly is (one sex client at a time), while a romance blooms between the two. A good start to a fantasy romance series.

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l was blown away by the story. The character development was awesome! The author paid great attention to details and did such a wonderful job of setting up scenes. This is FAR from the type of books I generally read. I prefer suspense, mystery, murder and thrillers. I purchased this book to give something new a try. I was NOT disappointed!

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I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Where to start, where to start, where to start. This book reads more like a mystery than a romance, and it's a good thing I like mysteries. Carra is such a strong, spicy character. Straid comes off as - dare I say it - stodgy. 😩 I love that he steps in and saves Carra and marries her to keep her from being executed. This book really starts with a bang and leaves you hoping things will get ✨️extra✨️ but honestly, it left me with high hopes, some meh feelings in the middle, then picked me back up towards the end.

I'm a bit disappointed with the development of Straid and Carra's relationship. Straid tries to keep his distance and allow Carra to continue with her business after she recovers some of her memories, but truly, there was more romance between Carra and her clients than between Carra and Straid. They have a slow build to feelings for one another, but there is zero chemistry with them in their on page interaction.

The mystery aspect is what really kept me going in this book. I wanted to know who was taking the fae and humans alike and why. The world building was interesting. We stay almost exclusively in the Fae Quarters, so I'm interested to see where else we get to go in the future.

There's a wildly interesting twist at the end of the book that I didn't see coming. But the cliffhanger was brutal.

I give it .5⭐️ for romance and 4⭐️ for mystery, but a 4⭐️ read in total with everything. I'm interested in reading the next book just because I really want to see how it shakes out with the plot twist.

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I have a lot of thoughts about this book. I was actually pretty interested in the story itself, but there were a lot of issues that were hard to look past. While grammatical errors can be overlooked in ARCs, there were things such as characters being referred to by the wrong name which just made things confusing.

I enjoyed the slow burn between Carra and Straid and I appreciate that the author is taking the time to develop the relationship. We find out early on that Carra was a prostitute prior to losing her memories - while it was nice that Straid was so respectful of her profession, I found it a little strange that getting back to work was her top priority despite almost being kidnapped and/or murdered, having to marry a fae stranger for her safety, and having no idea who she even is.

I was also interested in the mystery of what happened to Carra and the other missing people, and I am still interested in seeing how it unfolds further. However it seems like the ending was supposed to be shocking, but it left me more confused than anything. I feel like this is the sort of series that you don’t necessarily love but keep reading to find out what happens anyway.

Thank you to BooksGoSocial for the ARC!

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3 stars

Mortal Memories by F.A Eden follows Carra, a sex-worker with amnesia who is found in the fae Quarter alone and nearly put to death, but luck is on her side as a fae male named Straid claims her as his fiancé and saves her life. The two are quickly married and little by little Carra’s memory returns…one sexual encounter at a time. Straid is a fae still in mourning after his mortal fiancé died half a century earlier - he believes that saving the mortal Carra is an act that honors his past love.

This is definitely a case where the story is a bit rough and I’m hopeful that there will be many edits done before this hits the shelves in October. The premise of this story is exciting - if you’re a fan of A Lady of Rooksgrave Manor I think that this story will intrigue you. The story is a bit confusing, but I think that it does a good job setting us up for the next book in the series — as soon as this one ended I immediately wanted to have the sequel in my hands. I am invested in this mystery! I am hopeful that the second book will help us better understand the world & we’ll get satisfaction from the romance presented to us.

Thank you so much to BooksGoSocial & NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest review. I look forward to reading more from F.A Eden.

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