Member Reviews

I am so irritated. This book has such incredible potential, but it has a long way to go. I was struggling to read it when I first started because of how many errors there are throughout the book. The grammar was a huge problem for me, and occasionally the author swapped characters names (which is hard to follow considering the protagonist doesn’t know her own name). I also thought this book was missing so much plot. I’m glad they fall in love and take that time, but the mystery within the story fell short. This book has a long way to go if it wants to be good

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Thank you NetGalley for the Arc!

Honestly I loved the premise of the book, I was hooked from the beginning and was excited to see where the story went. I’m looking forward to future books by F. A Eden!

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I liked this story, but there were definitely ways this could have been better. There wasn't much of a smooth transition between our FMC gaining her memories back and her picking up from where she left off with her job. Granted, the author did have her mention one time in the beginning that doing so might help her memory, but still. I can't blame her though, sounds like a couple of her clients were tempting.

Then she barely put effort into tracking down her family once she remembered she had one, but definitely didn't pause taking on her clients. You'd think she would have taken off at some point to find them if she really loved them, found some way to run off from Straid. Sure he offered to do it for her which he went out one time and that's the last you hear about it.

With that said, the premise of the story was good and there were lots of plot twists, especially that one at the end. It will definitely be interesting to see what happens in the next book!

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As with other reviewers, the premise of this book is what drew me in - I am an unashamed marriage of convenience fan, and combining that with fantasy had me intrigued. I had high hopes, and I will admit they weren't met.

From the beginning, the pacing feels rushed. While this works well on the level of conveying the sense of panic and immediacy from the get-go with the marriage to keep Anna/Carra protected, it does leave you feeling like things are undeveloped and rushed for the rest of the book. Combined with the *many* grammatical errors and mistakes in character names (like when Carra is used interchangeably with Anna before any sort of explanation is given), this book needs a solid edit before publication. The premise is fantastic and the idea and world is there, it just needs some real fine-tuning to bring it up to the level it could be on. As much as I wanted to like this book, the lack of editing and the consistency issues made it a difficult one to get through.

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Thank you NetGalley for the ARC!

The premise of this book sounded interesting and the story wastes no time diving right in. Anna is injured while fleeing - from who or what we don’t know because she has amnesia. Straid is in the right place at the right time and helps Anna. This leads to them having an abrupt marriage in order to further protect her. All of this happens pretty quickly in the beginning, but I didn’t mind because I was interested in Anna uncovering who she is and what lead to her memory loss.

When she remembered her profession as a prostitute, I was surprised that she wanted to start working again so quickly. It seems like a very vulnerable and potentially dangerous situation to put herself in, considering she doesn’t remember herself or if whoever she was running from was a client or not. A lot of the spicy scenes were with her clients and I just didn’t feel invested in those characters with her.

There is a lack of world building that is hard to ignore. While Anna’s missing memories could be a justification for this at the beginning of the story, I would expect her to learn more from Straid or from books in his possession (so we as readers could learn as well). There are the fae Quarters, the mortal world, and a town surrounded by iron - that’s the extent of the world building. There’s no explanation of the fae magic system either. I don’t expect the same detail as high fantasy books, but there needed to be more to pull me into this story.

Errors happen, and there were a couple that stuck out for me. Anna’s real name (Carra) is written before she remembers it. Straid also calls her Carra before she shares the name with him.

Near the end of the book, we learn a little about the mysterious disappearances and how they relate to Carra. Straid’s formerly deceased fiancee, Lyenna, is responsible for these abductions. She needs sacrifices that fit certain requirements (ex. someone loved by a powerful fae, which is Carra). How Lyenna came back to life, why she didn’t let Straid know she was alive, and why she needs these sacrifices, is not addressed at all. The involvement of Umbra (Straid’s brother) is also unclear. The last chapter cuts to Carra fleeing, Umbra catching up to her, and bringing her home to Straid. She remembers Straid, and he recognizes her as Carra, but it seems like she thinks she’s Lyenna? Does she have her memories while being in Carra’s body? I know this is a cliffhanger, but I have never been so confused at the end of a book before.

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The premise of this one was really good, but the execution wasn't quite there.

I never felt like the character motivations explained their behavior. Offering to marry a stranger because they're in danger of a decision they made on their own seems...really extreme. It would make more sense if she looked like Lyenna, it was Lyenna's birthday/anniversary of her death, etc. Something more than Carra just being human.

Also, I assume this is part of a series? If not, there's some massive plot holes that haven't been resolved. Umber, Lyenna, etc.

It also made no sense to me that Carra couldn't remember anything about her past, but wanted to go back to work immediately? Personally, I'd be more concerned with wanting to know who I am. And if randomly stumbled upon a rich husband that was gonna let me live with him for a year, all expenses paid, I sure AF wouldn't be in a hurry to go back to work, regardless of what my job is.

There were also some moments where the story felt disconnected and disjointed, as though in the editing process scenes were removed that shouldn't have been in order to not leave the reader confused. For example, the first time Jax is mentioned it's clear they both know who he is but the reader doesn't. It felt like an earlier scene introducing him had been cut, so his first mention was really jarring. I stopped reading and searched to see if I had somehow forgotten him, but I hadn't.

In Chapter 34, it says that she would have to leave when the year ended, but I thought she only had to STAY for a year, meaning she could choose to stay longer? It also says she would only be coming back once a year, whereas at the beginning it said once a month. Honestly, this makes no sense. Why would a married couple be forcibly separated? Especially when that marriage is a soul bond and not just a piece of paper. Also - not once is a soul bond explained? What's the point of even mentioning it if only as a reason why they can be married when she doesn't know her own name?

Towards the end, the she explains to the chef who she is and that they "hired her to work in their kitchen the day before she disappeared." Another inconsistency since she'd been there longer than one day.

Similarly, initially she didn't want to Travel (a word which I don't think is used again after the first time??), then suddenly in Chapter 25 we learn that she's been "transported" by Jesson and Straid multiple times? Again, this was pretty jarring for me as a reader since the last time this is mentioned, she didn't want to and wanted to walk instead. Also, it's inconsistent. "On the few times she had walked home" - in every scene we've had she's walked home. It makes me think that there's a LOT that, as the reader, I haven't been privy to. What else am I missing? Why should I continue reading? I almost didn't.

There also seemed to be random details dropped that were never resolved and I don't think are integral to plot? Maybe they'll come into play in later books, but I'm not even sure if this is a series. For example - it's mentioned that none of Straid's siblings' fathers are known except Ash's. Why? Who is he? Where was he while Straid was growing up?
Additionally - once again, the character motivations just aren't clear. How could he NOT wonder who his father is? That's literally half his DNA. His reasoning for this is entirely unbelievable - he wouldn't have even noticed "one more person" because he was surrounded by so many staff members??

Lastly, there were a LOT of errors in this book:
-In chapter five, it clearly says Carra, but we haven't learned her real name yet.
-Ch 6: I believe it should be unharmed vs unarmed
-Ch 7 - She winced, I believe it should be he winced
-Ch 8 - He calls her Carra, but he's not supposed to know her name yet
-Ch 8 - should be lose, not lost
-Ch 10 - Tailor, not tailored
-Ch 15 - cup him in the WAY he liked (way is missing)
-Ch 15 - release -> releasing
-Ch 21 - say -> sat
-Ch 28 - beenpride -> been pride
-Ch 32 - interest -> interests
-Ch 33 - has -> had

There's probably more I didn't catch

Overall, there were far too many inconsistencies and plot holes and far too little world building and exploration of character motivations that could make sense of their behavior for me to enjoy this book.

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3.5 ⭐️
Okay, I actually kind of liked this one.
A true slow-burn with a focus on slow. I liked that we got to see our main characters get to know each other and form a bond before they ended up in bed together.

I really liked the premise of the book, and that ending!!! Omg, now I have to read the sequel.

I was thoroughly entertained, but I'm hoping for more insight into the magic and worldbuilding in the next book. That's something I missed a bit.

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I couldn’t stop reading from the first page. I loved the characters and the dynamics. I really want to read the next one as it leaves you wanting more

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So much potential with this book but it definitely needs another round of edits before publishing. There are a lot of spelling and general grammatical errors where the pronouns are flipped in a way that makes the sentence difficult to follow. The mystery behind Anna/Carra's amnesia is compelling and keeps the reader interested. The slow burn between FMC and MMC is definitely there. I was on board until chapter 38/epilogue, its a good ending to get the reader ready and hooked for book 2 but was a little confusing. It should have that ahah moment where you realize Lyenna achieved the impossible but I had to go back and keep rereading it to understand that they didn't actually go back in time to the moment that Anna/Carra had appeared that first instance in the quarter but that this was a new event and meant to be her running from her captor or escaping, somewhere along those lines. This would be a good chapter 38 and then maybe an epilogue also to be included to engage the reader on the contents of book 2.

Biggest edits I noticed
◦ Chapter 5 Anna’s name was switched to Carra, but the reader isn't meant to know her real name yet
◦ Chapter 8 Straid calls her by her true name but at that point he should still only know her by Anna
◦ Chapter 37 Straid says “Her, and Kexxia, and Brey…" but it was Elesina that was taken not Brey
◦ Intermittently Straid is called Staid. It had me thinking at one point that his name was actually Staid

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A splendid and well written romantast that enraptured me from start to finish. I really loved the characters and the tropes were absolutely superb. Mortal Memories was a fantastic story that reignited my fervor for storied about the Fae and their relationships with humans and the magical realms. Wonderful book! Would absolutely recommend!

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Ahhh my first ever NetGalley Arc 🤭 Thanks to NetGalley & the publisher for an early access for this book!

This book had a very interesting premise and I was looking forward to reading about an FMC who suffered post trauma amnesia.

This book read somewhat very easily and you’re thrown into the action right at the start. However - I did feel there weren’t any world building at all and the plots needed a little more working on (there were a few plot holes).

As for the characters - I did find that Carra was difficult with Straid… considering he saved her life and all. I would expect a little more respect and mercy 😅. When she remembered she was a prostitute - I was surprised at how fast she wanted to get back to it. She didn’t remember who she was but she wanted to get back to her job right away… that didn’t really make sense to me?

The reveal at the end was a little predictable but I’m left with more unanswered questions.

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••• review •••
This book had potential. I was intrigued by the blurb and there were some great pieces to the story…I'll begin with those.

I enjoyed the character of Straid. He is fae, but is overall kind and unlike other fae. His friend and sister were two other characters I enjoyed and wish they would have had more spotlight time.

The main plot was intriguing and unique. It was mysterious and kept me engaged enough to finish the book (however, I skimmed most of the second half due to the issues I had with the book). The ending was absolutely not what I expected in a mostly positive way…what a cliffhanger! Oh and the idea of tying in comets to magic was very interesting!

Now the hard part…I truly wanted to enjoy this book, but I just could not get past many aspects.

On the small scale, there were quite a few plot holes/errors (her real name was written before she remembered it, the time frame of some events didn't line up - yesterday was used when it was actually that morning -, and the wrong servant's name was used).

On the larger scale, there was no world building. I cannot visualize any locations beyond vague images. The magic was also lacking…I don't understand it?

I had so many questions throughout the book…maybe they will be explained in sequels?
The romance came out of nowhere. I sort of followed the build, but it just seemed to lack something.
The MFM’s job was also confusing. Other than to add numerous spicy scenes, why? I get it's a job, and I did appreciate the stance that she was proud of it and everything was consensual, but I didn't feel it was necessary… it was all cringy to me.

Thank you @netgalley for the ARC!

⭐ ⭐

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Based on the description I thought this would be right up my alley but found it lacking. It took a while for me to get into the book with little world building or introduction of main characters. You jump straight into the relationship with no prior understanding of what's happening or what fae or mortals are capable of. Would seem there was a lot of assumed knowledge from the reader.

I think if it had been fleshed out a bit more with an emphasis on improving the world building and introducing the characters it would have been a much easier read.

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This book did a slow-burn romance very well, and the tropes - forced proximity/marriage - were well executed once they had been laid out. The best part of this book was the mystery, it was very intriguing and I loved it

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DNF, There was no world building, If there is no good world building in a fantasy story that’s a big negative and the story will just go downhill from there for me.

Too many holes in the story, lack of information which led to things just not making sense. The characters weren’t terrible but felt underdeveloped to me.

The premise drew me in, but the execution and the plot was just lost, such a let down.

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Unfortunately, this book was a struggle to get through. I found the blurb very intriguing and was so excited to read this. I'm sad that it fell flat.

The story arc had some obvious holes in it and it wasn't super developed. I felt like some things needed more information to make sense and then other parts, I needed less. These holes made the pacing slow. There were parts that I forced myself to read, even though it had no bearing on the overall story and other parts left me confused. There was a lot of explaining and repeating which makes it hard to develop characters and stay connected.

The characters are okay. Carra felt underdeveloped to me, and I didn't feel a lot of connection to her. Her issues with memory and/or forgetting everything that happened really didn't sit well. Straid is more developed, but I felt him also to be wishy-washy. Considering the characters are leading the charge in this book, it was underwhelming.

Overall, it's okay. There are some interesting ideas, but the execution wasn't the best.

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I received this book as an ARC. I would describe it as a fantasy mystery novel.

While I think it could have been an interesting premise, it lost the plot (literally) as the book progressed. I have read many Fae books but this story harped repeatedly on what not to do with Fae without explaining anything else. There is no world building or describing of the quarters that would draw a reader in. There are also inconsistencies in chapters, such as describing the plants in the garden as wilted due to the heat late at night yet stating that the FMC is shivering from the cold and chapters later describing the FMC as getting carried away while cleaning a room and removing all the dead plants, before stating a few paragraphs later that the MMC and FMC worked in tandem to remove the dead plants from the room.

The FMC lacked any endearing qualities and seemingly jumped from being unable to remember a single thing about her past to immediately jumping into her profession. I understand her desire to remember her life, but it seems so far-fetched that it would be the first step she would take.

I think the book needed to be more fleshed out in order to make sure the story made sense.

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In thanks to NetGalley, I got an early read of this book before its October 10th, 2024 release. The ending was a the best part, creative and surprising! leaving a cliffhanger that is very intriguing for a sequel!

I wasn’t the biggest fan of the main character, I felt she was lacking a little bit in staying consistent, with her memory seeming to fade in/out while she’s supposed to have amnesia.

While I did enjoy this reading experience, I most likely won’t think of this book much or re-read, I wish it was a bit longer with more character and relationship development between her and the MMC.

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This was an interesting read. I’m a sucker for the amnesia trope and the main character is a human who is saved by a fae man and she can’t remember anything. The cliffhanger was so good and I can’t wait to pick up the next one!

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I really enjoyed this book. I hope the author continues to write more books in the future. I can't wait to see what this author releases in the future.

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