Member Reviews

This is a great book for people who like slow burn and want to watch the main characters form a bond.

I think the general story of the main character missing her memory is intriguing. And they're both such likable characters; she is assertive when it comes to her own rights and self-worth, but not in an annoying way. And he's such a cutie.

There wasn't a lot of world building, and I didn't need any more. We know a little about the fae area they live in, and I personally prefer that the story revolved more about the characters than a grand fantasy world.

I'm actually not a big fae fan, and I was happy to note that the way fae are written here is to my liking. The whole "they can't lie" and "you have to be careful how you speak with them" thing is always very interesting. And I'm glad the book didn't have a lot of political talk in it; I hope it'll stay that way in the next two books.

I can't wait to see how their story continues.

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DNF at 31%

I really wanted to love this book; the cover first caught my eye and I was intrigued by the description. Carra is found running through the streets of the Quarters unaccompanied, a deadly transgression for a human. When Straid comes to her aid in exchange for marriage, Carra is uncertain of the prospect of marrying a fae man. Even worse, she has no memories of her former life at all. After agreeing to marry Straid, Carra discovers that this fae is not like the others and genuinely wants to help her rediscover her past.

I thought the idea of this book was very unique and I was interested in discovering a new world. However, I really wished there was more world-building at the beginning of the book, as some of the customs of this world went over my head. Additionally, I found that the "spicy" scenes were somewhat randomly distributed and did not flow well with the rest of the story. I also, unfortunately, could not get past the frequent grammatical errors and plot holes to finish this book. I am hopeful that F. A. Eden is able to take the time to make any necessary adjustments before publication and would love to give this book another chance once edited.

Thank you to NetGalley, BooksGoSocial, and F. A. Eden for this ARC in exchange for my honest review. Stay tuned for the publication of Mortal Memories on October 9, 2024.

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Gracias a NetGallery por darme la oportunidad de leer esta historia y dar mi reseña libremente ✨ mágicos.

Recientemente tuve el placer de leer un libro que combina de manera magistral los elementos del romance y la fantasía: una historia de amor entre un fae y una mortal. Desde las primeras páginas, me encontré cautivado por el ritmo inicial rápido, que rápidamente da paso a un desarrollo más pausado y profundo, creando un perfecto "slow burn" que mantiene al lector enganchado hasta el final.

El mundo en el que se desarrolla la historia está construido de manera sutil pero efectiva. Aunque la construcción del mundo no es excesiva, proporciona el contexto suficiente para entender las reglas y dinámicas que rigen la interacción entre los personajes. Las reglas de este universo en particular me parecieron fascinantes y bien elaboradas, añadiendo una capa adicional de interés a la narrativa.

La protagonista, con su trabajo único, ofrece una perspectiva fresca y convincente, y me encantó cómo su “vida profesional”🌶️ se entrelaza con su relación con el fae. El protagonista masculino es estoico pero muestra un romanticismo y una profundidad de pensamiento que lo hacen entrañable. Su carácter estoico contrasta maravillosamente con los momentos más íntimos y románticos que comparte con la protagonista, creando una dinámica cautivadora.

Las escenas "spicy" están bien distribuidas a lo largo de la historia y son inesperadas, lo que añade un elemento de sorpresa que disfruté enormemente. Estas escenas están bien escritas y contribuyen al desarrollo de la relación entre los protagonistas.

El único punto negativo, si se puede llamar así, es que el libro deja muchas preguntas sin responder, indicando claramente que habrá una continuación. No puedo esperar a que salga el próximo libro, porque esta historia me ha dejado queriendo más.

En resumen, me encantó espero con ansias el siguiente 💜 me encantaron los elementos fae, poderes, forced proximity, etc.

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Mortal Memories by F. A. Eden
Rating: 4/5
Release Date: 10 October 2024

In a world where mortals and fae coexist uneasily, Carra finds herself in a perilous situation. Discovered alone in the forbidden fae Quarter with no memory of her past, she faces certain death. Her only options: marry her rescuer or flee for her life. Choosing marriage, Carra embarks on a journey to uncover her lost identity and the reasons behind her dangerous presence in the Quarter.

Straid, a fae lord who has lived in seclusion for fifty years following his fiancée's death, finds his world upended when he impulsively marries Carra to save her life. As he grows closer to his new wife, Straid becomes entangled in a web of mystery. People are disappearing from the Quarter at an alarming rate, and he suspects a connection to Carra's past.

As Carra and Straid navigate their unexpected union, they must confront not only their growing feelings for each other but also the dark forces at play in the fae world. Their quest for answers could unveil secrets that threaten both their relationship and the delicate balance between mortal and fae realms.

"Mortal Memories" offers a captivating blend of romance, mystery, and fantasy that will enchant readers from the first page. This slow-burn fae romance skilfully weaves together elements of amnesia, forbidden love, and political intrigue into a compelling narrative.

The author excels in world-building, creating a rich and complex universe where the uneasy coexistence of mortals and fae provides a fertile ground for conflict and drama. The fae Quarter, with its air of danger and mystery, serves as a perfect backdrop for the unfolding story.

Carra and Straid are well-developed protagonists, their individual struggles and gradual attraction to each other forming the heart of the novel. Carra's quest to recover her memories adds an element of suspense that complements the romantic plot, while Straid's journey from isolation to emotional engagement is particularly poignant.

The pacing of the romance is expertly handled, with the slow-burn approach allowing for a deep exploration of the characters' evolving relationship. The promise of spicier content will appeal to readers who enjoy their romance with a dash of heat.

The mystery surrounding the disappearances in the Quarter adds depth to the plot, intertwining personal and political stakes in a way that keeps readers guessing. This subplot provides a nice balance to the romantic elements, ensuring the story remains engaging on multiple levels.

While the amnesia trope is familiar in romance novels, the author brings fresh elements to it through the fae setting and the larger mystery at play. The potential connections between Carra's past and the current events in the Quarter create an intriguing narrative thread that will likely carry through future instalments.

"Mortal Memories" will certainly appeal to fans of K.F. Breene and Sarah J. Maas, offering a similar blend of fantasy world-building and romantic tension. However, it also stands on its own merits, with unique elements that set it apart in the crowded field of fae romance.

In conclusion, this novel delivers a satisfying mix of romance, mystery, and fantasy. With its intriguing premise, well-developed characters, and promise of more to come, "Mortal Memories" is sure to leave readers eagerly anticipating the next instalment in the series.

Thank you so much to NetGalley, BooksGoSocial, and the author, F. A. Eden, for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest and fair review.

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okay, that ending? mind blowing and such a good play on the title

i adored mortal memories. the romance, mystery, and intrigue. i had absolutely NO idea what the twist was gonna be and i sat there for a few minutes processing the entire book. so, so good! if you love sarah j. maas mortal memories is absolutely for you. 4 stars

thank you f.a. eden and netgalley for the ARC!

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I use the following emojis in my Rate scale
✨ - overall rating out of 5
🔥- story/plot

My rating is as followed;

Tropes included;
Forced Marriage
slow burn
Fae x Human

My Feedback/Review;
*this is a review of an arc so bare in mind these things may have changed by full release*
i give it a 3.5-4 star.

The grammar kind of let this book down for me, the story itself i rather enjoyed but the small errors in grammar made it difficult to read and took me out of the story. The wrong name was used for our main female character before we knew what her actual name was which again took me out of the story and made it a little hard to fully become engrossed and zoned in with this one. This story has potential and the author has done a fantastic job with the story itself but the grammar and minor issues with name mix ups takes my solid 4star to a 3.5

I received a free copy of this book via Netgalley and am voluntarily leaving a review.

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A romantasy with a mystery plot and lots of yearning. The slow burn is definitely slow burning. Love this book and can't wait to have the completed version in my hands!

I'm a bit biased about this book but I do genuinely think it's great!!

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