Member Reviews

The Mirror Gates by Stuart McPherson is a captivating read right from the start, especially for kids. The story is engaging and easy to follow, making it a great choice for young readers looking for an adventure. It keeps you interested throughout without being too complex, which makes it perfect for children. While it may not be as gripping for older readers, it definitely shines as a fun and accessible book for a younger audience.

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I’ve recently started reading YA and I was really impressed with this. It was engaging and exciting and I thoroughly enjoyed it! Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for my ARC

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The Mirror Gates
Stuart McPherson
This is a great book for upper elementary and lower middle school students. This would be a great book for an adult to share with a child/student.
Charley is worried about her parents; they are on a sinking island on an archaeological dig. She and her cousins decide to hold a séance. There is a big mirror in the study which turns into a gateway to a parallel world. Charley walks through the mirror and meets a boy named Charles; it is an alternate world set in the 1930s. She and Charles look a lot alike. The two of them travel from one alternate world to another staying one step ahead of the wizard and his minions.
It was fun seeing alternate worlds. It was interesting to see how each world was slightly different. One of the things that distracts from this tale is the parents’ plight. That was not needed and was just distracting. I liked the characters. I enjoyed the journey.

Thank you NetGalley for providing a review copy.

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I am thankful to have gotten the eARC for free from Netgalley and Troubador Publishing so I can leave my voluntary and honest review.

When I read middle grade books I do them in chunks specifically as it keeps me in the mindset and allows me to use them for comparative purposes.

This one was cute for sure but it did have its challenges. First it is listed as both middle grade and teen/YA and it is certainly not YA. It is definitely on the younger end of Middle grade reading. What makes it more difficult is the length of the book doesn’t put it into the children category but the prose does. It reminds me of the magic tree house books but a little elevated age wise. I actually think this book would do much better in smaller chapter books that take them on the adventure if it was reworked a bit.

Alternatively it could be a good book for a teacher to read to or with the class. I know our second grade teachers have longer books which they read aloud with the students over a longer period of time. Things the type of book that would work for that.

Also, the adoptive parent that are away from home sub plot seems like it was thrown in as an after thought.

I’m rounding up to 3 stars simply because it has promise!
My rating system for Middle Grade and children’s books

⭐️ Significant problems and would never recommend to the audience.
⭐️⭐️ Had a lot of trouble, prose issues, really not my cup of tea but may have some appeal.
⭐️⭐️⭐️ an ok book which I wouldn’t go out of my way to recommend but there was nothing significantly wrong with it.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Really enjoyed it! Would recommend to others
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Outstanding! Would recommend highly, especially to school programs.

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A time traveling and alternate world fantasy that wastes no time and breathlessly rushes from one action sequence to another. The two lead characters are intriguing and the world building in the novel is fantastic!

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Premise and book description are very promising. The writing falls a little flat for me, as nothing really pops. The events themselves are exciting but I kept thinking it was telling not showing. The characters are cute; they are a tad under-developed, so their decisions were difficult to understand.

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Thank you netgalley and the publisher for this e-book ARC!
2.5 stars rounded up.

This was a really cute read. The different worlds were fun to see, and it was nice to see how slight variances in the ways of the world changed so much. The post-note made by the author made it even cooler to me.

The magic in this was pretty handwavey, but still fun to see happen. I think it relied on wishes of the heart? Or that may have just been with the "twins". I don't know. Either way, a fun light fantasy xD

The narration felt like lower end of middle grade, with a lot of correct conclusions being jumped to, telliness, and an exaggerated quality. This doesn't make it bad, but made it appeal less to me personally. Obviously, still readable, as I finished the book xD

Her parents' situation also felt pretty tacked on. They could have just been on an ordinary trip, and nothing except the ending of the book would have changed, and that was just the last couple dozen pages, and after the confrontation with the big threat, making it, again, feel tacked on. Fun things came about from the situation there at the end, but I just wish it had been more interwoven with the plot.

In the end, though, I believe this could be a fun read for younger kids :D

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